ma dude!
You have just entered room "madude."
BigOsea2 (1:18:21 AM): yo dazzy
BigOsea2 (1:18:34 AM): wat happened to the atlantic lizards
solslayerx (1:18:39 AM): Wow...
DJ Nintendo05 (1:18:55 AM): who's streetstruck?
solslayerx (1:19:03 AM): F2b
DJ Nintendo05 (1:19:12 AM): oh aight, quit
streetstruck415 (1:19:14 AM): The dude who came 2 ur smashfest with his work clothes..
Soak A Toe A has entered the room.
Soak A Toe A (1:19:18 AM): Ma Dude?
Badakin225 (1:19:22 AM): HABBBBBBBBBBBBBbb
Dazwa070 (1:19:25 AM): siamese lizard had a temper tantrum? iunno lol
Badakin225 (1:19:26 AM): MY DUDEEEE
BigOsea2 (1:19:32 AM): lmao
streetstruck415 (1:19:34 AM): My Dude?
DJ Nintendo05 (1:19:56 AM): so yeah, my bowser is too good
Soak A Toe A (1:20:08 AM): We knew that two years ago, DJ.
streetstruck415 (1:20:09 AM): Nah man. I'll mm ur bowser
Soak A Toe A (1:20:10 AM): Or I did, at least.
Badakin225 (1:20:13 AM): yo my sonic is better
streetstruck415 (1:20:16 AM): $1000?
D1MX has entered the room.
Soak A Toe A (1:20:36 AM): MA DUDE
Oni163 (1:20:37 AM): umm is there a reason y i'm here?
D1MX (1:20:37 AM): I'm feelin the name
D1MX (1:20:39 AM): of this chat room
D1MX (1:20:41 AM): HARDBODY
Badakin225 (1:20:44 AM): D11111111
BigOsea2 (1:20:46 AM): MA DUDE
solslayerx (1:20:46 AM): MA DUDE D1
streetstruck415 (1:20:51 AM): Ma Dude
solslayerx (1:20:53 AM): MEAT RIDIN!
Dazwa070 (1:20:53 AM): MA DUDE
Soak A Toe A (1:20:56 AM): D1 is definitely everyone's dude.
Inlovewitlil has entered the room.
Soak A Toe A (1:21:01 AM): No homo, though.
solslayerx (1:21:03 AM): WES!
Oni163 (1:21:06 AM): is there a reason of me being here?
Badakin225 (1:21:06 AM): WOW
solslayerx (1:21:07 AM): GOT DAYUM
Soak A Toe A (1:21:08 AM): And then there's Wes.
Badakin225 (1:21:09 AM): WESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
solslayerx (1:21:12 AM): Nah bum
BigOsea2 (1:21:13 AM): LMAO WES
Soak A Toe A (1:21:15 AM): Because Bum is the man.
Inlovewitlil (1:21:16 AM): what is this nonsense
Oni163 (1:21:20 AM): i'm not
Oni163 (1:21:20 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (1:21:26 AM): WES GET AT MA SONIC!!
Badakin225 (1:21:28 AM): WES I WILL FIGHT U FOR BEST SONIC EVER GO****
D1MX (1:21:35 AM): LOL
DJ Nintendo05 (1:21:36 AM): word, why did I get invited to this room?
Badakin225 (1:21:36 AM): with a y
Oni163 (1:21:36 AM): ohhh snap
solslayerx (1:21:38 AM): wow that beast
Oni163 (1:21:39 AM): thatz y i'm here
D1MX (1:21:40 AM): I'm confused
streetstruck415 (1:21:41 AM): Wa is the convo so beast
D1MX (1:21:45 AM): why am I here?
solslayerx (1:21:46 AM): uh oh
streetstruck415 (1:21:47 AM): ?
solslayerx (1:21:48 AM): i dunno
Inlovewitlil (1:21:49 AM): aight guys its late i have work so lets cut to the chase y did anyone u invite me here
Oni163 (1:21:50 AM): u here to witness
Soak A Toe A (1:21:50 AM): I got invited because I'm amazingly talented.
D1MX (1:21:51 AM): Hi everyone
Badakin225 (1:21:54 AM): word
D1MX (1:21:57 AM): my name is D1
D1MX (1:22:00 AM): and I like lasers
Dazwa070 (1:22:00 AM): wait why am i invited
Oni163 (1:22:02 AM): he wants to battle u for the sonic title
Soak A Toe A (1:22:02 AM): Hi D1.
solslayerx (1:22:05 AM): Hi my name is Cass Money
BigOsea2 (1:22:06 AM): yo
solslayerx (1:22:07 AM): I like money
solslayerx (1:22:08 AM): girls
D1MX (1:22:08 AM): LOL
solslayerx (1:22:10 AM): skating and smash
streetstruck415 (1:22:13 AM): Bum, $1000 mm
BigOsea2 (1:22:15 AM): d1 should play dazwa
D1MX (1:22:17 AM): I like girls too
Badakin225 (1:22:21 AM): I WANNA PLAY PPL
streetstruck415 (1:22:24 AM): Ur Dk, vs my Dk
Oni163 (1:22:24 AM): mannnn this is a useless chat
Badakin225 (1:22:29 AM): SONICCCCC
solslayerx (1:22:30 AM): yeah
Inlovewitlil (1:22:32 AM): who wants to battke me for sonic
solslayerx (1:22:32 AM): my homie
Badakin225 (1:22:32 AM): v
Inlovewitlil (1:22:33 AM): lol
Oni163 (1:22:33 AM): you know wat bum says
solslayerx (1:22:33 AM): badakin
Badakin225 (1:22:34 AM): SONIC
D1MX (1:22:34 AM): Hey Dazwa you ever played a Reno?
Oni163 (1:22:34 AM): ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Badakin225 (1:22:35 AM): ME
solslayerx (1:22:36 AM): wants to mm ur sonic
Badakin225 (1:22:37 AM): I DO
Oni163 (1:22:39 AM): GO TO HELL
Inlovewitlil (1:22:40 AM): whyu
Oni163 has left the room.
solslayerx (1:22:41 AM): oooo ****
Badakin225 (1:22:43 AM): LETS GET IT
Inlovewitlil (1:22:44 AM): u can have that title
Dazwa070 (1:22:47 AM): yeah i played him at mass madness
D1MX (1:22:50 AM): oh ok
Inlovewitlil (1:22:50 AM): cause with that title u wont win money
Inlovewitlil (1:22:55 AM): lol and winning a ditto
D1MX (1:22:58 AM): yeah he's one of my really good buddies
Inlovewitlil (1:23:00 AM): agains tme wont prove anything
Inlovewitlil (1:23:01 AM): lol
Badakin225 (1:23:04 AM): SO?
solslayerx (1:23:06 AM): oh wow....
Badakin225 (1:23:09 AM): i still gotta be better
D1MX (1:23:10 AM): I was just askin who he got to play while he was up there thats well known
DJ Nintendo05 (1:23:13 AM): I agree with Wes
solslayerx (1:23:15 AM): ****
Badakin225 (1:23:18 AM): its mah destiny
D1MX (1:23:18 AM): and I heard a couple names
solslayerx (1:23:19 AM): so lets uhh put money on it
Dazwa070 (1:23:19 AM): oh cool
Inlovewitlil (1:23:20 AM): ok then place higher than 6th
solslayerx (1:23:21 AM): and quit life dj
BigOsea2 (1:23:21 AM): wes ma dude badakin will murk you
DJ Nintendo05 (1:23:23 AM): its the same thing me busting Gimpy's *** in a bowser ditto
Dazwa070 (1:23:23 AM): yeah he beat me pretty cleanly
Inlovewitlil (1:23:23 AM): place in a weekly then
Inlovewitlil (1:23:26 AM): come talk to me
Inlovewitlil (1:23:27 AM): lol
DJ Nintendo05 (1:23:28 AM): it won't prove ****, lol
Badakin225 (1:23:29 AM): gotcha
D1MX (1:23:32 AM): oh he beat you?
D1MX (1:23:34 AM): in tourney?
Dazwa070 (1:23:35 AM): yeah
solslayerx (1:23:36 AM): oh wow
Soak A Toe A (1:23:37 AM): I
D1MX (1:23:38 AM): he didn't brag about it
D1MX (1:23:39 AM): so I didn't know
solslayerx (1:23:42 AM): got ****
D1MX (1:23:47 AM): Melee?
D1MX (1:23:48 AM): or Brawl?
Dazwa070 (1:23:50 AM): barlw
Soak A Toe A (1:23:51 AM): Someone visit me.
Soak A Toe A (1:23:52 AM):
streetstruck415 (1:23:56 AM): **** Badakin...u just got ****ted on!
BigOsea2 (1:23:57 AM): lol barlw
D1MX (1:23:59 AM): what match?
D1MX (1:24:00 AM): LMAO
D1MX (1:24:03 AM): I mean chars
Badakin225 (1:24:03 AM): stfu f2b
Dazwa070 (1:24:08 AM): his snake my zss
streetstruck415 (1:24:08 AM): Lol
Badakin225 (1:24:12 AM): he got it
Badakin225 (1:24:14 AM): for now....
BigOsea2 (1:24:18 AM): yo tope is beast 2
streetstruck415 (1:24:26 AM): Anyway, I'll $100 anybody here
Dazwa070 (1:24:29 AM): he said he had some zss practice before, im assuming snakeee
solslayerx (1:24:37 AM): wow get at f2b
streetstruck415 (1:24:39 AM): In Brawl.....besides D1
solslayerx (1:24:41 AM): anyone wanna mm my diddy
DJ Nintendo05 (1:24:51 AM): anyone wanna crew battle SWAT?
solslayerx (1:25:01 AM): dj eat a ****
solslayerx (1:25:03 AM): like
Inlovewitlil (1:25:06 AM): anyways when i am summoned for more important things i will holla later
Inlovewitlil (1:25:07 AM): lol
DJ Nintendo05 (1:25:11 AM): I been did that,
streetstruck415 (1:25:13 AM): Ok, me vs the entire swat
Badakin225 (1:25:13 AM): grrr
solslayerx (1:25:15 AM): oh wow i guess wes is a g
solslayerx (1:25:17 AM): you got it wes
Inlovewitlil (1:25:21 AM): i postponed my ****ing time for this
Badakin225 (1:25:22 AM): my sonic vs life
Inlovewitlil (1:25:22 AM): lol
Badakin225 (1:25:27 AM): 1000 mm
BigOsea2 (1:25:31 AM): dj is the best in nyc no jones
Soak A Toe A (1:25:38 AM): Peace Wes.
Soak A Toe A (1:25:41 AM): Someone come visit me.
Soak A Toe A (1:25:42 AM):
Inlovewitlil (1:25:43 AM): peace
streetstruck415 (1:25:45 AM): Y u sucking DJ dry?
DJ Nintendo05 (1:25:46 AM): word, get outta here wes...handle your business, lol
Badakin225 (1:25:47 AM): later former best sonic
solslayerx (1:25:47 AM): Mr. Wes aka 2 good for chat room aka dalegendary samus aka mr big **** (nohomo) aka da leader
Inlovewitlil (1:25:54 AM): there we go soap a toe
Dazwa070 (1:25:58 AM): aka spike king
Inlovewitlil (1:26:00 AM): is on to something
solslayerx (1:26:03 AM): yeah spike king
Soak A Toe A (1:26:04 AM): Son I soak toes.
Soak A Toe A (1:26:07 AM): I don't soap them.
Badakin225 (1:26:07 AM): lol
DJ Nintendo05 (1:26:12 AM): let him scuk me dry
DJ Nintendo05 (1:26:18 AM): my bowser is too godly, lol
solslayerx (1:26:18 AM): ay yo
solslayerx (1:26:20 AM): dj
solslayerx (1:26:22 AM): when are you makin
Inlovewitlil (1:26:22 AM): lol yup thats what i am doing to my spiking my girl in a min
DJ Nintendo05 (1:26:22 AM): lol
Badakin225 (1:26:25 AM): HABBBBBBBBB
streetstruck415 (1:26:26 AM): Tarik is definitelly sucking him odee
solslayerx (1:26:27 AM): that smashfest
Badakin225 (1:26:30 AM): where u live
Badakin225 (1:26:33 AM): ima come visit u
Soak A Toe A (1:26:35 AM): CT
solslayerx (1:26:37 AM): you know the DJ nintendo cuz cass missed the last one smash fest
DJ Nintendo05 (1:26:41 AM): I just finished spiking my girl already a few hours ago, lol
Inlovewitlil (1:26:47 AM): badskin
Badakin225 (1:26:48 AM): nice:-D
Soak A Toe A (1:26:50 AM): I did the same before she went to work.
Badakin225 (1:26:52 AM): ?
Inlovewitlil (1:26:55 AM): u need to win something
solslayerx (1:26:58 AM): wow
Inlovewitlil (1:27:00 AM): then u can talk
streetstruck415 (1:27:04 AM): Badskin!! Lmao
Inlovewitlil (1:27:04 AM): aight my dude
solslayerx (1:27:09 AM): daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn
Inlovewitlil (1:27:10 AM): that ur new name for me
Badakin225 (1:27:14 AM): yeah yeah herd u the first time west
solslayerx (1:27:16 AM): OH MY GOD
Inlovewitlil (1:27:20 AM): how u going to be best sonic with that name
solslayerx (1:27:25 AM): OH MY GOD
Inlovewitlil (1:27:26 AM): BADSKIN
BigOsea2 (1:27:29 AM): L MAO
streetstruck415 (1:27:32 AM): .......
Inlovewitlil (1:27:33 AM): WOW I BET U GET ALL THE GIRLS
Badakin225 (1:27:36 AM): simple, just beating you
streetstruck415 (1:27:39 AM): That's odee
Badakin225 (1:27:44 AM): will do the trick
Inlovewitlil (1:27:51 AM): LOL
DJ Nintendo05 (1:27:55 AM): lol
DJ Nintendo05 (1:27:59 AM): wes is funny, lol
BigOsea2 (1:28:01 AM): lol
solslayerx (1:28:03 AM): wooooooow
Inlovewitlil (1:28:05 AM): SO U GOT ME THERE
streetstruck415 (1:28:14 AM): ****
Inlovewitlil (1:28:16 AM): PEACE DJ STAY TUFF SHOULDNT U BE
Inlovewitlil (1:28:25 AM): PIPPING UR MEX RIGHT NOW
Inlovewitlil (1:28:25 AM): LOL
Inlovewitlil (1:28:29 AM): **** this room
DJ Nintendo05 (1:28:32 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:28:36 AM): lets have a contest
Inlovewitlil (1:28:37 AM): lol
DJ Nintendo05 (1:28:39 AM): she's definitely hal mex and half chinese
DJ Nintendo05 (1:28:44 AM): half*
Inlovewitlil (1:28:44 AM): lol
DJ Nintendo05 (1:28:46 AM): get at me, lol
solslayerx (1:28:48 AM): wowwwwww
Inlovewitlil (1:28:52 AM): mexiense
DJ Nintendo05 (1:29:03 AM): actually, its called chexican
streetstruck415 (1:29:05 AM): Half mex and half chinese? Wat a combo
DJ Nintendo05 (1:29:05 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:29:07 AM): there u go
Inlovewitlil (1:29:08 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:29:18 AM): good **** leave this room and just ****ed
Inlovewitlil (1:29:22 AM): *****
Soak A Toe A (1:29:23 AM): C-C-C-C-Combo breaker
Inlovewitlil (1:29:26 AM): its to hot to be
D1MX (1:29:33 AM): well my bro needs the pc sowwiez guys
Inlovewitlil (1:29:33 AM): typing ur guyz armpits
Inlovewitlil (1:29:34 AM): arent
D1MX (1:29:35 AM): *runs off*
Inlovewitlil (1:29:38 AM): sweating by now
D1MX (1:29:42 AM): I'll hop back in when I'm readies
solslayerx (1:29:46 AM): iight
Dazwa070 (1:29:46 AM): tell reno i said hi
D1MX (1:29:50 AM): oh aight cool
D1MX (1:29:52 AM): DJ!
D1MX (1:29:52 AM): Wes!
Inlovewitlil (1:29:53 AM): i would rather my **** and *** sweat from sex
D1MX (1:29:54 AM): Cass!
D1MX (1:29:56 AM): Bada!
D1MX (1:29:57 AM): F2B
Badakin225 (1:29:59 AM): ?
DJ Nintendo05 (1:30:01 AM): so why is my bowser so beast, lol?
Inlovewitlil (1:30:01 AM): so i can have a real reason to take a shower
D1MX (1:30:02 AM): Hab!
D1MX (1:30:02 AM): PEACE!
BigOsea2 (1:30:06 AM): dazwa you know reno?
Inlovewitlil (1:30:09 AM): not cuase my armpits
BigOsea2 (1:30:11 AM): D1 wat about me
D1MX (1:30:14 AM): and BigOsea-=Usea?
