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The Kirby Companion - A guide of playstyles


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
oklahoma city
By Smores

1. Introduction
2. Playstyle mechanics
3. The different playstyles
3.1 Aggressive (On-Stage)
3.2 Aggressive (Off-Stage)
3.3 The Guardian
3.4 Quick Kill
3.5 Percentage Only
3.6 Punisher
3.7 Erratic
3.8 Ledge Games
3.9 Kirbycide
4. Side notes

Updates - Added bold & color! (and added an update section) ~ 8/21/08
- Added a new style, the Guardian. Also fixed 2 typos ~ 8/30/08
- reedited the color and bold and added a pre-introduction for smashboards also added a new style "Ledge Games" ~ 10/1/08


Yes I know I have a very low post count and some people think that means I have no idea how to play the game, however, read the guide with an open mind and please post (constructive) criticism. I originally posted this on AIB but the Kirby forum over there barely gets responses. I am posting this here because it will make me(through suggestions and criticism), and hopefully some others better which is what these boards are for. Thank you for taking the time to read my guide, I look forward to your feedback!

While reading Delphiki's paper on meta-game and what it involves I decided I would like to develop many different playstyles. While trying to think of different ways to play, I developed a strategy involving playstyles. The way I am using the word playstyle is not what is usually meant by playstyle, keep that in mind. Anyway, it helped my game a lot more than I expected it to. The reason that this helped my game is it shortened the goals in mind. Instead of mentally establishing the goal of "win the game" or "get 1 stock ahead" the goals changed to things like "rack up their percentage" or "put as much pressure on the player as possible" to name a few. This is helpful in choosing the method of achieving the goals, for example, say you want to rack up damage. Instead of F-smashing an opponent, use tilts and jabs because you can land two or three quick moves with low knock back in succession while the smash would have less chance for follow up, but if the goal were to knock your opponent off the platform, then a Vulcan jab from the middle of FD wouldn't be the best option (duh). This may seem like common sense to most people but it streamlines decision making, before I started using multiple playstyles, each chance to hit the opponent was met with the decision of which move to use. Since there was little time to decide, I relied on instinct, but sometimes I would use the wrong move or hesitate. After utilizing these playstyles I know what move I want to land, that helps in trying to create the right opening instead of just a common opening. So enough of the introduction, lets move on to the mechanics behind the styles!

Playstyle mechanics

When and why to change was the first obstacle, at first it feels forced which can lead to abandoning the whole thing and relying on gut instinct. After forcing myself to play with them the whole match I found, with all playstyles, the change between them is for two main reasons.

1. The current style is getting "stale"

1.a The actual moves commonly associated with that style have been over used and have lost their power.
1.b The style itself has become too easy to predict or the other player has countered with another playstyle.​

2. A sudden change of style to prevent punishment

2.a A change of style to throw the other player off before they can counter
2.b The spacing, reactions of the other player, or the terrain that caters to the current style has changed​

This is just a guide of developing your own styles. When I play using this strategy, I don't think "O.K. switch in 3 2 1" because after playing 10 or 20 matches constantly thinking about what style would be good for the situation I'm in, it becomes a reaction. I don't even think "I should switch to Erratic now" I just know what works with the goal associated with the current situation, and I am watching for when I should try to achieve that goal.

Most of these styles deal with openings, some examples are: lag, missed techs, mistakes (like attacking in the wrong direction), taking advantage of a lower priority move, etc...
These can all be used for a f-tilt if you're close enough, but a hammer might take too long for some of them. This is what I mean by common and specific openings. Again this is all based on how you think about the game. If I am trying to make an opening for a F-smash, I know how far away I can be from the opponent, and what situation I need to put them in for it to be an opening.

The different playstyles

To make this easy to read I will have different attributes of each playstyle in conforming layout. Remember that the movesets listed below are common moves associated with that playstyle, and do not prohibit the other moves from being effective, same thing goes for the "Good style to switch to when needed" sections.The current list of playstyles that are different enough for their own category are as follows...

Aggressive (On-Stage) - This is the playstyle you want to use a lot, the problem is that its openings are not as common as the other styles.

: This style is all about pressure, you want to make the opponent try to escape. This means moves that come out fast, end fast and lead to other moves. This style is best for 0% to about 70%, any higher and the moveset stops being as effective. Usually when an opponent is pressured, they stop attacking and try and get some distance. However, most players only have one or two things that they do to get away. Some roll a lot, others spot dodge then jump to an air dodge (you get the picture). Pay close attention, after two or three times you will have a general idea of what they do. Once you have an idea of the retreat strategy, try and predict what they do and continue being aggressive until they make a mistake.

