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The Smasher's Ballad: Urbosa, Daruk, and Revali


Deleted member

Revere Switch’s champion of fun,
while the wait for Smash gets closer to done.

Obviously I’m talking about the key component in the launch of the Nintendo Switch. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Most of the time whenever a new Smash game comes out the previous big Zelda release is a little too far away from Smash’s release date to warrant getting a character. Doesn’t really help matters that there’s an extremely limited amount of recurring Zelda characters to the same level as Link, Zelda, and Ganon.

But the rumors of a deluxe port of Smash 4 making its way to the Switch soon are still going pretty strong. We could get that or a new game that still uses the engine and assets from Smash Wii U (something like what Splatoon 2 did with Splatoon 1) but either way Breath of the Wild is ripe for the picking in terms of new Zelda Content in Smash.

Stages, Music, and Trophies are a given but what about a character? We haven’t seen a Zelda Newcomer since Brawl and with Breath of the Wild likely being in a prime time for Smash content people are talking about who could join the fight.

Youtube user @Delzethin , who makes an AMAZING moveset/concept series that you really should check out if you haven’t, has already done a video on Botw’s Link being a separate character from the two Links we already have.

I’d be down for that idea personally. Sounds like it would be my favorite way to play as Link in fact. But the Amnesiac wielder of the Master Sword is only one of 5 Champions that oppose Calamity Ganon.

And while I could talk about Mipha here as well Luminario Luminario has already created a Mipha thread. So as to not steal his (or hers) thunder I’ll just be talking about the other 3 Divine Beast Pilots.

For what it’s worth I have left my thoughts about Mipha as a playable character in that other thread. So you can always check out said thread if you wish.

So for the remaining Champions I’ll be talking things like Bio, Moveset, and Home Stages. But I won’t go into too much detail about the last of those four since I don’t want people to copy/paste any stage details I give in my Stage Creation Contest. I’ll just list one Breath of the Wild Stage by name for each Champion, as well as a new stage from a different Zelda game by name for each Champion. But that’s about it.

Well I’d say that’s about all the introduction I need to give. Let’s get started!

General Information:

There are few elements played into the concept of one champion that are shared with all the others. I’ll go over those here.

  • Each Champion will have their signature ability that they give Link as one of their specials.

  • Each Champion will incorporate one of the four Sheikah Slate runes as one of their specials as well (sans Cryonis since we’re excluding Mipha and that rune was part of Mipha’s Moveset in the other thread). They would each have their own Skeikah Slate attached to their hip like Link does.

  • Each Champions Final Smash will involve their Divine Beast in some way. Which does also mean that they’re Botw home stage can’t be their Divine Beast despite me thinking that each Divine Beast could serve as a stage.

  • All the Champions will pull moves from other Zelda characters of the same race as them. Like goron pounds and Rolls for Daruk. Each of them will also be using moves from Hyrule Warriors Characters. Might seem a bit off but we’re already pulling Sheikah Slate Runes for them because their arsenals would be too limited if we stuck only to what they do in Botw so I think we can work it in. Just like how Luminario's thread suggested that Mipha would have Ruto’s Water Attacks Revali would have Medli’s Wind Attacks, Daruk……..Well a lot of the moves Darunia uses in HW are generic Goron abilities. Maybe a few fire explosions? And Urbosa would have a couple of moves in common with Fi. With no playable HW Gerudo apart from Ganondorf, who really doesn’t count for what we’re going for here, Fi would at least have using dance moves to attack in common with Urbosa here. Even if none of the actual attacks are shared.


Revali was a skilled archer of Rito Village who was chosen to be the Champion of the Rito and pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Medoh. 100 years prior to the events of Breath of the Wild he was defeated by Windblight Ganon and his spirit was sealed inside the corrupted Divine Beast. Once Link frees him he grants the Hero of the Wild the ability to create a powerful updraft at will and sets Medoh to take aim at Calamity Ganon.

How would Revali fight?

Taking Inspiration from Medli’s attack in Hyrule Warriors and his possession of the Great Eagle Bow, Revali would be an Archer who fights with the Element of Wind. A lot of his normals would involve firing standard arrows while pulling out elemental arrow types for some of his Smash Attacks. But not for all of them as one of his Smashes would involve his own central gimmick.

Certain characters in Smash have unique traits to them. Robin’s Tomes and Levin Sword have limited durability, Palutena has brand new moves for her custom specials instead of variants on the defaults, and Ryu is able to power up his moves by the player inputting the familiar commands of Street Fighter.

In Revali’s case, specific attacks would leave behind wind boxes that blow in a certain direction and last for 7 seconds. They wouldn’t take up a lot of space, barely any more than Revali himself, but they would be able to push opponents in the direction they’re blowing at speeds comparable to the Gust Bellows item, and any items or arrows from Revali caught in the wind boxes would be blown in the direction of the wind current at double the speed of anything pushed by the Gust Bellows and for increased damage upon contact with a fighter.

Jab: A 2-hit jab that fires an arrow a small distance with each hit.

Ftilt: A swipe of his wing that lets out a small blade of wind.

Utilt: Twirls upward to create 2 small wind slashes.

Dtilt: Does a short hop to shoot a fire arrow to the ground.

Dash: Does a drilling dash attack with his beak that goes about a battlefield platforms length. Will leave a horizontal wind box in the area covered by the attack once it ends. The Wind Box will be blowing in the direction Revali dashed in.

Fsmash: Takes aim with this bow as he charges the attack. When launched the attack will fire a Shock Arrow a moderate distance forward.

