Sakurai has and always will be the worst sack of developer pile of crap that Nintendo has ever hired.
First delay obviously Nintendo knows what we want. Melee with Online as a launch title. But no, Sakurai calls BS on Nintendo and tells them he wants to actually do something and update the game for the Wii. Who the hell wanted that? No one. If you say you wanted that you're lying because it's pretty **** obvious that everyone in the world wanted SSBM:Online. Those first two delays were total bullcrap Sakurai. We want the game NOW not in a year. I could be playing SSBM online RIGHT now and enjoying myself. But your lame *** just couldn't do it. No, you want to make us all wait for you to make the game ****. Good job Sakurai, you've done it. And you've done it so skillfully too.
And then he has the gull to add more than a few new characters. THIS IS A FIGHTER SAKURAI. What the **** are you thinking. 3-6 new characters only, that's it, no more. And WTF? Sonic? Snake? What the hell are you smoking. We obviously only care about Nintendo characters NOT made by you Sakurai. So go ahead and just delete the files for Kirby, Meta Knight, and King Dedede. Oh and don't even bother adding anything from that crappy game Meteos. Yeah, that's right, go shove that game up your crappy dev ***.
And HOW DARE YOU flesh out the game and give it content. Fighters are about VS mode and VS mode only. A fighter Menu should look like this: VS, Options. That's it and Options is optional. That's what a real fighter's menu looks like. Your time would have been better spent by adding elements from awesome FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS. Seriously Sakurai, you need to know what people want. We don't want no crappy side scroller. We want an awesome FPS. Imagine Duke Nukem with Nintendo characters, sans Sakurai's kidtasticly ****ty characters.
And what the hell is with this series not being a FPS in the first place? FPSs are the ultimate end all style of game. There's no need to make any other kind of game. Give Mario a chain gun and we're ****ing game. Add some ****ing strippers in there and you're good. ****, that sounds awesome. Nintendo are you listening? Pick up where Sakurai couldn't be awesome and make this awesome game I just came up with in like 2 minutes. Good thing Sakurai is leaving after SSBB after such an awesome idea like this I'm a shoe in for a new lead developer.
Sakurai you proved yourself even more pathetic with your next two delays. WTF? A two month delay then another month for more time making the game? WTF are you smoking. You don't need more development time. The Wii can download ****, you can just patch any of those bugs or add **** you forgot about. **** delays you have the best **** system to fix your ****ty programming in the first place. Come on Sakurai, THINK HERE. This isn't a home project you didn't tell anyone about so you can put it off for as long as you want. This is a game you told ME about so you better find a ****ing time machine and release it on December 3rd. Oh, or better yet release it as a launch title. Cause Sakurai, I'm comin for you. I'm tired of these delays and one more delay I don't know what I'll do. And if I hear you need MORE development time AGAIN. Oh yeah, you can bet I'll be waiting for you in your house the next day with some cake and icecream so I can treat your family while I BEG you on HANDS and KNEES for you to give me an early copy.