Moveset: Attacks that combo easily are what this playstyle is about such as d-tilt, f-tilt, u-tilt, jabs, bair, uair (at low %), SH fairs (at low to mid %), dash attack (not so much but it can be thrown in at higher %)

Mini Combos: SH dair to d-tilt, f-throw to fair or uair (low %) , d-tilt to f-tilt

Mindset: quickly make up any distance between you and your opponent, try and land as many hits as possible with as little knock back as possible. If you knock them off the edge continue into the Off-Stage version of this playstyle.

Good style to switch to when needed - Aggressive (Off-Stage) Erratic, Quick Kill

Aggressive (Off-Stage) - Mostly the same as the previous, but as the name suggests, you have got them off stage.

Description: Still all about pressure, but now you know two moves that the player will almost always do, jump and up B. This lets you know where to position yourself depending on what character you are fighting. Don't forget your limits, know how far you can be off-stage before you can't come back! Use the momentum of the Air Hammer to pull you back to the stage.

Moveset: fair, bair, dair, Air Hammer, Up B

Mini Combos: dair to footstool

Mindset: You are looking for stage spikes with bair, spikes with dair and footstools, and pushing your opponent off screen with fair and bair.

Good style to switch to when needed - Hopefully you can go back to On-Stage Aggressive, otherwise its back to the drawing board.

The Guardian - Stay on the stage and guard

Description: As we all know some characters are harder to go against off stage, if you are in a competitive match and you are not good at chasing that character... don't. In a tourney there is no reason to chase a mid percent opponent if you aren't good at it. Sometimes its better (more options, easier to predict opponent, won't get gimped) to just not go after them.

: If you have a projectile hat, now would be the time. Otherwise just use uair, bairs, and fairs.

Mini Combos: If you get an opening and you think you can go for a WoP, try it out (but I wouldn't suggest it in a tourney, if you are not already comfortable with this character off stage then the tides could change in an instant and thats one stock you won't get back)

: Stay on or close to the stage, a fair that is landed on an opponent far off from the stage that doesn't kill them and would be hard to combo does the same percent as one that is SHed off the edge. (I am not saying that a fair is hard to combo off of, I mean if an opponent has good DI and air dodges well)

Good style to switch to when needed
- Aggressive (On-Stage), Aggressive (Off-Stage) if you feel up to it, Quick Kill, Punisher, Kirbycide

Quick Kill - This style is usually just a follow up to Aggressive, Punisher, and Percentage only

: Once the opponent is up to a higher percentage there is no need to keep piling up damage, its time to go for the kill.

Moveset: all smashes, bair, Ground Hammer (make sure you have a good opening, or else), and SH Air Hammer

Mini Combos: SH dair to F-smash

Mindset: create or wait for a good opening

Good style to switch to when needed - incase of this style failing try getting more percentage with Aggressive or Punisher, or try Erratic to help get an opening

Percentage Only - This could also be called cautious

Description: Once I knock one of their stock off I sometimes find myself with stale moves and a high%, thats when i go for "prepping" them for my new stock.

: d-tilt, f-tilt,dash attack (you have to be careful with this, don't use dash attack if the know they can DI away from the last hit), all grabs

Mini Combos: Don't try and combo a lot but SH dair to d-tilt works good.

Mindset: Try and slip in as much damage as possible, grab and pummel to u-throw often because they won't be close to you when they regain control.

Good style to switch to when needed - either you lost a stock or your ready to switch to Quick kill or Aggressive (Off-Stage)

Punisher - This style focuses on trying to break your opponents will to be aggressive.

Description: If your opponent is going strong and keeping the pressure on and you just can't get an opening, examine what they are doing and wait for the lag then punish. Try and read your opponents moves and shield grab them (or to be fancy, try and perfect shield). If you have an opening throw out a move that knocks them away.

