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The Tomb Raider: Lara Croft's Manor


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Lara Croft
Tomb Raider was a unexpected hit, leading to multiple games and currently 2 reboots. She has been on Nintendo systems quite a lot and has recieved movies, with another one coming soon.

Lara Croft is one of the biggest icons of gaming, with the series helping to define what the adventure genre is. Her games have sold over 40m, almost all having critical acclaim. Also known as Lady Croft, she is an archeologist and a tomb raider who over the years became very rich.
I decided to jot down a set of Specials for her, because why not? This is mainly based off of the reboot version of Lara.

Neutral Special - Pistols - Fire up to two bullets with comical ricocheting sound effects (take that, Sakurai's view on firearms!). These can be angled from walls to hit foes in different places.

Side Special - Special Arrow - Fire an arrow from the bow with a wide range of angles. Defaults to Silent Arrows.

Up Special - Climbing Axe - Get an additional jump while holding out the climbing axe before slamming it into the stage. Does heavy damage to opponents if they're hit with the pick.

Down Special - Ammo Craft - Alter the type of arrow that will be shot with the Side Special. Cycle between Silent Arrows (speediest of the arrows and the default), Fire Arrows (if these hit either the opponent or the ground, the ember lingers similar to Ness' PK Fire), and Poison Arrows (poisons the foe similar to the Subspace Gas in Brawl, damaging them slowly over a set period of time for chip damage).

For the Final Smash, any sort of supernatural occurrence from throughout the series can work, and be rather fitting. I ended up going for Tomb Raider 2013's final encounter, so...spoilers I guess.
Final Smash - Himiko's Wrath - Similar in a way to Nathan Drake's Level 3 Super in PSASBR, Lara's Final Smash has Himiko's tomb reappear, releasing a storm upon the stage. Lara's unencumbered by it and fights to re-destroy Himiko's remains in the background while foes on the stage get swept away by storms, carrying them far off the stage. Lightning occasionally strikes them as well.
Lara Croft Unearths the Battle!

Height: 4/5 - Lara is around ZSS’s height, maybe a tad taller

Walk Speed: Around Roy’s speed, 1.15

Run Speed: Around Marth’s speed, 1.5

Overall attack speed: 3.5/5

Air Speed: Around Sheik’s air speed, 1.1

Fall Speed: Around Ike’s fall speed, 1.65

Weight: Around Roy’s weight, 95

Overall attack strength: 3/5

Overall range: 3/5
Standard attacks:
Jab - Lara will perform a set of two punches before launching foes with a shot of both dual pistols.

Forward tilt - This move is practically identical to it’s Tomb Raider Underword counterpart, Lara will perform a swift roundhouse kick.

Up tilt - Lara will perform a handstand before flipping back over, similarly to the move in the Tomb Raider legend games when Lara pulls herself up a ledge.

Down tilt - Lara will perform a quick sweeping kick similar to Mario or ZSS.

Dash attack - Just like the one seen in Tomb Raider Underworld, Lara will jump forwards in a flying kick similar to Lucario or Brawl ZSS.
Smash attacks:
Forward smash - Lara will pull out a shotgun and shoot straight ahead, it has low range but excellent damage and knockback.

Up smash - Lara will pull out her Assault Rifle and shoot a round above her head, allowing for many quick hits, although it has a rather short range it racks up nice damage.

Down smash - Lara will pull out dual Submachine guns and shoot the ground below her, dealing multiple quick hits on both sides.
Aerial attacks:
Neutral air - Lara will perform a front-flip in midair while shooting all around her.

Forward air - Lara will perform a flip in midair before slamming down her leg for an axe-kick which can spike opponents hit with her foot.

Back air - Lara will turn around and fire with one of her guns, hitting her opponent with her gun in addition similarly to this

Up air - Lara will perform a backflip, kicking with her legs while simultaneously shooting from both guns.