Usmash: Lobs an Ice Arrow diagonally upward to fall in an arc.

Dsmash: Revali slams his wings down to each side of him. Creating a swirl of wind at his feet that will rise up into an upward wind box 2 seconds later.

Nair: Does an aerial front flip kick.

Fair: Revali strikes a pose, then dashes slightly forward in a twirling attack. A downward wind box will be left where Revali struck the pose.

Bair: Does a back kick with both of this talons.

Uair: Does an upward drill maneuver with his beak.

Dair: Flips upside down and stabs with this beak.

Grab: Grabs the opponent with both wings.

Pummel: Pecks them with his beak.

Fthrow: Blows them forward with a gust of wind and shoots an arrow at them.

Bthrow: Spins the opponent behind him then tosses them away.

Dthrow: Throws them to the ground and gives them a wind slash with his wing.

Uthrow: Spins the opponent in a mini tornado surrounding Revali and tosses them upward. This would be his kill throw, easily.

B - Revali’s Gale:

Not the placement you were expecting? Pressing B will cause Revali to assume his crouching position needed to charge Revali’s Gale in his EX Memory from the Champion’s Ballad. As he does this, a cursor will appear that the player can move around freely. Press B again and a second and a half later a wind box that’s 1 ½ as big as the normal ones and lasts for 10 seconds instead of 7 will start blowing. During the second and a half from the 2nd B press, the player can use the control stick to select what direction the wind box will blow.

Side B - Stasis:

Revali pulls out his Skeikah Slate and casts the Stasis Rune in front of him. It’s hitbox is the same distance from Revali that Palutena’s Explosive Flame is from her but with a slightly bigger hitbox than the explosive flame.

Anyone caught in the chains will be frozen in time for a brief while and will receive the total amount of damage and knockback of all the attacks that strike them in this state. The more you spam the move, the shorter the stun.

Up B - Soaring Champion:

Revali spirals skyward in an updraft he creates. Basically the more traditional use of Revali’s Gale but with a different name.

Down B - Bomb Arrows:

Revali will draw his bow and take aim with 3 bomb arrows. The arrows are not actually fired until B is pressed again and the direction they fire can be angled with the control stick beforehand. But take too long to shoot and the bomb arrows will explode in your hand causing damage. As with all arrow attacks of Revali’s, these are sped up and made more powerful by Windboxes.

Final Smash - Medoh Skystrike:

Revali flies off screen to board Divine Beast Vah Medoh. Who then procedes to fly through the stage a few times in a vein similar to Latios and Latias and fire his laser cannons whenever on screen.

Taunt 1: Revali makes the same motion with his wings that he does in the memory where he says to Link “yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar” and says “Good Luck”

Taunt 2: Revali strikes the same pose he makes in the memory where he says to Link “even among the Rito” and says “Impressive I know”.

Taunt 3: Revali strikes the pose he makes in his EX memory from the Champion’s Ballad when he tells Zelda “If the hero loses his motivation after seeing me in action, don’t come crying to me” and says “Don’t come crying to me”.

Victory 1: Revali strikes the same motion he makes when giving Link the Revali’s Gale skill.

Victory 2: Revali makes the same motion as when he firies Medoh’s Laser on Calamity Ganon and says “now my moment has finally come”.

Victory 3: Revali takes the same pose he makes before flying off to Medoh in the memory when he tells Link “I forgot you have no way of making it up to that Divine Beast on your own” and says “I guess your luck didn’t hold out”.

Breath of the Wild Home Stage:

Hebra Mountains

Other Zelda Game Home Stage:

Dragon Roost Island


Daruk was a native of Goron City who was chosen to be the Champion of the Goron’s and pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Rudania. 100 years prior to the events of Breath of the Wild he was defeated by Fireblight Ganon and his spirit was sealed inside the corrupted Divine Beast. Once Link frees him he grants the Hero of the Wild the power of protection and sets Rudania to take aim at Calamity Ganon.

How would Daruk fight?

A lot like heavyweight characters such as Bowser and King Dedede honestly. Mostly king Dedede since both he and Daruk wield a weapon. Daruk however would be slower and jump lower than other heavyweight though. In exchange, Super Armor occurs more often for him. That is kind of Daruks deal anyway. Endure the enemies hits and strike back stronger.

Jab: A swing of the Boulder Breaker followed by the back shove attack used by Goron Link in Majora’s Mask.

Ftilt: The sideways fire punch that Goron Link uses in Majora’s Mask.

Utilt: The fire uppercut Goron Link uses in MM.

Dtilt: Does a ground pound in the vein of the one Darunia uses on his hammer in one of his attacks in Hyrule Warriors.

Dash: Slams the Boulder Breaker into the ground.

Fsmash: Jumps slightly forward to do an in place Goron Spin.

Usmash: Darunia’s attack from Hyrule Warriors where he winds up his arm to throw a fire punch forward. But this one would be an upward punch.

Dsmash: Smashes the Boulder Break to each side of him a few times.

Nair: Does a single Goron Spin.

Fair: Twirls around a few times with a fire punch.

Bair: Swings the Boulder Breaker behind him.

Uair: Thrusts his head upward in a headbutt.

Dair: A stall and fall of the Goron Pound that Goron Link can use in Majora’s Mask.

Grab: Grabs the opponent with his free hand.

Pummel: Headbutts them.

Fthrow: Goron spins them in place then throws them forward.

Bthrow: Turns around and throws them with his free hand.

Dthrow: The two handed weapon sneak attack from Breath of the Wild.

Uthrow: Uses the Boulder Breaker to smack them upward.

