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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2014
This is one of the more narcissistic and bizarre places online I've ever been to--full of people obsessed about an obscure character in a video game, but I must admit this thread has been like a car accident I can't resist looking at as I drive past. At least if Ridley isn't in, we have more amazing Samus alts now. Hopefully she's actually good again.
You're complaining about us being obsessed with an obscure character yet you have Ness as an Avatar.

Anyways, our time has come brothers. The moment where we fly or fall. Remember: No crying until the end.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
This is it, folks. Be it Ridley's success or failure, it's been a pleasure speculating with you all.

See you on the flipside!

Jerry Applesauce

Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2014
The Internet
Alright, guys, I've been away for a while. Gonna stop by here on last time. Let's all agree that no matter what happens regarding Ridley in the next few days, that we'll all be big bois about it, aight?


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
This is one of the more narcissistic and bizarre places online I've ever been, but I must admit this thread has been like a car accident I can't resist looking at as I drive past.
Dude, this ain't the Count of Monte Cristo and the Chateau d'If for Pete's sakes...


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
One last post before the truth comes out


I want him but I no longer expect him.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
Bandwagoning! yeahhh! Chu Chuuuu! Will write in a comfortable and ridleylike shade of lillyac :3 EDIT: tagging @AuraShaman so if you ever want to compile this stuff will be easier

• Has the speculation really been worth it?
Yes, I mean, the important thing of speculation is that Ridley have been centerstage in a way characters like Krool or Isaac could only dream of. and the important thing is that even neutral people think that it would be a good addition. Metroid lovers obviously support Ridley98% of teh timje for various reasons, but when a character starts being important outside of its franchise, is that it can start looking as a real Nintendo all-star.

• Will Ridley's inclusion be justified?
Yeah, he is ok with the 3 criteria that a character need to have (some character only have 2 or even one)
-Popular as ****.
-Representative of a important part of Nintendo.
-Potential for a unique gameplay and moveset.

• What would the ratio be between people who will like him and hate him if he's confirmed?
Laughable, i'm pretty sure more than 70% of "detractors" are peole that are trying an easy attempt to "troll" and in reality they couldn't care less if Ridley is in or out, other 25% are people that are just bandwagoning, and once playing with Ridley became the cool thing to do, they will bandwagon that.

• Was it unprofessional on Nintendo's part to not clear the confusion when they had the perfect opportunity to do so?
Normally won't, because 80% of the speculation was fan based (as you noted i love making up % :p) but since they choose to clear teh confusion on things that were even more obvious than Ridley, and had plenty of chances to do it in a very clean way, it would make Ridley the exception... again. Certainly would have been a mistake from Nintendo, not the first mind you.

• Do you think it would be worth showing your displeasure with Nintendo?
Nah, is more productive showing how much of a playable Ridley would be an amazing idea (not with movesets, that can be easily designed by professionals, but with concepts) than whining, people tend to ignore excessive whining.

• Do you think him being a Wii U-exclusive stage boss is really worth complaining about?
Frankly Boss Ridley is equal to no Ridley. I don't think it would be that outlandish to make him playable DLC and implement either a thoughful solution or a half assed one to pyrosphere boss... in fact, is even a problem that needs to be adressed? i mean, we have 2 marios and 2 pits! and brawl even had 2 ridleys! do a closer to supermetroid playable Ridley and it even will make sense in the cannon!

• Should DLC be made if he's not playable after the false hype people have made of it?
DLC done right would be an excellent idea and help a lot smash, (I think that the best way would be a single upgrade like Ultra SFIV) And Ridley will be the number one popularity newcomer, even if not all newcomers need to be popular, at least one will be.

• Would you forgive Sakurai for turning a blind eye towards the Ridley fanbase?
If he really couldn't figure how to ridley, i even prefer him not doing ridley that doing a half assed attempt, look at ganondorf. it was the teasing and the downgrade to piñata to irk me a little. but as somebody pointed out, he can put the characters he really think would be best for the game all he wants, and frankly the character are looking amazing. If DLC happens though, i think Sakurai will be way less involved, so Ridley will certainly be a hot topic.

• Would you question your point of view if he isn't playable?
Not completly sure what this does mean.. i've always left a wide margin of doubt so i'm certainly prepared to the worst (hey 25% is a wide margin, ok?)

