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The Lycia Alliance: Roy Legacy Support Thread

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Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2015
This is pretty normal, I use the "Vote4RoyFE" tag whenever I go on For Glory so I usually get anti Roy tags when I win like "Roy sucks", " NO ROY", "**** ROY" etc. It's more common if you go on Smash or Teams.

Don't be surprised if they change their tag to "Roysourboy" and go Roy koopa or Lucina either. Don't let it discourage you though, they are just children trying to be funny.
Actually, would it help if I used a "Roy4DLC" tag when I'm playing as Lucina? (Lucina's my second favorite base newcomer, after all)

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
This is pretty normal, I use the "Vote4RoyFE" tag whenever I go on For Glory so I usually get anti Roy tags when I win like "Roy sucks", " NO ROY", "**** ROY" etc. It's more common if you go on Smash or Teams.

Don't be surprised if they change their tag to "Roysourboy" and go Roy koopa or Lucina either. Don't let it discourage you though, they are just children trying to be funny.
I don't know if to find this funny or sorta sad. Though on the long run, becoming a Roy's fan, once again, is not really a matter of bandwagoning on him. His support is always gonna be in true blood.

But you know what, I'm gonna do a little experiment, now that I'm feeling quite bored.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I had the Roy4DLC tag and I haven't had anyone doing that. The only thing that happen was that someone had a K.Rool support tag after I put the Roy one which is still pretty cool seeing as K.Rool would be great in Smash.

Besides, if they ever tried doing something like that, I would give them the whooping of their lives.
Oct 3, 2011
I know this is off topic, but I was playing For Glory a little while ago, and I was playing Marth with his Roy alt and with the tag "Roy4DLC". The very moment I encountered someone, he responded with the tag "ROYSUCKS".

Ugh, THIS is the type of stuff that made me think I was the only one who wanted Roy back.
This is pretty normal, I use the "Vote4RoyFE" tag whenever I go on For Glory so I usually get anti Roy tags when I win like "Roy sucks", " NO ROY", "**** ROY" etc. It's more common if you go on Smash or Teams.

Don't be surprised if they change their tag to "Roysourboy" and go Roy koopa or Lucina either. Don't let it discourage you though, they are just children trying to be funny.
If that happened, I'd probably go onto their miiverse from "recently played with" on the friends list feature and message them about it. I'd see if I could politely convince them otherwise. If they stay stubborn and hateful, I'd just peace and bar them from meeting me randomly in online play again, since they'll never find out. I think it's just salt for losing in most cases. If it's not dissing Roy, it might be "UR CHEAP" or something similar anyways from salt. The real saints are those who go Bowser Jr. without going Roy koopa when Roy for DLC tags are involved. I've met a few of these saints.

Whenever I'm an awesome teammate, I get Roy support, and I've never gotten anything bad in FG teams. Try there more, I think you'll have luck with it even if it's more frequent to see hate from your experience, since you're advertising to as many people as possible. You can simply screw over your teammate if they do it, or go aggressive the whole match on whoever did it and leave after if they don't leave. If they're being disrespectful and rude with their tags, nothing wrong with some fun, harmless Smash Bros. disrespect in return.

When I run into other vote tags, I put "WillDo =D" and submit a vote for their character on their behalf. I may send them a message from recently played, telling them what I submitted from now on. I would like to see the Fighter Ballot community become more friendly towards each other rather than arguing over each others' picks all the time and getting angry at anyone who becomes DLC.

This reminds me, I should get the word out on Smashladder in the near future.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2014
Hey guys, be honest, is it worth getting the Roy DLC for Awakening? I heard he doesn't add that much new...or at least someone told me. He doesn't interact with the other characters. Like what's the difference between DLC Roy and Wireless Bonus Team Roy?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2014
Salem Oregon
Hey guys, be honest, is it worth getting the Roy DLC for Awakening? I heard he doesn't add that much new...or at least someone told me. He doesn't interact with the other characters. Like what's the difference between DLC Roy and Wireless Bonus Team Roy?
i bought him because i love Roy too bad his costume sucks though. and normally streetpass versions are stronger. Tfw Ike doesnt front flip when he aethers though. FEA's DLC is okay i just wish they actually looked like they used too not basically the same thing with a different head or in Marths case a male lucina. hope this kinda helps. inb4 i get hate for not liking FEA even though its my first FE game
Oct 3, 2011
Hey guys, be honest, is it worth getting the Roy DLC for Awakening? I heard he doesn't add that much new...or at least someone told me. He doesn't interact with the other characters. Like what's the difference between DLC Roy and Wireless Bonus Team Roy?
It's not that his DLC doesn't add much new, it's that Awakening's character DLC in general doesn't. If you're not too crazy about Roy's redesign, you're probably better off enjoying him from Bonus Box.

