Smash Champion
Monk/Honkey/Banana Coaching Hotline
As of recent I have volunteered/been asked to coach people during tournaments So I have decided to make this thread to further my services...
Before a tournament I can give some advice applying to certain Match-ups/Level Selection over AIM
During a tournament you can call/text me in between matches or sets and I can offer advice/Calm you down so you don't choke in the next match or set
The only rules I have are...
1) Post the date of your tournament here. If I don't know what days to keep my phone on I'll miss a lot of calls
2) If I have a tournament on the same day I probably won't take any calls(I usually attend 1 tournament every 2 or 3 months so I should be open). I will list my next tournaments on here
3) If you're attending the same tournament as me and you call me...for advice against me.......
I will probably give you some
4) This is the most important. Don't randomly hand out my number to your friends/family/pets
now then...I'm not going to post my number in the thread...because that is really just a silly thing to do...if you have AIM/MSN contact me through that then I'll give you my number if not contact me through a PM
Note...this is only advice/support...this is not the..."OMG I CALLED MONK NOW EYE IZ GUNNA BE IZ AM UNDEAFEATABLE" Thread... I can offer advice and support...but if you are facing M2K or something along those lines...I really can't help other than say Good Luck SONNNNNN!!!!
Monk's Next Tournament
3/14/09 - M!Xcoatl Presents: A Naples Brawl Tourney... "Bound By Hope"
Name| Tournament Date
I'm gunna laugh if this gets closed