B - Rock Wrecker:

No, not the Pokemon Attack. Daruk’s Signature weapon is the Boulder Breaker and the weaker versions of that weapon have names like Stone Smasher. So in thinking of something like that to go with Rock, Wrecker was the best option.

Press and Hold B to have Daruk hoist the Boulder Breaker behind his back. From there you can move around, but either 3 seconds later or when B is released, Daruk will perform the spinning attack he used in his EX memory from the Champion’s Ballad. If Daruk was moving prior unleashing the attack he will continue moving in the same direction. If not then he stays in place.

Side B - Goron Roll:

Pressing Side B and holding B will cause Daruk to charge up a roll in the same manor as Goron Link in Majora’s Mask. When the charge is complete Daruk will speed up in a rolling attack that he can change the direction of. Complete with spikes that are the same color as Daruk’s Hair.

Up B - Magnesis:

Daruk throws the Boulder Breaker upwards (staying in place if he’s the air) and grabs it with the Magnesis Rune once it reaches the peak of its height. From there Daruk pulls himself up towards his weapon and swings it forward upon reclaiming it.

Down B - Daruk’s Protection:

This move charges in the same way as Cloud’s Limit Charge. Pressing and Holding Down and B will fill up a gauge that looks like Rudania’s Emblem. Once filled Daruk will glow with the spirit aura each champion has in Breath of the Wild. Pressing Down and B again after this will activate Daruk’s Protection. Making Daruk immune to damage and knockback for a short time. The gauge must be charged via down special. It does not fill when Daruk takes and deals damage.

Final Smash - Rudania Sentries:

Daruk calls forth a (sized down) Vah Rudania onto the stage. Rudania then unleashes a few Guardian Sentries to attack Daruk’s opponents before jumping back off stage. The Guardian Sentries cannot be hurt, but with malfunction and fall to the ground over time. They create explosions that do a lot of damage when they hit the ground. But they don’t hurt Daruk himself.

Taunt 1: Daruk strikes the pose in his official artwork and gives a small chuckle.

Taunt 2: Daruk does the foot twirl part of Darunia’s dance.

Taunt 3: Daruk punches his fists together.

Victory 1: Daruk does some Sumo stomps while saying “don’t mess with the almighty Daruk”

Victory 2: Daruk hoist the Boulder Break over his shoulder and gives a smirk. Exactly like the end of Darunia’s entrance animation in Hyrule Warriors.

Victory 3: Daruk does the fist shaking tap dance of Darunia’s Dance.

Breath of the Wild Home Stage:

Goron Mines

Other Zelda Game Home Stage:

Goron Village


Urbosa was the chief of Gerudo Town who was chosen to be the Champion of the Gerudo and pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Naboris. 100 years prior to the events of Breath of the Wild she was defeated by Thunderblight Ganon and her spirit was sealed inside the corrupted Divine Beast. Once Link frees her she grants the Hero of the Wild the power to call forth bolts of lightning and sets Naboris to take aim at Calamity Ganon.

How would Urbosa fight?

I’m thinking a more movement oriented style of a Link/Wii Fit Trainer combination with a touch of Lightning. Urbosa wields a Sword and Shield just like Link and she is a dancer. Which while different from Yoga Poses does remind of how Wii Fit Trainer fight.

Jab: A 3 swing sword attack based on when she fought two members of the Yiga Clan in her EX Memory in the Champion’s Ballad.

Ftilt: A dance pose that sticks out her sword.

Utilt: A flashy upward swing.

Dtilt: Spins low to the ground in a dance motion with her sword spinning along too.

Dash: Does a forward flip that brings her sword down.

Fsmash: The one handed weapon sneak attack in Breath of the Wild. But electrified.

Usmash: Thrusts her sword upward then electrocutes it.

Dsmash: An electrified Spin Attack.

Nair: Twirls to her side with her sword out.

Fair: Strikes a pose that sticker her sword forward, her other arm up, and her legs below and behind her.

Bair: Spins a few times to slash backwards.

Uair: Stikes a Leg Lifting Dance Pose while thrusing her sword upward.

Dair: Spins in the air to slash her sword downward.

Grab: Grabs the opponent with her shield hand.

Pummel: Shocks them.

Fthrow: Electrocutes her Sword and slashes the opponent with it.

Bthrow: Moves to the other side of the opponent and slashes them.

Dthrow: Throws them to the ground and zaps them.

Uthrow: Throws them up and zaps them.

B - Urbosa’s Fury:

Pressing B will cause a small orb of lightning to appear from Urbosa’s hand. She can maneuver it like Din’s Fire but with more range and control. Releasing B will cause a bolt of lightning to strike where the Orb was.

Side B - Shield Bash:

Urbosa performs the Shield Bash technique from Breath of the Wild. This will reflect projectiles and stun opponents. Has a small amount of end lag to prevent spamming.

Up B - Gerudo Spiral:

Urbosa performs a spinning dance routine with her sword out as she is surrounded by Lightning that carries her upward.

Down B - Remote Bomb:

The Final Sheikah Slate Rune. Urbosa pulls out a Bomb of Solidified Light and can throw it. Pressing Down and B again will cause it to detonate.

Final Smash - Naboris Thunderstorm:

Urbosa spins around and strikes a dance pose as lightning strikes all around her. Anyone caught in the Lightning will get hit with a cutscene attack where Vah Naboris tramples them in a raging lightning storm.

Taunt 1: Urbosa readies her Sword and says “Do your worst”.

Taunt 2: Urbosa places her sword in its sheath and says “Face Me”.