Dazwa070 (1:30:19 AM): we were just over this osea lol
BigOsea2 (1:30:20 AM): naw
Inlovewitlil (1:30:20 AM): sweating from talking to a bunch
BigOsea2 (1:30:22 AM): im luck
Dazwa070 (1:30:23 AM): he beat me at mm9
Inlovewitlil (1:30:24 AM): of dudes
D1MX (1:30:26 AM): Ohhh sh**
D1MX (1:30:27 AM): LUCK!
D1MX (1:30:29 AM): My bad
Inlovewitlil (1:30:30 AM): about
Inlovewitlil (1:30:31 AM): mms
D1MX (1:30:44 AM): oh wait nvm not now I can stay
D1MX (1:30:48 AM): YAY I wasted time sayin bye
D1MX (1:30:53 AM): V___v
Inlovewitlil (1:30:53 AM): that arent going to happen cause noone here has 100 buz to give for this random game
Inlovewitlil (1:30:53 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:31:00 AM): how about this lets mm
D1MX (1:31:03 AM): who wants to 100 bux mm Wes's Sonic
Inlovewitlil (1:31:04 AM): EVERYONE
streetstruck415 (1:31:09 AM): Wes I'll mm u
BigOsea2 (1:31:15 AM): wes
D1MX (1:31:18 AM): goood sh** 100 bux
Inlovewitlil (1:31:19 AM): SEE WHO CAN KILL THE FASTEST
Inlovewitlil (1:31:26 AM): WITH THE SHUTTLE LOOPS
Inlovewitlil (1:31:28 AM): LOL
D1MX (1:31:28 AM): kill the fastest LMAO new challenge!
Inlovewitlil (1:31:29 AM): LOL
D1MX (1:31:31 AM): YOOOO WES
BigOsea2 (1:31:32 AM): ur 2 slow
D1MX (1:31:32 AM): LMFAO
DJ Nintendo05 (1:31:33 AM): lol
D1MX (1:31:35 AM): SHUTTLE LOOP!
Inlovewitlil (1:31:36 AM): ALL OF U WILL LOSE TO THAT
D1MX (1:31:37 AM): ALL DAY PAPA!
D1MX (1:31:39 AM): LMFAO!
Inlovewitlil (1:31:40 AM): KID IN BK
solslayerx (1:31:42 AM): LMAO
Inlovewitlil (1:31:47 AM): LOL I AM HIS DON KING *****
Inlovewitlil (1:31:48 AM): LOL
D1MX (1:31:49 AM): he was at a weekly Reno todl me Wes
solslayerx (1:31:50 AM): this ***** wes....
Soak A Toe A (1:32:00 AM): I need to dance.
solslayerx (1:32:01 AM): Called my man Badakin Badskin.....
BigOsea2 (1:32:02 AM): I SAID WES YOUR 2 SLOW
D1MX (1:32:02 AM): Terrell he goes by "RELZ"
D1MX (1:32:05 AM): a MetaKnight main
D1MX (1:32:07 AM): LMFAO
D1MX (1:32:10 AM): LUCK IS CARZY
solslayerx (1:32:10 AM): =(
D1MX (1:32:13 AM): you're tooSLOWWW
Inlovewitlil (1:32:17 AM): YEAH I KNOW HE IS REALZ WACK
Inlovewitlil (1:32:18 AM): LOL
lelyizdabest has entered the room.
DJ Nintendo05 (1:32:25 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:32:26 AM): I AM OUT THOUGH CASS
lelyizdabest (1:32:30 AM): what is this???
solslayerx (1:32:33 AM): Stay up Wes...
Inlovewitlil (1:32:35 AM): WHEN U AND UR CREW GROW SOME
Badakin225 (1:32:36 AM): wowowowowo
DJ Nintendo05 (1:32:37 AM): an orgy of smashers
Inlovewitlil (1:32:39 AM): BALLS
solslayerx (1:32:41 AM): OH NA
Inlovewitlil (1:32:42 AM): LET ME KNOW
solslayerx (1:32:47 AM): Dont come at my crew son
Inlovewitlil (1:32:48 AM): LOL AND WE CAN CREW BATTLE U
solslayerx (1:32:49 AM): oh nah son
Inlovewitlil (1:32:49 AM): LOL
solslayerx (1:32:50 AM): none of that
solslayerx (1:33:01 AM): Cuz da had the ill temper tantrum on the boreds
BigOsea2 (1:33:08 AM): son
solslayerx (1:33:11 AM): my man dire is tlakin about b racket corruption
solslayerx (1:33:15 AM): And then you gotta Co sign
BigOsea2 (1:33:17 AM): DA better not lose to PE first
Inlovewitlil (1:33:19 AM): YEAH IT IS UR ********
Inlovewitlil (1:33:20 AM): LOL
Inlovewitlil (1:33:30 AM): UR TOO YOUNG AND BLIND TO SEE IT
solslayerx (1:33:33 AM): None of that son dont come at demigodz like that
solslayerx (1:33:42 AM): Too young
Inlovewitlil (1:33:45 AM): LOL THEN PPL WILL BE ON
BigOsea2 (1:33:45 AM): we crew battle you guys if you got some good results from that crew battle
solslayerx (1:33:46 AM): suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure wes
Inlovewitlil (1:33:50 AM): OUR SIDE UNTIL THEN
solslayerx (1:33:54 AM): Oh wait
DJ Nintendo05 (1:33:58 AM): DA will win, lol
Inlovewitlil (1:33:58 AM): KEEP BELIEVING WHAT U SEE
solslayerx (1:33:59 AM): you gotta crew battle PE?
Inlovewitlil (1:34:00 AM): lol
solslayerx (1:34:01 AM): you better win
solslayerx (1:34:05 AM): I better hear some DA **** talkin
Inlovewitlil (1:34:06 AM): listen to bum 100 percent
Inlovewitlil (1:34:07 AM): lol
Dazwa070 (1:34:08 AM): i gotta believe!
solslayerx (1:34:11 AM): im disappointed
Inlovewitlil (1:34:11 AM): lol
D1MX (1:34:13 AM): all I know
solslayerx (1:34:14 AM): like
solslayerx (1:34:16 AM): i hear these stories
D1MX (1:34:17 AM): is PE vs. DA
D1MX (1:34:20 AM): is gonna be hot
solslayerx (1:34:21 AM): of amazing da **** tlak
D1MX (1:34:23 AM): YO
solslayerx (1:34:25 AM): i see videos
solslayerx (1:34:28 AM): of extreneder and **** tlak
solslayerx (1:34:29 AM): yet
D1MX (1:34:32 AM): cuz I heard most of the crew members
D1MX (1:34:34 AM): are free Saturday
Inlovewitlil (1:34:37 AM): i will assemble the troops
D1MX (1:34:38 AM): and Saturday is hte weekly
solslayerx (1:34:39 AM): i come to weeklies and see da quiet as a mouse...
BigOsea2 (1:34:39 AM): word we should record it for dazwa
Soak A Toe A has left the room.
Inlovewitlil (1:34:46 AM): i am not even goign to enter
BigOsea2 (1:34:48 AM): i want my buddy dazzy too see it
Dazwa070 (1:34:52 AM): wait what
Dazwa070 (1:34:54 AM): what's going on
Badakin225 (1:34:54 AM): **** hab left :-(
Inlovewitlil (1:34:55 AM): that ****ing carnival of a weekly
Dazwa070 (1:34:58 AM): I missed what you're talking about
BigOsea2 (1:35:05 AM): the DA vs PE crew battle
solslayerx (1:35:06 AM): i bet the gauntlets were so much better
solslayerx (1:35:09 AM): everyone loved the da gauntlets
solslayerx (1:35:12 AM): da da da da da da
Inlovewitlil (1:35:13 AM): **** is like paying 5 buc to throw a basketball in a hoop that is too small
Dazwa070 (1:35:14 AM): ho ****
Dazwa070 (1:35:17 AM): please record that
D1MX (1:35:30 AM): lol
D1MX (1:35:32 AM): yO wES
Inlovewitlil (1:35:33 AM): so i am just going to do the crew battle and thats it no weekly
D1MX (1:35:35 AM): this Saturday
D1MX (1:35:40 AM): on Saturday?
solslayerx (1:35:41 AM): wow whattu plely
solslayerx (1:35:44 AM): its randy
solslayerx (1:35:46 AM): hows it goin
Inlovewitlil (1:35:48 AM): i hope u win some stuffed animals after lossing
solslayerx (1:35:50 AM): hows life im good
Inlovewitlil (1:35:57 AM): 20 bux in a weekly cause the carnival
Inlovewitlil (1:36:04 AM): closes at a certain time
Inlovewitlil (1:36:07 AM): out of nowhere
Inlovewitlil (1:36:08 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:36:24 AM): D1 when that teddybear for mop lol
Badakin225 (1:36:29 AM): i wanna stuffed sonic
Inlovewitlil (1:36:34 AM): win*
Inlovewitlil (1:36:48 AM): u need some proactiv
Inlovewitlil (1:36:49 AM): *****
Badakin225 (1:36:52 AM): lol
solslayerx (1:36:55 AM): ****
BigOsea2 (1:36:59 AM): wow
streetstruck415 (1:37:10 AM): ****........O_O
BigOsea2 (1:37:11 AM): wes you neeed to mm badakin son
BigOsea2 (1:37:19 AM): then you wont be wes
BigOsea2 (1:37:24 AM): you'll be worst
streetstruck415 (1:37:25 AM): Word $100 on Badakin son
Inlovewitlil (1:37:43 AM): well d1
Inlovewitlil (1:37:49 AM): u talk to these guys we will do it
Inlovewitlil (1:37:55 AM): for 20-30
Inlovewitlil (1:37:57 AM): bux
Inlovewitlil (1:38:00 AM): eachmember
Inlovewitlil (1:38:02 AM): aight
BigOsea2 (1:38:02 AM): so wes
Inlovewitlil (1:38:03 AM): on sat
Inlovewitlil (1:38:05 AM): aight
BigOsea2 (1:38:08 AM): why you ignoring us
BigOsea2 (1:38:19 AM): cuz badakin is pretty good no joke
solslayerx (1:38:28 AM): ma ***** wes talks like a ****in elephant
Inlovewitlil (1:38:31 AM): i will pick dedede
Badakin225 (1:38:32 AM): and my skin is quite clear
Dazwa070 (1:38:33 AM): hes got bad in his name thats not a good start
Dazwa070 (1:38:34 AM): lolol
BigOsea2 (1:38:34 AM): he was down in jerz the other day rappin *****s
Inlovewitlil (1:38:36 AM): on him or someone on him
Inlovewitlil (1:38:36 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (1:38:49 AM): wes
BigOsea2 (1:38:53 AM): that was weak
BigOsea2 (1:38:58 AM): you'll pick De3
BigOsea2 (1:39:00 AM): thats it
Inlovewitlil (1:39:07 AM): yup
Inlovewitlil (1:39:25 AM): aight d1 set that up and bad
Inlovewitlil (1:39:27 AM): just
solslayerx (1:39:34 AM): wes aka the man wholl pick d3 when he thinks he others characters cant do it
Inlovewitlil (1:39:34 AM): see me at a weekly then we can talk in person
D1MX (1:39:36 AM): SET UP WHAT?
Inlovewitlil (1:39:39 AM): **** this internet mess
D1MX (1:39:43 AM): I'm busy talkin to my pplz
Inlovewitlil (1:39:44 AM): the crew battle talk to them
D1MX (1:39:46 AM): and Imissed
D1MX (1:39:48 AM): the IMs
D1MX (1:39:53 AM): too many words
D1MX (1:39:55 AM): on the screen
Inlovewitlil (1:39:56 AM): tell them Da vs poa
Dazwa070 (1:39:58 AM): and record it too
D1MX (1:40:00 AM): *scrolls up*
Inlovewitlil (1:40:04 AM): aight
D1MX (1:40:04 AM): DA vs. PE
Inlovewitlil (1:40:05 AM): peace
D1MX (1:40:08 AM): on Saturday
D1MX (1:40:09 AM): what time
Inlovewitlil (1:40:09 AM): aight
Inlovewitlil (1:40:16 AM): not sure like 1pm 2pm
D1MX (1:40:19 AM): yayyyy
D1MX (1:40:25 AM): lets GET IT LETS GET IT
Inlovewitlil (1:40:31 AM): something like that i will lwt u know for sure by thursday
Badakin225 (1:40:33 AM): *sets tivo*
D1MX (1:40:37 AM): THursday?
streetstruck415 has left the room.
Inlovewitlil (1:40:46 AM): i will let u know if its a go
Inlovewitlil (1:40:49 AM): by
Inlovewitlil (1:40:53 AM): thursday
Inlovewitlil (1:40:55 AM): peace
D1MX (1:40:56 AM): oh yo yo Wes
D1MX (1:40:58 AM): 15 bux
D1MX (1:41:01 AM): they said
Inlovewitlil (1:41:01 AM): no
Inlovewitlil (1:41:03 AM): more
D1MX (1:41:06 AM): NAHHH son cash is hard
Inlovewitlil (1:41:06 AM): *****es
D1MX (1:41:08 AM): for some of the members
Inlovewitlil (1:41:09 AM): lol
D1MX (1:41:10 AM): you buggin
D1MX (1:41:12 AM): LOL
Inlovewitlil (1:41:13 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:41:14 AM): 20
D1MX (1:41:18 AM): WOWWWW
Inlovewitlil (1:41:19 AM): tell them that **** 20
D1MX (1:41:21 AM): My son goes hard
D1MX (1:41:23 AM): aight then
D1MX (1:41:25 AM): if they confident
Inlovewitlil (1:41:27 AM): **** that
D1MX (1:41:28 AM): they'll go w/ it
Inlovewitlil (1:41:49 AM): aight
Inlovewitlil (1:41:57 AM): and it a round robin
solslayerx (1:42:02 AM): Kinda confident wes
D1MX (1:42:34 AM): LOL
D1MX (1:42:36 AM): whack
D1MX (1:42:38 AM): FC rules
D1MX (1:42:39 AM): they said
D1MX (1:42:44 AM): Round Robin on a tourney day
D1MX (1:42:46 AM): f*ck that
Inlovewitlil (1:43:05 AM): well thats going to be a prob
Inlovewitlil (1:43:07 AM): then
lelyizdabest has left the room.
Inlovewitlil (1:43:15 AM): their crew is challenging us
Inlovewitlil (1:43:20 AM): they have to meet our standards
solslayerx (1:43:34 AM): my son wes has to do that cuz he knows only him and dire is taken matches off
Inlovewitlil (1:43:35 AM): we are like the best crew done more period in smash than them
Inlovewitlil (1:43:37 AM): so **** that
Inlovewitlil (1:43:39 AM): we get
BigOsea2 (1:43:43 AM): naw
Inlovewitlil (1:43:43 AM): round robin
BigOsea2 (1:43:50 AM): swat will **** ya niggz up
Inlovewitlil (1:43:52 AM): that shows who is the best anyways
Inlovewitlil (1:43:56 AM): cause
Inlovewitlil (1:44:01 AM): how does that show
Inlovewitlil (1:44:07 AM): well are u swat
Inlovewitlil (1:44:10 AM): big
BigOsea2 (1:44:14 AM): hell no
BigOsea2 (1:44:17 AM): **** swat
Inlovewitlil (1:44:17 AM): ok
Inlovewitlil (1:44:24 AM): then stop being an unpaid
BigOsea2 (1:44:28 AM): lol
Inlovewitlil (1:44:31 AM): spokesman
Inlovewitlil (1:44:32 AM): for them
solslayerx (1:44:36 AM): daaaaaaaaaaaaamn
solslayerx (1:44:37 AM): WES
BigOsea2 (1:44:39 AM): im just sayin
BigOsea2 (1:44:42 AM): you think ur nice
BigOsea2 (1:44:47 AM): then challenge the best
Badakin225 (1:44:54 AM): he def gets 35 bucks an hour
Inlovewitlil (1:45:00 AM): cause we never
Inlovewitlil (1:45:06 AM): go aroudn challenging
Inlovewitlil (1:45:08 AM): anyone
Inlovewitlil (1:45:20 AM): everyone comes to us and we are suppose to be wack
Inlovewitlil (1:45:24 AM): does that make sense to u
Inlovewitlil (1:45:25 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (1:45:29 AM): so basically
BigOsea2 (1:45:33 AM): you got no confidence
Inlovewitlil (1:45:36 AM): no
Inlovewitlil (1:45:37 AM): lol
D1MX (1:45:43 AM): I have no confidence
Inlovewitlil (1:45:44 AM): round robin
D1MX (1:45:44 AM): V___v
Badakin225 (1:45:45 AM): ****
D1MX (1:45:46 AM): I"m whack
Inlovewitlil (1:45:46 AM): is the
Inlovewitlil (1:45:47 AM): best
solslayerx (1:45:47 AM): people challenge you....because they can win.
D1MX (1:45:53 AM): I'm whack I'm whack!
