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The North Carolina Brawl Power Rankings! (Update 7/29, with pictures)

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Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
Brawl is slowly getting very competitive here in NC, PICTURES and all of those who look at this list from time to time should take note that things will be changing on here pretty often.

NC now has an awesome tourney system now, so we may slow down on how many tournies are required for updates, PICTURESbut things will go smoothly and as fairly as possible.

And now I present the official North Carolina PICTURES Brawl Power Rankings!

Tournies used this time were: Stongertron 09 and HERB 2. If you need me to get the threads, PP will cause I'm lazy and it's surprising I took the time to fix this with pictures in the first place.

The List and Pictures

1. Dr Peepee /

2. Stingers /

2. NC-Echo /

4. Ragnar0k /

5. Lord Karn /

6. Shady Penguin /

7. Duo /

8. Mitsurugi /

9. Keith /

10. Flamingo /

Honorable mentions:

skilled, but with various and sundry reasons not to be on this:

Sushi Man(inactive but estimated 1st place)/
Pyrospark(for his exceptional performance at HERB 2)/

Well, there you have it. As always, if you don't like the way this list looks, go out and fix it!

Jump on it, Catfish!


1. Dr Peepee(Marth)
2. Stingers(ROB/MK)
3. Lord Karn(ROB/Snake/MK/Marth/Wario/wtf)
4. Duo(Fox)
5. Shady Penguin(Snake/DDD LOOOOOOL)
6. Zero(Lucario)
7. Ragnar0k(Donkey Kong)
8. Mitsurugi(MK/Wolf)
9. Keith(Snake)
10. Jon(Falco)

Honorable mentions:

skilled, but with various and sundry reasons not to be on this:

LDPK, KillerSOS, Flamingo, NC-Echo

1. Dr Peepee(Marth)
2. NC-Echo(Olimar/DDD)
3. Legendary Pikachu(Pikachu)
4. Lord Karn(Marth/Wario) SHUT DA HAYUL UP
5. LoZR(Wario/Meta Knight)
6. KillerSOS(Olimar/DDD)
7. Ragnar0k(Donkey Kong)
8. Zero Gamer(Lucario)
9. Stingers135(ROB)
10. Flamingo(Meta Knight)

Honorable mentions:

In alphabetical order:

Dub, Gauvin, Keith, THO


Mar 16, 2007
I'm holding up for all those MK PICTURES to sift their way to the top, like the rest of the country.

Y'know what we haven't done in a while, Billbro?
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