Taunt 3: Urbosa gives a Chuckle like in the memory where she wakes up Zelda in Gerudo Desert.

Victory 1: Urbosa Strikes the pose she takes in her official artwork and says “This, is your end”

Victory 2: Urbosa sheaths her weapons and says “Be thankful you were brought to a warriors defeat”

Victory 3: Urbosa Swings her sword a few times and does a shield bash. Ending with the pose and facial expression of when she used the shield bash in her EX Memory of the Champion’s Ballad.

Breath of the Wild Home Stage:

Gerudo Town

Other Zelda Game Home Stage:

Lanayru Desert

And there you have it. Now Smashboards has some decent to good moveset ideas for all four champions. At least, I think they’re decent to good. What about you guys? Any thoughts on the Champions being playable and how they were handled here?
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
They might not get the support they deserve, but I think any of the Champions would be great.

Revali seems to be the archer character we never got, and I think it would be crazy cool to have a character incorporate arrows into his Smash attacks. I also think there's more potential in his ability to manipulate wind than what people think. Besides being a recovery, he could use his wings for his aerial attacks. Not only could his wings be used to attack, but they could also force out a gust of wind that pushes close opponents away. I could see people using this along with Revali's arrows to harass players trying to get back to the ledge (which honestly fits Revali's personality perfectly).

It's been a while since Smash got a heavyweight character, and Daruk certainly fits that bill. I could see him being terrible at recovering, but an absolute monster at smashing through shields. Just imagine having a character who can easily smash through character's shields, yet ironically, has a shield of his own that's practically impossible to destroy. His incredible defense is sure to make him stand out from the other heavyweights.

Urbosa isn't my favorite choice (mainly because we already have a ton of sword characters), but she would plenty to work with. A combination of her sword and lightning attacks could make her a deadly character to face off against. Especially if her lighting has the power to temporarily stun her opponents like it could in BotW. She could zap her opponent, charge up a Smash attack, and launch them right off the stage. If they try to recover, she could stun them in midair and go for a meteor Smash.

Mipha is still my favorite, but I'd be satisfied with any of these Champions and movesets. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd gladly take one of these four over a third Link.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Impa, that's my choice. You already have to pull too much from everything to make a sensible moveset. With Impa, it makes sense to give her the Sheikah Slate abilities, as she's a Sheikah herself who's a adapt sage, magician, guardian and warrior. At least, in most of her appearances, BOTW excluded. However, Hyrule Warriors Impa with Sheikah Slate magic represents the two most recent releases of The Legend of Zelda, and she's THE MOST recurring Zelda character outside of the Triforce trio. So with all this considered, I think Impa wins easily as the most sensible choice.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Impa, that's my choice. You already have to pull too much from everything to make a sensible moveset. With Impa, it makes sense to give her the Sheikah Slate abilities, as she's a Sheikah herself who's a adapt sage, magician, guardian and warrior. At least, in most of her appearances, BOTW excluded. However, Hyrule Warriors Impa with Sheikah Slate magic represents the two most recent releases of The Legend of Zelda, and she's THE MOST recurring Zelda character outside of the Triforce trio. So with all this considered, I think Impa wins easily as the most sensible choice.
Hyrule Warriors has been rereleased twice now, so I don't think the Definitive Edition is going to have much of an impact on who gets in Smash.

If the development team is going to take inspiration from BotW for the next Zelda newcomer, I don't see why Impa would be the one they'd choose. Not only would the development team have to go back and use an Impa from a different game, but nearly every major character in BotW has a personal Sheikah Slate (and therefore, can use every Sheikah Slate ability that Impa could use). Seems a little forced if a young Impa were to get in Smash with a BotW-inspired moveset instead of someone who was actually present in BotW, like Champion Link or any of the other four Champions.

Going off the impact certain Zelda characters have had in recent years (aside from those already in Smash), it seems like the Champions have done the most. Impa, Midna, Skull Kid and nearly every other popular Zelda character hasn't done much since the release of SSB4.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Bout time someone made a support thread for the rest of the champions, especially for Urbosa.
Solid movesets there too. I'm especially fond of the inventive use of Magnesis in Daruk's moveset. Careful with the windboxes in Revali's though, there's a reason why moves with windboxes are few and far between as they're pretty hard to get the right balance between broken and useless.
Besides Mipha of course, I'd love Urbosa to get in over the other two. Her kit lends itself very well to a good moveset, and she's super cool too.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
I love most of the Wild Link ideas. My only problem is that Cryonis should be treated similarly as Villager's Timber, and the Final Smash should have been Stasis. Cryonis sounds great as Delzethin explained, but you should be able to roll around it, rather than be forced to jump over. Ancient Volley sounds pretty impressive, but I would have preferred Stasis, since all his other Sheikah Slate abilities were covered.

EDIT: I would make Stasis his Final Smash, and it would work like this. All characters would be frozen in time, and they would be stuck in the last animation they were performing. So let's say you have an opponent who decided to shield. If you went over to them, you could deal as much damage possible on their shield, and it would remain in size, but then suddenly break the moment Stasis ran out. Any character dodging would lose their dodging frames/invincibility frames, so that they could still get hit. Any character hanging on the ledge with invincibility frames would no longer be invincible, and that could set up for an easy spike. Basically, nobody would be safe, unless they managed to recover extremely high above the stage. And if your opponent was at 0% while frozen by Stasis, they could still die even in the double digits if the attacks you used were strong attacks, just like how large objects in BotW still get knocked out far away after being released from Stasis.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
While I wouldn't mind them, I consider them an all or nothing deal.

