I've found the thread I belong in.
Make me a panelist.
Lain will vouch I get the goods.
I've been trolling Thugz before it was cool.
Roller thought it was a good idea to call me at 4:00 a.m. to give them directions in a state I've only been to the airport of (I met Jason Hanson though!)
I'm a bigger Detroit Sports fan than the majority of you, and I don't like the Pistons, either.
Daaaaamn. This man gets us to hold a tournament specifically for him. On a date amenable to him. Then dips.
Hot_ArmS, I think we have a new member to induct into the :grimer: brotherhood.
Welcome, MegaRobMan.
But seriously. This tourney is good for our scene and I'm glad it is happening, hope you can make it out some other time, Rob.
Thugz should be
If Pink has ever won an award for something that involves music (idk if she won a humanitarian award, that doesn't matter), then I have to wonder why I'm still living.