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The Official GA Vocab thread(Updated: Gerbil. Falcon Xif)


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
This thread is to help and assist OOS smashers that come to GA and attempt to have a conversation with GA smashers, but would also like to know wtf they are talking about when they scream out stuff like "g-g-g-g-gerbil cancel!" or "This place smells like prac".

Prac terms


a. Excrement
b. ****
c. A GA smasher that lives in Columbus

When I first saw how racist Handorin was, the first thing I wanted to do was to take a huge prac down his throat and then **** his mom.

E-Praculation Device
a. A device used to store and hold prac. This can be anything from a regular cup(where only up to 2 pracs can be held) to an entire toilet(Where an unlimited amount of pracs can be contained).

When SleepyK needed to take a huge prac, he grabbed the nearest praculation device and took a huge prac in the car.

a. A hotel or rest stop where you can take a prac, then take a nap.

Mike G was very sleepy but at the same time needed to take a huge prac. So he stopped by the nearest Prac-n-Nap and took care of all of his problems.

Premature E-Praculation
a. When your taking a prac, but it just is'nt coming out.
b. A flatus expelled through the anus

Soft had the feeling he needed to take a prac, so he went into the local praculation facilities, only to find out that it was only premature praculation.

Practation Facilities

a. A place where you can take a prac. These contain anywhere from a nearby tree to a entire toilet(for the rich people).

Once Full Metal arrived home from his long trip to VLS, he went straight to his local practation facilities and took a huge prac.

a. The act of getting easy brackets/pools in a tournament.

At Get 4 Stocked Four, Prac was able to place 5th after receiving lots of prackets. After being asked about such an easy bracket/pool, his response was "I did'nt have easy brackets! I had to fight KOKingpin!"

When Xif found out his pools for VLS, he thought he had just gotten some good prackets(His pool was ChaosInfernal11, Reno, Spawn, Velocity, Elen, Kiwii and Woz). But then he got g-g-g-g-g-gerbil canceled when he got to the tournament and saw his pool(which included Kirbstir, Hyuga, Eggm, etc etc).

Non-Prac terms

a. the stimulation or manipulation of one's own genitals, esp. to orgasm; sexual self-gratification.

In the car ride to VLS, we caught Chillinxif clearly Xiffin-it under his blanket. He was Xiffin-it so fast we could'nt tell which direction he was going.

g-g-g-g-g-gerbil cancel
a. The act of getting hard pools/brackets in a tournament
b. Not making it out of pools because someone was unable to count(or so you believed..)

PB&J got completely g-g-g-g-g-gerbil cancelled at G4S4 when he thought he made it out of pools(His score was 7-7), but instead he did not because Gerbil comes out of no where and tells him Tropical Taco had a better score than him(Who's score was 7-6).

alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha
a. A GA smasher who lives in Columbus
b. The act of saying this dude's name for no reason.

When one person says the name Alpha, everyone else for some unknown reason follows and starts repeating his name over and over again "alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha".

Fun Canceling
a. When your fun is completely canceled out.

Marty was having lots of fun beating on people in teams along with Tong at AWA, but he got completely fun canceled when he found out Tong was not such a great partner.

Grape Drink
a. Sugar. Water. Purple. Good.

Grape Drink is the energy supply of every black GA smasher.

Dream Canceling
a. A technique used in king of fighters XI
b. MLK Jr. getting shot

The guy who shot MLK Jr. totally dream canceled him to the extreme.

Lava Combo

a. Getting combo'ed off of the acid/lava on brinstar. Made famous by Reflex, the bowser main when GA Carter was getting bounced off the lava and got like 80% damage, then Reflex did a f-smash when he bounced up in front of him and won the match.

Get'em in the LAVA COMBO!!

Sweet DI
a. A term used to describe Laijin's DI abilities. Developed during the Laijin.wmv made by Wes about 4 years ago.

Everytime PB&J sees Laijin, he always goes "Sweet DI Laijin!"

Terry Bogard
a. R U OK!?
d. Geese
e. Kick back!
f. Changing!

Xif got totally bustah wolfed at AWA by Terry Bogard. He flew back about 10ft and screamed out "Arrgggh~!". SleepyK has the video

Real Talk

a. The truth. Factual information. Can also be used to back up a sentence

SleepyK sees Eugene drinking some grape drink:

"ohh snap grape drink! Oh Im bout to straight up kill this ***** man for some ****ing grape drink, cuz im SleepyK and I'm a racist chink, now dats real talk!"

Falcon Xif:
a. When you Falcon Punch someone in a match, friendly or tournament or money match or MLG Finals, you must pause the game, announce to everyone that you are the greatest smash bros player that ever lived (you may paraphrase), and then continue the match. Xif is allowed to do this because GAWes falcon punched him in tournament with about 700 people watching and has not yet emotionally recovered.

After getting Falcon Punched by GAWes so many times in one match, Xif became sad and came up with the Falcon Xif.

Pulling a Sunchaser

a. The act of making an unbelievable comeback
(I don't think anyone in GA actually uses this term)

Midsouth/GA/Atlantic South Smashers[/B]

SleepyK: The most racist chink you will ever meet in your life.