Also I hate when characters are grouped into these topics, especially here where you only have 3 of the 4 champions. Someone did the same thing with the ARMS fighters

Deleted member

They might not get the support they deserve, but I think any of the Champions would be great.

Revali seems to be the archer character we never got, and I think it would be crazy cool to have a character incorporate arrows into his Smash attacks. I also think there's more potential in his ability to manipulate wind than what people think. Besides being a recovery, he could use his wings for his aerial attacks. Not only could his wings be used to attack, but they could also force out a gust of wind that pushes close opponents away. I could see people using this along with Revali's arrows to harass players trying to get back to the ledge (which honestly fits Revali's personality perfectly).

It's been a while since Smash got a heavyweight character, and Daruk certainly fits that bill. I could see him being terrible at recovering, but an absolute monster at smashing through shields. Just imagine having a character who can easily smash through character's shields, yet ironically, has a shield of his own that's practically impossible to destroy. His incredible defense is sure to make him stand out from the other heavyweights.

Urbosa isn't my favorite choice (mainly because we already have a ton of sword characters), but she would plenty to work with. A combination of her sword and lightning attacks could make her a deadly character to face off against. Especially if her lighting has the power to temporarily stun her opponents like it could in BotW. She could zap her opponent, charge up a Smash attack, and launch them right off the stage. If they try to recover, she could stun them in midair and go for a meteor Smash.

Mipha is still my favorite, but I'd be satisfied with any of these Champions and movesets. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd gladly take one of these four over a third Link.
I will admit to having a slight preference for one of the Divine Beast Pilots over a 3rd Link as well. The only problem is the likely factor. I think they would all have a decent shot if not for the fact that Breath of the Wild kind of gives them an equal amount of importance which would make it a bit tricky to pick just one. And there's no way they're going to add all 4 of them. I want new Zelda characters in Smash as much as the next Zelda fan but we're not getting 4 new ones. Even Fire Emblem barely got away with that.

That's the main reason why I'd be okay with Wild Link. Call it preparing myself for what will likely be the Botw character.

Impa, that's my choice. You already have to pull too much from everything to make a sensible moveset. With Impa, it makes sense to give her the Sheikah Slate abilities, as she's a Sheikah herself who's a adapt sage, magician, guardian and warrior. At least, in most of her appearances, BOTW excluded. However, Hyrule Warriors Impa with Sheikah Slate magic represents the two most recent releases of The Legend of Zelda, and she's THE MOST recurring Zelda character outside of the Triforce trio. So with all this considered, I think Impa wins easily as the most sensible choice.
Hyrule Warriors has been rereleased twice now, so I don't think the Definitive Edition is going to have much of an impact on who gets in Smash.

If the development team is going to take inspiration from BotW for the next Zelda newcomer, I don't see why Impa would be the one they'd choose. Not only would the development team have to go back and use an Impa from a different game, but nearly every major character in BotW has a personal Sheikah Slate (and therefore, can use every Sheikah Slate ability that Impa could use). Seems a little forced if a young Impa were to get in Smash with a BotW-inspired moveset instead of someone who was actually present in BotW, like Champion Link or any of the other four Champions.

Going off the impact certain Zelda characters have had in recent years (aside from those already in Smash), it seems like the Champions have done the most. Impa, Midna, Skull Kid and nearly every other popular Zelda character hasn't done much since the release of SSB4.
Impa FTW. A solid choice of a Zelda newcomer. In terms of the debate between Hyrule Warriors Impa and Botw Impa, I'd personally say, neither. All of the Zelda characters we have now sans Toon Link use the Twilight Princess designs in Smash which has caused some people to want Smash to give them original designs based on the traditional looks of these characters across multiple Zelda games. Kind of like what they did for the Starfox characters.

I don't see it as a big deal to give that treatment to the Triforce Trio plus Sheik, but Impa would benefit a lot from this. Combine elements of multiple Sheikah Garbs into one outfit for a younger Impa and give Impa a Sheikah moveset. Maz Koshia and the Yiga Clain in Botw show how Sheikah fight in the Calamity infected Hyrule complete with Guardian weaponry and everything.

But we don't have to just pull from Breath of the Wild either. Sheikah Slate Runes as Specials would be cool and all but Impa has used other moves in other Zelda games. Her Magic Barrier from Skyward Sword is one example, but she is also the Sage of Shadows in Ocarina of Time. Maybe this could mean a few darkness elements attacks, but I'm more interested in her using Shadow Temple oriented items for specials. Like the Lens of Truth.

And the end of Ocarina of time where she and the rest of the 6 sages seal away Ganon is a final smash just waiting to happen.

Bout time someone made a support thread for the rest of the champions, especially for Urbosa.
Solid movesets there too. I'm especially fond of the inventive use of Magnesis in Daruk's moveset. Careful with the windboxes in Revali's though, there's a reason why moves with windboxes are few and far between as they're pretty hard to get the right balance between broken and useless.
Besides Mipha of course, I'd love Urbosa to get in over the other two. Her kit lends itself very well to a good moveset, and she's super cool too.
In terms of Breath of the Wild, Urbosa is my favorite champion easily. But I'd be down with any of the Champions being playable. Though I would need to get used to it if Revali was the only one since he's my least favorite.

I love most of the Wild Link ideas. My only problem is that Cryonis should be treated similarly as Villager's Timber, and the Final Smash should have been Stasis. Cryonis sounds great as Delzethin explained, but you should be able to roll around it, rather than be forced to jump over. Ancient Volley sounds pretty impressive, but I would have preferred Stasis, since all his other Sheikah Slate abilities were covered.