Benefits to each character map:
  • Some dialogue from enemy troops who are veteran characters of the series, each with entering battle dialogue and dying dialogue. Some characters trigger special dialogue for entering battles with past characters of the series.
  • A throwback to one old song in the series per map, which isn't much considering they aren't even remixed or remade. It's nifty if you really want to use your 3DS to listen to whatever theme, I suppose.
  • Recruitment dialogue from the hero you recruit, including some of their backstory, though it's brief.
  • You can recruit the paid DLC Roy and the free DLC Roy separately, for double the Roy.
Downsides to character DLC:
  • No dialogue outside of their map intros, own recruiting, and enemy appearances on maps.
  • No supports to boost their statistics and pair up potential, and nothing to add more gameplay options for other characters.
  • Cannot be used in Streetpass, they show up as just Outrealm units to other players, so they won't know you're repping our boy.
  • Generic avatar class models for each class, with no unique classes, animations, or items for these characters. It strongly disappoints me that Roy is given ugly armor via hero promotion with avatar creation parts slapped on, and even the decent mercenary model armor suffers greatly from the avatar creation parts.
I'll leave it to you to decide if the DLC is worth it or not. Personally, I would hit up serenesforest for scripts at http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Xenologue:_Champions_of_Yore_2_(Script) and I would recruit Roy from the Bonus Box. The character DLC for this game is disappointing for its price, especially considering its intentional flaw via these heroes being almost entirely excluded from Streetpass, when you could be showing your favorite Fire Emblem characters on there otherwise. I hope Hoshido/Nohr learns from these problems with character DLC, if not I don't plan on buying most if not all of their DLC if they go that route.

Noteworthy maps for making units more powerful, however, are:
  • Champions of Yore 3, which nets you an All Stats +2 book for each completion, and Micaiah comes with Shadowgift which her Bonus Box counterpart lacks and is an extremely rare and valuable skill to begin with.
  • Lost Bloodlines 2, for Alm with a Dread Scroll on each completion for access to the Dread Fighter class for males (swords, axes, tomes, and the Aggressor and Resistance +10 skills)
  • Lost Bloodlines 3, for Seliph and the Paragon book on each completion which is a skill that doubles experience.
  • Smash Brethren 2, for Eirika and a Wedding Bouquet for each completion, for access to the Bride class for females (lances, bows, staves) along with the Rally Heart and Bond skills.
  • Smash Brethren 3, for Lyndis and the Iote Shield book, which negates additional bow damage against fliers when the skill is equipped.
  • Rogues and Redeemers 3, for Ike, and the Limit Breaker book, which is arguably the best skill in the game for postgame. It raises all stat caps by ten besides hitpoints.
  • EXPonential Growth for grinding weak units or being a place to round off a unit that's Lv9, Lv14, Lv19, etc.
  • The Golden Gaffe for lots of gold, you can auto-grind to maximum gold in minutes with the right loadout.
  • Infinite Regalia for Eldigan and legendary weapons that are one-time obtainables without the DLC, you can farm for many Forseti, Ragnell, etc.
Even with this in mind, $2.50 or $3.00 per map is very costly, and $6.00 or $6.50 for a value pack of three isn't really worth a few skills, easy grinding, more copies of rare or limited items, or mechanical boosts.

The Scramble and Future Past DLC packs offer toooooons of dialogue and new story between Awakening's cast, Apotheosis is nice for a great challenge, an emblem for completing it fast enough as a challenge, and you get Katarina, who is another Shadowgift wielder, though if you can beat Apotheosis then there's not much purpose for it, is there? These are some of the better DLC packs. I would say Future Past is the only pack worth its price while Scramble isn't, but Scramble's still some of the more valuable DLC Awakening has. Apotheosis is worth its price as a standalone map.