Inlovewitlil (1:45:56 AM): it shows the whole crews skills
D1MX (1:45:57 AM): T____T
solslayerx (1:45:57 AM): LMAO
solslayerx (1:46:04 AM): My son De Uno
Inlovewitlil (1:46:07 AM): cause fc rules one person can just go thru
BigOsea2 (1:46:08 AM): wes i didnt say you shouldnt do a round robin
Inlovewitlil (1:46:09 AM): 3 ppl
Inlovewitlil (1:46:11 AM): and then what
Inlovewitlil (1:46:17 AM): u have like ****ing 2 ppl let then
Inlovewitlil (1:46:21 AM): what
BigOsea2 (1:46:21 AM): you can challenge a crew to a round robin
D1MX (1:46:21 AM): but PPL WANT
D1MX (1:46:23 AM): FC rules
solslayerx (1:46:28 AM): wes....everyone is gonna beat raffa and kuubuu
D1MX (1:46:29 AM): Round RObin is bogus
Inlovewitlil (1:46:32 AM): but ppl are *****
solslayerx (1:46:33 AM): like thats the way it is
D1MX (1:46:34 AM): ask them anyway
solslayerx (1:46:34 AM): and felipe
solslayerx (1:46:38 AM): is he in da
D1MX (1:46:39 AM): if PE wants FC rules
Inlovewitlil (1:46:40 AM): and dont know how to make a crew battle
solslayerx (1:46:42 AM): cuz hes gonna lose too
solslayerx (1:46:46 AM): just the way it is
D1MX (1:46:47 AM): then just **** 'em all w/ one char
Dazwa070 (1:46:48 AM): watsm
D1MX (1:46:49 AM): and don't feel bad
solslayerx (1:46:49 AM): you and dire will do the best
Dazwa070 (1:46:50 AM): err
Dazwa070 (1:46:53 AM): wats pe stand for
D1MX (1:46:57 AM): Phoenix Era
solslayerx (1:46:57 AM): thats the point of you wanting to do a round robin
Inlovewitlil (1:47:03 AM): well then can flip my middle finger up for it
Dazwa070 (1:47:04 AM): ooo
BigOsea2 (1:47:04 AM): its snakeee's crew
Inlovewitlil (1:47:07 AM): and its going
solslayerx (1:47:08 AM): dont give me that true skill nonsense
Inlovewitlil (1:47:13 AM): if it lands on
D1MX (1:47:14 AM): Round Robin my butt
MadMonkey e26 has entered the room.
Inlovewitlil (1:47:15 AM): heads or
D1MX (1:47:15 AM): FC rules
Inlovewitlil (1:47:17 AM): tails
D1MX (1:47:18 AM): all day
Inlovewitlil (1:47:19 AM): it will say
Badakin225 (1:47:20 AM): booyah
D1MX (1:47:22 AM): its mad excitin to watch too
Inlovewitlil (1:47:23 AM): **** you
Inlovewitlil (1:47:24 AM): lol
D1MX (1:47:26 AM): for real
MadMonkey e26 (1:47:28 AM): lol
D1MX (1:47:29 AM): I get hype watchin it
Inlovewitlil (1:47:31 AM): cause that **** is not happening
D1MX (1:47:34 AM): I'm like *yawn*
solslayerx (1:47:34 AM): you just wanna have a better chance to win by giving you and dire more matches
BigOsea2 (1:47:36 AM): >_>
D1MX (1:47:38 AM): @ RR
BigOsea2 (1:47:46 AM): yo wes
Inlovewitlil (1:47:56 AM): well then i dont think we have a deal then
solslayerx (1:48:04 AM): lol
solslayerx (1:48:07 AM): good **** wes
BigOsea2 (1:48:13 AM): badaskin said he will **** you
Inlovewitlil has left the room.
MadMonkey e26 (1:48:18 AM): omg its wes
Badakin225 (1:48:19 AM): NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
MadMonkey e26 (1:48:24 AM): lol ****
Badakin225 (1:48:27 AM): boooyah
Badakin225 (1:48:29 AM): again
BigOsea2 (1:48:33 AM): up
Dazwa070 (1:48:40 AM): lol nice timing mad
BigOsea2 (1:48:41 AM): d1 i luv ya but im out
Badakin225 (1:48:45 AM): yoooooooo
Badakin225 (1:48:47 AM): d1
Badakin225 (1:48:57 AM): play me on wifi sometime
MadMonkey e26 (1:49:08 AM): no onw play me lol
D1MX (1:49:09 AM): lollll
Inlovewitlil has entered the room.
D1MX (1:49:11 AM): I QUIT
D1MX (1:49:12 AM): Wifi
MadMonkey e26 (1:49:16 AM): i suck<---
Badakin225 (1:49:17 AM): o
solslayerx (1:49:17 AM): wow wes is back
D1MX (1:49:17 AM): ever since Friday
D1MX (1:49:18 AM): LOL
D1MX (1:49:21 AM): LMAO
BigOsea2 (1:49:22 AM): wes?
D1MX (1:49:23 AM): Wes is back
solslayerx (1:49:26 AM): i thought htis chat room was super lame
solslayerx (1:49:34 AM): but not lame enough for the legendary samus to come back
D1MX (1:49:35 AM): this chatroom is the bEST
D1MX (1:49:37 AM): b/c
MadMonkey e26 (1:49:37 AM): wes i'm mad nice
D1MX (1:49:39 AM): it has
MadMonkey e26 (1:49:43 AM): should play me
D1MX (1:49:43 AM): MADUDE
D1MX (1:49:44 AM): as the name
solslayerx (1:49:50 AM): it definitely does
Badakin225 (1:50:13 AM): yeah this room is pro
Inlovewitlil (1:50:18 AM): so if there is no rr
Inlovewitlil (1:50:23 AM): **** is wack
Inlovewitlil (1:50:29 AM): and i dont want to be a part of it
hairuanotakibi has entered the room.
DJ Nintendo05 (1:50:34 AM): thats because this room has two pros in and wes, lol
solslayerx (1:50:37 AM): what up kk
solslayerx (1:50:42 AM): Wow
MadMonkey e26 (1:50:43 AM): lol and a ledgend
MadMonkey e26 (1:50:46 AM): me
solslayerx (1:50:46 AM): Daza is kinda beast
solslayerx (1:50:51 AM): *Dazwa
Inlovewitlil (1:50:53 AM): so tell them
hairuanotakibi (1:50:55 AM): what the HELL LOT OF PEEPS HERE MAN
hairuanotakibi (1:50:57 AM): wassup O.o
solslayerx (1:51:00 AM): Yoz
MadMonkey e26 (1:51:02 AM): hey
Inlovewitlil (1:51:02 AM): new kidson the block that d1
Badakin225 (1:51:03 AM): **** skippy
Dazwa070 (1:51:04 AM): lol no
DJ Nintendo05 (1:51:08 AM): what up sweetie
solslayerx (1:51:15 AM): wow mad weird dj
Dazwa070 (1:51:17 AM): i got lucky that one time in CT and that was it :-(
solslayerx (1:51:21 AM): you need to quit life for that sweetie thing
hairuanotakibi (1:51:21 AM): nothing much :-) mad boring here..
hairuanotakibi (1:51:28 AM): o_o
hairuanotakibi (1:51:33 AM): lmao
MadMonkey e26 (1:51:34 AM): sneeze
Inlovewitlil (1:51:39 AM): no rr
MadMonkey e26 (1:51:40 AM): no i suck guys
Inlovewitlil (1:51:47 AM): no crew battles
Badakin225 (1:51:48 AM): yup
Inlovewitlil (1:51:52 AM): peace
solslayerx (1:51:55 AM): wow wes
solslayerx (1:52:01 AM): maaad scuuured
MadMonkey e26 (1:52:01 AM): just wanted someone to play me
D1MX (1:52:01 AM): WES IS MEAN
hairuanotakibi (1:52:07 AM): D1 IS MEAN
hairuanotakibi (1:52:10 AM): :D WASSUP
D1MX (1:52:11 AM): he never gives the crowd a pretty FC rules style crew battles
hairuanotakibi (1:52:13 AM): didn't even see you here!
solslayerx (1:52:15 AM): my man wes is shakin in his boots at fc rules
hairuanotakibi (1:52:15 AM): lmaoo
D1MX (1:52:16 AM): Daisy WOW
Inlovewitlil (1:52:16 AM): no i am standing my
hairuanotakibi (1:52:19 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
D1MX (1:52:19 AM): Hi frickin THERE
Inlovewitlil (1:52:22 AM): ground cause those ****s are wack
solslayerx (1:52:26 AM): LOL
BigOsea2 (1:52:26 AM): wow thats KK
D1MX (1:52:26 AM): you're in SWAt?
solslayerx (1:52:26 AM): wes
BigOsea2 (1:52:28 AM): lmao
hairuanotakibi (1:52:32 AM): ..
solslayerx (1:52:34 AM): dont give me bull****
solslayerx (1:52:40 AM): i see through it cuz i got those bull**** ray glasses
BigOsea2 (1:52:41 AM): KK quit life for being in swat
Inlovewitlil (1:52:42 AM): cause if i go thru like most of the crew with ddedede
solslayerx (1:52:42 AM): its obvious
Inlovewitlil (1:52:43 AM): then what
Inlovewitlil (1:52:44 AM): lol
hairuanotakibi (1:52:47 AM): who said wow that's KK >.>
solslayerx (1:52:50 AM): Wes
solslayerx (1:52:51 AM): like
solslayerx (1:52:53 AM): lets be serious
hairuanotakibi (1:52:55 AM): there's two peeps in here. that have no icon.
MadMonkey e26 (1:52:55 AM): wes did
solslayerx (1:52:55 AM): that wont happen
Inlovewitlil (1:52:58 AM): like 2 to 3 of my crew members came for no reason
Inlovewitlil (1:52:59 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (1:53:04 AM): kk its me leo
DJ Nintendo05 (1:53:05 AM): don't be hating on my gir K.K.
solslayerx (1:53:08 AM): cuz if i pick game and watch and you cant chaingrab that lame strateg is finito
Badakin225 (1:53:10 AM): my icon is god
BigOsea2 (1:53:17 AM): its my other screen name
hairuanotakibi (1:53:20 AM): .....
MadMonkey e26 (1:53:22 AM): yea i'mma noob
hairuanotakibi (1:53:22 AM): liez wait WTF?
Inlovewitlil (1:53:25 AM): then what
MadMonkey e26 (1:53:25 AM): so dont know
Dazwa070 (1:53:25 AM): kk slider
Inlovewitlil (1:53:28 AM): ppl are going to sa y
MadMonkey e26 (1:53:32 AM): me
Inlovewitlil (1:53:33 AM): that DA is just me and dire
Inlovewitlil (1:53:35 AM): or just wes
Inlovewitlil (1:53:43 AM): **** is nonsense i wont do it
BigOsea2 (1:53:50 AM): sorry i forgot to tell you about my other screenname
hairuanotakibi (1:53:54 AM): >.>; too.. many.. peeps lmao
MadMonkey e26 (1:53:56 AM): would u do it fro money?
hairuanotakibi (1:54:00 AM): ah okay just wanted to make sure it was you or ._. yeh
Badakin225 (1:54:07 AM): fro
MadMonkey e26 (1:54:12 AM): lol i say fro
solslayerx (1:54:14 AM): Wes...Da IS just you and dire..
MadMonkey e26 (1:54:15 AM): no for
solslayerx (1:54:17 AM): Lets be serious..
Badakin225 (1:54:20 AM): awesome
solslayerx (1:54:22 AM): Like come on..
hairuanotakibi (1:54:28 AM): there are four people in here.. two of which both have the same icon. iChat doesn't differentiate so i have no idea who's saying what. LOL.
solslayerx (1:54:30 AM): Who do i see place
BigOsea2 (1:54:31 AM): kk why is your marth so godly
solslayerx (1:54:34 AM): you and dire
solslayerx (1:54:35 AM): oh wiat
solslayerx (1:54:38 AM): i hear comp is beast too
hairuanotakibi (1:54:40 AM): ....say what
hairuanotakibi (1:54:42 AM): it is not
BigOsea2 (1:54:46 AM): you should teach luck how to play him cuz hes trying to learn marth nwo
solslayerx (1:54:47 AM): but comp doesnt take this game seirously
DJ Nintendo05 (1:54:48 AM): she had training from me in my smashfest
solslayerx (1:54:50 AM): its just you and dire
DJ Nintendo05 (1:54:51 AM): get at me, lol
hairuanotakibi (1:54:54 AM): >..
hairuanotakibi (1:55:01 AM): dude i passed out at your smashfest.
hairuanotakibi (1:55:03 AM): and i felt so fucing bad
hairuanotakibi (1:55:05 AM): oh my god
hairuanotakibi (1:55:10 AM): i just butchered a curse word ****it
hairuanotakibi (1:55:12 AM): *fail city*
Badakin225 (1:55:28 AM): population?
BigOsea2 (1:55:30 AM): seriously teach luck to play marth
hairuanotakibi (1:55:33 AM): me
MadMonkey e26 (1:55:33 AM): least u didnt say fing
Badakin225 (1:55:37 AM): ****nn
BigOsea2 (1:55:37 AM): yes
MadMonkey e26 (1:55:40 AM): like thats like ping
hairuanotakibi (1:55:42 AM): FING!! LOL
DJ Nintendo05 (1:55:43 AM): its aight, don't worry about it
MadMonkey e26 (1:55:46 AM): lol
Dazwa070 (1:55:57 AM): yo imma get sleep this was entertaining, please record that crew battle etc seeya
Badakin225 (1:55:59 AM): word luck's marth is trashSession concluded at 1:55:59 AMYou have just entered room "madude."
DJ Nintendo05 (2:19:22 AM): I'm just as old smasher as Wes...not to brag or whatever but I do have a big fanbase because of my Bowser and Mario
RockinTH (2:19:22 AM): One day, DJ is gonna MM a mod for mod powers, and the next day
BigOsea2 (2:19:24 AM): DAZ IS BACK
RockinTH (2:19:29 AM): we'll see DJ's account red
BigOsea2 (2:20:07 AM): yo dazwa are you gonna come down to the next smashtality in summer
Dazwa070 (2:20:29 AM): iunno
DJ Nintendo05 (2:20:31 AM): I'm also declared by many people that I'm one of the best partners to have in teams and I have the best recovery mindgames in the world
RockinTH (2:20:32 AM): well DJ, you and a few others are the reason why Bowser was so good in Melee
RockinTH (2:20:35 AM): no doubt
BigOsea2 (2:20:36 AM): definitely do
BigOsea2 (2:20:42 AM): i wanna meet/play you
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:20:48 AM): Dazwa do you really have a beast ZSS?
Dazwa070 (2:20:56 AM): no
BigOsea2 (2:21:05 AM): he has a beast link lol
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:21:06 AM): **** PC said you did
BigOsea2 (2:21:07 AM): and snake
D1MX (2:21:09 AM): Yeah our crew is: D1, NinjaLink, Ron, Starzonedge, Fab, and KillaOR
BigOsea2 (2:21:18 AM): wow
BigOsea2 (2:21:21 AM): starz joined TS
D1MX (2:21:22 AM): Fab and KillaOR are inactive Starz is a new recruit
hairuanotakibi (2:21:24 AM): starzonedge?
D1MX (2:21:26 AM): Yep yep
BigOsea2 (2:21:28 AM): **** i need to quit life
D1MX (2:21:28 AM): my *****
Dazwa070 (2:21:31 AM): i only got 13th at mass madness, the one with 5 snakes and a meta taking top 5 @_@
D1MX (2:21:32 AM): ^___^
hairuanotakibi (2:21:34 AM): don't know him/her :s lol
MadMonkey e26 has left the room.
hairuanotakibi (2:21:38 AM): lmaoo
D1MX (2:21:38 AM): He's one of the best
D1MX (2:21:51 AM): NYC's ever seen
RockinTH (2:21:51 AM): I hate starz
RockinTH (2:21:59 AM): his fox was too beast in melee ><
BigOsea2 (2:22:01 AM): and reno took you out daz?
D1MX (2:22:02 AM): Hahaha
Dazwa070 (2:22:17 AM): reno in winners
Dazwa070 (2:22:21 AM): obm in losers
RockinTH (2:22:27 AM): and I'm pretty sure his Olimar and such is pro now
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:22:30 AM): Snakes can be beat and so can Meta by her
BigOsea2 (2:22:30 AM): ****
BigOsea2 (2:22:35 AM): wat place did reno get
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:22:39 AM): she has no really bad match ups
D1MX (2:22:42 AM): Yup
RockinTH (2:23:11 AM): what about against Peach, Leo?
BigOsea2 (2:23:17 AM): yo D1 i wanna marth ditto
BigOsea2 (2:23:25 AM): rockin quit life leo isnt here
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:23:30 AM): o_O
RockinTH (2:23:40 AM): ****it
RockinTH (2:23:44 AM): i always gotta quit life
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:23:56 AM): I'm not Leo lol
RockinTH (2:23:59 AM): sorry scott ><
BigOsea2 (2:24:05 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (2:24:08 AM): thats snake
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:24:12 AM): its cool...actually peach is rough for me
RockinTH (2:24:15 AM): okay, okay, sorry
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:24:26 AM): ...i lost to Dark Pch at Montage's >_>
RockinTH (2:24:41 AM): Peach's dair can out-priority even a charged shot
Tristan the Hero has entered the room.