Down air - Lara will flip upside down and shoot a few shots from her pistols below her.
Grabs & Throws:
Grab - Lara will throw out her grappling hook, tethering to nearby opponents and pulling them in closer.

Pummel - Lara will continuously knee the enemy.

Forward throw - Lara will spin around, tossing the opponent in front of her.

Back throw - This move is very similar to the actual Tomb Raider games as Lara yanks opponents towards her, sending them behind her.

Up throw - Lara will swing her grappling hook upwards, tossing the opponent too.

Down throw - Lara will flick the opponent up before smashing them into the ground once again.

Special attacks:
Neutral Special - Pistol Shots: Lara will emulate her classic games, in this move she’ll pull out her dual guns and shoot rapid shots for about 3 seconds, the move has an ammo count so stopping mid-attack will cut the endlag but will make it harder to use next time, making it a useful but risky approach option as she can move during it.

Side Special - Adrenaline shot: During this move Lara will jump forwards and if she successfully collides with an enemy, she will jump off of them causing both to slow down, emulating the move seen in the Tomb Raider Legend games. While this is happening, 2 reticles appear with one moving and pressing B when the 2 are lined up will cause her to perform the ‘Headshot’ which is an extremely strong shot, capable of killing enemies at moderately low percents.

Up Special - Grappling hook: This move is similar to other tether recoveries like Brawl ZSS and Olimar, this move has a few differences however, Lara will not just snap to the ledge by pressing a button again, she has to actually climb up, although this process can be sped up by mashing ‘B’, Lara can also use it to swing in order to reach the other side of the stage.

Down Special - Grenades: During this move Lara will pull out a grenade, by simply pressing the button, she’ll throw out a grenade in an arc about twice her size but the button can also be held down where Lara can change the trajectory of the move, don’t take too long though or it could blow up right in your face!

Final Smash - King Arthur’s Wrath: In this final smash Lara will summon a giant portal and excalibur with it, she will then pull out the sword, sucking in nearby opponents, causing rapid damage to them before launching them.

Intro animation - Lara will ride in on her motorbike before flipping off while pulling out her guns.

Taunt 1 - Lara will flip one of her guns before catching it while saying “ “.

Taunt 2 -

Taunt 3 -

Victory 1 - Lara will ride in on her bike, then perform a U-turn before looking back at the camera.

Victory 2 - Lara will swing in on her grapple before landing on one knee, with one hand on the floor and looking down before looking up as the announcer say her name.

Victory 3 - Lara will perform some acrobatic flips similarly to the legend games when dodge rolling multiple times in a row.

Alternate Costumes:
1. Her default look using the current Legend Lara design seen in the Lara Croft spin-off and mobile games.

2. This is similar to Legend Lara with a brown top and shorts.

3. This is similar to Underworld Lara with a black top and black shorts.

4. Resembles the biker outfit from Legend with a black, white and red design.

5. Classic Lara with her grayish-blue tank top, tan shorts as well as the braid.

6. Similar to Classic, Gray from Legend with a gray top and dark grey shorts.

7. Resembles teenage lara with a green and white design from Tomb Raider: the Last revelation and Chronicles.

8. Resembles Natla with blonde hair and a red outfit.

Victory theme - An excerpt of the ‘Mission Summary’ theme from either Tomb Raider: Legend or Tomb Raider: Anniversary.
Character Evolution:

Likely Appearance: (based on a mix between classic and reboot Lara - from mobile game Relic Run)