The Challenge pack was disappointing to me. I do not recommend it, the rest of Awakening and Apotheosis are much more satisfying for challenge than this pack, and the pegasisters don't have as much valuable dialogue as the lords. These maps threw in unique mechanics without making them particularly interesting or worth playing through, especially considering it goes with one minor gimmick per map without really tying the maps together in any sense.

i bought him because i love Roy too bad his costume sucks though. and normally streetpass versions are stronger. Tfw Ike doesnt front flip when he aethers though. FEA's DLC is okay i just wish they actually looked like they used too not basically the same thing with a different head or in Marths case a male lucina. hope this kinda helps. inb4 i get hate for not liking FEA even though its my first FE game
Don't worry about it, Awakening really screwed up with their DLC plan which is why frustration is very understandable.

Overall I'd be much more positive about the DLC if it didn't cost so much for so little compared to the rest of the $40 purchase that is Awakening. $70.50 for everything individually, and $50.50 with the value packs. On DLC alone. Yeah. After the game is taken into account, that's about $110.50 at worst and $90.50 at best. This is absolutely disgusting. I never expected Intelligent Systems of all people to stoop this low and it muddies the fact that DLC can be very healthy for games. They are charging more than the actual game for a fraction of its content, and this started the moment they could get away with it due to the 3DS being able to handle digital transactions while systems of previous Fire Emblem games couldn't, since it'd be hard to push copies with more than $40 retail price.

I bought into it before it was too late, so now all I can do is educate people who still haven't thrown their money away to greedy development by showing what's worth buying. I bought the Awakening DLC as soon as each pack was released just for more Fire Emblem content, but I didn't think about it much until it was all said and done. It was easy to fall for it with their releases over time.

Hoshido and Nohr so far seem like they'll be giving more value for $40 due to the choice between two full Awakening-sized games, each for a different audience. We'll see, though, hopefully IS doesn't pull any stunts.
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Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
Even before the confirmation of the Marth, Lucina, and Minerva DLC, I always thought we'd get additional DLC in FE: if. We got it in Awakening, and IS also experimented with DLC in Daigasso! Band Brothers P. We just have to wait and see how they're going to handle the DLC this time (pls be reasonably priced). Hopefully we'll get some more info at E3, or at at least they will talk about the card DLC thing, because I'm wondering what would happen here (I don't have high hopes that the TCG will get released in the West). I'm guessing we'll just be able to purchase the characters separately?
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Oct 3, 2011
Even before the confirmation of the Marth, Lucina, and Minerva DLC, I always thought we'd get additional DLC in FE: if. We got it in Awakening, and IS also experimented with DLC in Daigasso! Band Brothers P. We just have to wait and see how they're going to handle the DLC this time (pls be reasonably priced). Hopefully we'll get some more info at E3, or at at least they will talk about the card DLC thing, because I'm wondering what would happen here (I don't have high hopes that the TCG will get released in the West). I'm guessing we'll just be able to purchase the characters separately?
I have faith they can improve, myself, at least via pricing, and I really hope we see the TCG so that we don't have to rely on translations like with the FF card game.



Smash Ace
Sep 29, 2014
I know this is off topic, but I was playing For Glory a little while ago, and I was playing Marth with his Roy alt and with the tag "Roy4DLC". The very moment I encountered someone, he responded with the tag "ROYSUCKS".

Ugh, THIS is the type of stuff that made me think I was the only one who wanted Roy back.
what was the guys username? or the name for his mii?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
i bought him because i love Roy too bad his costume sucks though.
Generic avatar class models for each class, with no unique classes, animations, or items for these characters. It strongly disappoints me that Roy is given ugly armor via hero promotion with avatar creation parts slapped on, and even the decent mercenary model armor suffers greatly from the avatar creation parts.
.....Are you guys actually hating on Roy's Awakening attire?


Smash Champion
Sep 8, 2014
My Super Secret Underwater Volcano Lair in Space
.....Are you guys actually hating on Roy's Awakening attire?
Maybe they meant how the 3D model looks in-game or something. Because, if I recall, it isn't actually Roy or anything that is shown when you see him in 3D or whatever with the same applying to other DLC characters. I dunno for certain because I don't have Awakening nor its DLC.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Maybe they meant how the 3D model looks in-game or something. Because, if I recall, it isn't actually Roy or anything that is shown when you see him in 3D or whatever with the same applying to other DLC characters. I dunno for certain because I don't have Awakening nor its DLC.
I see. I think it did look a little bit weird in the battle animation.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I believe most of us think his Awakening attire is amazing, but its his in game character model is bland.
Yeah I know, see my above post. I was a bit confused.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
That's cool. We all love that attire. Me even more so as I want it to be his primary attire.