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:24:45 AM): he just kept d airing all day
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:25:05 AM): thats not good...and crap D1 plays her and just heard that lol
Tristan the Hero (2:25:05 AM): wtf is this
Dazwa070 (2:25:19 AM): i need to start playing zss again, ive been playing rob lately lol
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:25:25 AM): I'll find a way outta that d air
BigOsea2 (2:25:31 AM): ok guys now that ur here
BigOsea2 (2:25:40 AM): does ZSS have a hard time recoverying?
Dazwa070 (2:25:43 AM): NO
BigOsea2 (2:25:51 AM): thank you cass is mad stupid
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:25:52 AM): you really asking that after playing me???
Dazwa070 (2:26:03 AM): i cant believe people still say her recovery is bad
Dazwa070 (2:26:04 AM): its soo good
RockinTH (2:26:08 AM): her recovery is flexable, but not that. I think her recovery mainly relies on thether, right?
BigOsea2 (2:26:37 AM): ignorant people do
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:26:51 AM): even if you end up grabbing the ledge and i wont make it I down b footstool jump you
solslayerx (2:27:05 AM): Wait..
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:27:06 AM): I actually just made a topic about how she doesnt get gimped
Teczero8 has entered the room.
solslayerx (2:27:10 AM): Are you guys serious?
solslayerx (2:27:19 AM): Why am I being called stupid?
BigOsea2 (2:27:20 AM): mad dumb cass
BigOsea2 (2:27:23 AM): told you
Teczero8 (2:27:24 AM): ?????
solslayerx (2:27:28 AM): Shut the **** up Luck...
RockinTH (2:27:30 AM): yeah Techzero
solslayerx (2:27:31 AM): Anywho
RockinTH (2:27:32 AM): it's a trap
RockinTH (2:27:42 AM): just a chatroom about stuff
solslayerx (2:27:44 AM): ZSS recovery is not that good it requires a lot of skill to master.
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:27:53 AM): lol Cass everyone thinks that its cool
solslayerx (2:27:53 AM): She can still get gimped...
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:28:03 AM): very rarely
Teczero8 (2:28:06 AM): hiiiiiii D1 :-)
D1MX (2:28:11 AM): TEC0
D1MX (2:28:13 AM): OMG!
Teczero8 (2:28:14 AM): ok I dunno what im doing here
D1MX (2:28:16 AM): I was in NJ today
D1MX (2:28:19 AM): playin w/ Crismas
Teczero8 (2:28:19 AM): O_O really?
D1MX (2:28:22 AM): and like she says
D1MX (2:28:23 AM): how
Dazwa070 (2:28:23 AM): i think i got gimped a grand total of once at mm9
D1MX (2:28:25 AM): you live MAD CLOSE
solslayerx (2:28:26 AM): It completely depends on 2 variables how well the opponent knows zss and the skill of the zss
Dazwa070 (2:28:27 AM): because i made a rly stupid mistake
D1MX (2:28:28 AM): I was like WORRRD
Teczero8 (2:28:31 AM): :-( you gues shoulda called me or sumthin
D1MX (2:28:35 AM): it was LATE
Teczero8 (2:28:39 AM): ahhh I see
solslayerx (2:28:44 AM): Snake your a great Zss but i still see you and get happens.
Teczero8 (2:28:45 AM): I suck at brawl
Teczero8 (2:28:51 AM): help me do something >_>
Dazwa070 (2:29:02 AM): tec reinvent sheik for brawl
BigOsea2 (2:29:03 AM): cass are you listening to dazwa as well?
RockinTH (2:29:04 AM): Tec, stop sandbagging
solslayerx (2:29:08 AM): I am.
Dazwa070 (2:29:11 AM): He is.
RockinTH (2:29:13 AM): everyone knows you're beast at Brawl
Teczero8 (2:29:19 AM): O_O Dazwa >_>
solslayerx (2:29:33 AM): I've never seen youplay Dazwa so I can't make an opinion but I trust what your saying.
Dazwa070 (2:29:40 AM): yeah, i understand
Dazwa070 (2:29:59 AM): i haven't really seen snakee play either so i dunno if you guys have more experience with gimping zamooses
Teczero8 (2:30:01 AM): Dazwa your avatars on swf are hilarious LOL
RockinTH (2:30:03 AM): scott, Snake, here's the real question about ZSS
BigOsea2 (2:30:09 AM): lol
Dazwa070 (2:30:12 AM): lol my premium ran out yesterday though =(
RockinTH (2:30:12 AM): is she sexy?
Teczero8 (2:30:13 AM): btw do you play sheik in brawl dazwa?
BigOsea2 (2:30:14 AM): word
Teczero8 (2:30:17 AM): :-(
Dazwa070 (2:30:20 AM): no, i play zss
BigOsea2 (2:30:25 AM): dazwa got me into eyeshield
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:30:26 AM): yes rockin she is lol
solslayerx (2:30:27 AM): All I'm saying is I've played snake in tourney and I definitely sd cuz of her recovery...
Teczero8 (2:30:28 AM): ahh i see
Dazwa070 (2:30:41 AM): i played some sheik here and there but i dont like how she plays now
RockinTH (2:30:44 AM): THERE YOU GO!
solslayerx (2:30:48 AM): And snakee has one several weeklies, so his credentials speak for itself.
Teczero8 (2:30:48 AM): I see
Teczero8 (2:30:53 AM): who does darc play?
RockinTH (2:30:56 AM): <~ is happy :3
solslayerx (2:30:56 AM): The fact of the matter is it just isn't that good.
Dazwa070 (2:31:04 AM): darc is snake and wolf
Teczero8 (2:31:10 AM): I might try sheik i play like d3 a bit
solslayerx (2:31:13 AM): But a skilled player can make anything seem good.
Teczero8 (2:31:27 AM): thats cool - snake >_>
Dazwa070 (2:31:33 AM): indeed lol
BigOsea2 (2:31:34 AM): lol
Dazwa070 (2:31:39 AM): after cort won esticle with snake
BigOsea2 (2:31:42 AM): marth all day tech
Dazwa070 (2:31:43 AM): he said "imma play snake"
Teczero8 (2:31:46 AM): LMAO
Dazwa070 (2:31:46 AM): everyone in maine did
Dazwa070 (2:31:49 AM): they either
Dazwa070 (2:31:51 AM): 1. picked up snake
Dazwa070 (2:31:53 AM): 2. quit
Dazwa070 (2:31:55 AM): 3. was dazwa
Teczero8 (2:32:00 AM): OMFG LMAO
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:32:03 AM): lol
solslayerx (2:32:05 AM): Lawl...
RockinTH (2:32:09 AM): Cass, gotta understand, not everyone has a godly recovery. I mean, anot yet at least
solslayerx (2:32:16 AM): I know.
RockinTH (2:32:28 AM): I know ZSS's recovery isn't like Kirby's or Dedede's, but it's still effective
D1MX (2:32:29 AM): LOL
D1MX (2:32:30 AM): I know right
solslayerx (2:32:32 AM): But what annoys me is when Luck tries to tell me dumb *** **** then calls me ignorant when I'm right.
D1MX (2:32:33 AM): Falco's recovey
D1MX (2:32:35 AM): is mad butt
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:32:35 AM): I just think ZSS' is really good because of all the options she has
D1MX (2:32:36 AM): T___T
D1MX (2:32:38 AM): I hate usin Falco
D1MX (2:32:40 AM): he's mad butt
RockinTH (2:32:40 AM): slightly tricky, but majority of the time she'll get back on stage
Teczero8 (2:32:41 AM): LOL i was sooo mad you couldnt make it to pound daz I really wanted to play you and darc :-(:-(:-(
RockinTH (2:32:45 AM): it just all depends on the player
BigOsea2 (2:32:53 AM): your not right randy
hairuanotakibi (2:32:56 AM): lol D1 >.>;
Teczero8 (2:33:01 AM): after darc ***** me at vls especially >_>
D1MX (2:33:02 AM): LOOOL
RockinTH (2:33:03 AM): like with Peach, her recovery is just ****ty at the moment >>
solslayerx (2:33:03 AM): I just explained my point...
D1MX (2:33:04 AM): I'm so random
hairuanotakibi (2:33:07 AM): were you there that day when nick drillbeaked two peeps and they quit the game after that? was saved.
D1MX (2:33:07 AM): I just post and runoff
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:33:09 AM): only way I really see her getting gimped efficiently is by a spike and quick edge hog
D1MX (2:33:09 AM): and post again
D1MX (2:33:12 AM): LMFAO
Dazwa070 (2:33:14 AM): =( im still sad we couldn't go to that, gj repping northeast though
D1MX (2:33:16 AM): YUP
D1MX (2:33:17 AM): I was there
D1MX (2:33:23 AM): *throws up the DB sign*
solslayerx (2:33:29 AM): Quick edge hogs can happen all the time Snake.
BigOsea2 (2:33:31 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (2:33:38 AM): naw
Teczero8 (2:33:39 AM): ;-) I was your substitute I think
hairuanotakibi (2:33:43 AM): lmao
solslayerx (2:33:45 AM): Like this arguement is stupid...
BigOsea2 (2:33:47 AM): the quick edgehog is situational
Teczero8 (2:33:48 AM): I was dazwa for a day LOL
BigOsea2 (2:33:55 AM): cuz zss jumps mad high
BigOsea2 (2:34:00 AM): plus her down b
Dazwa070 (2:34:04 AM): lolol we'll unfortunately never know who was the real substitute
RockinTH (2:34:08 AM): i havn't played D1's Falco yet
RockinTH (2:34:17 AM): you play a black color falco, right D1?
solslayerx (2:34:18 AM): Her down be limits too much.
Dazwa070 (2:34:20 AM): =(
hairuanotakibi (2:34:21 AM): D1 you lost myr eplay in our Marth Falco set :-(
hairuanotakibi (2:34:27 AM): i wanted that one XD
solslayerx (2:34:27 AM): Unless you down b footstool
BigOsea2 (2:34:35 AM): tell that to snake
Teczero8 (2:34:36 AM): >_> well people told me they think you were better daz
solslayerx (2:34:42 AM): If someone realizes thats what a ZSS will do they can counter it
solslayerx (2:34:43 AM): I DID
solslayerx (2:34:47 AM): I ****in explained my point.
solslayerx (2:34:52 AM): LIke...
solslayerx (2:34:57 AM): it's obvious luck.
BigOsea2 (2:35:02 AM): well i dont see snake saying your right
Teczero8 (2:35:04 AM): oh well... maybe we can play in brawl or something
Dazwa070 (2:35:11 AM): well people also say zss's recovery is bad
Dazwa070 (2:35:14 AM): LOL jk sol
Dazwa070 (2:35:14 AM): <_<
RockinTH (2:35:25 AM): Cass, how often you play with Snake's ZSS?
solslayerx (2:35:35 AM): Even though he's mad good...and even though He;s a beast with her recovery....I still see him sd and get gimped
solslayerx (2:35:49 AM): I played him in tourney once and I believe maybe 2 times before.
solslayerx (2:35:55 AM): I know his ZSS is good that isn't the point.
BigOsea2 (2:35:59 AM): dazwa said he only got gimped once at the last tourney
RockinTH (2:35:59 AM): well Cass, look at Isai
Dazwa070 (2:36:09 AM): well uh
RockinTH (2:36:14 AM): he has a beast Falcon in Melee and he somehow SDs himself with the last stock with a knee
Dazwa070 (2:36:15 AM): it should have been twice actually
RockinTH (2:36:18 AM): lol
solslayerx (2:36:21 AM): I told Dazwa I haven't seen his ZSS and I can't make an opinion...
Dazwa070 (2:36:22 AM): i got gimp spiked by KDJ's DK
BigOsea2 (2:36:27 AM): so wat
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:36:28 AM): early on I definitely got edge hogged a lot if youre thinking of the first brawl tourneys we had
Dazwa070 (2:36:31 AM): and I made some miraculously ******** tether to the stage
Dazwa070 (2:36:35 AM): and saved my life
BigOsea2 (2:36:40 AM): randy
solslayerx (2:36:41 AM): Who me?
BigOsea2 (2:36:42 AM): the fact is
solslayerx (2:36:43 AM): No I'm not.
BigOsea2 (2:36:51 AM): that if he only got gimped twice
BigOsea2 (2:36:57 AM): he doesnt have to be good or bad
BigOsea2 (2:37:04 AM): it means shes not so easy to gimp
solslayerx (2:37:13 AM): Luck...there are too many variables for me to forumlate an opinion on why he did not get gimped.
Dazwa070 (2:37:22 AM): nah, all the people I played against either
Dazwa070 (2:37:28 AM): 1. didn't have much zss practice and lost
Dazwa070 (2:37:31 AM): 2. did, and won
solslayerx (2:37:32 AM): Exactly..
solslayerx (2:37:36 AM): Like stop Luck.
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:37:36 AM): if I SD or get edgehogged next weekly though I know Cass is gonna laugh at me now lol
solslayerx (2:37:44 AM): Of course not Snakee.
BigOsea2 (2:37:47 AM): lol
solslayerx (2:37:47 AM): I respect you a lot.
Dazwa070 (2:37:53 AM): my results aren't very conclusive and are just me throwing my 2 cents in the pot
solslayerx (2:37:59 AM): Luck just calls me stupid...
BigOsea2 (2:38:04 AM): cuz ur not right
solslayerx (2:38:11 AM): When I have an opinion, and I don't think I'm wrong.
BigOsea2 (2:38:14 AM): i trust the 2 people who main zss
BigOsea2 (2:38:23 AM): who say shes not hard to recover with
Dazwa070 (2:38:26 AM): they can be biased though
Dazwa070 (2:38:29 AM): <_<
solslayerx (2:38:30 AM): exactly
RockinTH (2:38:30 AM): don't worry, Snake
solslayerx (2:38:36 AM): Took the words right out my mouth Dazwa
RockinTH (2:38:43 AM): everyone laughs at me several times at a weeky
BigOsea2 (2:38:43 AM): dazwa stop playing devils advocate lol
RockinTH (2:38:46 AM): weekly*
RockinTH (2:38:47 AM): lol
Dazwa070 (2:38:49 AM): it's what i do all the time lol
Dazwa070 (2:39:02 AM): i remember arguing for items in the CT thread all for devils advocate LOL
RockinTH (2:39:04 AM): not cause they are being *****. it's just them laughing with me
Dazwa070 (2:39:07 AM): and look what evo turned it into oh god
BigOsea2 (2:39:08 AM): LMAO
solslayerx (2:39:11 AM): Honestly if her recovery is so **** good luck
RockinTH (2:39:12 AM): Blackenese and sgin get on me though
solslayerx (2:39:16 AM): play her and dont get gimped.
BigOsea2 (2:39:25 AM): ok
BigOsea2 (2:39:31 AM): next time i play you
D1MX (2:39:31 AM): yeah D1 uses
D1MX (2:39:34 AM): Black Falco
solslayerx (2:39:36 AM): It takes skill to use it and even then....its hard.
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:39:39 AM): well when you first pick her up actually you might get gimped a lot lol
RockinTH (2:39:39 AM): yeah
RockinTH (2:39:47 AM): i heard you're Falco is good
RockinTH (2:39:51 AM): I want to play it
solslayerx (2:39:54 AM): I know he will Snake this guy is a ****in' idiot.
RockinTH (2:40:02 AM): hopefully i won't get sock smacked (3stocked)
BigOsea2 (2:40:02 AM): we'll see
solslayerx (2:40:04 AM): It takes skill to master it and even then its still hard.
RockinTH (2:40:07 AM): *****
BigOsea2 (2:40:08 AM): just dont lose randy
Teczero8 (2:40:13 AM): lmao at D1 talking in third person
solslayerx (2:40:14 AM): Ok Luck.
solslayerx (2:40:18 AM): So let's money match it.
BigOsea2 (2:40:24 AM): wtf?!?!
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:40:30 AM): Rockin howd you not play D1 at all by now?
BigOsea2 (2:40:33 AM): why would i mm with a character i dont use
solslayerx (2:40:34 AM): Money match it 20 dollars.
RockinTH (2:40:35 AM): ****it, Money match this, money match that...
BigOsea2 (2:40:42 AM): thats so dumb man
RockinTH (2:40:43 AM): have ya kids considered about hustling?
solslayerx (2:40:45 AM): Because you're being stupid...then your telling me not to lose.
RockinTH (2:40:45 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (2:40:47 AM): thats not what we are debating
Dazwa070 (2:40:47 AM): money match me with a wiffle ball bat
solslayerx (2:40:52 AM): Lol.
Teczero8 (2:40:52 AM): lol
solslayerx (2:40:59 AM): You're a funny guy Dazwa.
solslayerx (2:41:04 AM): I'm done with this Luck...
solslayerx (2:41:06 AM): TECZERO
solslayerx (2:41:12 AM): Vanz talks about you all the time.
solslayerx (2:41:20 AM): When I hang out with him.
