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The Way Of The Hero : Odin787s Guide on The Usage Of Link


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Trujillo Alto ,Puerto Rico
The Way of the Hero
(Odin787s Guide to the usage of Link)
I. Introduction
II. Movesets
III. Techniques and Glitches
IV. The Different Fighting Styles of Link
V. Pros and Cons
VI. Character Matchups
VII. My Final Thoughts
VIII. Credits

I. Introduction
Hi there and welcome to the Twilight Heroes clan guide for the usage of link on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, this guide is a compilation of different Data that I have acquired by Going to different places and facing different opponents during the time I have been playing Brawl Online and Offline, Im going to try to be the most specific as I can on every detail of information so that your experience with link is more pleasant. Any comment about this guide is more than welcome, but please if its to flame or do bad comments I would suggest to walk away and save face cause this guide is to be used as reference for those that are interested, since brawl has barely been out THIS GUIDE IS NOT 100% COMPLETE and there is still more to discover on everything there is about Brawl.
Now please just sit back and enjoy this Guide.

On this section of the guide the most basic things about link will be discussed, Links standard (A) moves as well as his (B ) moves, smash attacks and aerial attacks will also be included. The percentage damage was made by me during training and is not 100% accurate cause it may change depending on the character you may face.
STANDARD (A) moves
Neutral (A)

Total Hits (3)
Total Damage (12%)
Jab 1(4%)
Jab 2(3%)
Jab 3(5%)
Triple slash combo: (12%)if all hits connect
Description: This move is Links Standard neutral combo ,he hits you with 3 consecutive hits with the 3rd slash having a decent knockback
Usage: Since this move can be canceled and comes fast it can work as your starter on a combo or simply for use of spacing

Up (A) Tilt

Total Damage (9%)
Description: Link swings his sword on an upwards 180 degrees arc similar to Ikes Up smash but less powerful
Usage: good for juggles on low percentage and a Good combo starter.

Forward (A) Tilt

Total Damage (13%)
Description: A moderately powerful vertical swing
Usage: it has a Good knock back so use it when ever possible as it comes but don’t depend on it to much so you can use it a an surprise attack of the sorts

Down (A) Tilt

Total Damage (12%)(Spike)
Description: Named by some “The Grass Cutter” Link crouches and swings his sword downward.
Usage: This move although effective cause it knocks the opponent upwards when not on the edge it does not come very quick but its most important use will have to be as an edgeguard cause it can spike if you hit the opponent with the tip of the sword instead of the blade of the sword itself like like it was on melee making this move more effective and easier to pull off on brawl than on melee ,use it a lot on characters that has a 3rd jump that don’t auto-sweetspot like wario and sonic .


Damage (12%)
Description:Link Swings his sword while running
Usage: This dash attack comes quick so is very useful to rack up damage or launch an opponent on the air ,you will be using this a lot .


Forward Smash

Total Damage: Not Charged (32%)Charged (44%)
1st Strike Not Charged (15%) Charged (21%)
2nd Strike Not Charged (17%) Charged (23%)
Description: Link holds his sword behind his head and swings it with a powerful slash, by pressing the A button again he does a second more powerful slash.
Usage: Links primary finisher it has a very good knock back, hits hard and can kill bellow 100% with the first or second slash, use it whenever you can.

Down Smash

Total Damage:
Not Charged (14%, hit by the initial slash) (17% hit by the Back slash)
Charged (23% hit by front or back slash)
Description: Similar to the down tilt only that Link does a second slash to his back
Usage: this move is useful if your opponent has a tendency of going to your back it can kill on low percentage and on free for alls it can give you some space if there is a lot of people on top of you.

Up Smash

Total Damage: Not Charged (17%) Charged (23%)
1st Hit Not Charged (4%)
2nd Hit Not Charged (3%)
3rd Hit Not Charged (10%)
1st Hit Charged (5%)
2nd Hit Charged (4%)
3rd Hit Charged (14%)
Description: Link swings his sword upwards with 3 powerful slashes one after the other.
Usage: good in conjunction with a down smash or any move that can send the opponent upward, usually if the first slash hits ALL of the other hits will get the opponent if timed right, also is good at getting an opponent that is on a platform from bellow ,it can kill some times but only on above 100% and if you don’t spam it much but is very hard not to since its good at raking damage .


