Hm... I'm gonna open up a bit because I'm bored right now and I'm avoiding studying. I'm going to be a college senior next year and I've never had a girlfriend before. I have a strange tendency to push away women who get too close to me, with horrible reasons behind doing it. Its not that no woman has ever been interested in me, far from it actually. Every new semester/school year there are always 1-2 girls, usually in my classes, that I know are interested but I always dodge their advances and convince myself that I don't really have the time to get involved with someone that I only minimally feel attracted to. I lack the self-confidence to actually get a girl that I consider is "worth" giving up my free time for, and I always make some excuse as to why some other girl that is interested in me isn't actually "worth" giving my free time up.
Its taken me years to realize that I've been forcibly pushing away all the women that get close to me while simultaneously lamenting my lack of a relationship. Now that I've realized that, I still have one girl interested in me that I communicate with on and off. But there is yet another problem with that. I'm looking for a relationship that is encompassing, meaning emotional and physical. But this girl is the saving-for-marriage religious type (which is often the type interested in me) so I know that I can't get everything I'm looking for in a relationship if I start something with her. So I guess my question is, should I just bite the bullet and date this girl despite me knowing its not going to become what I'm looking for, or should I wait and just see if I can find someone else in my other classes coming up?
I don't know whether its more important right now to rid myself of this "pushing women away" mentality as soon as possible by getting a relationship or if I should take the risk and try to wait it out for something "better" down the line (which, btw, is one of the biggest justifications I've used for pushing women away in the past, thus my hesitation of doing it again). Its kinda complicated for me, and I'm sure it makes me come off as an *** (trust me, I'm not trying to be), but I'm just not sure what I should do at this point.