RockinTH (2:41:22 AM): in a good way, Tech0
RockinTH (2:41:26 AM): lol
solslayerx (2:41:34 AM): My name's Cass and I play Wario.
BigOsea2 (2:41:37 AM): tec come to the weeklies now that schooooools outtt for summerrrr
Teczero8 (2:41:38 AM): ahh
Teczero8 (2:41:45 AM): i dont ahve money
BigOsea2 (2:41:48 AM): 8(
RockinTH (2:41:54 AM): well Tech
RockinTH (2:41:57 AM): you could always MM
BigOsea2 (2:42:15 AM): or get a job >_>
RockinTH (2:42:16 AM): that always seem to solve people's troubles when they're low on money lol
RockinTH (2:42:22 AM): Luck
RockinTH (2:42:23 AM): Cass
Teczero8 (2:42:28 AM): well I have a job it just starts later >_>
RockinTH (2:42:32 AM): with the amount of times you and Cass be asking for MM
solslayerx (2:42:32 AM): It's funny when ever me and jman get into arguements
BigOsea2 (2:42:32 AM): ah
RockinTH (2:42:39 AM): ya might as well hustle
solslayerx (2:42:40 AM): i tell him
RockinTH (2:42:40 AM): XD
solslayerx (2:42:45 AM): that you 4 stocked him
solslayerx (2:42:50 AM): and that i could watch it righ tnow
D1MX (2:42:53 AM): so who's entering Melee Fridays
solslayerx (2:42:56 AM): because its on youtube
D1MX (2:42:58 AM): and Brawl Saturdays
RockinTH (2:42:58 AM): I AM
solslayerx (2:43:00 AM): and then he shuts up
RockinTH (2:43:04 AM): both days sonz
BigOsea2 (2:43:06 AM): I AM
BigOsea2 (2:43:08 AM): MELEE
RockinTH (2:43:09 AM): alll day
D1MX (2:43:13 AM): cool I can ony afford one day
BigOsea2 (2:43:13 AM): <3 MELEE
D1MX (2:43:17 AM): so thats Brawl for me sry
solslayerx (2:43:19 AM): I might show up for brawl.
RockinTH (2:43:20 AM): I use 'day' spelling because I go to school
D1MX (2:43:20 AM): go LUCK
D1MX (2:43:34 AM): I'm too rusty to put money down
RockinTH (2:43:41 AM): so am i
D1MX (2:43:42 AM): plus I'm whack anyway LOL
RockinTH (2:43:47 AM): but I'm still willing to play]
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:43:48 AM): I'm probably only going for brawl because I'm rusty in Melee and would have no chance
BigOsea2 (2:43:53 AM): just use peach d1
BigOsea2 (2:43:55 AM): remember
RockinTH (2:43:55 AM): i miss chaingrabbing Foxs and men in tights
RockinTH (2:43:56 AM): lol
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:43:59 AM): maybe I'll go to a couple though
BigOsea2 (2:44:05 AM): thats how you win in melee
RockinTH (2:44:10 AM): pfft
D1MX (2:44:10 AM): ROFL
RockinTH (2:44:15 AM): that must be some good weed Luck
D1MX (2:44:18 AM): Peach is awesome
RockinTH (2:44:18 AM): may I try some?
BigOsea2 (2:44:22 AM): lmao
D1MX (2:44:22 AM): Luck inspired me
BigOsea2 (2:44:22 AM): stfu rockin
D1MX (2:44:31 AM): to take up more time usin her in tourneys
BigOsea2 (2:44:38 AM): do it sons
RockinTH (2:44:44 AM): you can't just Dsmash your way to victory.....
D1MX (2:44:48 AM): there was a local tourney where Wes showed up over the weekend
RockinTH (2:44:49 AM): ....although it's a good option
RockinTH (2:44:51 AM): XD
D1MX (2:44:52 AM): and I beat him w/ Peach
D1MX (2:44:53 AM): vs. his ROB
BigOsea2 (2:44:54 AM): lmao
BigOsea2 (2:44:56 AM): quit life
D1MX (2:45:00 AM): it was hilarious
D1MX (2:45:05 AM): 1st game he camped like hell and won
D1MX (2:45:08 AM): 2n game I won
D1MX (2:45:12 AM): 3rd game he goes Fox
D1MX (2:45:15 AM): I go DDD
D1MX (2:45:17 AM): and 3 stocked him
D1MX (2:45:18 AM): LMAO
BigOsea2 (2:45:21 AM): ****
D1MX (2:45:26 AM): no CGs
D1MX (2:45:28 AM): LOL
D1MX (2:45:33 AM): its FOX LOL
BigOsea2 (2:45:34 AM): wes needs to seriously quit
RockinTH (2:45:42 AM): yo, KillaOR 'got me tight' when I was first playing Peach
BigOsea2 (2:45:46 AM): and TS needs to become apart of demigodz
D1MX (2:45:47 AM): but yeah don't tell him I told ya'll this cuz he'll get tight LMAO
RockinTH (2:45:48 AM): I Dsmashed him with Brawl Peach
RockinTH (2:45:51 AM): he laughed
D1MX (2:45:57 AM): LMAO!
D1MX (2:46:00 AM): Dsmash isn't bad
RockinTH (2:46:27 AM): "hahaha! That **** barely hurt. Go ahead! do it again! I'll let you hit me"
RockinTH (2:46:32 AM): I Dsmashed him
RockinTH (2:46:36 AM): he laughed harder
RockinTH (2:46:37 AM): XD
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:47:03 AM): ...if hes using Jiggs tell him to do a rest and then you can laugh all you want
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (2:47:14 AM): but i dont think he is
Dazwa070 (2:47:24 AM): lol jiggs rest got buffed it makes a flower that **** is broken
Teczero8 (2:47:33 AM): LMAO
RockinTH (2:47:35 AM): Luck
KidKashO9 has entered the room.
RockinTH (2:47:41 AM): the day when D1 joins demigods
BigOsea2 (2:47:43 AM): sonic v jiggs is hard
RockinTH (2:47:49 AM): would be the day everyone stops meatriding
D1MX (2:47:50 AM): Jiggz is awesome
D1MX (2:47:59 AM): Meatridin who or what?
Teczero8 (2:48:01 AM): d1 knows too much about brawl
KidKashO9 (2:48:02 AM): who invite me ????
D1MX (2:48:04 AM): LOL
solslayerx (2:48:11 AM): What do you do....when you are very hungry and its 3 o clock
Teczero8 (2:48:17 AM): eat
D1MX (2:48:17 AM): LOL GO OUT
solslayerx (2:48:17 AM): Can you order pizza?
D1MX (2:48:19 AM): and EAT
D1MX (2:48:21 AM): nah my d00d
RockinTH (2:48:24 AM): no fool
Teczero8 (2:48:27 AM): white castle is 24/7
D1MX (2:48:28 AM): gather some cash
D1MX (2:48:30 AM): HELL YEAH
D1MX (2:48:31 AM): TEC
RockinTH (2:48:31 AM): that's what those frozen foods are for
D1MX (2:48:33 AM): tell 'em!
D1MX (2:48:33 AM): XD
BigOsea2 (2:48:36 AM): ma dude
Teczero8 (2:48:37 AM): LOOOOOOL
RockinTH (2:48:39 AM): Tec0
KidKashO9 (2:48:39 AM): wtf
buetsass123 has left the room.
solslayerx (2:48:42 AM): That's not around here.
BigOsea2 (2:48:44 AM): wow
KidKashO9 (2:48:45 AM): howd i get in this room
D1MX (2:48:46 AM): oh wtf
RockinTH (2:48:48 AM): staying stuck in the bathroom all night isn't worth it
RockinTH (2:48:49 AM): >>
D1MX (2:48:49 AM): where you live Cass
BigOsea2 (2:48:50 AM): issachar just left
BigOsea2 (2:48:51 AM): lmao
D1MX (2:48:52 AM): I have a White Castle
Teczero8 (2:48:57 AM): me too
solslayerx (2:48:57 AM): Harlem South harlem...
D1MX (2:48:58 AM): like a 4 min. drive away
BigOsea2 (2:48:58 AM): kidkash
D1MX (2:49:00 AM): from my house
D1MX (2:49:06 AM): I could just hop in
D1MX (2:49:08 AM): and VROOOOOM
solslayerx (2:49:08 AM): Yeah thers nothing around here
D1MX (2:49:09 AM): there
BigOsea2 (2:49:12 AM): ur in a room with some of the best smash players in the east coast
D1MX (2:49:20 AM): my ***** TEC0
D1MX (2:49:23 AM): mad AWESOME
RockinTH (2:49:24 AM): except me
D1MX (2:49:26 AM): you saw Pound3
D1MX (2:49:28 AM): crew battle
RockinTH (2:49:32 AM): I'm definitly low tier in skills >>
Dazwa070 (2:49:36 AM): tec0 northeast HEROOOO
BigOsea2 (2:49:48 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (2:49:52 AM): that **** was mad epic
BigOsea2 (2:49:53 AM): i saw it
solslayerx (2:49:55 AM): Wait.
KidKashO9 (2:49:56 AM): i dont know anyone here
solslayerx (2:50:00 AM): Can anyone answer me?
KidKashO9 (2:50:03 AM): so who invited me
Teczero8 (2:50:15 AM): Dazwa your amazing thanks LOL
D1MX (2:50:17 AM): YO MOMMA! (crowd goes oh sh**)
BigOsea2 (2:50:17 AM): kidkash do you play smash?
solslayerx (2:50:32 AM): Wait a minute...
RockinTH (2:50:32 AM): D1 is starting Mess
RockinTH (2:50:35 AM): but that's alright
solslayerx (2:50:38 AM): How do I fulfill my hunger.
RockinTH (2:50:39 AM): because he got cool status
D1MX (2:50:43 AM): I'm PISSED
D1MX (2:50:54 AM): It woulda been in JERSEY
BigOsea2 (2:50:54 AM): im tired 8(
D1MX (2:50:56 AM): GODD****IT
BigOsea2 (2:50:58 AM): ima bout to leave
solslayerx (2:50:59 AM): I'm reaaaallly hungry.
solslayerx (2:51:01 AM): What do I do.
Teczero8 (2:51:02 AM): daz do you think you would drive out for brawl?
D1MX (2:51:03 AM): Later luck
solslayerx (2:51:08 AM): Peace Luck.
Dazwa070 (2:51:12 AM): uh
RockinTH (2:51:14 AM): you're gonna have to cook something, Cass
Dazwa070 (2:51:20 AM): the most i drove out for melee was to an esticle in CT
RockinTH (2:51:21 AM): or eat some leftovers
solslayerx (2:51:23 AM): I was gonan cook nuggets
Dazwa070 (2:51:27 AM): and I've already done that for brawl
solslayerx (2:51:28 AM): by my sister siad they are bad
Dazwa070 (2:51:32 AM): so uh...yes?
Teczero8 (2:51:38 AM): oh ... lmao
Dazwa070 (2:51:44 AM): unforatunately the rides I'd go with
KidKashO9 (2:51:47 AM): umm yea i play smash why?
Dazwa070 (2:51:48 AM): don't like brawl as much
solslayerx (2:51:50 AM): Tec0 I take it you dislike brawl as well.
Dazwa070 (2:51:54 AM): and are limiting themselves to mass only now
BigOsea2 (2:51:56 AM): thats why ur in this room
Teczero8 (2:51:58 AM): ahh i see
DJ Nintendo05 (2:51:59 AM): brawl is boring
KidKashO9 (2:52:04 AM): i play melee not brawl
Teczero8 (2:52:04 AM): I don't hate brawl
solslayerx (2:52:06 AM): Wait I like brawl
Teczero8 (2:52:07 AM): I just prefer melee
solslayerx (2:52:13 AM): just sayin..
BigOsea2 (2:52:14 AM): barlw is boring
solslayerx (2:52:20 AM): Completely understandable.
Teczero8 (2:52:29 AM): hmm i haven't been to a brawl tourney yet
KidKashO9 (2:52:30 AM): but howd you get my aim
someegotist has entered the room.
Dazwa070 (2:52:32 AM): barlwww
solslayerx (2:52:34 AM): Well...unfortunately Melee will probably never come back.
BigOsea2 (2:52:38 AM): i dont remember lol
Teczero8 (2:52:40 AM): I wanna go to nyc and play d1 >_>
BigOsea2 (2:52:44 AM): ive had it for a while
DJ Nintendo05 (2:52:44 AM): melee will come back, quit life
RockinTH (2:52:49 AM): nooooooo! let's not start no 'Brawl Vs. Melee' stuff plz
BigOsea2 (2:52:51 AM): WILL
KidKashO9 (2:52:55 AM): and howd you no i play smash
someegotist (2:52:55 AM): hey, people I don't know
solslayerx (2:52:56 AM): I don't want to.
RockinTH (2:52:56 AM): think of the kids like Hax and Jman
RockinTH (2:52:59 AM): ><
BigOsea2 (2:53:02 AM): will
Dazwa070 (2:53:06 AM): guys brawl is so stupid
solslayerx (2:53:08 AM): Jman is definitely my age
someegotist (2:53:09 AM): yo
Dazwa070 (2:53:09 AM): lets all play barlw
BigOsea2 (2:53:10 AM): tell these people about your melee fox
solslayerx (2:53:10 AM): He isnt a kid.
DJ Nintendo05 (2:53:20 AM): Hax and Jman definitely got 5th at pound
Teczero8 (2:53:22 AM): LOL @ dazwa
DJ Nintendo05 (2:53:22 AM): lol
RenoNYC has entered the room.
someegotist (2:53:37 AM): it's alright, but there's the occasional spike
BigOsea2 (2:53:40 AM): WOW
RenoNYC (2:53:40 AM): lol whats this about
RockinTH (2:53:43 AM): ****it Luck
BigOsea2 (2:53:44 AM): RENO
RenoNYC (2:53:47 AM): whos ?
solslayerx (2:53:49 AM): Hey Reno.
Dazwa070 (2:53:49 AM): this is about northeast and chat
solslayerx (2:53:51 AM): It's Cass.
KidKashO9 (2:53:54 AM): my fox beat isia
RockinTH (2:53:55 AM): how many people you added in your buddy list? ><;;;
RenoNYC (2:53:56 AM): hi cass.
KidKashO9 (2:53:57 AM): =]
BigOsea2 (2:54:05 AM): wow
D1MX (2:54:08 AM): MY D000D
solslayerx (2:54:09 AM): Hi Reno.
RenoNYC (2:54:13 AM): hiya.
solslayerx (2:54:13 AM): Hey Reno..
D1MX (2:54:14 AM): WHAZZZ good
RenoNYC (2:54:16 AM): I SAID HI
BigOsea2 (2:54:16 AM): you definitely did not beat isai
RenoNYC (2:54:17 AM): OMG
D1MX (2:54:18 AM): yo RENO IS MAD BEAST
solslayerx (2:54:19 AM): If I played melee.
D1MX (2:54:19 AM): IN BRAWL
D1MX (2:54:20 AM): OMFG
D1MX (2:54:22 AM): I mean
Dazwa070 (2:54:22 AM): reno howsit goin
D1MX (2:54:22 AM): MELEE
RenoNYC (2:54:23 AM): lol relax
RenoNYC (2:54:23 AM): melee
D1MX (2:54:24 AM): and BRAWL
solslayerx (2:54:24 AM): Would you train me with sheik.
RenoNYC (2:54:25 AM): haha
RenoNYC (2:54:28 AM): hiya daza
RenoNYC (2:54:30 AM): dazwa*
D1MX (2:54:30 AM): Yo like Reno
KidKashO9 (2:54:31 AM): well we went one one in a tourney
RockinTH (2:54:32 AM): i don't like facing Reno
D1MX (2:54:35 AM): I was playin w/ Crismas today
BigOsea2 (2:54:35 AM): guys its pronounced barlw
D1MX (2:54:37 AM): in Melee teams
D1MX (2:54:40 AM): and it was mad fun
RenoNYC (2:54:41 AM): whos bigosea2?
RockinTH (2:54:41 AM): kept kicking my *** with his CF and Fox
D1MX (2:54:44 AM): Luck
RockinTH (2:54:46 AM): like he's the big cheese
RenoNYC (2:54:46 AM): oh ok
solslayerx (2:54:47 AM): Like..I'd only place Shiek and Cap'n Falcon.
BigOsea2 (2:54:48 AM): luck'ers
D1MX (2:54:48 AM): OMFG
solslayerx (2:54:51 AM): But I suck very bad.
D1MX (2:54:54 AM): I re-learned Melee Peach
solslayerx (2:54:56 AM): Like worse than Dial bad.
D1MX (2:54:58 AM): and I was doin MAD WORK
solslayerx (2:54:59 AM): So...
D1MX (2:55:01 AM): tell me why
solslayerx (2:55:05 AM): I need someone to train me in melee.
BigOsea2 (2:55:06 AM): kidkash your west coast?