Neutral Air

Total Damage:
Exact hit (10%)
Delay Hit (6%)
Description: Link kicks in one direction extending his leg forward
Usage: still a very useful move ,if done right it can interrupt a lot of recoveries even if you don’t hit it exactly ,if the hit connects exact it has a nice knockback on medium to high percentages, is very useful so don’t doubt on using it.

Forward Air

Total Damage: (22%)
1st Hit (9%)
2nd Hit (12%)
Description: Link does 2 midair slashes ,one after an other
Usage: good knock back and on low to medium percentage can hit consecutive use it whenever possible as it can kill on high percentage and it as almost no lag when done.

Up Air

Total Damage:
Exact (15%)
Delay (13%)
Description: Link stabs his sword upwards in the air.
Usage: not as useful as before considering that all of the characters are more floaty only use if you see an attack is coming or if you are under a platform and an opponent is above you since it has almost no lag when landing .

Back Air

Total Damage:
1st Hit (4%)
2nd Hit (7%)
Description: Link Kicks backwards
Usage: good edgeguard and if done right you can juggle in the opponent but not as much as you could on melee ,the good news is that it has a very good knockback being the reason I consider it as an edgeguard

Down Air

Total Damage:
Normal (18%)
Fast Fall (22%)
Description: Link goes in a downward stabbing motion in the air until he hits the ground or the animation ends.
Usage: still very useful ,it’s a good finisher and edge guard if used wisely and has a good hitbox and if the move hits a shield you can bounce of it and I does not leave you open ,the only downside is that the landing lag can punish you a lot so only use it if you are absolutely sure that you will hit your target


Neutral (B ): Heroes Bow

Total Damage
Not Charged (4%)
Charged (12%)
Description: Link pulls out his bow and shoots a single arrow
Usage: is definitely more useful than before this time around, it comes out fast and if can still be used as a shield against samus charge shot and super scope ,good to rack up damage and a decent distance even without charging and it can be used to interrupt most attacks so don’t be afraid to use it.

Side (B ): Gale Boomerang

Total Damage:
Close Range (7%)
Mid Range (5%)
Long Range (0%)(Pushes back opponent)
Return (0% ) (sucks in opponent )
Description: Link pulls out the Gale boomerang and throws it
Usage: there has been a lot of debate on the usefulness of this new boomerang, some say is not good cause it does not come out quick enough but there is a remedy for that, if you use it in the air it can be more effective and it does not leave you open and since its direction can be influenced ,don’t rely to much on its pull and push features unless you can time it and measure the distance on when its pull and push features take effect ,it can be used as an edgeguard but only against some characters but is difficult to pull off ,example ikes quickdraw recovery can be stopped by the boomerang if timed right and if you can measure the distance of where it will push back ,if done right he will miss the edge and fall to his doom ,again is very difficult to do so only do it if you have practice it a lot .

Down (B ): Bombs

Total Damage:
Soft Throw (7%)
Hard Throw (8%)
Air Born Opponent (9%)
Detonate (5%)
Description: Link pulls out a bomb and can be used to throw or drop.
Usage: Ahhhh …the bomb ,my favorite projectile ,is even better than before ,it can interrupt ,be used for spacing ,edgeguard, recoverie ,kill on sudden death or just to rack up damage don’t be afraid to use it as its links most useful projectile and in a way his trump card

Up (B ): Spin Attack

Max Hits: (4-5 Hits when used on the air)
Total Damage:
Not Charged (12%)
Charged (19%)
On The Air
If all slashes hit (14%)
Description: Link spins around with his sword ,a technique that has been his signature move on many games .
Usage: even if it does not semi-spike now it is still very useful as a finisher and for mind games now that it is chargeable and on free for alls Links number 1 move for crowd control when in a bind and you need some space, it has a good knockback and you can ubber step and use it as a surprise attack.