Also, only 20 more days guys. The day approaches by the second.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2015
That's cool. We all love that attire. Me even more so as I want it to be his primary attire.

Also, only 20 more days guys. The day approaches by the second.
I don't fancy that attire. I prefer the one he had back in Melee. (I'm not properly AGAINST it either, but to me, it would be better as an alt than as the main attire... for the sake of Melee and its popularity)


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I don't fancy that attire. I prefer the one he had back in Melee. (I'm not properly AGAINST it either, but to me, it would be better as an alt than as the main attire... for the sake of Melee and its popularity)
No way man. With an attire like that, it can't be put to the side for Roy's old attire which is pretty inferior to it IMO. The Melee attire can be his secondary but his Awakening attire needs to be his primary attire.

Think of it like Wario's attire. He has his newer biker outfit as his primary and has his classic attire as a secondary for people that like using his older attire.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
That's cool. We all love that attire. Me even more so as I want it to be his primary attire.

Also, only 20 more days guys. The day approaches by the second.
I don't fancy that attire. I prefer the one he had back in Melee. (I'm not properly AGAINST it either, but to me, it would be better as an alt than as the main attire... for the sake of Melee and its popularity)
EH... I personally prefer the canon one (Fron Binding Blade/Fuuin ni Tsurugi)


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Like I said before, the Binding Blade one can always be a secondary. It makes no sense to not have his better looking Awakening attire as his primary attire. It gives Roy a new look and will change perceptions that some people have about him and stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2015
Like I said before, the Binding Blade one can always be a secondary. It makes no sense to not have his better looking Awakening attire as his primary attire. It gives Roy a new look and will change perceptions that some people have about him and stuff.
So, you're saying that Roy's Melee outfit just plain scream "Marth clone" (like how Daisy's dress just plain scream "Peach clone")? ... Yeah, but no. The new outfit makes him looks WAY too similar to Ike. Plus, Marth has a different outfit than his Melee one now, so I don't see why Roy shouldn't keep the old Melee one (for the sake of nostalgia). Plus, having the other attires instead of the Melee one gives Roy a HUGE risk of "alienating" the Melee fans (and that is something that Sakurai doesn't want).
Also, bringing back his Melee attire seems more of a probability since the only cut Melee veterans who returned (Dr Mario and Mewtwo) HAVEN'T CHANGED A SINGLE BIT!

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I kind of prefer Roy's original design, myself. :ohwell:


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
So, you're saying that Roy's Melee outfit just plain scream "Marth clone" (like how Daisy's dress just plain scream "Peach clone")? ... Yeah, but no. The new outfit makes him looks WAY too similar to Ike. Plus, Marth has a different outfit than his Melee one now, so I don't see why Roy shouldn't keep the old Melee one (for the sake of nostalgia). Plus, having the other attires instead of the Melee one gives Roy a HUGE risk of "alienating" the Melee fans (and that is something that Sakurai doesn't want).
Also, bringing back his Melee attire seems more of a probability since the only cut Melee veterans who returned (Dr Mario and Mewtwo) HAVEN'T CHANGED A SINGLE BIT!
Well not exactly. Your right about Roy's Melee attire being associated with his status as a Marth clone in Melee but that's not the point. The point is his new attire gives him a revamped look and will change perceptions on him from most of the fanbase. Besides, Roy's Awakening attire hardly looks anything like Ike's really. Nostalgia is a factor yes but like I said before, it can be a secondary attire like how Wario's classic attire is his secondary while his relatively newer Biker outfit is his primary attire. Melee fans aren't going to be alienated if the Melee attire is still available as an alt.

I know I already emphasized this a bunch of times but i'll continue to do so when this topic is brought up. Dr. Mario, Mewtwo, and Lucas had no reason to be changed up or even have a different attire. Roy does now that he has a much better looking attire to have as his primary attire. Marth and Ike got new outfits so it's not a stretch to say that Roy won't get a new attire as well.