KidKashO9 (2:55:08 AM): i 3-stocked him
KidKashO9 (2:55:13 AM): yea im westcoast
RenoNYC (2:55:17 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (2:55:18 AM): lol
solslayerx (2:55:19 AM): Like someone that will like make me their melee apprentice.
RenoNYC (2:55:19 AM): whos kidkash?
D1MX (2:55:23 AM): after like 20 minutes I just realized its time I started dsmashing (when I did I started ****** even more LMAO)
solslayerx (2:55:26 AM): Some fox who beat Isai.
DJ Nintendo05 (2:55:29 AM): you'll get eaten by my bowser because you're west coast, lol
BigOsea2 (2:55:29 AM): someone who 3 stocked isai
RenoNYC (2:55:34 AM): d1 why did u invite me to this smashfest on aim
RenoNYC (2:55:35 AM): LOL
KidKashO9 (2:55:36 AM): in a tourney
D1MX (2:55:42 AM): cuz ITS MAD BEAST
D1MX (2:55:43 AM): LMAO
KidKashO9 (2:55:50 AM): super smash royalle II
BigOsea2 (2:55:53 AM): kidkash wats ur smashname?
D1MX (2:55:59 AM): Daisy say hi to my d00 RENO!
solslayerx (2:56:00 AM): Can someone make Cass good at melee?
D1MX (2:56:02 AM): where you at!
BigOsea2 (2:56:08 AM): son get at me for starting this ****
KidKashO9 (2:56:09 AM): kid ka$h
RenoNYC (2:56:10 AM): im home
D1MX (2:56:11 AM): who's Kid Kash?
DJ Nintendo05 (2:56:14 AM): I'll make you good at melee cass
RockinTH (2:56:14 AM): tell daisy I said Hi ^_^
Teczero8 (2:56:18 AM): lol whats up reno
solslayerx (2:56:19 AM): Really?
Dazwa070 (2:56:19 AM): kid kash is kid kash
KidKashO9 (2:56:22 AM): IM KID KASH
hairuanotakibi (2:56:24 AM): huh? nowai reno ignored me :>>
RenoNYC (2:56:25 AM): Lmao hi tec0
D1MX (2:56:27 AM): LOOOL
D1MX (2:56:28 AM): LMAO!
RenoNYC (2:56:29 AM): what
DJ Nintendo05 (2:56:29 AM): its not that hard, lol
BigOsea2 (2:56:33 AM): kidkash 3 stocked isai
RenoNYC (2:56:34 AM): its SO CONFUSING
RenoNYC (2:56:35 AM): HOLY ****!
RenoNYC (2:56:37 AM): too many ppl
KidKashO9 (2:56:38 AM): i was invited in here from idk who!
solslayerx (2:56:40 AM): I figure if I play melee and am decent I'll get more respect.
D1MX (2:56:41 AM): LMAO!
RenoNYC (2:56:41 AM): saying thi that and the third
solslayerx (2:56:43 AM): I like respect, it's nice.
hairuanotakibi (2:56:45 AM): i'm here ****it i saw my name
Dazwa070 (2:56:47 AM): isai kidkashed 3 stock
RenoNYC (2:56:50 AM): im sorry kk i didnt mean to
solslayerx (2:57:00 AM): I kinda want to ask isai
solslayerx (2:57:04 AM): imma im him
hairuanotakibi (2:57:05 AM): i'm joking reno :3 i'll catch ya when i come back
KidKashO9 (2:57:11 AM): he probly wont remember
BigOsea2 (2:57:13 AM): lmao dazwa
KidKashO9 (2:57:17 AM): im not bragging about it
solslayerx (2:57:21 AM): He isn't online.
KidKashO9 (2:57:25 AM): some one mentioned fox
BigOsea2 (2:57:36 AM): it was dj nintendo
KidKashO9 (2:57:36 AM): and i said my fox 3stocked isai
RenoNYC (2:57:38 AM): dazwa!
BigOsea2 (2:57:40 AM): he also said mm him
Dazwa070 (2:57:45 AM): reno!
DJ Nintendo05 (2:57:46 AM): what??
DJ Nintendo05 (2:57:46 AM): lol
RenoNYC (2:57:48 AM): dazwa!
Dazwa070 (2:57:57 AM): reno!
DJ Nintendo05 (2:58:01 AM): ya *****s be trying to start mad ****, lol
RenoNYC (2:58:03 AM): ive only heard of you since pound 3 and then only played you like once ever and it was in brawl :'(
BigOsea2 (2:58:05 AM): RENO!?!
solslayerx (2:58:08 AM): Hey guys.
RenoNYC (2:58:10 AM): relax luck
RenoNYC (2:58:13 AM): no one was looking your way
RockinTH (2:58:14 AM): pretty much, DJ
BigOsea2 (2:58:14 AM): T_T
Dazwa070 (2:58:15 AM): =(
solslayerx (2:58:15 AM): I told gimpyfish
RenoNYC (2:58:16 AM): LOL
RenoNYC (2:58:17 AM): J/K
solslayerx (2:58:17 AM): To co me here
solslayerx (2:58:19 AM): and mm dj
solslayerx (2:58:23 AM): and dj pussed out.
RenoNYC (2:58:25 AM): Dj would win
RenoNYC (2:58:27 AM): LOL
solslayerx (2:58:32 AM): It was crazy.
KidKashO9 (2:58:32 AM): IM From RIVERSIDE CA [[westcoast]]
Dazwa070 (2:58:33 AM): imma try to get my revenge next time
solslayerx (2:58:37 AM): He came in the room and he was like no wai.
solslayerx (2:58:40 AM): Like a little *****.
DJ Nintendo05 (2:58:41 AM): of course I'll win
RenoNYC (2:58:42 AM): lol snake is gay as hell.
solslayerx (2:58:43 AM): I was disappointed.
D1MX (2:58:51 AM): hey Kid Kash who's Futile?
D1MX (2:58:53 AM): did you beat him?
KidKashO9 (2:58:59 AM): ??
solslayerx (2:59:02 AM): Because the DJ I know was like Im the best bowser quit life..
solslayerx (2:59:09 AM): But he was all cool with Gimpy when he came here
KidKashO9 (2:59:10 AM): i never heard of him
DJ Nintendo05 (2:59:13 AM): but I'm not gonna ask the dude for a money match...thats being mad desperate for some more fan base by beating gimpy...I already beat him in my sleep, imagine when we really play
D1MX (2:59:21 AM): Fuite is like the OD beast Wario from the WC
D1MX (2:59:27 AM): that beat like Forward and Die Super FLy
D1MX (2:59:30 AM): in tourney
RockinTH (2:59:35 AM): the world would explode DJ
D1MX (2:59:38 AM): Futile*
solslayerx (2:59:40 AM): Wow...that sounds spiffy.
D1MX (2:59:43 AM): wow that I thought word
RockinTH (2:59:43 AM): it'd be like some goku Vs Vegeta action
D1MX (2:59:44 AM): spread
solslayerx (2:59:46 AM): Mostly because I heard the name Wario.
D1MX (2:59:49 AM): Wario is gettin mad good rep
D1MX (2:59:50 AM): on the EC
D1MX (2:59:58 AM): I heard DSF might even pick up WArio now
DJ Nintendo05 (2:59:59 AM): I fought Futile online
BigOsea2 (3:00:00 AM): RENO !?!?!
KidKashO9 (3:00:03 AM): oh idk
D1MX (3:00:03 AM): how is he DJN?
KidKashO9 (3:00:09 AM): i dont play brawl
solslayerx (3:00:13 AM): I wish I repped Wario hard body.
D1MX (3:00:16 AM): ohhh KidKash doesn't play Brawl
RenoNYC (3:00:18 AM): yo d1
D1MX (3:00:18 AM): *runs off*
D1MX (3:00:21 AM): wasup DJN
RenoNYC (3:00:21 AM): im going to PA this weekend hopefully
KidKashO9 (3:00:22 AM): i gave up on smash when brawl came out
D1MX (3:00:22 AM): how was it
D1MX (3:00:24 AM): wtf
RenoNYC (3:00:25 AM): im mad hyep
RenoNYC (3:00:26 AM): hype*
D1MX (3:00:28 AM): Reno I"m not goin T___T
RockinTH (3:00:28 AM): I'm trying to rep Meta and Peach
DJ Nintendo05 (3:00:31 AM): he's good...he beat me in the set but Wario counters Bowser mad hard, lol
RockinTH (3:00:31 AM): but it's hard
D1MX (3:00:31 AM): Brawl's on Sunday
BigOsea2 (3:00:32 AM): for what reno?!?!
RenoNYC (3:00:35 AM): so what
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:00:35 AM): Wario is top tier in Mario Party 2
someegotist has left the room.
RockinTH (3:00:37 AM): and so many hate Meta ><;;
RenoNYC (3:00:39 AM): melee is gonna be ill
BigOsea2 (3:00:44 AM): I WANNA GO
D1MX (3:00:45 AM): Yeah you better rep
BigOsea2 (3:00:46 AM): MELEE!!
D1MX (3:00:48 AM): for Bklyn hardbody
solslayerx (3:00:51 AM): Blue Shells seems like a good Wario.
D1MX (3:00:52 AM): I won't be able to make it
D1MX (3:00:54 AM): LOL
RenoNYC (3:00:54 AM): maybe vanz will go too
RenoNYC (3:00:56 AM): ill ask him to team
solslayerx (3:00:59 AM): I need to get my Wario up.
D1MX (3:00:59 AM): Melee on Saturday
RenoNYC (3:00:59 AM): or something.
KidKashO9 (3:01:00 AM): i played dsf soo many times
DJ Nintendo05 (3:01:01 AM): Jman beat blue shells
D1MX (3:01:01 AM): T____T
BigOsea2 (3:01:05 AM): reno how are you gettin there
D1MX (3:01:06 AM): so Futile's good?
solslayerx (3:01:08 AM): Good stuff Jman.
RenoNYC (3:01:11 AM): eggmz
D1MX (3:01:12 AM): and Wario counters Bowser?
RenoNYC (3:01:13 AM): is driving me
D1MX (3:01:13 AM): WHOAH
KidKashO9 (3:01:13 AM): and i only won once
DJ Nintendo05 (3:01:18 AM): yeah, he's good...nothing amazing though
BigOsea2 (3:01:19 AM): ****it
D1MX (3:01:19 AM): cuz of the Wall of Pain
KidKashO9 (3:01:21 AM): but a bunch in teams =]
D1MX (3:01:21 AM): ?
D1MX (3:01:25 AM): he's just a smart player overall?
BigOsea2 (3:01:26 AM): eggm drives everyone T_T
DJ Nintendo05 (3:01:28 AM): Wario is like another jigglypuff
D1MX (3:01:31 AM): yup
D1MX (3:01:33 AM): I had a feelin
KidKashO9 (3:01:41 AM): dsf sucks in teams
RenoNYC (3:01:43 AM): i dunno if i can play wow
RenoNYC (3:01:47 AM): and read thi at the same time
RenoNYC (3:01:48 AM): im getting lost
solslayerx (3:01:51 AM): I think my wario is okay it can be better.
DJ Nintendo05 (3:01:56 AM): no, I think its just his character and he knows how to use him well
BigOsea2 (3:02:04 AM): like cass
solslayerx (3:02:05 AM): Reno.
solslayerx (3:02:08 AM): What server...
RenoNYC (3:02:16 AM): ?
RenoNYC (3:02:19 AM): oh
solslayerx (3:02:20 AM): What Wow server.
RenoNYC (3:02:22 AM): skullcrusher
RockinTH (3:02:25 AM): i need to travel more...><
RenoNYC (3:02:30 AM): i crush skulls! meow
BigOsea2 (3:02:36 AM): i need to enter melee tourneys moar
RockinTH (3:02:40 AM): but i can't because I gotta try and get tops at the weeklies
solslayerx (3:02:41 AM): Are you still down for the NYC SMASH WOW conglomerate?
KidKashO9 (3:03:05 AM): SOOO how did i get into a eastcoast chatroom ?
BigOsea2 (3:03:11 AM): son i might start these ****s every night
solslayerx (3:03:13 AM): No one knows...
RockinTH (3:03:15 AM): hey D1
RockinTH (3:03:17 AM): be honest
solslayerx (3:03:21 AM): I wish Issachar said something luck.
BigOsea2 (3:03:25 AM): yo
RenoNYC (3:03:29 AM): lmao
BigOsea2 (3:03:30 AM): you know she signed off right
RockinTH (3:03:31 AM): is the Peach forum in the Brawl area infested with idiots and fanboys?
RenoNYC (3:03:31 AM): im not changing
solslayerx (3:03:32 AM): Im definitely going over there and spitting the maad cass g stats there.
RenoNYC (3:03:33 AM): servers
hairuanotakibi (3:03:36 AM): k leaving now =_= it's mad late where you guys are. and i'm about to leave as well :D
solslayerx (3:03:36 AM): No she didn't.
BigOsea2 (3:03:37 AM): meaning she saw thtis ****
hairuanotakibi (3:03:39 AM): baii
solslayerx (3:03:44 AM): I know.
DJ Nintendo05 (3:03:49 AM): take care sweetie
D1MX (3:03:50 AM): BAI DAI-DAI
solslayerx (3:03:56 AM): DAI DAI DAI...
BigOsea2 (3:03:57 AM): kk wait
D1MX (3:03:59 AM): LMAO
RenoNYC (3:04:00 AM): LOL
BigOsea2 (3:04:02 AM): I LOVE YOU
RenoNYC (3:04:04 AM): djn
hairuanotakibi has left the room.
RenoNYC (3:04:06 AM): r u going to pa?
BigOsea2 (3:04:07 AM): LMAO
solslayerx (3:04:12 AM): Reno..
DJ Nintendo05 (3:04:17 AM): I'm definitely going to PA, lol
solslayerx (3:04:24 AM): I wanna be down in the good in melee camp.
BigOsea2 (3:04:29 AM): for what tourney djn?
solslayerx (3:04:30 AM): You guys gotta make me pro.
solslayerx (3:04:40 AM): You too Dj.
RenoNYC (3:04:45 AM): LOL
RenoNYC (3:04:48 AM): i dont train ppl
RenoNYC (3:04:48 AM): god
RenoNYC (3:04:51 AM): djn u wanna team
KidKashO9 (3:04:52 AM): WELL goodbye strangers
DJ Nintendo05 (3:04:54 AM): its a two-day tourney...first day is melee and the next day is brawl...I'm gonna win both, lol
KidKashO9 (3:05:02 AM): idk who invited me
RenoNYC (3:05:06 AM): u wanna TEAM CUTIE?!
KidKashO9 (3:05:08 AM): but it was fun i guess lol
BigOsea2 (3:05:08 AM): dj how are you gettin there?
KidKashO9 (3:05:13 AM): PEACE
solslayerx (3:05:16 AM): Reno...I'm not just anyone I'm Casshern aka Cass Money aka That tall black kid...
BigOsea2 (3:05:16 AM): seeya
DJ Nintendo05 (3:05:16 AM): Eggm is driving me
RenoNYC (3:05:23 AM): i know ths
RenoNYC (3:05:27 AM): eggm is driving me too
KidKashO9 has left the room.
solslayerx (3:05:30 AM): I'm also aka Cassanova.
RenoNYC (3:05:33 AM): I KNOW WHO U R cass
BigOsea2 (3:05:33 AM): yo im mad
RenoNYC (3:05:34 AM): relax
RenoNYC (3:05:36 AM): u're mad like noo
solslayerx (3:05:37 AM): U jbiw tiy jbiw,
RenoNYC (3:05:37 AM): bie
BigOsea2 (3:05:38 AM): i want eggm to drive me
RockinTH (3:05:40 AM): well
RenoNYC (3:05:40 AM): lol
DJ Nintendo05 (3:05:43 AM): I don't know Reno...I gotta see what SWAT members are available
DJ Nintendo05 (3:05:44 AM): lol
RenoNYC (3:05:46 AM): theres def. 4 ppl in the car already
solslayerx (3:05:50 AM): I thought it would be funny.
RockinTH (3:05:50 AM): Imy name is Rockin, AKA Duane Rockin
RenoNYC (3:05:51 AM): jman is teaming w/ eggm
BigOsea2 (3:05:52 AM): tell eggm ill mm him for a spot in the car
RockinTH (3:05:56 AM): AKA Casenova
RockinTH (3:06:00 AM): no wait
RockinTH (3:06:04 AM): Rockin Castansa
solslayerx (3:06:07 AM): LMAO
solslayerx (3:06:15 AM): ROCKIN CASTANSA
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:06:16 AM): I would maybe drive there if my tires werent shot
RockinTH (3:06:21 AM): err....if it counts, AKA Quit Life
RenoNYC (3:06:29 AM): guys i have a confession to make
BigOsea2 (3:06:30 AM): SNAKE YOU CAN DRIVE
BigOsea2 (3:06:32 AM): ?!
RenoNYC (3:06:34 AM): im a columbian drug dealer
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:06:36 AM): yeah o_O
RockinTH (3:06:39 AM): AKA Detective Rockin
solslayerx (3:06:40 AM): That's beast.