• What does Ridley represent in your eyes?
Outside of a great popular character and very unique, it represent Nintendo remembering that is more than mario and pokemon, Starfox, DKC and Metroid have been important parts of gaming history even outside of nintendo so thsi series get shafted is a little sad (well, maybe starfox is more niche though, but points stands DO A BARREL ROLL!)

• Why do you want Ridley playable?

uhm, why not? but mostly because I like his design, I like Metroid and I like most of the concepts he could pull off. in my eyes he certainly will be a very mobile aerial zoner (don't confuse with ranger) but weak to rushdown, and it's game would revolve in keeping teh enemy in his sweetspots and confort zones (Imagine a big Marth with tail and wings and jigglypuffness, and a pinch of bowser with command grab)

• Do you think your reason is fair/non-biased?
The gameplay reasons are certainly not

• What do you think of the fans?

Very big fanbase, which means we have a little of everything, but so far in smash boards at least the fanbase have kept their positive points. I have to admit that i have cringed a little with some posts though...

• Do you wish for all character requests to be treated equally, and not be taken on face/personality value?

There ALWAYS will be a bias, we only can hope that the view of the source fo that bias is the most wide posible.

Does Smash truly deserve a playable Ridley after all these years? After fifteen years of desperation, redemption, and unfair prejudice from the detractors?

Nah, he is to big for smash, we only quintuplied the other support threads (and have been always in the top in other smash speculation), nobody cares, give me some king boo, daisy and petey piranha, oh and neutral passive pit. I would certainly love them. [/sarcasm]. I think the niche and not so niche nintendo series shouldhave 3 interesting characters at least, FE is ok, Starfox with wolf was ok, give me something DK and Ridley and i would be happy, the rest should be more obscure series such as golden sun. Oh, and mewtwo, because, is friggin mewtwo!, i mean, mewtwo...
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God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
If I could just ask, is there a leak thread for this guy providing us pictures currently, and would we not be better suited to discuss the leaks there and stick to only Ridley here?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2014
St. Louis, MO
Switch FC
Oh, God. It's happening. Ridley, I'm always pulling for you. Never give up! Never give in! I have faith in you. :)


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Guys, keep this Ridley related. No leaks until it's Ridley related. Yes, leaks are happening right now.


Smash Cadet
Sep 7, 2014
God damn it that fake Ridley leak from Neogaf made my heart skip a beat, the hype might actually kill me.
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fka president wario
Aug 26, 2014
Good news: Multiple people seem to have the game so news about Ridley should be here soon at this rate.


