I wish I could do something to get the DLC that this game deserves.
Today, all competitive games have a ranking (system) and a matchmaking. For fun mode is enough if you just want to have fun as its name indicates and the lack of matchmaking makes the game frustrating for a beginner who can't play against opponents of his level.
The possibility to know our progression offers an unlimited game time.
I believe that with the evolution of eSports, it is necessary to Smash to be a part of it and as a result encourage new talents.
In addition, before the release of the game, a ranking "smash power" was envisaged...
Moreover, I believe that it's unfortunate if the game can't support a chat in game. Personally, I find very annoying to have to type a boring and long code for each friend request.
why can't Nintendo create an official website with player rankings and those friends.
I am conscious that the game was initially conceived as a party game, and that only the sale of this game is enough to satisfy Sakurai but when we look at the success that got Melee to Evo, one of the most prestigious tournaments of games versus and at the current popularity of competitive games such as League Of Legends or CS:GO (these games got a ranking system). You know that it would be sad to pass next to eSport and ranked...
When Super Smash Wii U was released, this game was the 2nd most viewed game on Twitch with over 50,000 views. This game got a huge potential. Nintendo has to do something, because MK8 got a ranking system since THE WII VERSION. To my mind, it would be a mistake to don't give a chance to Super Smash and let it sink like Melee or Brawl: a lot of people will quit the game and it will survive through a small elitist community who has financial means to travel to LAN to test their abilities.
Before, the lack of technology doesn’t allow Nintendo to rectify the situation but now, it is possible with the DLC (like they did in the recent patch, the future addition of Mewtwo...)
Do we have to wait 6 years before having an online fighting game like Street Fighter 4 ?
I hope that this request will be heard and that we'll get a competitive DLC because I’ll become too old to spend my time on the next Smash...
EDIT: I also realize that 2v2 mode has been completely set aside. In addition to never being able to see a 2v2 team climb the labber, it's impossible to choose the rules to train for future tournamtents. Also, the Friendly fire rule is disable (basic) and it's impossible to choose stocks. How can we call this mode 2v2 For Glory ? Nintendo makes us once again a huge joke. Don't they know the cult Wombo combo ?