BigOsea2 (3:06:41 AM): SNAKE OMG
RockinTH (3:06:41 AM): and so on
BigOsea2 (3:06:44 AM): you gotta get a car man
RockinTH (3:06:48 AM): I'm the man with a 1000 names
RockinTH (3:06:49 AM): fear me
BigOsea2 (3:06:50 AM): we could go everywhere
RockinTH (3:06:52 AM): >:3
BigOsea2 (3:07:12 AM): yo snake if i got you 100 dollars could you fix your tires
RockinTH (3:07:15 AM): oh ****z, Reno
RockinTH (3:07:24 AM): wow...a columbian drug dealer
RenoNYC (3:07:25 AM): im a ****ing columbian DRUG DEALER
RenoNYC (3:07:28 AM): GOD****IT
RenoNYC (3:07:30 AM): LISTEN TO ME
RockinTH (3:07:31 AM): I thought you was with the Yakuzas
BigOsea2 (3:07:33 AM): reno
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:07:36 AM): um...possibly but why would you do that lol
solslayerx (3:07:38 AM): Reno....
RockinTH (3:07:41 AM): you know, spying on us smashers
solslayerx (3:07:47 AM): Let me check if I have a lvl 70 on skull crusher
RenoNYC (3:07:52 AM): wtf
DJ Nintendo05 (3:08:01 AM): ***** said skull crusher, lol
RenoNYC (3:08:02 AM): i feel like everyone and their mothers has a 70
BigOsea2 (3:08:03 AM): reno i want you to do this
BigOsea2 (3:08:04 AM):
RockinTH (3:08:05 AM): okay reno, how can we help you
RenoNYC (3:08:05 AM): this is gonna be my first 70
RenoNYC (3:08:23 AM): im def not trying to watch suck my ****
streetstruck415 has entered the room.
RenoNYC (3:08:26 AM): Luck.
RenoNYC (3:08:30 AM): WHO R U!
BigOsea2 (3:08:33 AM): LMAO
RenoNYC (3:08:34 AM): btw i was on game battles today
RenoNYC (3:08:37 AM): i was ******
Dazwa070 (3:08:41 AM): oh god i love that song
RenoNYC (3:08:43 AM): like 100 stock in a 4 stock match
streetstruck415 (3:09:00 AM): First2bang,...
DJ Nintendo05 (3:09:04 AM): I deleted my old singles account on gamebattles
RenoNYC (3:09:04 AM): hahahahaha
RenoNYC (3:09:08 AM): first2bang LOL LOL
BigOsea2 (3:09:09 AM): it is a beat techno song
BigOsea2 (3:09:16 AM): beast
RenoNYC (3:09:17 AM): pwned
streetstruck415 (3:09:18 AM): LMAO
DJ Nintendo05 (3:09:25 AM): I was in 6th place with only 90 wins and 7 losses
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:09:29 AM): yo Reno I learned how to beat Bum with sheik after I saw you play him last time
RockinTH (3:09:32 AM): bleh
RockinTH (3:09:38 AM): i want to delete my Gamebattles
streetstruck415 (3:09:44 AM): Y IS THERE ANOTHER SCOTT IN THIS CHAT!?
solslayerx (3:09:48 AM): I'm sad...
BigOsea2 (3:09:51 AM): lmao
RockinTH (3:09:53 AM): and restart it using peach, but I can't...not at the moment
Dazwa070 (3:09:53 AM): my name is also scott
streetstruck415 (3:09:55 AM): Replacing me Tarik?!
BigOsea2 (3:09:58 AM): lmao
RenoNYC (3:10:01 AM): lol
RenoNYC (3:10:02 AM): what
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:10:02 AM): its last name
BigOsea2 (3:10:04 AM): theres 3 scotts
Dazwa070 (3:10:06 AM): just kidding, im dylan
solslayerx (3:10:09 AM): I don't have a lvl 70 on skullcrusher.
DJ Nintendo05 (3:10:09 AM): I like to play teams though so me and Jman are 15-0 in gamebattles, lol
Dazwa070 (3:10:10 AM): ahahah im so mindgames
BigOsea2 (3:10:11 AM): oh
solslayerx (3:10:12 AM): Hey guys,
streetstruck415 (3:10:13 AM): Oh I was about 2 say
BigOsea2 (3:10:13 AM): ****
solslayerx (3:10:16 AM): I think now would be a great time.
BigOsea2 (3:10:17 AM): dazwa
BigOsea2 (3:10:18 AM): lol
streetstruck415 (3:10:19 AM): Lets make a Scott crew
RenoNYC (3:10:23 AM): snake
RenoNYC (3:10:28 AM): im definitely working on my sheik
RenoNYC (3:10:28 AM): lol
solslayerx (3:10:31 AM): To re advertise the DJ nintendo's because cass missed the last one smash fest.
RockinTH (3:10:32 AM): but my name is Ronald...
RenoNYC (3:10:36 AM): but on the low
BigOsea2 (3:10:38 AM): RENO SHEIK DITTO MM?
RenoNYC (3:10:39 AM): like vs level9 's!
RenoNYC (3:10:41 AM): yes
RenoNYC (3:10:42 AM): luck
RenoNYC (3:10:42 AM): i wil
RenoNYC (3:10:44 AM): l
BigOsea2 (3:10:44 AM): lmao
RenoNYC (3:10:45 AM): how much
DJ Nintendo05 (3:10:47 AM): cass, you just need to come to my crib
BigOsea2 (3:10:50 AM): 1298u4091284091823901890 dollars
RenoNYC (3:10:52 AM): ok
RenoNYC (3:10:53 AM): no problem
BigOsea2 (3:10:54 AM): done
BigOsea2 (3:10:58 AM): next weekly son
RockinTH (3:10:59 AM): Luck
BigOsea2 (3:11:00 AM): dont lose
RenoNYC (3:11:01 AM): melee or brawl? both? ok?
streetstruck415 (3:11:01 AM): I'm off 2 bed
BigOsea2 (3:11:04 AM): both sons
solslayerx (3:11:08 AM): But it wont be a smash fest dj.
RockinTH (3:11:09 AM): you'd be lucky to have 5
solslayerx (3:11:10 AM): Wait guys
BigOsea2 (3:11:13 AM): dont chain grab jons
RenoNYC (3:11:14 AM): seriously $5 money match sheik ditto brawl
solslayerx (3:11:15 AM): on a serious note...
solslayerx (3:11:20 AM): guys
solslayerx (3:11:24 AM): Are you down for smash flags?
RenoNYC (3:11:29 AM): or $5 money match sheik ditto melee
RenoNYC (3:11:30 AM): which ever.
solslayerx (3:11:31 AM): Dj went with me before and it was mad godly.
BigOsea2 (3:11:32 AM): naw im not givin you 5 bucks
RockinTH (3:11:33 AM): nah, not me
RenoNYC (3:11:35 AM): $100 sheik ditto mm melee
RenoNYC (3:11:39 AM): LOL
BigOsea2 (3:11:40 AM): 3 max
RockinTH (3:11:42 AM): Reno
Dazwa070 (3:11:43 AM): reno
RenoNYC (3:11:43 AM): aight
DJ Nintendo05 (3:11:44 AM): I'm definitely down for that smash flags again, lol
RenoNYC (3:11:48 AM): $3 sheik ditto brawl
Dazwa070 (3:11:48 AM): if this was still melee days
RockinTH (3:11:50 AM): stop acting like Leo
BigOsea2 (3:11:51 AM): yea
RockinTH (3:11:51 AM): lol
Dazwa070 (3:11:54 AM): i'd be up for that melee sheik ditto
solslayerx (3:11:55 AM): Reno I''ll 4 dollar money match you in MB:: AC..
Dazwa070 (3:11:59 AM): but its not
DJ Nintendo05 (3:12:01 AM): someone money match me in the water gun game, lol
Dazwa070 (3:12:04 AM): and my melee sheik is rly bad now lol
RenoNYC (3:12:04 AM): LOL absolutely not
RenoNYC (3:12:12 AM): lol who did u main in melee
RenoNYC (3:12:12 AM): sheik?
Dazwa070 (3:12:14 AM): yeah
RockinTH (3:12:18 AM): Reno, I'll MM you on a laggy TV
solslayerx (3:12:19 AM): ****....Cass is too god in MB.
streetstruck415 has left the room.
RockinTH (3:12:22 AM): that okay? =D
RenoNYC (3:12:24 AM): sheik dittos in melee are quite possibly my most dreaded matchup
BigOsea2 (3:12:26 AM): dazzie was a sheik?
BigOsea2 (3:12:29 AM): wow
solslayerx (3:12:34 AM): Wait guys..
RenoNYC (3:12:39 AM): i HATE them.
solslayerx (3:12:43 AM): Seriously..
Dazwa070 (3:12:43 AM): me too actually
Dazwa070 (3:12:45 AM): <_<
solslayerx (3:12:46 AM): Smash Flags.
DJ Nintendo05 (3:12:48 AM): I **** shieks with bowser, lol
Teczero8 (3:12:48 AM): lol me too
solslayerx (3:12:49 AM): Anyone up for it.
BigOsea2 (3:12:49 AM): so then darc dazzie was a beast team
solslayerx (3:12:52 AM): I got me and DJ
BigOsea2 (3:12:53 AM): marth sheikers
solslayerx (3:12:55 AM): who else?
RenoNYC (3:12:55 AM): its sad but dj does :'(
Dazwa070 (3:12:57 AM): uh
Dazwa070 (3:12:59 AM): darc marth?
Dazwa070 (3:13:00 AM): lol
Dazwa070 (3:13:02 AM): darc was jiggs
Teczero8 (3:13:05 AM): I think plank is the only player who likes sheik dittos
solslayerx (3:13:06 AM): Reno are you down?
Dazwa070 (3:13:08 AM): jiggs/falcon
RenoNYC (3:13:08 AM): tell me why i beat everyone in a tunes bi-weekly 2-0 cept for dj whom i split 1-1
BigOsea2 (3:13:09 AM): WTF?!?
RenoNYC (3:13:17 AM): is that 6flags
RenoNYC (3:13:20 AM): cept with smashers
BigOsea2 (3:13:20 AM): i coulda swore darc was marth
Dazwa070 (3:13:22 AM): because he was jiggs
solslayerx (3:13:24 AM): yeah
Dazwa070 (3:13:25 AM): we got lots of grab rests
RenoNYC (3:13:28 AM): yes i would.
solslayerx (3:13:28 AM): do you like the name?
Dazwa070 (3:13:28 AM): good times LOL
solslayerx (3:13:33 AM): I thought it was cool.
solslayerx (3:13:37 AM): When I named it that.
solslayerx (3:13:49 AM): Ok so far..
BigOsea2 (3:13:50 AM): wait was he marth in singles?
solslayerx (3:13:51 AM): I got me
Dazwa070 (3:13:53 AM): no
solslayerx (3:13:53 AM): Reno
solslayerx (3:13:55 AM): And DJ
Dazwa070 (3:13:56 AM): jiggs and falcon
BigOsea2 (3:13:56 AM): wow
Teczero8 (3:13:57 AM): darc played jiggs
BigOsea2 (3:13:59 AM): LMAO
Dazwa070 (3:13:59 AM): and sometimes fox
Teczero8 (3:14:01 AM): for the most part
solslayerx (3:14:02 AM): De Uno, are you done?
BigOsea2 (3:14:03 AM): im so late
solslayerx (3:14:06 AM): And you can come to dazwa
Dazwa070 (3:14:07 AM): i played some marth
D1MX (3:14:11 AM): I'm back
solslayerx (3:14:13 AM): You seem like a knowledgable person.
D1MX (3:14:13 AM): sry
solslayerx (3:14:15 AM): D1
Dazwa070 (3:14:17 AM): but i dunno if it was enough to call him a main
BigOsea2 (3:14:17 AM): everyone played some marth
solslayerx (3:14:18 AM): we are doing sign ups
D1MX (3:14:18 AM): wasup
Dazwa070 (3:14:20 AM): okay im on my way
solslayerx (3:14:20 AM): for smash flags
Dazwa070 (3:14:22 AM): where am i going
D1MX (3:14:25 AM): when is that
BigOsea2 (3:14:32 AM): lol
solslayerx (3:14:37 AM): In 2 weeks
BigOsea2 (3:14:41 AM): if dazwa goes to 6 flags
BigOsea2 (3:14:42 AM): i will 2
solslayerx (3:14:46 AM): To six flags Dazwa
Dazwa070 (3:14:49 AM): o shi
solslayerx (3:14:59 AM): It's 50 dollars for a ticket and a bus ride
RenoNYC (3:15:00 AM): im definitely buying a season pass lol
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:15:07 AM): I'll go if I get paid by then
solslayerx (3:15:09 AM): I'm going to remake the thread on smashboards
solslayerx (3:15:11 AM): Ok
BigOsea2 (3:15:11 AM): son dazwa is in like maryland
solslayerx (3:15:16 AM): So whut...
Dazwa070 (3:15:18 AM): wtf maryland
Dazwa070 (3:15:19 AM): MARYLAND
Dazwa070 (3:15:21 AM): IM FROM MAINE
Teczero8 (3:15:22 AM): wtf MD?
BigOsea2 (3:15:24 AM): LMAO
RenoNYC (3:15:25 AM): LOL
RenoNYC (3:15:26 AM): OWNED
RenoNYC (3:15:27 AM): ME
Teczero8 (3:15:27 AM): LOOOOOOOL
BigOsea2 (3:15:28 AM): opps
RockinTH (3:15:30 AM): **** Luck
RenoNYC (3:15:30 AM): ***** RELAX
RenoNYC (3:15:31 AM): LOL
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:15:31 AM): I'm like working and not getting money at the moment I'm confused
RenoNYC (3:15:32 AM): HAHAHAHAHA
RockinTH (3:15:35 AM): insulting peeps like that
solslayerx (3:15:36 AM): Tec0 are you coming?
Teczero8 (3:15:39 AM): ??
RockinTH (3:15:43 AM): shaaaaame... >{
Teczero8 (3:15:44 AM): where was i going?
solslayerx (3:15:45 AM): to six flags with us.
Teczero8 (3:15:47 AM): oh
Dazwa070 (3:15:48 AM): lol luck you're batting 0 for 3 LOL
RenoNYC (3:15:51 AM): dazwa what part of main?
BigOsea2 (3:15:53 AM): lmao
RenoNYC (3:15:55 AM): maine
Dazwa070 (3:15:57 AM): southern maine
BigOsea2 (3:16:01 AM): yo isnt tec0 from MD then?
Dazwa070 (3:16:04 AM): 30 minutes north of portland or so
RockinTH (3:16:08 AM): seems Reno is thinking too much smash XD
RenoNYC (3:16:14 AM): definitely was just a typo
Teczero8 (3:16:14 AM): uhh I dunno if im going to six flags yet
RenoNYC (3:16:15 AM): relax rockin
RenoNYC (3:16:15 AM): lol
Teczero8 (3:16:21 AM): WTF ..... luck
solslayerx (3:16:21 AM): Please Tec0...
BigOsea2 (3:16:25 AM): lmao
Teczero8 (3:16:27 AM): you said I was MD?
BigOsea2 (3:16:31 AM): arent you
RenoNYC (3:16:32 AM): i was at like somewhere in maine where there was like.. this LL bean store
Dazwa070 (3:16:36 AM): oh trust me lol sometimes I say "i maine zss" so its all good reno lol
RenoNYC (3:16:40 AM): RELAX
RenoNYC (3:16:41 AM): WOW
BigOsea2 (3:16:45 AM): lmao
Dazwa070 (3:16:46 AM): LL BEAN lol I worked there
BigOsea2 (3:16:49 AM): i been to his house
Teczero8 (3:16:51 AM): :-)
solslayerx (3:16:55 AM): Quit life Luck...
Dazwa070 (3:16:57 AM): it's a pretty big thing in maine I guess
RenoNYC (3:16:59 AM): it was like the LL BEAN headquarters
Teczero8 (3:16:59 AM): oh yea i forgot completely
solslayerx (3:17:04 AM): Anywhoo....Tec0...
solslayerx (3:17:07 AM): Just come.
solslayerx (3:17:07 AM): D1
BigOsea2 (3:17:09 AM): it was mad random
solslayerx (3:17:10 AM): are you coming too?
Dazwa070 (3:17:11 AM): freeport right?
RenoNYC (3:17:14 AM): yes!
RenoNYC (3:17:16 AM): freeport
RenoNYC (3:17:16 AM): !
D1MX (3:17:18 AM): what day
D1MX (3:17:20 AM): OMFG
D1MX (3:17:21 AM): I'm like
Teczero8 (3:17:23 AM): I'll try if I have money i'll defintely go
D1MX (3:17:23 AM): missin the IMs
BigOsea2 (3:17:25 AM): D1
solslayerx (3:17:26 AM): 2 weeks from now
RenoNYC (3:17:27 AM): there was this lobster hole in the wall thing that was so good.. it hurt.
