Nice moveset. I think that it should be added to the OP.
Thanks! I worked really hard on it... But I don't know how to get it onto the OP.. I guess I should ask FalKoopa directly, or would that be too brash? ^^;
Out of all the Ashley movesets iv'e seen (and made) this is definitely the most creative!
Let me just Email my Uncle who works at Nintendo, he'll call Sakurai and get this to him.
Yeah i tried to be really different with this one
So you can get your uncle to make sure Ashley is in the game riiiight? We're counting on you! ;-)
The summoning other Nintendo characters idea is one so out there that I would've never thought of it, but I love the thought around. It would be a great way to include some characters into Smash without using pokeballs and assists.
One thing I always mention when it comes to Ashley movesets is Red's parasol transformation in Game and Wario. It would be perfect move to have as her up air and it could work to help her recover or land without using up her broom's magic.
Honestly that's what I was originally intending to do with her moveset but ManlySpirit in the OP already came up with that idea although it worked a little differently than mine. So i changed it so there could be many ideas out there to work from in case someone else wanted to make a moveset too~
If a random person on the internet can come up with an amazing moveset for Ashley, then I'm sure someone as talented as Sakurai can. He has no excuse not to add her.
Although what would be her final smash?
OMIGOSH I can't believe I forgot to add that part! Stupid me! >m<*
I actually had several ideas for her Final Smash that ranged from transforming Red into Giga Red to wreak havoc, from having her WarioWare coworkers come out and do several things.
Most recently though I had an idea from Pumpkin Panic that she would just transform everyone into Pumpkins and either eat them to regain health or just bop them off the stage lul (but cannibalism is kinda dark huh? 0_0)
I really like the references to other games in your moveset! Really neat idea! It lives up to WarioWare with it's Nintendo game based microgames
That's exactly the idea I was going for too, thanks for noticing! However I feel like there should be more references to the Actual WarioWare games/characters to in her moveset too, that's why I had them appear in one of her victory screens to compensate.
Having Ashley transform Red into the other characters seemed a little strange to me, but now thay AngrySun has reminded me, I see no reason they can't help with her Final Smash