I kind of prefer Roy's original design, myself. :ohwell:
That's cool. I'm not saying it should be cut or not available in the game. I'm just saying it needs to be an alt and not his primary attire.
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Oct 3, 2011
.....Are you guys actually hating on Roy's Awakening attire?
I love the art he got by Kimihiko Fujisaka, but I strongly dislike the in-game model for Hero when Roy should look even better after promotion, and I'm a bit disappointed in how the in-game model for Mercenary is good but it limits the potential of that art. Most of all, it's the in-game avatar creation parts for these characters I paid money for that turn me off. I don't mind it for Bonus Box, which is simply a free edition to an already incredible, complete game. If Roy had his own class models for at least Mercenary and Hero, or his own class, along with a model as good as the Awakening cast's, then I wouldn't mind and I'd feel like the purchase was worth it. It mainly comes down to paid DLC and 3D models.

Also, I'd rather see complaints about a second Ike than third Marth, because Ike is so much cooler :seuss: and nobody minds Lucas being a second Ness.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I love the art he got by Kimihiko Fujisaka, but I strongly dislike the in-game model for Hero when Roy should look even better after promotion, and I'm a bit disappointed in how the in-game model for Mercenary is good but it limits the potential of that art. Most of all, it's the in-game avatar creation parts for these characters I paid money for that turn me off. I don't mind it for Bonus Box, which is simply a free edition to an already incredible, complete game. If Roy had his own class models for at least Mercenary and Hero, or his own class, along with a model as good as the Awakening cast's, then I wouldn't mind and I'd feel like the purchase was worth it. It mainly comes down to paid DLC and 3D models.

Also, I'd rather see complaints about a second Ike than third Marth, because Ike is so much cooler :seuss: and nobody minds Lucas being a second Ness.
Yeah, I already addressed that before. I though you were talking about the design itself and not the in game model.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2014
Salem Oregon
.....Are you guys actually hating on Roy's Awakening attire?
i really do not like his awakening attire. both the in game model and his artwork. yeah its kinda cool just his FE 6 and Melee model is IMO like 300% cooler.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
i really do not like his awakening attire. both the in game model and his artwork. yeah its kinda cool just his FE 6 and Melee model is IMO like 300% cooler.
IDK man. I feel the exact opposite. I do think the Melee attire is good but the Awakening one blows it out of the water really. Everyone has their own opinion so it's whatever I guess. I still think he needs the Awakening attire as a primary. If all the past FE characters have a new attire, Roy should follow suit.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2014
Salem Oregon
IDK man. I feel the exact opposite. I do think the Melee attire is good but the Awakening one blows it out of the water really. Everyone has their own opinion so it's whatever I guess. I still think he needs the Awakening attire as a primary. If all the past FE characters have a new attire, Roy should follow suit.
well isnt that because they had more than one game? they changed clothes in each game they appeared in. I mean sure new clothes would be kinda cool i just really prefer his Melee/PM clothes.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
well isnt that because they had more than one game? they changed clothes in each game they appeared in. I mean sure new clothes would be kinda cool i just really prefer his Melee/PM clothes.
True but Awakening is still a significant appearance for Roy. It would be awkward for him to appear as the only veteran FE character not having a new attire.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2014
Salem Oregon
True but Awakening is still a significant appearance for Roy. It would be awkward for him to appear as the only veteran FE character not having a new attire.
not that i disagree or anything but how was Awakening significant for Roy? he was a 3$ DLC that anyone could pass up on. I didnt just because i love Roy. Do you think they would change his outfit if they remade FE6? also i hope that if they remake FE6 they dont use that abyssmal 3d models they have been using like in awakening. Please go back to awesome pixel art or make all models unique and not blurry. i really like the style of the older games even Ikes games just FEA ruined it for me. but at least i can turn off animations in that game.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
not that i disagree or anything but how was Awakening significant for Roy? he was a 3$ DLC that anyone could pass up on. I didnt just because i love Roy. Do you think they would change his outfit if they remade FE6? also i hope that if they remake FE6 they dont use that abyssmal 3d models they have been using like in awakening. Please go back to awesome pixel art or make all models unique and not blurry. i really like the style of the older games even Ikes games just FEA ruined it for me. but at least i can turn off animations in that game.
Significant in the sense that it was a big appearance for Roy.