EDIT: I would make Stasis his Final Smash, and it would work like this. All characters would be frozen in time, and they would be stuck in the last animation they were performing. So let's say you have an opponent who decided to shield. If you went over to them, you could deal as much damage possible on their shield, and it would remain in size, but then suddenly break the moment Stasis ran out. Any character dodging would lose their dodging frames/invincibility frames, so that they could still get hit. Any character hanging on the ledge with invincibility frames would no longer be invincible, and that could set up for an easy spike. Basically, nobody would be safe, unless they managed to recover extremely high above the stage. And if your opponent was at 0% while frozen by Stasis, they could still die even in the double digits if the attacks you used were strong attacks, just like how large objects in BotW still get knocked out far away after being released from Stasis.
I was confused by the lack of the Stasis in the moveset as well but sometimes making a clean, coherent moveset means excluding certain parts of a characters arsenal. Some of the comments on that video suggested that Stasis be his grab. Which if they could pull it off they should totally do that but I'm worried it might be too gimmicky. Delzethin did say towards the end of the video that he was considering making Stasis a reflector style Down B but decided on Cryonis instead. That kind of Down B could at least be a Custom Special if nothing else.

I like the way you incorporated Stasis as the final smash, I just prefer the Ancient Volley idea.

While I wouldn't mind them, I consider them an all or nothing deal.

Also I hate when characters are grouped into these topics, especially here where you only have 3 of the 4 champions. Someone did the same thing with the ARMS fighters
What can I say? I was worried the mods and admins would consider it spamming if I made a separate thread for each of them. That's also why I excluded Mipha. Because a thread for her was already done by someone else and I know that the mods take action against repeat threads.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Hyrule Warriors has been rereleased twice now, so I don't think the Definitive Edition is going to have much of an impact on who gets in Smash.

If the development team is going to take inspiration from BotW for the next Zelda newcomer, I don't see why Impa would be the one they'd choose. Not only would the development team have to go back and use an Impa from a different game, but nearly every major character in BotW has a personal Sheikah Slate (and therefore, can use every Sheikah Slate ability that Impa could use). Seems a little forced if a young Impa were to get in Smash with a BotW-inspired moveset instead of someone who was actually present in BotW, like Champion Link or any of the other four Champions.

Going off the impact certain Zelda characters have had in recent years (aside from those already in Smash), it seems like the Champions have done the most. Impa, Midna, Skull Kid and nearly every other popular Zelda character hasn't done much since the release of SSB4.
Errrr... not having played BOTW myself, I wouldn't know ALL the Champions had Sheikah Slates. That's enormous moveset potential for any of them...

Well, Impa CAN still be based on Hyrule Warriors and that's also a huge thing in its own right.

Guess it really seems the Champions have the edge right now... I could see them being newcomers in Hyrule Warriors Switch actually.

I think I'd like Urbosa or Daruk most. Probably Daruk mostly, as he'd be a super heavy weight and Smash needs those.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
I was confused by the lack of the Stasis in the moveset as well but sometimes making a clean, coherent moveset means excluding certain parts of a characters arsenal. Some of the comments on that video suggested that Stasis be his grab. Which if they could pull it off they should totally do that but I'm worried it might be too gimmicky. Delzethin did say towards the end of the video that he was considering making Stasis a reflector style Down B but decided on Cryonis instead. That kind of Down B could at least be a Custom Special if nothing else.

I like the way you incorporated Stasis as the final smash, I just prefer the Ancient Volley idea.
I tried to specify my Stasis idea the best I could. It's kind of all over the place and could be worded better. Still, glad you like it. The Ancient Volley is a cool idea, and it does make sense. I just though the specials would be more fitting with the Sheikah Slate. I had considered the Magnesis being a tether grab. I think that would free up a spot for Stasis as a special move, giving Link a different Final Smash like the Ancient Volley. Oh well.

Deleted member

Errrr... not having played BOTW myself, I wouldn't know ALL the Champions had Sheikah Slates.
They actually don't. There's only one Sheikah Slate in the entirety of Breath of the Wild. I went with giving each of them their own in these movesets because it's implied that more Sheikah Slate's COULD exist but Hyrule's Forces only ever found one. That and it just made sense to give each of the four champions one of the four main runes Link can use via the Sheikah Slate. But if more than one champion becomes playable then each one having a Skeikah Slate would require them to deviate from canon a bit. Which Smash has done before so it's all good.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
They actually don't. There's only one Sheikah Slate in the entirety of Breath of the Wild. I went with giving each of them their own in these movesets because it's implied that more Sheikah Slate's COULD exist but Hyrule's Forces only ever found one. That and it just made sense to give each of the four champions one of the four main runes Link can use via the Sheikah Slate. But if more than one champion becomes playable then each one having a Skeikah Slate would require them to deviate from canon a bit. Which Smash has done before so it's all good.
Actually, while Link and Zelda are the only characters shown using their Sheikah Slates, a few people in BotW (namely the tribe leaders) take note of the Champions being the only people capable of entering the Divine Beasts because a Sheikah Slate is required to enter them.

From what I understood, that's the main reason why Link was so important in regaining control of the Divine Beasts. He was the only person still around who owned a Sheikah Slate.
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Deleted member

Actually, while Link and Zelda are the only characters shown using their Sheikah Slates, a few people in BotW (namely the tribe leaders) take note of the Champions being the only people capable of entering the Divine Beasts because a Sheikah Slate is required to enter them.

