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The Last Bill - Chapel Hill, NC- April 24/25 (PP WINS EVERYTHING!!!)

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Brawl Singles:

1: PP ($137.20)
2: Stingers ($39.20)
3: Shady ($19.60)
4: Kadaj
5: Rag
7: Foxy
7: NC-Echo
9: Keith
9: Duo
9: Jon?
13: WERK!
13: arc
13: David
13: KSK
17: Stockfield
17: Paii
17: Uncle
17: drorbroseth
17: Spite
17: Mits
17: Sealion
17: Kale
25: Michael
25: MIR
25: Vilt
25: Griff

Brawl Doubles:

1: Shady Swordplay (Shady & Kadaj) ($94.50)
2: Buff Phy. (stingers and pp) ($27.00)
3: so icy entertainment (Rag & Keith) ($13.50)
4: NC Legends (Yeroc & Bill)
5: Not into scene chics (Omni & Foxy)
5: The embodiement of likght and dark (duo & mits)
7: Double Down chicken sandwhich (paii & kale)
7: Super Smash Bros (Arc & LDPK)
9: Super Monkey Balls (Ledger & Uncle)
9: Spitfire (FYRE & Spite)
9: Hold my poodle (Stockfield seth)

Melee Singles:

1: PP ($93.10)
2: Yay ($26.60)
3: Lozr ($13.30)
4: Theo
5: Karn
5: $Mike
7: 702
7: Foxy
9: Moo
9: Dark Hart
9: Black Chris
9: Plur
13: Darius
13: Stingers
13: EMB
13: Josh
17: JMH
17: Slasher
17: hi-def
17: Snap
17: Yeroc
17: NC-Echo

Melee Doubles:

1: Lord of the Wieners (Karn & PP) ($75.60)
2: Team Triforce (Yay & lozr) ($21.60)
3: The kids (Stingers & Jim) ($10.80)
4: ewdud (702 & $Mike)
5: Mr and Mrs (Crystal & DJ)
5: Plur & Josh (Plur & Josh)
7: Black People (black chris & Slasher)
7: Dudes of Indecency (Dark Hart & hi-def)
9: NC Legends (Yeroc & Bill)
9: Salty Milk (Ocean & Moo)


Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005
Yay Kadaj ~

but WTF @ PP winning LOL, I heard he was beast in Brawl, who does he use? Marth?

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
this tourney was epic

also b+ singles results were:

10 entrants

1. Karn (in winners) (CF)
1. Yay (in losers) (Wolf)
3. Stingers (Rob)
4. NC-Echo (CF)
5. Foxy (Forfeited to yay and nc-echo) (jiggs/dk)
5. Yeroc

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
LOL sup Ally. Edit: Yeah I use Marth only.


=( You should be proud of what you did Fyre.

Eh, shoutouts....

Bill- Thanks for hosting one last time man. I hope you had a great time, and you have many more when you move out. Btw you never sucked my toes lol ****. =p

Kale- That ear thing at Biskis was insane!!! I couldn't close my wide eyes or mouth after seeing that for a few minutes.

Kadaj- I really enjoyed meeting you. =) You're very chill and obviously ****. You made me sad after that set with Stongers when you were depressed, but you played super well in it, so I don't think you should feel bad. Hopefully I'll see you again before you go to Florida.

Oh and sorry if I was a **** to you in Melee. I was just trying to have fun haha. I approved of you playing it on Melee day a lot.

LDPK- Good matches bro. You either learned that Marth matchup or I forgot the Pika matchup, but it's probably more you improving than me sucking haha. Keep doin what you're doin bro.

Keith- Stop feeling sad lol. You have lots of opportunities to learn at tournaments and to think about how to play outside of them.

Jon- Good friendlies(finally lol) bro.

Omni- LOL what a scrub, avoiding friendlies with me. Not even a MM? For shaaaaaame. =p

Foxy- Good to see you and your new hair color bro. You drive me up the wall with your sandbaggy shenanigans, but I <3 your goofy tail all the same. Friendly me in both games next time. =(

Uncle- Sorry I didn't go to Pizza Hut. =( Things are always different every Billfest for me usually lol.

Duo- =( You're retiring, but I understand. I hope you stay in touch though, you're cool.

Mits- Hahaha that pokemon banter of eternity with Maria was too good. See you around bro.

Gard- I think I said hey to you, but if not, then I saw you around.

Fyre- Goooood stuff

Raggy bro- You've gotten better. I approve. "My entire playstyle is just punishing stuff" LOOOL ****.

I also think the way you say "yeah" after stuff is too legit.

Seth- I think I heard you had hard luck this tournament. Unfortunate bro. Good luck next time.

Shady- You are legit my bro. Especially in teams X_X(and I never make that face online). I look forward to watching you rep NC well. Stay positive and don't let silly comments about Brawl get to you.