If they remake FE6 (and maybe FE7 as well), I could see a new outfit on the horizon for Roy.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2015
Well not exactly. Your right about Roy's Melee attire being associated with his status as a Marth clone in Melee but that's not the point. The point is his new attire gives him a revamped look and will change perceptions on him from most of the fanbase. Besides, Roy's Awakening attire hardly looks anything like Ike's really. Nostalgia is a factor yes but like I said before, it can be a secondary attire like how Wario's classic attire is his secondary while his relatively newer Biker outfit is his primary attire. Melee fans aren't going to be alienated if the Melee attire is still available as an alt.

I know I already emphasized this a bunch of times but i'll continue to do so when this topic is brought up. Dr. Mario, Mewtwo, and Lucas had no reason to be changed up or even have a different attire. Roy does now that he has a much better looking attire to have as his primary attire. Marth and Ike got new outfits so it's not a stretch to say that Roy won't get a new attire as well.

That's cool. I'm not saying it should be cut or not available in the game. I'm just saying it needs to be an alt and not his primary attire.
I also need to point out that nobody's sure if DLCs are gonna get alt costumes (or even different clothing, in the case of Roy). Also, the presence of nostalgia without the original outfit is what can "alienate" the Melee fans, and like I've said, I'm sure Sakurai doesn't want that.

Tahu Mata

Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2015
what was the guys username? or the name for his mii?
I think it's best if I don't reveal it and we just leave things as it is. I've eventually realized it's better to just ignore the detractors.

As for Roy's Awakening attire, I was originally not the biggest fan of it, but I've grown fond of it over time.
I still personally prefer his original appearance, but I wouldn't mind seeing his Awakening attire as the default one.

It's not really that big of a deal in the end, though. I'll still main Roy regardless of how much they change him.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
True but Awakening is still a significant appearance for Roy. It would be awkward for him to appear as the only veteran FE character not having a new attire.
Significant in the sense that it was a big appearance for Roy.

If they remake FE6 (and maybe FE7 as well), I could see a new outfit on the horizon for Roy.
But the same could be said for Ike, and arguably even Marth.

Both appeared with new designs in Awakening's DLC, which were appearances equal in significance to Roy's (which is to say, not very). And yet, Marth and Ike do not use their Awakening designs: they use the designs of their latest game. Roy's latest game still uses his original appearance.

I understand your reasoning, but going off of what we know, it appears unlikely that they would opt to use Roy's Awakening design, even as an alt, if they didn't use it for anyone else.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
But the same could be said for Ike, and arguably even Marth.

Both appeared with new designs in Awakening's DLC, which were appearances equal in significance to Roy's (which is to say, not very). And yet, Marth and Ike do not use their Awakening designs: they use the designs of their latest game. Roy's latest game still uses his original appearance.

I understand your reasoning, but going off of what we know, it appears unlikely that they would opt to use Roy's Awakening design, even as an alt, if they didn't use it for anyone else.
Frankly thinking same. I think they'd give brush up his original attire to include new things, but I'd be fine if they brought him in his original look, anyway. Awakening-attire's not bad, but I don't find it likely to be used.
Oct 3, 2011
Thing is, Ike and Marth had non-Awakening appearances to draw from because they had sequels. Roy didn't. I'd say it's 50/50 either way. Anywho, here is an awesome Miiverse post from this morning that surpasses not only his previous one, but my recent one as well:



I don't think he can.

Anyone here with a Twitter should tweet to @smashified.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
But the same could be said for Ike, and arguably even Marth.

Both appeared with new designs in Awakening's DLC, which were appearances equal in significance to Roy's (which is to say, not very). And yet, Marth and Ike do not use their Awakening designs: they use the designs of their latest game. Roy's latest game still uses his original appearance.

I understand your reasoning, but going off of what we know, it appears unlikely that they would opt to use Roy's Awakening design, even as an alt, if they didn't use it for anyone else.
Thing is, Marth's Awakening attire is pretty much Lucina's while Ike's wasn't all that great. Both of them had better designs to use and hence them having their Shadow Dragon and Radiant Dawn appearances respectively.

It hasn't been done before but now would be the perfect time to do it with Roy seeing as that attire would be amazing as his primary.
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