Shiny Ivysaur
Smash Journeyman
Or rather, there are, but we can turn them off. Lets imagine a time where Sakurai has just confirmed this, that exploding boxes can be removed. All clear on that exploding containers may or may not be deactivated has not been confirmed in any way? Good. Now back to dream land.
So guys, now that we can turn off exploding containers, will we have to review item allowability? Post a list of all items (and variations) that you think should be banned. If they all seem to random to you, place a "ALL ITEMS BANNED" line at the bottom of your post. I'll start.
Gooey Bomb: Allowed
Cracker Launcher: Maybe
Crates and Barrels: Allowed
Exploding crates and barrels: Banned
Sliding Boxes: Banned
Banana peel: Allowed
Bumper, Smoke Ball, Franklin Badge: Allowed
Pitfall: Banned
Spicy Curry: Banned
Golden Hammer: Banned
Beam Sword: Maybe (Seriously, that's really freaking long)
Fire Flower: Allowed
Freezie: Allowed
HR bat: Maybe
Party Ball: Allowed
Exploding Party Ball: Banned
Mushrooms: Banned
Bob-omb: Banned
Koopa Shell (Green): Allowed
Smart Bomb: Allowed
Team Healer: Allowed
Dragoon: Allowed (If you can manage to get all 3 parts without getting hit enough to lose them or be KOd, you deserve it.)
Smash Ball: Allowed
ATs & Pokeballs: Banned
So guys, now that we can turn off exploding containers, will we have to review item allowability? Post a list of all items (and variations) that you think should be banned. If they all seem to random to you, place a "ALL ITEMS BANNED" line at the bottom of your post. I'll start.
Gooey Bomb: Allowed
Cracker Launcher: Maybe
Crates and Barrels: Allowed
Exploding crates and barrels: Banned
Sliding Boxes: Banned
Banana peel: Allowed
Bumper, Smoke Ball, Franklin Badge: Allowed
Pitfall: Banned
Spicy Curry: Banned
Golden Hammer: Banned
Beam Sword: Maybe (Seriously, that's really freaking long)
Fire Flower: Allowed
Freezie: Allowed
HR bat: Maybe
Party Ball: Allowed
Exploding Party Ball: Banned
Mushrooms: Banned
Bob-omb: Banned
Koopa Shell (Green): Allowed
Smart Bomb: Allowed
Team Healer: Allowed
Dragoon: Allowed (If you can manage to get all 3 parts without getting hit enough to lose them or be KOd, you deserve it.)
Smash Ball: Allowed
ATs & Pokeballs: Banned