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
• Has the speculation really been worth it?
I can't say I haven't enjoyed myself.
I've had a ton a fun and time dedicated to speculation. It's been a ride, certainly. Ups and downs everywhere
• Will Ridley's inclusion be justified?
Hell yes.
• What would the ratio be between people who will like him and hate him if he's confirmed?
Once they see Ridley in action, people are going to switch sides. It happens with every reveal; Ridley will not be an exception.
• Was it unprofessional on Nintendo's part to not clear the confusion when they had the perfect opportunity to do so?
• EDIT: Do you think it would be worth showing your displeasure with Nintendo?
• Do you think him being a Wii U-exclusive stage boss is really worth complaining about?
After not stating it outright when I'm sure they know that many people think he still might not be a boss? It's certainly warranted, but I can't say anything would be accomplished by complaining though
• Should DLC be made if he's not playable after the false hype people have made of it?
I don't see why not.
• Would you forgive Sakurai for turning a blind eye towards the Ridley fanbase?
I will say I would continue to purchase games he directs. I would say, however, that his way of going about showing Ridley "off" is absolutely ludicrous.
• Would you question your point of view if he isn't playable?
Eh, you win some you lose some.
• What does Ridley represent in your eyes?
The character that deserves to be playable more than any other character. He part of the representation of Metroid, one of the most historic video game franchises there are, he represents the thousands of people that want him playable, and he represents a "war" that has gone on for far too long.
• Why do you want Ridley playable?
A better question would be "why is Ridley my most wanted character?"
The following is from Rate Their Chances:
I'll be honest, I've never completed a Metroid game. Heck, up until I played (But didn't complete) Super Metroid a year or two ago I had never even played a Metroid game. The series never interested me, bar my recent urge to try out the previously mentioned Super and, more recently, Prime. (Though I've only played about an hour of each.) However, even before I've ever touched a Metroid game, Ridley was my most wanted character for these games.
Up until 2011 I wasn't into speculation. I didn't really care what characters we got, I just kinda rolled with it. Ridley was the first character I legitimately supported and was the character that basically introduced me to this whole community. (Granted, back then it was just one single thread, but once character threads started popping up it really got moving.) So despite not having any attachment to the Metroid franchise as a whole, I do have much attachment to Ridley. And that goes into my first reason for wanting him: the satisfaction of seeing the first character I ever actually supported finally get his time to shine.
Another reason I want Ridley is to see his increasingly large hatebase finally get what-for. I like to see those that have personally insulted my views get what's coming to them when it's as something as arbitrary and, in the grand scheme of things, as insignificant as characters in a video game. This is the lesser of the reasons I will present, but I can't say it's not a reason either, so I still present it.
But now onto the actual reason I began supporting Ridley to begin with.
When I look for character that I want to see playable, the biggest thing I look for is if that character is important enough in their franchise and Nintendo as whole. If they're an "All-Star" if you want to call it that. Smash, the way I see it, is supposed to take these "All-Stars" and pit them against each other. The Smash roster is a list of Nintendo's finest. The greats, representative of big aspects of the world of this company that we all love. The way I see it, there is no character that should be included but hasn't yet more than Ridley.
Ridley, the main antagonist of the critically acclaimed Metroid franchise. A character that's existed since the NES days. A character as important to Metroid as Ganon(dorf) is to Zelda, if not even more-so. A character so ingrained in lore that the main character herself would not even be the character we know without his integral part in the backstory.
This huge franchise sets Ridley up as this incredibly important piece of this picture. Samus' mortal enemy that robbed her of everyone she knew, and set her up for the path that we were introduced to in the original game way back when.
The fact that such an important and long lasting character from such an important and long lasting franchise, an "All-Star" if you will, hasn't been included, at the time of learning all of this, astounded this 'ere new speculator. I read through the other character threads as well, granted. King K. Rool had my support. As did Mega Man, Little Mac, Mewtwo, what have you. But Ridley, was, is, and will always be at the top of my list. That is, until he's finally included.
I will reiterate my thoughts, and I care not if you disagree: of the characters that have not yet been playable in Super Smash Bros, there is no character more worthy of inclusion than Ridley.
• Do you think your reason is fair/non-biased?
I was indifferent towards all of speculation before Ridley. There was no character I specifically "wanted" before Ridley I'd say that means something, so, yeah, it's fair.
• EDIT: What do you think of the fans?
The fans...
Some may act childish, lash at every little thing, grasp at straws on a daily basis, make some of the most ludicrous posts I've seen, but...
The fans, this little community here... It's wonderful. I've loved my time here. I would never ask any of the fans here to stop coming to this thread. Everyone here is just...amazing. You're all some of the most dedicated fans of a character I've seen, and it's really something, to say the least.
Just... I love this thread...and everyone here... :)
• EDIT: Do you wish for all character requests to be treated equally, and not be taken on face/personality value?
I don't really understand the question...
and lastly...

Does Smash truely deserve a playable Ridley after all these years? After fifteen years of desperation, redemption, and unfair prejudice from the detractors?
of the characters that have not yet been playable in Super Smash Bros, there is no character more worthy of inclusion than Ridley.

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
You *******. Either you believe in Ridley or you don't. There is no apologizing when the Judgement Day is already here! IT WILL BE TOO LATE.

Can someone dig up that Spongebob spoof ridley celebration video? The one where they're performing that song


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2014
If this is truly the night where it all ends, I just wanna say that I love this thread and everything in it. It's been a long ride for all of us, and if it does end here, I'm proud to say I supported Ridley through it all. Stay strong, brothers, and long live Ridley!


Smash Cadet
Jun 27, 2013
Well looks like Ridley's fate will be known real soon. This is absolutely exhilarating and terrifying all at once.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
That fake Ridley picture was awful. Playing with people's emotions just for fun sucks :(
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