Lara's support list:
-The Novice Sword
-Aussie the Shinobi
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I support. I can't say I'm too fond of the new games, but I still love the TR series and she's been one of favorite characters for a long while.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Can support. Much as I love the rebooted series, also wouldn't mind more of those over the head co-op puzzle games. Kinda simple, but fun.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
All these 3rd Party characters WISH they could be as iconic as Lara.
As incredibly unlikely it is to see her in Smash, what with the no-real-gun policy and the fact she's not exactly a Nintendo regular, I support her inclusion.
To be honest, they could just give her nerf guns instead or something, it would be hilarious and get past the rating issues.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
All these 3rd Party characters WISH they could be as iconic as Lara.
As incredibly unlikely it is to see her in Smash, what with the no-real-gun policy and the fact she's not exactly a Nintendo regular, I support her inclusion.
To be honest, they could just give her nerf guns instead or something, it would be hilarious and get past the rating issues.
I mean we do have :4bayonetta:, so they can probably just handle the guns the same way they did hers. And while she may not be a Nintendo regular, neither was Cloud. Lara at least has more appearances on Nintendo systems where she's actually in a prominent role as opposed to being a cameo appearance.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I definitely support Lara. While her IP is owned by Square Enix, a Japanese company, I'd argue her biggest hurdle is the lack of eastern notability. Tomb Raider, to my knowledge, isn't nearly as big in Japan as it is in the west. It's pretty telling with Sakurai saying that basically every iconic game character from the 80s and 90s is already in (or something like that).

Regardless, I do hope she eventually makes it into Smash. Having one of the most iconic video game protagonists of all time would be great, and she'd fit right in on an all-star list of third parties.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I mean we do have :4bayonetta:, so they can probably just handle the guns the same way they did hers. And while she may not be a Nintendo regular, neither was Cloud. Lara at least has more appearances on Nintendo systems where she's actually in a prominent role as opposed to being a cameo appearance.
Problem is though Bayo's guns are magical and can easily be passed off as very fantasy-like. I mean, she's got those guns attached to her heels too, while Lara's guns are very obviously real and she doesn't have that level of over-the-top quirkiness that Bayo's concept has got going on. If they find a way around that like they did with Snake then she should fit right in, as she's just as iconic as Cloud, if not more, with an actual Nintendo starring role.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Problem is though Bayo's guns are magical and can easily be passed off as very fantasy-like. I mean, she's got those guns attached to her heels too, while Lara's guns are very obviously real and she doesn't have that level of over-the-top quirkiness that Bayo's concept has got going on. If they find a way around that like they did with Snake then she should fit right in, as she's just as iconic as Cloud, if not more, with an actual Nintendo starring role.
Magic or not, guns are still guns. Even though they're infused with magic, they're still presented as very realistic ones. Given Smash's more cartoonish nature I don't see why they couldn't just give them exaggerated effects like Bayo's. A game like Ultimate/Marvel vs Capcom 3 still gets away with including multiple firearms on Taskmaster, the Resident Evil and the Devil May Cry characters by doing pretty much the same thing. And if it really comes down to it, they can still make her guns just a bit more stylized in addition to having exaggerated bullet trails. This does however still prevent a ratings problem due to regional differences.

A game like UMvC3 is a C (15+), whereas all Smash games were A (Everyone) in Japan. Nintendo seems more and more reluctant from bumping up ratings past A/E10+ if they can avoid it, and they still censor things even when it's appropriate to the age rating. Well, at least in the west for the latter bit.

But again, I feel like the precedent in :snake:and:4bayonetta:doesn't rule her out, even if she does retain her guns. And if it really came down to it, they could give her a bow since the reboot introduced that among other things. I'd personally prefer a design primarily based on classic Lara, but if that's what it takes, I'd be fine with it. A lot of people nowadays only acknowledge the reboot anyway, so Square would likely push for that version.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Magic or not, guns are still guns. Even though they're infused with magic, they're still presented as very realistic ones. Given Smash's more cartoonish nature I don't see why they couldn't just give them exaggerated effects like Bayo's. A game like Ultimate/Marvel vs Capcom 3 still gets away with including multiple firearms on Taskmaster, the Resident Evil and the Devil May Cry characters by doing pretty much the same thing. And if it really comes down to it, they can still make her guns just a bit more stylized in addition to having exaggerated bullet trails. This does however still prevent a ratings problem due to regional differences.

