Lucatora for the win? I think that Starstorm looks cool and I'm hoping that it deals crazy damage (or turns everybody it hits into Bowser - imagine that!) but, like most people here, I would have much rather that he had PK LOVE or Drago. I guess Lucas must be seen as a representative of Mother 3, not just as an individual character. He's not in Mother 3 as just 'Lucas', he's there as Lucas, Claus, Kumatora, Duster, Salsa, etc. Something like that. Obviously though, he's more just Lucas + Kumatora, therefore he's Lucatora!
Also, as for PK LOVE having nothing to do with actual love, that's debateable. You're asked to write in what your favorite thing is and the defaut, thus Lucas' official favorite thing, is love. I took PK Kiai/Rocking/Love/etc. as a sort of focus for this attack. It's like, Ness/Lucas focus on this favorite thing of theirs and their emotional attachment to that thing is what powers the attack. I guess Japanese Ness likes to yell a lot (err, is there another meaning to 'Kiai' that I don't know of?) and American Ness likes to, umm, rock out? Lucas, however, is clearly a man after some love. A large part of his character development comes from his love towards his mother. It's throughout the whole game. Don't hate the PK LOVE. It's all about the love.