Handorin: The most racist person you will ever meet in your life. If this dude ever comes to a GA tournament, he will get the prac beat out of him, his mom will get gangbanged by every black smasher in GA, he will then get shanked really badly. After all of that, every black GA smasher will use his throat as a practation device and proceed to prac down his throat. Once that is over, his ***** will then be chopped off and the hole made from his chopped off ***** will be used as second practation device. His body will then be consumed by hungry lions, as every black GA smasher will stand and watch this happen while laughing really hard.
Don't ever come to a GA tourney, Handorin.

GAWes: Moved to England. Inventor of the GA smash community.

Marty: The funniest guy you will ever meet in your life. He tells the best stories ever.

Xif: Chillindude

Chillindude: Xif

Laijin: Lai-jonz

Gerbil: A Fox player in GA. This guy ALWAYS gets the first post on pretty much all Atlantic South threads, and even a lot of threads not out of AS. Which means when your not on Smashboards, Gerbil is on Smashboards. When your on Smashboards, Gerbil is probably online too looking for new threads. When your ****ing your girlfriend, Gerbil is on Smashboards looking for new threads. When your taking a huuge prac from eating so **** much cause your a fat ***, Gerbil is on SWF claiming the first post on a newly created thread.

Somasu: A GAY Fox player who thinks he is better than Gerbil.
He is also known as being the Hiroshi/Bailey of GA.

PB&J: The most inconsistent smasher ever. He beats Chiilindude in pools at VLS 2-0, but then loses to everyone else.
Wow..Evan. Good job.

MarsFool!: A ganondorf player who runs completely off of Chicken Nuggets.

Green Mario: This dude lives in Florida. He thinks Mario's overalls on his green costume are orange when they are CLEARLY BROWN.

Mike Gorrilla: An old, retired smasher who invented Peach. He has a really big ***** and used to live in NY.

Iori: Some dude who mains Mewtwo.

Nite: Falco main. Lives in TN.

North Florida: Those smashers seem to come to more GA tournaments than they do FL tournaments.

GPC: Georgia Perimeter College. They make up about 70% of the smashers in GA.

Chadddd: A ganondorf main who has a really good talent of getting everyone to hate him.

C@sh Mooney:

lemme put it this way, i live in newcastle england, my friend ed knows who cash mooney is, but has never heard of korean dj or jiano, now thats ****in fame
An actual picture of Sarah Gao coming out of the shower.[/COLOR]

yeah man, that sarah gao combo is just too much
The Sarah Gao combo is series of f-smashes all chained together. The f-smash she does is like a wall you can't get passed. Tong himself understood how impossible it is to stop the Sarah Gao combo is was immediately 4 stocked by this beast of a woman.

Mike: About half of the GA smashers in GA will respond to this name, because..that is their actual name. A short list of the more well known mikes in GA include but are not limited to:
Mike Carter
Mike 112
Mike Bucheit
Mike Gorrilla
Mike Ares


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I'm pretty sure Eugene is the funniest guy ever though. He is also the one who made the first "prac" joke.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Sweet, Im second on the Midsouth/GA/Atlantic South Smashers list.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I expect this to be updated in a regular fashion, so that it can accurately reflect how awesome this community is.


Smash Rookie
Aug 30, 2007
I'm pretty sure Eugene is the funniest guy ever though. He is also the one who made the first "prac" joke.
eugene and i run pretty close in being funny. i think i edge him out with the stories i tell, though. eugene and i = best comedic team ever. eugene, green mario, and i = world explosion

P.S. - this is GA Peach on my friend Brandon's account


Smash Ace
Aug 18, 2006
a. The act of getting easy brackets/pools in a tournament.

At Get 4 Stocked Four, Prac was able to place 5th after getting pracketed. After being asked about such an easy bracket/pool, his response was "I did'nt have easy brackets! I had to fight KOKingpin!"

When Xif found out his pools for VLS, he thought he had just gotten a pracket. His pool was ChaosInfernal11, Reno, Spawn, Velocity, Elen, Kiwii and Woz). But then he got g-g-g-g-g-gerbil canceled when he got to the tournament and saw his pool(which included Kirbstir, Hyuga, Eggm, etc etc).

IMO the term "prackets" is supposed to be used the same way the word "brackets" is used, just it means easy brackets.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
a. The act of getting easy brackets/pools in a tournament.

At Get 4 Stocked Four, Prac was able to place 5th after getting pracketed. After being asked about such an easy bracket/pool, his response was "I did'nt have easy brackets! I had to fight KOKingpin!"

When Xif found out his pools for VLS, he thought he had just gotten a pracket. His pool was ChaosInfernal11, Reno, Spawn, Velocity, Elen, Kiwii and Woz). But then he got g-g-g-g-g-gerbil canceled when he got to the tournament and saw his pool(which included Kirbstir, Hyuga, Eggm, etc etc).

IMO the term "prackets" is supposed to be used the same way the word "brackets" is used, just it means easy brackets.
In my own defense i normally beat both tong and Prac.....

everyone loses sometimes...

btw good stuff laijin


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
In my own defense i normally beat both tong and Prac.....

everyone loses sometimes...

btw good stuff laijin
In my own defense, we've only ever played twice. Once at my first tournament ever, and then the tournament where I got a "pracket" and wound up playing moogle, KO, Alpha, Chad, and Carter.

"Sweet DI, laijin" needs to be added
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