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The Rothion Mauler herself, Cassandra Alexandra heads into Super Smash Brothers! (Now present as DLC character in SoulCalibur VI!!)


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
THE FEISTY GREEK BLONDE WARRIOR, CASSANDRA ALEXANDRA WANTS A PIECE OF THE SMASH BROS CAKE!!! (Pun somewhat intended as she is the daughter of a baker, but probably hates bakery lol).

Here she can be seen in all her glory in her latest apparition from Soul Calibur VI !


Who is this?

This is Cassandra Alexandra. She is Sophitia´s younger sister. Both from the "Soul" fighting game series. However unlike Sophitia, Cassandra seems much more of a natural warrior; open to any challenge in order to help and protect her sister and family.

Great, another sword user...

Look first of all, we should really give up that stigma. In fantasy, swords are the most common weapons alongside guns; so yeah we have to expect lots of characters who use swords as weapons.

Plus technically, Cassandra is a swordswoman. Yes, we already have Lucina and Fem Corrin (Fem Robin too in a way). And she brings something new with her attitude which she imprints in her fighting style.

OK anymore stuff on her?

She got her debut on Soul Calibur 2 (third in the series), as replacement for her elder sister. Having a fighting style similar to Sophitia; to which she later added her own touches as the series progressed.

Eventually, Sophitia returned in the home versions; while Cassandra remained. Let us remind ourselves that the Game Cube version had Link as the guest character of that edition, making the first time a Nintendo character is a guest on a fighting game. Plus it should be added that both Cassandra and Link share the cover of the GameCube version.


In this game, after seeing Sophitia wounded and tired from the previous times she has went to destroy Soul Edge; Cassandra decides to take the burden seemingly given by the Greek god of forge Hephaestus. Whom Cassandra loathes for what she did to her sister.

Unlike Sophita, Cassandra is open to become a full warrior to protect not only her elder sister; but as well her family.

Since SCII, she was absent in SCV same as her sister. But now on SCVI some odd time travel phenomenom occurs (which I still need to understand better), makes her notice there have been two time lines, and she is back on the games as a DLC character in SCVI.

Anyone is welcome to be a supporter.

An idea was to make out of Cassandra, an echo of Sophitia. But Sakurai has said DLC characters will no longer have echoes.

Yes, Cassandra is quite popular, but she has to deal with that her sister has been present since the start of the franchise; as well that other characters from the series could be considered; and that is if Soul Calibur is even considered for Smash Bros itself.

Who is Rothion?

Sophitia's husband. Cassandra seems to dislike him.

THE LEAGUE OF ROTHION MAULERS (Cuz, Sophie can get a better man lol)
KatKit KatKit
Night Gale Night Gale
MajestyIndigo MajestyIndigo
ninjahmos ninjahmos
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Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Welp, I guess I have the honor of being first. This would be super dope! A great thing about Soul Calibur (and Tekken) is how many potential reps could have awesome Echoes. Nightmare has Sigfried. A poster boy like Mitsurugi has Arthur. Conversely, a poster girl like Taki has Natsu. Seong Mi-na and Kilik can work as Echoes of one another as well. And last but certainly not least, there's Sophitia and Cassandra. And boy howdy does Cassandra have a lot to bring to the table.

I'm not a Sophitia main (Seong Mi-na and Cass for life!), but I've talked about why she's likely to happen. And in order to get Cassandra, we need Sophitia. In order to fully appreciate Cassandra, you must know everything about her less interesting sister. So, first... allow me to explain why Sophitia is a viable candidate. Then I will explain why a Cassandra Echo would totally be the coolest thing ever! I'll put the Sophitia stuff in a spoiler tag. It's informative, so it's worth a read.

As we know, Soul Calibur is Siegfried's story, but other characters (Kilik/Sophitia/Xianghua/Ivy/Nightmare), have been given huge roles at times, and/or are heavily promoted (Mitsurugi/Taki/Sophitia). However, I could easily see Sophitia Alexandra getting in. Sophitia has a lot going for her in and out of her home series. She's a poster girl used in promotional material, she's popular, she's both an antagonist and protagonist, she's appeared in crossovers, she's the developer's go-to moveset like Ryu is for his series, etc. She's relevant enough to have two kids and her sister in the games; the former being the central characters of their game, and the latter representing the only physical connection to the old timeline (i.e. everything before the Soul Calibur 6 reboot). She's a well-intentioned extremist, and it's fitting that her likeness was used to portray the physical manifestation of Soul Calibur itself. The titular blade represents absolute order at all costs, which is Sophitia in a nutshell. Sophitia was one of the few to defeat Soul Edge (with some help from Taki) in canon. She's heavily featured in merchandising. Several reveal trailers use Sophitia's home stages and themes. For example, remember the reveal trailer and gameplay showcase trailers for Soul Calibur 6?