GRABS: Clawshot

Max hits (1-2 hits if used on the air)
Total Damage:
Close Range (4%)
Tip of Clawshot (6%)
Description: Link takes out his calwshot and uses it to grab an opponent
Usage: a grab is a grab and link has one of the most useful ones as you can reverse grab and still have a long range to grab as a surprise attack ,it comes out quick but if missed it has some lag some watch out ,also its even more useful in the air as it has 2 hitboxes and it can serve to keep your opponent on check or just to annoy since its landing lag is zero (meaning you can keep using it without fear of getting punished since it has a long range (not as long as samus zair but still useful) cant say much about his tether recovery since it shorter but the good news is that it can auto lock on an edge so you don’t have to worry about timing it just hope that you have th range to recover.


Forward throw

Max Hits: 2
Total Damage: (7%)
1st Hit (3%)
2nd Hit (4%)
Description: Link takes his grabbed opponent and kicks him forward
Usage: not much usage here just to keep away or throw an opponent of the stage

Up Throw

Max hits: 2
Total Damage: (7%)
1st Hit (3%)
2nd Hit (4%)
Description: link throws his opponent upwards and slashes him/her/it with his sword upwards
Usage: a little useful if combined with a nice bomb toss provided that the opponent is not on a very high percentage ,other than that ..is not very useful

Back Throw

Max hits: 2
Total Damage: (7%)
1st Hit (3%)
2nd Hit (4%)
Description: link kicks his grabbed opponent backwards
Usage: what was applied on the forward throw can be applied on this throw too only that it has a little more knockback but that’s about it.

Down Throw

Max hits: 2
Total Damage: (7%)
1st Hit (3%)
2nd Hit (4%)
Description: Link goes wrestler style and throws his opponent on the ground and elbow drops him/her/it to send him upwards.
Usage: a fun throw to use and probably the most useful as in low percentage can be used in combo with a couple of up tilts and a bomb throw (not as much as on melee but still effective).


Up Taunt: link does his Twilight Princess Taunt by swinging his sword twice then sheathing it.

Side Taunt: A fairy comes out and apparently stares at Link (a stupid taunt, I wish Link would just slap the fairy so it can go away ,then it would be cool)

Down Taunt: Link does his classic Smash bro. 64 Taunt by crouching and standing up on one leg posing his shield and sword.

Final Smash: The Triforce Slash

Although this is not used for single most of the time ill include it anyway
Damage: 78% - 83% depending on were you hit the triforce slash
Description : Link develops a Cloud Strife envy and traps a single opponent on a triforce like Cage and hits him with multiple hits giving one final hit at the end that breaks the cage and sends a opponent Flying and any one that is near it .
Usage : As its only used on free for alls most of the time the only hard part is to connect it with an opponent (preferably on close range) after it just wait until the move ends ,it usually kills so don’t be afraid to use it when you have it, also be careful that your opponent does not dodge it cause then it will be wasted and some characters are unaffected by the triforce slash by one of their moves, these are : Marth , Ike, Lucario, and Wolf. Marth, Ike, and Lucario can use their counter to evade the Triforce slash and Wolf can use his deflector at the beginning of the move to dodge it.

Misc. An important note is that link has 4 shields instead of 2, the regular shield ,power shield ,perfect shield and his own hylian shield ,if you stand still any projectile that comes to you wont damage you and powerful ones cant knock you back too ,and if a projectile goes to your legs just crouch and it will work also useful against spammers that like to annoy ,mainly pit ,toon link or falco.

III. Techniques and Glitches


The Boost Smash


The boost smash or DACUS or whatever you want to call it is essential for a Link player. Basically, what it is is Dashing, doing a Dash attack and then immediately doing Up on the C-stick. You might need to work on the timing. To charge your upsmash, hold Z also. It should look sort of like a wavedash in the sense that you slide. It lets you do an up smash without loosing the momentum of your dash. Here is an video of what it looks like.