D1MX (3:17:28 AM): cuz of other aim convos
D1MX (3:17:29 AM): w/ ppl
RenoNYC (3:17:33 AM): they had this lobster stew / bisque thing
BigOsea2 (3:17:33 AM): i need you epic stamp or approval
RenoNYC (3:17:36 AM): and lobster rol
RenoNYC (3:17:37 AM): l
Dazwa070 (3:17:40 AM): so much lobster lol
RenoNYC (3:17:41 AM): omfg that was EPIC
BigOsea2 (3:17:47 AM): and then ill make a thread about this chat room
D1MX (3:17:47 AM): LOBSTER?
D1MX (3:17:51 AM): I wasn't informed
Dazwa070 (3:17:54 AM): i might be going lobstering with boxman sometime this summer LOL
RenoNYC (3:17:58 AM): and then for dinner i definitely went to like a shack on the shore for steamers and a lobster
D1MX (3:18:01 AM): I WANT LOBSTER!
D1MX (3:18:04 AM): I'm PISSED
D1MX (3:18:09 AM): Reno next Mass Madness I'm there
solslayerx (3:18:12 AM): I'm really hungry.
BigOsea2 (3:18:16 AM): yo i will **** THOSE LOBSTERS UP
RenoNYC (3:18:16 AM): lmao
Dazwa070 (3:18:18 AM): sol get some lobster
RenoNYC (3:18:21 AM): i went with my brother to maine
D1MX (3:18:25 AM): ohhh ok
solslayerx (3:18:26 AM): I can't.
BigOsea2 (3:18:34 AM): wow guys
solslayerx (3:18:36 AM): Hey smash tag is Casshern.
BigOsea2 (3:18:39 AM): eggz is gonna come...
Dazwa070 (3:18:40 AM): what, you don't have emergency lobster supply?
BigOsea2 (3:18:43 AM): lmao
Dazwa070 (3:18:45 AM): oh
Dazwa070 (3:18:46 AM): wait
RenoNYC (3:18:46 AM): LOL
solslayerx (3:18:46 AM): I play Wario..
Dazwa070 (3:18:47 AM): then
RenoNYC (3:18:47 AM): HAHAHA
Dazwa070 (3:18:49 AM): you're not sol?
RenoNYC (3:18:52 AM): emergency lobster supply
solslayerx (3:18:53 AM): No...
BigOsea2 (3:18:54 AM): XDDD
RenoNYC (3:18:55 AM): thats definitely not SOL
RenoNYC (3:18:55 AM): LOL
solslayerx (3:18:55 AM): I'm not.
RenoNYC (3:18:56 AM): quit
RenoNYC (3:18:57 AM): HAHAHa
Dazwa070 (3:18:59 AM): oh **** i was really confused LOL
RenoNYC (3:19:03 AM): thats "cass"
Dazwa070 (3:19:03 AM): this entire time
solslayerx (3:19:03 AM): It's ok.
solslayerx (3:19:05 AM): It happens.
RenoNYC (3:19:06 AM): his leg is definitely broke
Dazwa070 (3:19:06 AM): im sorry
BigOsea2 (3:19:07 AM): XD
solslayerx (3:19:14 AM): It's not broken.
RenoNYC (3:19:15 AM): BROKE *****
solslayerx (3:19:18 AM): It's just swollen and banged up.
BigOsea2 (3:19:23 AM): LMAO
RenoNYC (3:19:25 AM): u should get it checked out to make sure its not fractured.
solslayerx (3:19:28 AM): That's beast I could've gotten the leg taken off completely.
solslayerx (3:19:31 AM): It isn't.
solslayerx (3:19:38 AM): It just hurts pretty bad.
BigOsea2 (3:19:38 AM): solslayerx (3:19:20 AM): It's not broken. RenoNYC (3:19:23 AM): BROKE *****
D1MX (3:19:47 AM): get better my d00
RenoNYC (3:19:47 AM): lol
D1MX (3:19:49 AM): T____T
D1MX (3:19:59 AM): I hate when my d00dz aren't feelin well
solslayerx (3:20:00 AM): Thank you D1.
solslayerx (3:20:04 AM): It's ok.
RockinTH (3:20:07 AM): i know, D1
solslayerx (3:20:15 AM): It's good to be your d00dz son, (no homo).
D1MX (3:20:15 AM): np son smashers gotta make sure their brethren are aight
D1MX (3:20:19 AM): LMAO
BigOsea2 (3:20:27 AM): d1
BigOsea2 (3:20:31 AM): am i your dood?
RockinTH (3:20:32 AM): hey D1, isn't it good we got peeps like Blackenese making us laugh constantly? lol
D1MX (3:20:36 AM): HELL YEAH
BigOsea2 (3:20:43 AM): YEA!!
D1MX (3:20:45 AM): I play Melee as well thanks to Reno re-converting me
BigOsea2 (3:20:49 AM): IM D1's DOOD
D1MX (3:20:49 AM): so you're my d00d!
D1MX (3:20:50 AM): LMAO
BigOsea2 (3:20:56 AM): SON
D1MX (3:21:07 AM): Hell yeah Rockin
D1MX (3:21:09 AM): I agree
BigOsea2 (3:21:12 AM): next weekly ima bounce some people who arent on the D1 Dood LIST
D1MX (3:21:18 AM): LMAO!
solslayerx (3:21:27 AM): I'm really hungry.
D1MX (3:21:28 AM): I'm definitely puttin one name out there
solslayerx (3:21:29 AM): Shiz.
BigOsea2 (3:21:35 AM): lol
D1MX (3:21:37 AM): that mad heads said already
D1MX (3:21:43 AM): at McDs
D1MX (3:21:47 AM): first off
D1MX (3:21:49 AM): who from the Bx
D1MX (3:21:50 AM): is in here
BigOsea2 (3:21:51 AM): who?
D1MX (3:21:56 AM): in the thread
D1MX (3:21:58 AM): I mean chat
RenoNYC (3:22:05 AM): yo
RenoNYC (3:22:06 AM): like
D1MX (3:22:06 AM): just to make sure no feelins are hurt
BigOsea2 (3:22:09 AM): yo mad people stopped talking
D1MX (3:22:10 AM): XDDD
D1MX (3:22:12 AM): LMFAO!
RenoNYC (3:22:13 AM): this smashfest is definitely beast.
D1MX (3:22:14 AM): I know right
RenoNYC (3:22:20 AM): lol
solslayerx (3:22:21 AM): I invited Ken..
solslayerx (3:22:23 AM): Randomly.
RenoNYC (3:22:24 AM): whos tristan the hero
BigOsea2 (3:22:25 AM): lmao
solslayerx (3:22:28 AM): I wonder if he'll come.
BigOsea2 (3:22:30 AM): Big-T
D1MX (3:22:31 AM): who's Tristan?
RenoNYC (3:22:33 AM): i wish i were popular enough to have ken's s/n
D1MX (3:22:34 AM): WORRRRD
Dazwa070 (3:22:35 AM): i invited isai when people were talking about kidkash and the 3 stocking
solslayerx (3:22:35 AM): Wait, he isn't available.
Dazwa070 (3:22:38 AM): but he declined
Dazwa070 (3:22:39 AM): =(
solslayerx (3:22:52 AM): What's his sn i thought it was malv00
BigOsea2 (3:22:54 AM): eggz is switching computers to come here
solslayerx (3:22:57 AM): I tried to do that too.
Dazwa070 (3:22:58 AM): malva00
solslayerx (3:23:04 AM): Dazwa you and I are on the same wavelength.
solslayerx (3:23:09 AM): I did the exact same thing.
Dazwa070 (3:23:15 AM): lol too gud
BigOsea2 (3:23:25 AM): HIRUMA FOR BARLW
D1MX (3:23:32 AM): LMAO
D1MX (3:23:37 AM): HIMURA for Brawl
solslayerx (3:23:49 AM): I'd like Goemon from mystical ninja.
solslayerx (3:23:56 AM): But Wario is just as cool.
Dazwa070 (3:24:02 AM): i was really really hoping for goemon but knew
Dazwa070 (3:24:04 AM): 1. he's konami
BigOsea2 (3:24:07 AM): kwit life (vanz style)
Dazwa070 (3:24:07 AM): 2. snake's konami
RockinTH (3:24:08 AM): oh ****
Dazwa070 (3:24:09 AM): 3. goemon who?
Dazwa070 (3:24:10 AM): <_<
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:24:11 AM): Parrapa the Rapper for Brawl
D1MX (3:24:13 AM): LOOOL
D1MX (3:24:13 AM): I hate
D1MX (3:24:16 AM): SCOTTIES
solslayerx (3:24:16 AM): This is what I'm talking about Dazwa...
D1MX (3:24:17 AM): COLORS
RenoNYC (3:24:18 AM): for real
RockinTH (3:24:18 AM): D1, i just realize something
D1MX (3:24:19 AM): GOT****IT
D1MX (3:24:21 AM): I'm TIGHT
solslayerx (3:24:21 AM): See same **** wavelength.
RenoNYC (3:24:24 AM): parappa the rappa would be hot
RockinTH (3:24:26 AM): is your D1 map still working?
RenoNYC (3:24:28 AM): it'd be g n dub the 2nd
solslayerx (3:24:28 AM): That's what I though.
D1MX (3:24:33 AM): anyway D1Quest is still up and running
solslayerx (3:24:34 AM): *thought.
D1MX (3:24:37 AM): its been a minute
D1MX (3:24:42 AM): since I've aided someone utilizing it
RockinTH (3:24:45 AM): SWEEET! <d
RenoNYC (3:24:49 AM): yo d1, i wanna play melee
solslayerx (3:24:49 AM): What's D1Quest?
RockinTH (3:24:50 AM): <D
RenoNYC (3:24:55 AM): =/
RockinTH (3:24:55 AM): Cass
BigOsea2 (3:24:55 AM): lol
D1MX (3:24:57 AM): Reno we played till 5am
RockinTH (3:24:58 AM): quuuuuuuuit
D1MX (3:24:59 AM): 2 days ago
RenoNYC (3:24:59 AM): im playing friday melee
D1MX (3:25:00 AM): LOL
RenoNYC (3:25:05 AM): at the weekly
RenoNYC (3:25:06 AM): and then
RockinTH (3:25:07 AM): you do not know what D1 quest is
D1MX (3:25:09 AM): wait was that last night
D1MX (3:25:10 AM): LMAO!
RenoNYC (3:25:10 AM): definitely going to pa
RenoNYC (3:25:14 AM): to play more melee
D1MX (3:25:16 AM): yeah that definitely was Melee till morning
D1MX (3:25:18 AM): @ D1's
D1MX (3:25:19 AM): LMAO
D1MX (3:25:23 AM): MTM
D1MX (3:25:27 AM): Melee Till Morning
RenoNYC (3:25:28 AM): btw my driving test is definitely thursday
BigOsea2 (3:25:28 AM): MELEE WAT?!?!
eggz2021 has left the room.
D1MX (3:25:32 AM): LMAO
BigOsea2 (3:25:33 AM): OMG
BigOsea2 (3:25:34 AM): RENO
BigOsea2 (3:25:39 AM): LEARN TO DRIVE
D1MX (3:25:45 AM): Yeah Reno's too good
RenoNYC (3:25:46 AM): i have a permit
solslayerx (3:25:47 AM): Uhh....
RockinTH (3:25:53 AM): D1quest is the wikipedia of maps sonz. If you're lost uppon going to a toury or smashfest
solslayerx (3:25:53 AM): Someone make me their Melee apprentice
solslayerx (3:25:59 AM): Dj better do it.
BigOsea2 (3:26:01 AM): I DONT CARE RENO
RockinTH (3:26:01 AM): use D1. it's garanteed
RenoNYC (3:26:03 AM): lol.
BigOsea2 (3:26:06 AM): LEARN TO DRIVE
RenoNYC (3:26:14 AM): relax luck
RockinTH (3:26:14 AM): D1quest helped someone guide their way to one of my smashfests
RenoNYC (3:26:14 AM): haha
RenoNYC (3:26:19 AM): where do u live luck?
BigOsea2 (3:26:27 AM): bergenfield nj
RenoNYC (3:26:35 AM): oh u live in NJ?
BigOsea2 (3:26:35 AM): thats like 30min from tec0
BigOsea2 (3:26:38 AM): yea
RenoNYC (3:26:39 AM): wow
Teczero8 (3:26:48 AM): anyone wanna play melee sometime maybe this week?
SCOTTItooHOTTY65 (3:26:51 AM): Luck is the only NY player thats from NJ >_>
RenoNYC (3:26:52 AM): YES\
solslayerx (3:26:52 AM): Tec0
RenoNYC (3:26:54 AM): TEC0
solslayerx (3:26:56 AM): If I'm cool enough.
BigOsea2 (3:26:57 AM): I DO
solslayerx (3:27:01 AM): Can you train me in melee.
Teczero8 (3:27:06 AM): I wanna record stuff for a combo vid >_>
solslayerx (3:27:09 AM): I don't think I'll be cool enbough though.
solslayerx (3:27:10 AM): Lol.
D1MX (3:27:26 AM): LOOOL
Teczero8 (3:27:34 AM): LOL >_> dam
solslayerx (3:27:37 AM): How good is school rumble Tec0?
solslayerx (3:27:43 AM): I'm an anime fan myself.
D1MX (3:27:45 AM): D1Quest ftw
Teczero8 (3:27:47 AM): School rumble is amazing
solslayerx (3:27:54 AM): And I've always skimmed through it, never really took a notice.
Teczero8 (3:27:54 AM): its sooooo funny
eggz2021 has entered the room.
D1MX (3:27:55 AM): <3333
BigOsea2 (3:27:58 AM): lol
BigOsea2 (3:28:02 AM): eggz is here
Teczero8 (3:28:03 AM): O_O D1 you saw it?
RenoNYC (3:28:05 AM): tec0 why r ppl calling me tec0 jr :'(
solslayerx (3:28:05 AM): Hello Eggz money
D1MX (3:28:06 AM): hELL YEAH
D1MX (3:28:10 AM): I watched maaad EPz
eggz2021 (3:28:12 AM): rar
D1MX (3:28:15 AM): didn't see the whole thing
solslayerx (3:28:15 AM): I'm Cass, and I play Wario.
Teczero8 (3:28:16 AM): LOL they are?
eggz2021 (3:28:16 AM): rawr
D1MX (3:28:16 AM): but WOW
D1MX (3:28:21 AM): it was HILARIOUS
RenoNYC (3:28:22 AM): someone commented that
D1MX (3:28:24 AM): I loooved it
RenoNYC (3:28:25 AM): i was so tight!
BigOsea2 (3:28:30 AM): yo eggz come to smashtality in the summer
D1MX (3:28:30 AM): LMAO
D1MX (3:28:32 AM): wow you are
D1MX (3:28:33 AM): RENO
D1MX (3:28:38 AM): last time I checked
RenoNYC (3:28:42 AM): what
D1MX (3:28:45 AM): I mean Tec0 doesn't have Red hair
D1MX (3:28:48 AM): BOOM
eggz2021 (3:28:55 AM): whats smashtality?
D1MX (3:29:01 AM): What's a Futile?
D1MX (3:29:07 AM): Ohhhhh SH**
Teczero8 (3:29:11 AM): wtf?? d1?
D1MX (3:29:14 AM): (crowd goes wild)
D1MX (3:29:15 AM): LMAO
D1MX (3:29:24 AM): /sarcasm/
BigOsea2 (3:29:24 AM): why does d1 type so fast
Teczero8 (3:29:26 AM): LOL reno when are you free?
solslayerx (3:29:29 AM): I'm throwing a Melee Tournament.
BigOsea2 (3:29:31 AM): and wat is a foolycooly?!?
solslayerx (3:29:37 AM): Would you guys like to come?
D1MX (3:29:42 AM): FLCL FTW wtf you talkin bout my d00d
Teczero8 (3:29:43 AM): yea school rumble is amazing go watch it
Teczero8 (3:29:44 AM): :-)
D1MX (3:29:50 AM): Yeah everyone just stop what you're doin
D1MX (3:29:54 AM): and watch school rumble NOW
Teczero8 (3:29:55 AM): LOL
BigOsea2 (3:30:00 AM): yo my birthday is gonna be a smashfest/beach trip
D1MX (3:30:01 AM): or just quit life before even trying
Teczero8 (3:30:03 AM): You know Im very close to doin just that
RenoNYC (3:30:07 AM): anytime this week
RenoNYC (3:30:07 AM): i think
solslayerx (3:30:12 AM): I guess no one wants to go.
D1MX (3:30:13 AM): **** Beaches are MAD SEX
Teczero8 (3:30:14 AM): ahh i see
D1MX (3:30:15 AM): wow
solslayerx (3:30:16 AM): Nevermine.
D1MX (3:30:18 AM): YOU MY d00d
RenoNYC (3:30:19 AM): play me tec0!
D1MX (3:30:21 AM): foR REAL
BigOsea2 (3:30:22 AM): MA DUDE
Dazwa070 (3:30:23 AM): night ppl
D1MX (3:30:23 AM): MELEE FEST
Teczero8 (3:30:24 AM): we could have like a smashfest training Session concluded at 3:30:26 AM