From what I understood, that's the main reason why Link was so important in regaining control of the Divine Beasts. He was the only person still around who owned a Sheikah Slate.
Huh. That's actually a good point. More power to Sheikah Slate Runes as specials for the Champions then.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Revali is definitely mine favourite champion, and mine most wanted Zelda newcomer. The guy has an ego, but at least he backs it up. Despite his superior skills, he's always pushing himself to do better. Looking back, I regret not going to his Divine Beast first.

Revali seems to be the archer character we never got, and I think it would be crazy cool to have a character incorporate arrows into his Smash attacks. I also think there's more potential in his ability to manipulate wind than what people think. Besides being a recovery, he could use his wings for his aerial attacks. Not only could his wings be used to attack, but they could also force out a gust of wind that pushes close opponents away. I could see people using this along with Revali's arrows to harass players trying to get back to the ledge (which honestly fits Revali's personality perfectly).
Definitely agree with this. In one moveset I'm currently writing, Revali has a camping-based playstyle that focuses on rushing the enemy off the stage. And once they're off the stage, they're all but screwed.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
I think they are reworking Link and implementing the Champion powers to his specials.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
I loved the champions, but Urbosa and Revali have my vote. Both of them had great personalities and I really felt for them.

Daruk and Mipha were okay, but nothing too special in my mind. Daruk and Darunia are basically the same, and Mipha was about the most boring champion in the game and completely overshadowed by her brother (and that voice acting left a bit to be desired.)

Revali's attitude and complete inferiority complex made him a total ****, but one that you couldn't help but feel bad for. Especially since he is all but forgotten back home. Urbosa on the other hand was a perfect guardian of the princess, and I loved her motivation.

I doubt we'd get any of the champions since they'd come as an all-or-nothing deal, but either Urbosa or Revali (or both) would be amazing.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2014
I love Breath of the Wild so much that I would be satisfied with ANY newcomer from it

Revali, Mipha, Daruk, Urbosa, Sidon, even Kass xdd. All of them would make me happy

I know the chances of a BOTW newcomer are very low but I support them anyway. I hope the champions can at least be Assist Trophies or appear in some capacity


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Kass 4ever.

But, seriously speaking; out of the 4 champions, I think Mipha's the most likely due to her having the strongest connection to Link and her trident giving her the most chance of a unique moveset. That being said, Urbosa's my favorite; I don't care if she doesn't have a lot of potential to feel unique compared to the rest of the cast (Link's sword and shield fighting style, Palutena's shield bashes, and the abundance of sword characters). She has lightning powers if nothing else and would likely be faster and more agile than Link.
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♥Smash Beauty♥
Aug 6, 2012
I support the three of them + Mipha! It would be sick to get all four playable! Pretty hard for this to happen, tough


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Behold the terrible photoshop job!

I was thinking about Urbosa today, and I decided to throw together a quick mockup of some alternate colors.
Note: I seriously do mean 'quick mockup job' - these are pretty thrown together just to look at colors

Urbosa Colors.png

1: Standard (and blue team)
2: Recolor based on Nabooru
3: Recolor based on Aveil (and red team)
4: Recolor based on Riju
5: Recolor based on Link's default crossdressing gear
6: Recolor based on the Ocarina-style Gerudo thieves
7: Recolor based on one of the mini-boss Pirates in Majora's Mask (and green team)
8: Recolor based on Twinrova


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2014
Space Australia
Revali is definitely my first choice. A pure bowman (bowbird?) would be an interesting playstyle I reckon, plus the wind powers. I also found him an interesting character. In short I want a pure archer character in smash and I like Revali.

Mepha would be my second choice for her spear use, and perhaps she can have her brother involved somehow (Taunt and Final Smash?). She herself is probably the least fitting personality wise, but when has that ever stopped a character joining smash.

Can't decided who I'd prefer out of Urbosa or Daruk, but they'd also both work well as a newcomers. My mind keeps switching between the two for who I'd want in more.

Regardless, I'd personally rather a single champion got in than an amalgamation. BOTW was big and happened earlier enough that the non-dlc roster might not have been set in stone yet, so a Champion making it in isn't too far fetched.

Deleted member

Behold the terrible photoshop job!

I was thinking about Urbosa today, and I decided to throw together a quick mockup of some alternate colors.
Note: I seriously do mean 'quick mockup job' - these are pretty thrown together just to look at colors

View attachment 139133
1: Standard (and blue team)
2: Recolor based on Nabooru
3: Recolor based on Aveil (and red team)
4: Recolor based on Riju
5: Recolor based on Link's default crossdressing gear
6: Recolor based on the Ocarina-style Gerudo thieves
7: Recolor based on one of the mini-boss Pirates in Majora's Mask (and green team)
8: Recolor based on Twinrova
Don't knock yourself for this too much. It's way better than anything I can do =P The Purple Color based on the Ocarina Gerudo Thieves is my personal favorite out of these.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Revali would be funny because his English VA is a competitive Smasher in the SoCal community. Dunno how much mileage he could get out of his bow in terms of a moveset, though. Maybe his wings, feet, beak, and wind powers could help flesh him out a bit. If there was any character to bring back gliding for, it would be him. I kind of see him feeling a bit like Brawl Pit without the bow swords.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I think they would choose Daruk or Urbosa honestly... that's given IF we'd get a Champion character.

Daruk has the advantage of being a Goron, which is probably the most easy 'Zelda race' to draw generic abilities for. As well as using a few of Goron Link's abilities- and his status as a Super Heavy Weight, something Smash has lacked since King Dedede got in. He's not the most popular choice tho from what I gathered. His ability translates well to Smash as a unique mechanic as well.