The Boomerang Cancel

Another new feature to SSBB Link is the Boomerang Cancel. With the boomerang, any lag from an aerial can be cancelled. To do so, one must throw the boomerang, and with precise timing do an aerial then land. The landing frames are cancelled when the boomerang comes back to Link, which results in virtually no lag at all. This is best done with Link's d-air, notoriously known for having a large amount of landing frames.



Not to be confused with ikes side move also named Quickdraw. Quickdraw or QDing is when Link or Toon Link shoot an arrow as they are starting their landing animation. This will cause the arrow to be shot very quickly with no landing lag. There are several applications with this that greatly increase Link/Toon Link play.
Applications to the usage of Quickdraw.

*Bomb and Boomerang
A very quick and useful technique is SH Bomb or Boomerang to QD. To do either of them just short hop and quickly press either Side B or A (if a Bomb is pulled out already). If done quick enough you should be able to tap B just as you land for a quickdraw. This is very useful for comboing as well as keeping Toon Link's distance from his opponents.

This refers to Shffl nairing with Toon link and then QDing. This is very good because of how the moves string together and if done right, stalls the opponent for future comboing.

*Short Hop Double Arrows
Another technique is SHDA is an which causes Toon link to shoot two arrows at pretty much the same time. To SHDA you must SH, quickly press B to shoot an arrow, tap B as soon as you can, and the resulting quickdraw causes two arrows flying essentially simultaneously.
*Note: All applications should be short hopped for speed. Toon link is benefited more from QDing than Link and has more use for it in competitive play, you can use it still but it wont be as effective as Toon links but is a nice addition to know anyway.

Clawshot Canceling

Every single character with an Aerial Z ledge-grapping technique can cancel it! How? It's simple, simply land while using it in the air and the beam/hook/snake will simply disappear, leaving behind zero lag (except for the four frames of landing animation).

Reverse Neutral B


If you time it right, Link can turn in mid air and shoot his bow in the other direction. To be more clear, Link turns around with his bow and arrow. To do this you need to hit B followed by the direction behind you very fast it can also be used while you are running jump turn around and shoot your arrow and it will catch your opponent off guard.


None at the moment, due to change some time later.

IV. The different styles of Link

On this section I will discuss the various ways that you will encounter against a Link player and discuss how they work and how to counter that type of link.

*The Specialist : This type of link will focus on using his favorite move and spam it a lot to rack up damage ,the most common ones are the Bomb specialist and the Sharpshooter ,they prefer to attack at a distance and only attack up close when you have enough damage to be knocked out. Most Link beginners start out as a specialist and will stay there if they don’t develop their skills.

How to deal with: since these types of Link depend mostly on one move he will be 75% of the time predictable and easy to counter, keep very close as possible and you will be fine.

The Brawler : just as the name implies ,he deals more on melee attacks and does not use projectiles a lot , a very rare link but is one to fear cause he is always on the offensive and wont stop until he takes you down.

How to deal with : since this type of link does not defend himself much and does not use to much of links projectiles the only problem will be to hit him as links ground attacks come quick and his forward smash can stall the second hit, beware of his Down Air as he will try to get you with it anytime he is able ,punish any failed attempts and keep a distance if you are a projectile user.

The Spacer: This type of link is very good at keeping his distance and measure his strikes so he will get hit less, always on a defense and ready to predict your next move. the difference between a Specialist and a Spacer is that the spacer wont use the same moves a lot and will switch from Projectiles to close range to keep you guessing .

How to deal with: This Link is very hard to deal with cause he is not predictable and is more adept to links moves, but like the rest he has a weakness too and that is that he plays on defense more than offense so just be patient and don’t go to him ,let him come to you and counter anything that he throws at you ,you can expect many good fights if you are fighting a Spacer.

The Master: a veteran Link user that has no problem on Links different play styles ,knows when to hit and keeps a balance when using projectiles and melee attacks ,can work on an offense as well defense and uses ALL of Links moves and skills ,this type of link is not a pushover and is hard to kill.

