^ Is offline lier.
< *goes to my blog that was posted on April fools day to copy & paste a story*
Ok, I hate the changing color names. Now its practically all monotone... Except for new users. There blue. I miss that Blue names, alot. That much that I could just rant on all day. I think I might. I mean seriously I'm not going to attract any attention just by ranting. But I'll try because I have the balls. Not most people have balls. Like there's this short kid. He almost failed my science project. He didn't have the balls to get an A so he got an F. For that project I built a hovercraft. It was epic. I mean seriously have you ever built a hovercraft? I did it for teh lulz. Turns out one of my friends did it too. It was a bummer. Do you know what my favorite color is? Its Blue? Do you know why? Because blue's the color of my room. But its more of a navy blue. Wait. What was this rant about again? Oh yeah. The fact that I wish I had my new blue name back. I liked it. Never wanted it changed, so I'll just try and rant till someone notices my pleads. Wait. OH GOD ITS HAPPENING AGAIN. And I typed this on April fools day, whats up with that? I knew I'd need this sometime, I just didn't know when it'd come in handy. What's with that word anyway "handy" does it mean like, spiffy? I forgot. I forget a lot, I also can't remember what I said two days ago to a tree. That tree's dead now though. I'm bored.
v read all of that.