A game like UMvC3 is a C (15+), whereas all Smash games were A (Everyone) in Japan. Nintendo seems more and more reluctant from bumping up ratings past A/E10+ if they can avoid it, and they still censor things even when it's appropriate to the age rating. Well, at least in the west for the latter bit.

But again, I feel like the precedent in :snake:and:4bayonetta:doesn't rule her out, even if she does retain her guns. And if it really came down to it, they could give her a bow since the reboot introduced that among other things. I'd personally prefer a design primarily based on classic Lara, but if that's what it takes, I'd be fine with it. A lot of people nowadays only acknowledge the reboot anyway, so Square would likely push for that version.
Yeah you're right they are clearly just very jazzed up guns, I wonder why they were able to get past the ratings barrier. Maybe that's all they gotta do though they gotta jazz up the pistols and make them look sleek and futuristic and non-lethal with light up parts on it or some ****.
I'd also love to see the classic twin pistol look as that is truly ICONIC for Lara but the reboot bow + climbing axe + explosives would certainly be acceptable.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
I haven't seen any of the movies but there are a couple songs from the first one's soundtrack I like (U2's Elevation and NIN's Deep).

Smash needs more characters from non-JP game companies. I'm in.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Yeah you're right they are clearly just very jazzed up guns, I wonder why they were able to get past the ratings barrier. Maybe that's all they gotta do though they gotta jazz up the pistols and make them look sleek and futuristic and non-lethal with light up parts on it or some ****.
It's a matter of Bayonetta being DLC. The game gets rated one thing. DLC has it's own separate rating. having realistic weapons might make the game more mature, but nobody is forcing you to download that character.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Can't wait for the tomb raider movie, and potential new tomb raider game at E3. the rumour last year has failed, but maybe it was simply pushed back or was never intended for last year E3 as they just started.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Can't wait for the tomb raider movie, and potential new tomb raider game at E3. the rumour last year has failed, but maybe it was simply pushed back or was never intended for last year E3 as they just started.
I can only hope the movie will be decent.

And was there a new game in the works?


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
The best time to reveal Lara Croft would be within the time frame of the movie's release, which at least in North America, is just a few days away.

If it doesn't happen within the month after, I don't think it will happen.

That said, I think she is the single-handed biggest female third party legacy character of all time, and one of the biggest third party characters not yet included.

Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
Another character I'd love to see. So iconic, and we could still use more women in Smash. I've barely touched her games, but she's too big of a character to ignore. Probably one of the most well known characters in gaming, even to non-gamers.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Never played the games but I was watching the most recent movie when I thought to myself how Iconic she must be to have three movies now. She definitely comes across as a character people are sleeping on the chance of. Third Parties are all incredibly iconic characters, the only exception is Bayonetta who has a lot of reasons to be that exception.

Also that scene set on the waterfall and ruined plane in the movie looks like it would make an awesome stage, is that in any of the games? I really hope it is, it looked awesome.

Also Samus and Lara in the game? Talk about awesome.

You know what, sign me up as a supporter.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Just posting here to show show my support, I love tomb raider and lara and she'd be an amazing addition to smash


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
It is Lara Croft's day in the RTC. Come show your support.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
I just want to say that while she's not one of my favourite characters of all time or anything, I do personally believe that Lara was the chops to Smash with the rest of them. Absolutely one of the top western IPs.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I've only played Tomb Raider Legends for my original Xbox. But, I'm planning on getting Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for my PS4. I support!


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
I'd assume they'd do a Cloud style system of 2 costumes, new and 3 alts plus old and 3 alts.
The moveset wouldn't really work between them though, they're far too different from one another. Plus I think there's better alt choices. Assuming they go classic then there's:
- Legend outfit
- Underworld outfit
- Croft manor sports bra outfit
- London, Nevada, south pacific and antarctica outfit from 3
- Young Lara from 4
- Russia and catsuit from chronicles
- Angel of darkness outfit
- Winter and biker outfits from legend
- Doppleganger

Lara has crazy potential for alt costumes lol. I'd personally go for either sports bra or biker cause I feel like they're some of her most iconic looks, imagine if instead of palette swaps she had 8 unique costumes, would never happen but it'd be so cool
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Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
I was about to make this thread. Had no idea it even existed.