How to deal with: since this type of link knows link in and out he wont make the mistakes that the other types do since he is adept on all of the styles and can switch from one to the other or combine them in terms like this you have a very exiting match ,the best way to deal with a Master is to keep in mind of links weaknesses ,since he has a crappy recovery do your best to keep him off the stage ,also some characters do better against link than others so keep that in mind, Stay off a floating platform since link is a sword user he has an advantage on stages that has those (best example : Battle Field )also perfect you mindgames to keep this link user on his toes and punish any Failed attempts on laggy moves like his down air ,no matter what you do you will always have a strong opponent against a Link Master as long as you don’t get predictable and keep in mind his pros and cons you wont have a problem against a master Link only a fair and decent match.

V. Pros And Cons

· Good range on most attacks
· Neutral Aerial deals decent damage
· Long Duration and high Knockback on Up and Down Aerials
· Multiple useful projectiles
· Ranged Grab
· Tether Recovery Option
· Good falling speed
· Boomerang draws opponent in when returning
· Can Fast Fall very well
· Excellent at edgeguarding with many techniques
· Up-B is a good finisher and edgeguarding tool
· Can recover via bombs (Bomb recovery) and hookshot to keep him alive longer
· His Hylian Shield can still act on its own and defend against projectiles from the front sometimes will reflect the projectiles back at the other players.
· Can Boomerang Cancel

· Most powerful attacks are fairly slow
· Somewhat sluggish running speed
· Long landing lag on Down Aerial
· Spin attack is weak if uncharged
· Slow grab recovery if it misses opponent
· Boomerang deals no damage when returning
· very difficult to use Tether Recovery

VI. Character Matchups

(Look At section IV)

(More Coming Soon)

VII. My Final Thoughts
As a Link Mainer I must say that link is everything that I expected him to be on brawl and more, Link is not an overly powered character but he can stand his own against any character now that he is one of the most balanced characters in the game along with Mario, he is not for beginners ,he takes time to get accustomed to play on a competitive level so if you are having a hard time using him you have 2 options 1) if you are dedicated to him and really want to master him then practice every time you can ,learn the basics and climb up the ladder and eventually you will succeed . and 2) QUIT ,like I said before he is not for beginners and if you keep getting a hard time you will start to get frustrated and will stop having fun playing ,one good suggestion is to use Toon link since he is more user friendly than regular Link and once you get accustomed to how he plays switch to Regular Link and see if you have a better time getting his play style (Although most People that have switch to Toon Link stay as Toon link cause he is more fun to play and link is for those that are serious enough to use him )I hope that this Guide has been useful and that you enjoy playing with link even more ,remember this is on to be used as a guide line so you don’t have to follow everything it says ,develop your own style and if you like incorporate the thing that are here to make you better than you are. That is all Have a nice Day.

Co-Leader of the Twilight Heroes

VII. Credits

Pros and cons : smash wiki info on Link

Videos and Techniques : some on the Link guide of knights of Hyrule on Brawl
Central made by Smashbrosboy and others from smash wiki

Snapshots: were by me and by the dojo and the Link guide by smashbrosboy

The rest of the Guide: Me by using Training mode and facing opponents of equal or higher level than me and attending tourneys.

Edits By Me ,Grinning_Ghoul and Lecto2007


***expect more updates later


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2008
San Antonio
It's all good Odin. I'm working on being a master myself, even though it's probably a longshot

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
it's pretty enough...I'll read through later XD (seriously though, it's very well organized ^_^)

turtle roll

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2007
omaha NE

thank you odin, we should brawl soon. i'm going to work on quick draw, looks realy useful. :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
More properties of the Fsmash:

The first hit usually throws them at about a 45 degree angle. The second hit sends them more vertically. If you are very close to an opponent, it will actually hit them behind you.

Boost Smashing is a glitch, and should be indicated as such, I think.

Good job on the move by move analysis and the pictures. I think a good next section would be to explain what is good spacing for Link, and maybe some approaches, even though his approach game's pretty bad. One approach I want to try out but haven't gotten the chance is a shorthop RAR over an opponent into a fair. You'll have no lag on landing, will hit with the second hit but not the first, and are now in a good position to grab/dsmash/fsmash. This should be useful against people who like to shieldgrab a lot. In theory, at least. Like I said, I haven't tried it yet.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2007
Central America
Good job Odin, very nice guide, sums it up nicely.