Being the wandering swordsman seeking strength type, I can see Mitsurugi getting in; dude is like Soul Calibur's equivalent to Ryu in that regard. However, gameplay-wise, Sophitia fills that role; throughout the series, we've had 4 different characters with movesets based off of her (Cassandra, Lizardman, Pat, and Pyrrha) and one that was planned but scrapped: Azola (who later made an appearance in SC4). Heck, even the Charades in Namco x Capcom had her moveset.

With that outta the way, let's move on to Cassandra (yay). Like Jin from Tekken, Cass was meant to be a legacy character that replaced her predecessor. However, like Kazuya Mishima, Sophitia was irreplaceable. Instead, we ended up with an additional sword and shield wielder in the series, and one of the best sibling duos in any fighting game series ever. In Soul Calibur, the Alexandra sisters can only fight against each other (at least simultaneously; I know KoF style Team Battles used to be a thing lol), but if we got them in Smash, people can do team matches with them for the first time in history. That's lowkey a dream of mine, fighting with my sister in Smash using sisters (and two we actually main and cherish, too!). I might post a video of our Cassandra vs. Sophitia matches because it's hilarious, especially because my little sister randomly smack talks in-character. Not only that, we've played the match-up so many times throughout the years, and understand the characters so well, we tend to Double-KO more often than not. There's a lot of clashing and hitting at the same time and stuff; it's intense. I can read Sophitia - and my actual sister - like an open book. The only way for a surefire win is resorting to childish mindgames like cracking jokes. As my sister puts it "it gets meta". I'm convinced Sophitia is petty and smug like my sister (even Sophitia's son inherited those traits), and each loss for them is a fun lesson in humility. That matchup feels like there's more at stake. And there is! Even when we're quiet and in the zone, the Alexandra sisters still have special interactions before, during, and after the match.

Cassandra is less disciplined in her fighting style and personality. She's sassy and precocious. She's a go-getter. Some of her insults are abnormally futuristic for her time, as well as her design. Cassandra has more of a rushdown playstyle. She doesn't care about strategy: she's all impulse. She's less telegraphed and she's more unpredictable. She is the Ken to Sophitia's Ryu. Naturally, she has her own fans because despite her superficial similarities to Soph; Cassandra is her own flavor of awesomeness. She's very girly and absurdly powerful. I mean... she literally destroyed Soul Calibur with her bare hands.

If they give Cassandra different grabs, animations, taunts, and make her a physically stronger and more aggressive at a cost, they can easily make her work with little adjustments. Even though she plays absolutely nothing like Sophitia nowadays, she started off as a clone. Ideally, Sophitia would borrow some of Cassandra's unique attacks (they're sisters; they can share!) because Cassandra is way more fun to use. For example, Cassandra throws her shield around like a discus, she rides on it like a sled, she uses it to B-word slap you a bunch of times in the face, and she attaches it to various parts of her body to bash people with it. There's a reason a ton of people dress her up like Captain America online: she gets VERY creative with that shield. Cassandra also has more wind, fire, and lightning based attacks. And so on. So yeah... if we get Sophitia, here's hoping that she actually borrows moves from Cassandra.

Moreover, Sophitia and Cassandra's story is a tragic tale that better illustrates the struggle between order and chaos than Nightmare and Sigfried, IMO, because it blurred lines, crossed others, and redefined good versus evil. Every action they took had a lingering consequence each game that eventually ended up transcending time and space! It showed the extreme lengths the two would go to protect loved ones. Magical swords and gods couldn't tell Cassandra what to do.

Cassandra is a woman who survived living in the Shadow Realm for an immeasurable amount of time until it nearly drove her mad, but what kept her going was sheer willpower and her love for her family. And in the end, the only thing powerful enough to stop Cassandra... was herself.

Fun fact: Cassandra's inclusion would double as a Valkyrie reference because she has donned the outfit before and she continues to wield her weapons even now.

Cassandra was also the main character in a mobile game spinoff.

Also, keep in mind that Cassandra is popular enough to be DLC in her home series (and one of the most popular Soul Calibur characters in general). Moreover, she's the only character from the original timeline who also made a physical appearance in the new reboot. She's extremely relevant to the plot now and is used as a bridge to every Soul Calibur game past and present. Cassandra is one of the few characters with knowledge to change the course of the entire series. She's also the dev's go-to character for comedy relief. For instance, Cassandra has the most joke weapons in the series, her bio has a running gag involving her (and Sophitia's) weight, and she was used to promote Soul Calibur 4 in this cutesy manga. And if that (uncanon) manga, her in-game special intro with Hilde, and Broken Destiny shenanigans is anything to go by, Cassandra is also an LGBT rep. More positive representation never hurts, right?