Add me to the list. Lara without a doubt warrants a Smash addition.


Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2018
Manchester, England
It depresses me to see Lara always left out of prediction discussions, which leads me to think not many people voted for her in the Smash Ballot (I did!). Unfortunately, if any Square Enix character is getting in, it's Geno (which I think is a little boring).

The guns won't be too realistic, as for her stage, you could have a sweet travelling one that went through world destinations. Or Egyptian tombs! Or Croft Manor! There are lots of options. The music too! Imagine all of that? It would be the best.

If it was up to me to add characters, not only would she be my priority, but I'd make her have the original blue tank top and shorts look with the reboot look for her alt. Part of me wants her Final Smash to be OG timeline Lara, Legend timeline Lara and reboot Lara teaming up like Mega Man's FS.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
It depresses me to see Lara always left out of prediction discussions, which leads me to think not many people voted for her in the Smash Ballot (I did!). Unfortunately, if any Square Enix character is getting in, it's Geno (which I think is a little boring).

The guns won't be too realistic, as for her stage, you could have a sweet travelling one that went through world destinations. Or Egyptian tombs! Or Croft Manor! There are lots of options. The music too! Imagine all of that? It would be the best.

If it was up to me to add characters, not only would she be my priority, but I'd make her have the original blue tank top and shorts look with the reboot look for her alt. Part of me wants her Final Smash to be OG timeline Lara, Legend timeline Lara and reboot Lara teaming up like Mega Man's FS.
This is so true, Granted the tomb raider series has never been big on nintendo consoles so that's understandable, other huge franchises like resident evil are in a similar position despite also being huge.

I'd definitely go with her Anniversary look with keeley hawes voicing her, having reboot lara as an alt would be cool but doesn't really work because of their drastically different abilities.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2015
She may not be my first Square Enix choice, but she would still be cool. She's decently big in the gamind industry, and Samus vs Lara Croft would be a cool match up. I'll support her.
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Just sneakily, the only non-FF squeenix character I want more than Lara is Sora, who's half FF anyway. And from FF she only loses to Vivi/Black Mage and then Balthier because of my bias toward FFXII (even though Vaan is one of the utmost worst MCs in the series).

Not the most glowing recommendation to says he's behind 3 people but 1 is an industry icon (Black Mage), 1 is a generational icon (Sora) and the 3rd is unrealistic wish fulfilment. It's pretty hard to top Final Fantasy and for Lara to sit behind only a couple of choices from the entire series that is older than hers AND didn't have the same hiatus is pretty impressive.
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Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
Little late to the party. Haven’t played the older games, but I just recently got into the new trilogy. 2nd game was great, and want to get the 3rd soon.

If we get another SE rep, I hope it’s Lara!

Pacific Fun

Smash Rookie
Jul 18, 2018
I still cannot believe Lara Croft is not mentioned in newcomer prediction lists at all. She is literally the most iconic female video game character and should be in Smash. They are so close to having all the console war characters in one game. Just put her in there.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2013
I love the Lara Croft games, but I wouldn't use Lara in SSB. Her moveset potential doesn't appeal to me. This could be shallow, but I only want characters that I'd play as or are at least unique in some way.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
I still cannot believe Lara Croft is not mentioned in newcomer prediction lists at all. She is literally the most iconic female video game character and should be in Smash. They are so close to having all the console war characters in one game. Just put her in there.
Well how many Nintendo consoles has she been on question mark

She might be like Cloud popular but wasn’t really on Nintendo so she wasn’t talk about period
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