Ubosa HAS popularity on her side, but struggles somewhat with having a unique mechanic or a very unique moveset. She's sort of the 'vanilla choice' ; but vanilla can be incredibly tasty! So it's not exactly as much as a downside as it's a plus for her inclusion.

If you know me, you know what my choice is in the matter of Zelda characters. So I won't elaborate on that, just throwing out my perspectives on the matter.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I support Urbosa hands down. Best Champion with the best ability.

Behold the terrible photoshop job!

I was thinking about Urbosa today, and I decided to throw together a quick mockup of some alternate colors.
Note: I seriously do mean 'quick mockup job' - these are pretty thrown together just to look at colors

View attachment 139133
1: Standard (and blue team)
2: Recolor based on Nabooru
3: Recolor based on Aveil (and red team)
4: Recolor based on Riju
5: Recolor based on Link's default crossdressing gear
6: Recolor based on the Ocarina-style Gerudo thieves
7: Recolor based on one of the mini-boss Pirates in Majora's Mask (and green team)
8: Recolor based on Twinrova
Nice alternate colors.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Behold the terrible photoshop job!

I was thinking about Urbosa today, and I decided to throw together a quick mockup of some alternate colors.
Note: I seriously do mean 'quick mockup job' - these are pretty thrown together just to look at colors

View attachment 139133
1: Standard (and blue team)
2: Recolor based on Nabooru
3: Recolor based on Aveil (and red team)
4: Recolor based on Riju
5: Recolor based on Link's default crossdressing gear
6: Recolor based on the Ocarina-style Gerudo thieves
7: Recolor based on one of the mini-boss Pirates in Majora's Mask (and green team)
8: Recolor based on Twinrova
This is actually really nice looking. Please do more for the rest of the Champions.

Pretty please


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
This is actually really nice looking. Please do more for the rest of the Champions.

Pretty please

lol I wanted to keep going with the rest, but I was busy with RL for a bit. I'm getting back on it though, so I'll get some for Revali next

It's tough to find decent models of these guys though. The official art has that oil-painting look, and the only things I can easily find are game-rip models in a T pose, and Revali's looks funny. At least his amiibo isn't crazy, so I'll be back with some recolors later.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Sorry for the double post - I just finished Ravioli's recolors.

That was TOUGH! Revali, why do you have so many accessories? I used his amiibo model, but I think these turned out ok. At least interesting.

Revali Colors.png

  1. Standard (blue team)
  2. Based on Teba
  3. Based on Harth
  4. Based on Kass
  5. Based on Medli
  6. A version wearing Link's green tunic (green team)
  7. Based on Windblight Ganon's color scheme (red team)
  8. Falco. Because of course.
Enjoy. I'll give Daruk a go next, once I work up the strength to try this again.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
Honestly I feel a little bad for the Champions Descendants. I love amiibos or some kind of support for Teba, Yunobo, Sidon, & Riju.

As far as the Champions themselves? I don't think that any one of them makes more sense than any other. Could be the case that none of them get in. If I had to choose I'd go for Daruk I guess.

(However I'd prefer Darunia, Ruto, Nabooru, or OoT Impa.)
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Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Sorry for the double post - I just finished Ravioli's recolors.

That was TOUGH! Revali, why do you have so many accessories? I used his amiibo model, but I think these turned out ok. At least interesting.

View attachment 140611

  1. Standard (blue team)
  2. Based on Teba
  3. Based on Harth
  4. Based on Kass
  5. Based on Medli
  6. A version wearing Link's green tunic (green team)
  7. Based on Windblight Ganon's color scheme (red team)
  8. Falco. Because of course.
Enjoy. I'll give Daruk a go next, once I work up the strength to try this again.
I would play the hell out of that Kass skin.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Sorry for the double post - I just finished Ravioli's recolors.

That was TOUGH! Revali, why do you have so many accessories? I used his amiibo model, but I think these turned out ok. At least interesting.

View attachment 140611

  1. Standard (blue team)
  2. Based on Teba
  3. Based on Harth
  4. Based on Kass
  5. Based on Medli
  6. A version wearing Link's green tunic (green team)
  7. Based on Windblight Ganon's color scheme (red team)
  8. Falco. Because of course.
Enjoy. I'll give Daruk a go next, once I work up the strength to try this again.
If Revali gets a Falco skin, Falco should get a Revali skin.

I'm going to play some serious mind games with people.

Honestly I feel a little bad for the Champions Descendants. I love amiibos or some kind of support for Teba, Yunobo, Sidon, & Riju.

As far as the Champions themselves? I don't think that any one of them makes more sense than any other. Could be the case that none of them get in. If I had to choose I'd go for Daruk I guess.

(However I'd prefer Darunia, Ruto, Nabooru, or OoT Impa.)
All I need is a Sidon amiibo and I'm good.

As far as choosing one Champion over the others, I don't think it's a big deal. It really just boils down to Sakurai picking the most popular Champion or the one he sees moveset potential in. Shouldn't be any different from picking a starter Pokemon to be in Smash.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Sorry for the double post - I just finished Ravioli's recolors.

That was TOUGH! Revali, why do you have so many accessories? I used his amiibo model, but I think these turned out ok. At least interesting.

View attachment 140611

  1. Standard (blue team)
  2. Based on Teba
  3. Based on Harth
  4. Based on Kass
  5. Based on Medli
  6. A version wearing Link's green tunic (green team)
  7. Based on Windblight Ganon's color scheme (red team)
  8. Falco. Because of course.
Enjoy. I'll give Daruk a go next, once I work up the strength to try this again.
Windblight one is so good
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