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The PCT Tiering Project


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Now, batch 1-1(the ones that have STAYED unedited) has yet to properly be tiered, so I'll give suggestions and hope I get responses so we can finally change the tier list.

Bastiodon- UU
I've seen very little Bastiodon, but from what I've seen, he can be a pain with decent HP, solid rock, instant recovery and Yawn, however, with his terrible weaknesses to Ground and Fighting (which are ever-so-common), he's got the Aggron Dilemma. Great stats, great movepool, terrible weaknesses holding him back. So, with little usage and his large weaknesses, I say Bastiodon has only barely crawled out of NU.

Typhlosion- NU
His changes have done nothing to help him. All he has over Heatran is that it has the bulk to take an Earth Power and beat out other Trans. This isn't a reason to use him. I can't even remember seeing more than 1 or 2 instances of Typhlosion uses. He hasn't accomplished anything, NU.

Jumpluff- BL
This little bugger is BL for the same reason Breloom was BL in Gen III even though it was as mediocre as it was. It's an annoying ****er. Scarfed it can cripple walls with Trick, it can outspeed almost the entire metagame and spore it to sleep, it can team support with Leech seed and scout with U-Turn, there's tons of reasons to use it... but nobody actually does. Without anyone using it, it stays BL.

Explous- UU
Not really sure about this one. It has all the moves it could ever want.... not the greatest stats though, nor does it really have a chance to shine with something that always outclasses it in that particular boost. I haven't seen much of it because of this, but with Dragon Dance and decent stats it's not staying NU.

Luxray- UU
Electivire of UU, nuff said. Even with Volt Tackle, Electivire and Jolteon outclass it, Lux finally has the power, but his speed holds him back, it's hard enough to get him in on an electric move, and it still doesn't help enough. He can still tear through Milotic down there though, which I guess is nice.

Electrode- OU
Steeeeeeeeeeeeeealth Roooooooooooooooooooooock

Rampardos- BL
A little bit of Rampy usage, but with what is easily in the top 10 of worst defensive typings in the entire game, he gets ***** by any scarfer with a good speed stat or priorty user. I don't know how Rampy would fare in UU, but he looks like he would just tear **** apart after an RP, so I'll play it safe with BL.

Sharpedo- OU
Man, this guy is like, the new Scizor so much it's not even funny.
Anyone that has used Sharpedo or went against Sharpedo knows this.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Some will object to Jumpluff and Rampardos, but I agree with everything he has posted. During the next balance patch, Typholsion will need work.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
In 2 days from now I'm leaving for a trip.
In 8 days from now I'll be back from said trip.

You all have that time to discuss this, I want at least batch 1-1 on updated tiers.

I'm also putting Calderan and Lilibelle in OU, putting Zook in BL.
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