It's not a perfect world without Dark Matter.
Dark Matter is awesome, he's one of my most wanted too; the only reason I don't mention him often is because I prefer Adeleine (like, Adeleine 100% want while Dark Matter is like 99% want) and they are both from Shimomura games, I prefer those games being represented by Adeleine (with Dark Matter drawing as final smash offcourse)... but if we can have both, why not!
If I had the possibility to put my "kirby bias" into Smash, I'd put many Kirby characters in the game:
Adeleine, Dark Matter, Bandana Dee (not a fan of the character, but he's popular so, with no limits, why not), Chef Kawasaki, Rick/the animals and Daroach (I'm on the fence about Galacta Knight, Claycia & Elline, and Gooey).
This would make at least 9 Kirby characters in the game, lol

Fire Emblem has 5, 6 if you count Robin as 2 characters.
They should definitely make some franchise themed pack DLCs, like, Kirby pack with 3/4 characters.
What about the scrapped content of Kirby 64? There was supposed to be a music themed minigame, and every character was supposed to be playable (except Ribbon probably)... there is also an artwork hidden somewhere in the game data that represents the icons of the animals, including the Dreamland 3 exclusives.
Probably it's just me, but I feel like if the music minigame "evolved" into the hopping minigame... probably they simplified it so much that they removed the musical aspect and left in just the press the right key at the right moment mechanics, also making you interacting directly with the environment (jumping) instead of interacting with an interface (kinda like the Rhythm Heaven series); but I think the attempt was not succesful, and the final minigame is not very fun... I mean, Bumper Crop Bump and the other one with the checkers are a lot more fun!
I think those features, or at least the scrapped minigames, should return in a remake of the game.
I want a remake of Kirby 64 so bad!
lastly, I want to post a fan art that I like very much; I already posted it somewhere else but not in this thread, so I think it's needed to make it more complete:
by professorfandango on DeviantArt
Well, Adeleine was needed to make Kirby Air Ride more complete, to be honest. Why Sakurai hates her so much

There is still hope for the future, we need to convince him and the people at HAL that she's an awesome character!