Stongers- divlfvijahdviaviavivaaivjni jdik you ***** this weekend. You TORE UP losers bracket like wow. I'm super impressed. ESPECIALLY at that 0-117% death combo on Kadaj ftw WTFFFFF.

Take credit for your victories though man. There's no reason to be sad or upset about doing so well against me, especially when that's your goal, to beat me. I am proud to see what your determination has gotten you, and I'm very interested in where it takes you. <3 you bro, so don't be silly or think I would ever insult you by sandbagging in tournament.

Yay- Good to see you again bro. I'm glad you're alive btw. Also great job in tournament and our MM. I wish we could have Falco dittoed a lot. You're smart enough to help me really want to learn that matchup(but it was ironic that tech skill felt like a bigger issue in our set.....lol I'm ******** XD). Either way, way to bring it back on Adam in LFs. It's cool to see you getting better.

Josh- Always good to see you bro. Haha shame I'm too big for that shirt, it looked ****. XD

Darius- More new Falco blood? tooooo good. Keep playing with Adam, he won't tell you matchup stuff but he's good at punishing your habits LOL. Hope to see you around bro.

Maria- You're gonna friendly me one of these days!!!!! =(
Oh, good stuff btw. You know.....

oh and tell Heather it was nice to meet and super fluster her haha.

Slasher Bro- GGs dude. Glad you had a good time partaking of safety meetings in the back lol.

DJ- =( Keep your chin up bro.

Theo- I didn't know you were gonna get off on Mike or take that first match from Yay! Mad legit bro. We need more friendlies for sure.


Ocean- Haha you're so cuddly and silly. <3

PLUR- OMG PLURRRR!!! You're so funny with your....warlock voice LOOOOOL! Please come to something else soon! <3

Dark Hart- Good to see you again buddy. Sorry we only got like 1 friendly in lol but it's better than none. See you around bro.

Omni again(****)- Good rest scrub. I'll **** you next time so that was your last rest. <3

Chris- Thanks again for driving me bro. The car ride was toooo good bro(how bout that dark purple magic btw? =p). Good stuff making a liiiittle bit of headway on your MMs too.

Phil- It was cool to see that Pokemon deck. Good luck over the summer dawg.

Mike- Good friendlies and tourney set bro. We need to play more. =)

Karn- Good stuff in teams brooooo. That was tough lol. Shake it off in singles man, you'll learn a lot from this and bounce back.

oh and tell Jenny it was nice to meet her and get her Snickers.

David- You didn't enter. =(

Mullins- Glad you're okay! Please try to control your drinking a little better next time so you don't scare all of us like that again. =(

Ph00t- Why are you so funny/crazy? XD We always have so many quotable moments from tournaments that I forget when I wanna do shoutouts. =(

Cam- Happy birthday!!!! Shrimp lips <3

KSK- I love seeing you so much haha. You're cool. I approve of your manning up and going for it.

JMH- Keep it cool bro. Everything in Melee has an answer. PM me, ask me anytime for help if you want it.

EMB- I heard you're getting better. Legit bro. See you at Asheboro.

Vilt- Nice to see you bro. Stay positive!

NisP- You're still cool.

Snap- Good to see you again bro. MUCH MUCH MUCH thanks for that sleeping bag haha.

Corey- It was so good to finally see you for a while again man! =( We never friendlied in anything, but next time we HAVE to! No excuses. I'll see you this summer!

Sergio- Glad you could make it man. I hope you had a good time.

Jim- Great to see you as always. I promise to hit you and Stongers up over the summer for old times' sake. =)

Adam- Don't give up my friend. You have the ability to ****. I see you do it all the time haha. I'll try to think of more things to tell you about that matchup so you can feel better about Falco okay?

Your attitude ***** and teams was mad tough.

Lightning Melee was soooo intense lol. I couldn't hang after a while haha. Fox is hard. =(

Mario is too good. =)

Everyone- Thanks for coming.

People who didn't come(except bden because Fiz is a butt)- g@y

Chipotle- I had fun inside you.

Biskis- Why did I get 6 strips for 25 more cents at you.

Bill's apartment- why were you so clean.

Women- why were there so many of you there gtfo it's a video game tournament.

That one time I was playing Adam and Yay and Maria went outside and everyone got hype and Josh ran out there- Why did I have to be playing a tournament set because I wanted to go see what happened wtf LOL.

Brawl- Why are you so hard.

Melee- Why are you so fun.

Random FF music I'm listening to now- why are you so upbeat.

Combo video- Where u at.

Shoutouts- It's done.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
1: PP ($137.20)-Marth
2: Stingers ($39.20)-ROB/MK
3: Shady ($19.60)-Snake
4: Kadaj-Marth/Snake/MK
5: FYRE-Pit
5: Rag-DK
7: Foxy-MK
7: NC-Echo-Olimar


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
rag used mk a lot.
and if kadaj's one win with snake counts, foxy's one with ganon should too >.>
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