Some things I need to say though. Link can't do a SH 'rang quickdraw, it needs to be Fullhopped. Also SHDA is only doable with TL, again for Link it needs to be fullhoped.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Trujillo Alto ,Puerto Rico
More properties of the Fsmash:

The first hit usually throws them at about a 45 degree angle. The second hit sends them more vertically. If you are very close to an opponent, it will actually hit them behind you.

Boost Smashing is a glitch, and should be indicated as such, I think.

Good job on the move by move analysis and the pictures. I think a good next section would be to explain what is good spacing for Link, and maybe some approaches, even though his approach game's pretty bad. One approach I want to try out but haven't gotten the chance is a shorthop RAR over an opponent into a fair. You'll have no lag on landing, will hit with the second hit but not the first, and are now in a good position to grab/dsmash/fsmash. This should be useful against people who like to shieldgrab a lot. In theory, at least. Like I said, I haven't tried it yet.

thanks man ,ill be sure to put that info on the guide about the Fsmash ,about the boost smash,ill check if its a glitch or not and when i confirm it ill put it in that section ,if anybody else wants to help out on the guide feel free to help(meaning techniques ,glitches ect.) ,just make sure that it has been confirmed before sharing the info ,and if you have video proof of it please send a link of it


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Great job on the guide. Seems like it should be a great help to people who are wanting to pick up on Link rather than people who already use him; although, is useful to both.

You may want to mention that you can QD an arrow after a SH Bair. And choose it's direction with a flick of the control stick. I find it's a great way to space and protect yourself. As well as sneak in tiny amounts of damage from those unsuspected arrows. =]


Smash Apprentice
Aug 20, 2007
In front of my wii
ehm would you mind removing all the pictures, its kind annoying to scroll down so much. or make them in the same size as the triforce slash


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
thanks man ,ill be sure to put that info on the guide about the Fsmash ,about the boost smash,ill check if its a glitch or not and when i confirm it ill put it in that section ,if anybody else wants to help out on the guide feel free to help(meaning techniques ,glitches ect.) ,just make sure that it has been confirmed before sharing the info ,and if you have video proof of it please send a link of it
I need to clarify what I said - if you're very close to your opponent, the FIRST HIT will send them backwards. The second hit never does.

No chance of video proof, but you could always test things out yourself if you wanted to.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Trujillo Alto ,Puerto Rico
ehm would you mind removing all the pictures, its kind annoying to scroll down so much. or make them in the same size as the triforce slash

yeah ,i was going to do it anyway it is annoying scrolling down a little cause of the pictures ,ill resize them later on when i have the time.

turtle roll

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2007
omaha NE
turtle roll tips!!!

Hey, just thought I’d contribute a little, these are more generic tips than anything else.

  • Learn the clawshot's tether recovery. It makes for a much less predictable recovery.
  • Try to have a bomb into the air as much as possible. At least for me, it comes in handy and makes the opponent have to maneuver around it.
  • IF you can get this, it makes up for all the shortcomings of the gale boomerang. Non-smash throw it, then dodge. More advanced is jumping off the side and hitting the wall. Both these drag the opponent off, but I am still perfecting. It’s hard!
  • Think twice before you dair, spin, or use the 2nd slash.
  • Be ready to switch it up! I always just blitz my projectiles, until my friend switches to fox. Reflectors hamper links game, but they don't destroy it. Just use his range moves more conservatively, and TRY to get in their face.
  • While I’m on the topic, against reflector characters, use the gale boomerang twice as much. It will just blow you back and annoy u if it is reflected, so it can't hurt you. bombs are interesting, as they continue there arked path. In other words, at their max range they will hit the reflector, but bounce at its original angle, and explode infront of them.
  • That’s all for now, if I come up with more, I’ll post it. Credit would be nice;), and as far as I know, these aren’t copyrighted or anything.:psycho:
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