Tl;dr: I want her in Smash. She's a solid Bandai Namco rep who'd be paired with another one from an equally solid fighting game franchise. She can work as an Echo, and since she's radically different from Soph, she'd feel like her own thing akin to Ken/Ryu but way better.

I enjoy literally everything about her. Her personality. Her story. Her dialogue. How creative her moveset is. Her silliness. Her casual superhuman strength. Her rushdown playstyle. Her jumpy idle animation that brilliantly shows that pep in her step. Ev-ery-thing!

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Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Great to see a fellow Cassandra supporter! :)

Alas I feel bad for the little description I left in the initial post. But I really felt I did not had much to write about, since I feel Sophitia is the one who has more history with SC. And Cassandra deserves better.

At the time I did the post, of course I had no idea if Cassandra was going to return or not to SCVI. Glad to see her finally back! And sadly Sakurai said that no echo character would be part of the DLC, which made me felt I had to place all the eggs in the Sophitia basket. But Sakurai keeps saying one thing after the other, and hopefully we get both!

Though right now I feel Cassandra has better chances than her older sister as she dresses in a more conservative way most of the time.

Anyway, can´t promise you much for now to change the first post but to add you into the support list, along with that other user who appeared in the Sophitia thread.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
We aren't getting Echoes this pass, but more DLC is announced. I'm sure that they're gonna be a thing eventually. I mean... Sumi from Persona 5 is a likely Joker Echo that had data in the files, for example.

As for Cassandra, she's a very prominent character now. Like I mentioned, she's aware of and was used as a physical connection to the old timeline (i.e. the games before the reboot). She now represents the series past and has the knowledge to shape its future. Being related to a different prominent character doesn't hurt.

But I wouldn't count Sophitia out, especially because of her outfit. I hope to get both of them as well. It'd feel wrong getting one Alexandra sister over the other. Especially now that Echoes are a thing and they're perfect for it like Ryu and Ken. In Soul Calibur, the two can only fight each other (at least simultaneously; I know KoF style Team Battles used to be a thing lol), but if we got them in Smash, people can do team matches with them for the first time in history. That's lowkey a dream of mine, fighting with my sister in Smash using a sister team (and with characters we actually main, too!).


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Not sure if you can check my old youtube videos, in it I said that an idea was for Sophie and Cassandra to be a tag team, alike the Pokemon owned by PKMN trainer. Other was something alike the Ice Climbers, but that would be harder.

Darn it! I was working on a better entry for the first post, and as I was working with it, I close the tab by accident! This is another reason why at times I am not here, working on something, something happens and it is discouraging to lose what you have worked on it. Need to catch my breath to re-work on it.
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Night Gale

Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2019
Cassandra is inferior to Sophitia in every way except for her old Versus Screen taunts.

Sign me up though because I need this betch like Mario needs Luigi.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Sorry for taking too long, but had no keyboard for about a week and took advantage of a Best Buy offer to finally have another.

Too keep talking on this, I have always felt that Nicholle Tom could had played Cassandra in live action SC movies, as back when she was on The Nanny she looked a lot like our favorite feisty blonde warrior.


So any suggestions on how to make more noise on Cassandra and her sister?

Night Gale

Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2019
Cassandra always reminded me of Gabrielle from Xena.

Oddly enough, fighting game characters don't get much support on this website.
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Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Well Tom´s character physically reminds me of Cassandra, but Gabrielle has much her attitude.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Guys, you should check my post on the Sophitia thread, about a plan on how to give attention to Mr. Harada on Sophitia in Smash Bros.

While yes, this is the Cassandra thread; similar as the Smash poll, we should concentrate on a single character, to not bother Mr. Harada much as he in a way has said to not bother him much on Smash characters.

And as we say here in Mexico, I am placing all of my eggs in the Sophitia basket; but I suggest for KatKit and all of the main Cassandra supporters, to do the same in sending Twitter messages to Mr. Harada on Cassandra.

I love both Sophitia and Cassandra, and if we get them as skins or echoes it would be even greater. But in order to not annoy our targets, we need to focus on respect and quality.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Look, after the inclusion of the Minecraft characters in Smash Bros and how Nintendo wrecked my original Switch unit instead of repairing it, I do not care for Smash Bros nor gaming anymore as I will no longer give of my money to any company if they keep making bad decisions.

So if someone wants this support thread, you can have it.

Without respect, we reject. Stay angry.
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