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The old Crystallion is BACK!


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Link to original post: [drupal=1206]The old Crystallion is BACK![/drupal]

Hey there,

It's possible people won't remember me. I had started a thread a few months ago in which I posted my depressed thoughts...about school, about my boyfriend, yada yada yada.

I was pretty depressed because everything seemed to go downhill for me: I failed school and couldn't go back and my bf was acting like a douche supreme.

Anyway, I should probably explain what change has been going on in the depths of my soul last Sunday. But first a bit of history to go with it:
When the relationship with my boyfriend was still quite a new thing, he wanted to watch "The Breakfast Club" with me.
So we did...I didn't understand the movie at all. And as I recall now, I think it scares me a bit.

Also, this movie was kind of a connection to the good old days I still enjoyed with him.

I started listening to the ending theme on my computer a few times and it made me sad that we weren't as close as we were back then.

But THEN, an epiphany! When I listened to the song one more time, I started to feel better, it lifted my spirits because...however I feel now about our relationship, it was a good thing that happened, it made me happy that I could remember such sweet memories.

And now, I feel like nobody can stop me. Also, I've got school again, for three months, then I can work at the current job I'm having. Great!

TL;DR: I'm BACK, BABY! I'm happy again!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2009
Between a rock and a smog place
I don't remember you, as I've just recently joined, but it's good to hear you're doing well. Sorry if this seems sorta random, I just happened to be browsing the boards, saw this, and I couldn't help but feel happy for you. Relationships can really make or break a person's overall happiness, glad to see it's helped make yours.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
Hey girl welcome back! I'm glad you are feeling better, keep your spirits up :) . I hope things keep goin up for you!

I've never seen The Breakfast Club.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Sorry for the double post.

But...somehow, I guess, I'm glad that I made some sort of lasting impression on people (I'm not one to be noticed). Once again, thank you for your kindness.

What I REALLY appreciate is that in the last few days, I've been on a new high which is very unusual. Also, if something bad happens, I start to care less about that and instead wait for something good (or I can draw something good out of the bad).

It seems like I've found a bit of...what's it called? Optimism, yeah, that's it. =D I feel renewed, refreshed and I hope this will keep up for a while now...till a certain someone breaks my spirit again >_> But let's not hope for it.

Thank you all, I will let you know if something happened in this thread here. ^^


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
That's good to hear, hope it keeps going like that for you!
I hope nobody causes you to feel down again, and if someone does well then you don't need that person around.

Deleted member

I do remember the name Crystallion.....

Wait, you're a girl? lol @ myself


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
I do remember the name Crystallion.....

Wait, you're a girl? lol @ myself
I can already hear the collective "OMG A gurl on teh intarwebz! Gurls don exits!" (very old) joke xD
But yes, I am

And thanks mzinkk, you are hired as my personal assassin. Weapon is your choice ^^


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Lol people still don't think girls are on here...there's like 30...

Anyways, I saw you in the PRoom a few times.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Well looky here, me133(7) welcomed me ;P I swear I know you...where could I have seen you again? (/irony)


My bf makes it a little bit hard for me to like him. To be honest, I think he's got ADD, that would make so much sense, but I will never know because he'll never go to a psychiatrist.

Anyway, if I ever break up with him, then I'd like to get a boyfriend who does NOT have ADD because I absolutely can't tolerate these people anymore; I should know, my stepdad has ADD and lately, he's been such a huge jerk that I never want to see him ever again. We've read so many books about it and it describes him perfectly.
It sounds like an extreme generalization to say that I can't tolerate them, but my psychiatrist told me these people are generally all the same, so it's really not. (I trust him on this matter, what would be the point of not trusting the one who brings a bit of insight in your own soul?)

Anyway, I'm sick and tired of this crap, and it's pretty funny, because my Asperger's and my bf's (possible) ADD just don't go hand in hand, the two are constantly bickering (although he's the one who always gets the ball rolling). A bit sad, don't you think?

I hope this new high won't be a temporary phase, these kinds of things tend to just disappear into thin air >_>

EDIT: I might have offended people with ADD. I'm really sorry, this is just based off of my own experience, my frustrating experience, so don't take it personally. I'm sure we would get along, but I'm kind of biased there.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Spackeradder says:
Crystallion is out of her depression.
Fawriel says:
And still alive. That means she WON!
Fawriel says:
Give her a medal to commemorate the occasion. DO IT!
Fawriel says:
Give it to her in the name of both of us, too.

*gives you the medal*
Welcome to the elite level. I will join you too, one day!
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