Originally Posted by BUM163 View Post
It's A Freaking Childrens Game That We Turn Competitive. Ya Complain Having High Hopes.
Dude These Are The People That Make Mario Party, Mario Kart. Did U Ever Seen Link Cut Someone Head Off? Did You Ever See Mario Torture Someone With His Fireballs, Is Mushrooms Pose To Make You Big Or High? Does Peach Wear A Thong Or Shorts Underneath Her Dress? Does Mario Ever Kiss Peach In The Lips His Entire Game Existensence. This Is Freaking Nintendo. The People We Known Since You Was In Ya Mom's Belly Freeloading Off Of Her Food. Don't Act Like This **** Is Brand New Cause It's Not. Ya Want A True Competitve Game, Go Play Street Fighter Or Tekken Or Something Without Phantom Hits And Tripping. I Bet The John Would Be Naaa Cause Theres No Phantoms, Shines, Wavedashing..... Tripping Lol. Smash Always Been An Easy Game To Get Into, But Hard To Master.
tru tru...this changes my whole opinion of this and makes melee look more of a "accident" than wat it really was.(keep this quote alive.) It was an accident that brought many of use together. Dont forget. Like bum said this is NINTENDO...a FAMILY-ORIENTATED ORGANIZATION to statisfy CHILDRENS NEEDS. Nintendo is trying to make the game enjoyable for those who couldn't handle rushed- "mistake" which is melee. And no johns cuz Brawl was also rushed. Just remember b4 everyone get upset about IN-game Smash Bros. cheapness, Just have this rolling in the back of the head "Well this is Nintendo after all.. FAMILY-ORIENTATED. so let all sing the barney song 'I luv you, u luv me, we're all one big FAM-IL-Y!!!'..." Believe me, If Sony had possession of Smash Bros. U'd see MetaKnight Doing 32-piece combos finishing off with a raging demon aka Final Smash or Moving quarter circle forward + B to do Mario's Fire Ball and Quarter Circle forward x2 + B to do his final Smash. A Nintendo made game sought to make better of their mistakes and remember why we are all here. This game brought use together and i cant lie of that. Some of my closest friends came from Smash Bros. series and maybe some of yall can relate. So try not to bash the game to much and remember its a nintendo made game. That is all....
Dr. of Ownage!!!!