Moveset: F-smash, D-smash,SH DI back then forward air hammer, SH dair, SH fair, d-tilt, all grabs (I don't usually do many f-tilts or u-tilts with this because that feels more like trading hits than showing them they can't overwhelm you)

Mini Combos: This isn't really a comboing type of style, if you have an opening then switch to Aggressive

Mindset: Space yourself properly and punish lag

Good style to switch to when needed - Aggressive, Kirbycide, Quick Kills

Erratic - The most recognizable style, just be unpredictable and nonsensical

: This style is mostly just to make your opponent follow you and to see if they will play into your little games, if they do, then you can make an opening to switch styles, if not then try getting closer to them and tone down the strange behavior a little.

Moveset: Dash dancing (keep in mind tripping can get you with this one), "air dancing" ( while falling after a jump, DI at the opponent, then DI back and Jump when you are just about close enough to land a fair, repeat,) Dash at your opponent then stop about 1 1/2 times the spacing need for an F-smash then put up your shield, roll backwards, or jump backwards, you know... just mess around

Mini Combos
: This also isn't a comboing style, if you have an opening then switch to Aggressive or Quick Kill

: Try to establish dominance by making them follow you, then switch to the playstyle you have in mind and make them regret taking the bait

Good style to switch to when needed - Whatever style you want to, you should have what style you want to get into when you switch to Erratic

Ledge Games - every once in a while I play someone who seems a little uneasy with Kirby on the edge, so I throw this at them until they figure it out.

: On the edge you have many options. Utilize them and return to the edge for another. Most players when encountering a Kirby on the edge will try and get him off, in Melee, I loved the edge. In Brawl I just started using it as much as I did in Melee. When using this style (and wanting to remain in it) try not to push your opponent too far away. If they are sent too far they will take a look at what they are doing, walking into a trap. This style is way more effective against characters that don't have projectiles. If they do have projectiles then you really have to be in their head for this to work. Also, this style isn't really good to try when you are getting close to 80%. The higher your percent the more the opponent will want to come mess with poor little ol' defenseless Kirby hanging on for dear life.

Moveset: attack from ledge, roll, get up, tap off ledge and attack with aerials, final cutter

Mini Combos
: tap off ledge fair to d-tilt (the reason I like to use d-tilt for this is the knock back doesn't push them so far away that they have time to think)

Mindset: Always be watching follow up response to your actions. If they seem to be getting the idea of what you are doing, don't risk hanging there anymore.

Good style to switch to when needed - Agressive (On or Off Stage), Quick Kill, Kirbycide

Kirbycide - We all love em, so here they are!

Description: Every once in awhile I can't resist a Kirbycide, If your up a stock, then why not, chances are your % is higher than theirs, even the % out a bit.

Moveset: neutral B

Mini Combos: Swallowcide => Footstool when they break out, or Star Shot (under stage) and then Stage Spike with Final Cutter, U-air, or B-air (full credit to t!mmy for these combos)

Mindset: Get the other player close to the ledge or off of it, keep in mind if they break out you want to foot stool them, you can also spit them off the side of smaller stages (often seen on the platform of SV).

Good style to switch to when needed - Erratic or Aggressive (Off-Stage)

Side notes

This is my first guide, please leave feedback in your comments. This way of playing won't help everyone. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Please don't flame, it makes you look dumb. I wrote this with Kirby in mind, I originally was going to write it as a general guide, but since I don't play all the characters then it wouldn't be very good or detailed.

Special thanks to: t!mmy (his guide "The Competitive Kirby" and great videos got me into competitive smash)
All Kirby mains!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2008
I like using an erratic style or a 'lazy aggersive" style on my opponents. I love to switch back and forth between them since it always catches them off guard.

I like the guide you got here, it helps to encompass and define some of the unspoken language of fighting. Im expecting more to come on this subject smores.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
This is the kind of quality posts you find at Allisbrawl. ;)


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
oklahoma city
Thanks guys! I have a video recorded on VHS of 3 matches (currently I am waiting on someone to transfer it with a capture card). I didn't really look for goals or use this way of playing in the first and last matches, but the middle match I used it, I 3 stocked him. I wanted to see if I could just play it by ear like I used to. I got destroyed when I didn't use this. I guess I just got so used to it that I forgot how to play without it. My plans are to take that middle match and use a small text box at the top to say what style I am using. I haven't edited video before so I will probably take some time to finish it. Also I have a couple more styles in mind of adding, I just need to use them some more.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
This is the kind of quality posts you find at Allisbrawl. ;)
I've been to AiB. Smashboards have better quality posts 100's of times over. I checked those threads and saw n00b posts all over.

Anyways, my kind of play style is ledge games and Kirbycides.
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