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The < V ( Game

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Deleted member

^ Cherry Pie!

< Swing in the bathroom
Swingin' on the floor
Swingin' so hard
We forgot to lock the door

v Likes cherry pie!


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria

I do hope that you'll thank me.


Fall Speed>>>>5/10
Dashing speed>>>>6/10
Ground speed>>>>4/10
Attack speed>>>>6/10
Aerial Movement>>>>7/10


Neutral B : GN Buster Launcher

As the name suggests, Cannon is a wielder of projectiles. Upon inputting the move, Ribbons will fire a orange/white beam at the enemy, with little start up lag. The projectile can reach the middle length of FD in 0.5 seconds. This projectile has high priority, and can penetrate up to 2 large stage Builder Blocks. Surprisingly, despite its penetration power,the move deals medium knock back, and dishes out 7%. This move also has little ending lag, and as a bonus you can fire this move in quick succession 3 times, before it runs out of power. It takes 1.5 seconds for the move to fully recharge and you're good to go.

Side B : Egner Whip

Cannon will stand still and out stretch it's left arm. This move has little start up lag and it takes about approximately .2 seconds to start up. When tapping the Side B, Cannon will then fire its hand out and will attempt to latch onto any character 3 and a half stage builder blocks away. The hand moves very fast, and reaching its maximum range in .6If contact is established, Cannon will shock the opponent for 3 seconds. This move deals 12% damage. If this move hits a opponent mid air, the opponent will enter a helpless state for 1 second. The Egner whip has medium ending lag clocking in at .5 seconds.

If the opponent is too far way, too fast or there are multiple enemies, Cannon can split the Egner Whip into 3 wires. Tilting the Side B, Cannon will fire the Egner whip in the same fashion as the tapping the Side B. When it reaches the distance of 3 and a half stage builder boxes, the Egner Whip will split into 3 smaller wires ranging for another 3 stage builder blocks. If a wire connects, the opponent will get shocked at 4% for 3 seconds. This move has terrible ending lag, clocking in with 1 second of reload time.

Down B : Shot Gun Rain

Up B : Trans Am Flash

Inputting the Up B activates


Jab : Beam Saber

Reborns ejects a white beam saber handle from his right side cannon. Grabbing the saber, Reborns will slash in a downwards motion, with the animation approximately takes about .2 seconds. Having something similar to the properties of Roy's sword, the middle of the sword will deal knock back sending the opponent sliding 2 stage builder blocks away, and deal 12% damage. While hitting with the tip of the beam will result in a knock back with the distance of half a stage builder block with 3% damage.

Continuing the attack will result in Reborns swinging in a diagonal upwards motion taking about 1/10th of a second. Contact with the beam, regardless of the point of impact will deal small knock back and 6% damage. Pressing the A button yet again will cause Reborns to stab at the opponent dealing 10% damage and medium knockback. This section of the attack has low start up lag and ending lag, but if it misses the opponent, the beam saber will be stuck in the ground, and will prompt the player to button mash the A button for 1 second or until Reborns is hit. Pulling the saber out of the ground will have a upwards slash dealing about 5% damage and small knock back. You can also cancel this action by using the neutral or side Special. If Reborns cancels the action, the saber will become a static background piece can only be picked up by Reborns by mashing the A button.

Dash :


The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
< Granted, but you forget. TWO FORUM GAME CONCEPTS IN ONE!
V Is banned for corrupting wishes. (THREE!!)

Deleted member

^ BACK IN....You're wearing black, right?
< I've been too long
v Let loose from the noose

Deleted member

^ Stop rhyming, I was just singing lyrics to "Back in Black"
< Awesome
v Emo


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria

The Suit Rushed Beyond Measure


The RGM is just petty cannon fodder... Well according to him that is. He pretty much doubts his courage and abilities on the battlefield and is some what cowardly. Despite that Mr. GM *pronounced Jim* is a hard worker and a decent fighter to boot when the call of duty sounds, even out preforming state of the art enemy suits when he has the spirit. He also loves beer and sake. Then again, he's just canon fodder...why don't you go and play some hero characters?


Weight: 8/10
Power: 5/10
Attack Speed: 8/10
Fall Speed: 5/10
Ground Speed: 5/10
Jump: 10/10
Range: 10/10
Abilities: Floating, Air Dash

GM was obviously made to have the mind set of quality of quantity. With that said, many of his stats are borderline middle high. Looking at it, you have to some ace of the EFSF to use this machine to it's full potential. GM is fairly heavy, no doubt because of the fact he's a robot. He actualy has a decent attack speed, using his agile beam saber and beam spray Gun. Despite having fast attacks, they're still pretty weak. Of course his jump is pretty impressive, and to top it off he can dash in the air *not glide* AND float.

GM doesn't fight alone. Unlike Mr. Gundam or some clone who fights giant robots, GM calls onto the field some allies and friends. GM has a special meter called the "Reinforcement meter" *pretty orginal*. This meter is filled up by either attacking enemies or being attacked. Of course suggested by the name, it fills up faster when you are attacked. The Bar is made up of 3 segments, and is located above the % indicator. The bar consumes all attacks executed by the specials, except the nuetral special. The bar also effects the final smash as well, changing it depending on how full the bar is.

Mass Produced Specials

Side Special: Type 61 Tank:

Up Special: RB-79 Ball

Down Special: The SM

Nuetral Special: Variable

Beam Spray Gun
GM will fire a pink beam at the enemy, with little start up lag. The projectile can reach the middle length of FD in 0.2 seconds. This projectile has medium priority and deals medium knock back, with 5 % of damage. This move also has little ending lag, and you can fire this move in quick succession 3 times. If you try to fire again after the 3 consecutive shot's GM will drop the gun, and shake his hand for 3/4ths of a second, before picking it up again.
A/N: The following would never happen.

Type 61 Tank
GM will pick up the 2 Type 61 tanks an hold them under his arms, taking 3/10ths of a second to do so. GM

RB-79 Ball

The SM

The Neutral side

A Combo: Beam Saber

Dash Attack: Saber Gutter


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2008
< Waiting for the new season of Survivor
V Digg, del.icio.us, StumbleUpon, and Google

Deleted member

^ My boy,
< Hyrule is under attack
v By the evil forces of Ash!
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