Im Fragbait
lol thanks for the critique, i don't actually play this game anymore, so would generally chalk alot of it up to rust but my Marth has always been a bit wreckless with his spacing. In terms of the movement, the first match being pretty early on in the session will be my john for that =p. I only play friendlies with Sunrun every now and again these days... haven't been to a tourny or practiced properly to be competitive in years nor do i really have the time to. He wants to learn though so I'm happy to oblige, cause i love playing this game.
Point being, i wasn't really looking for a critique, but still in general though wanted to say thanks, and that your critique on both of us is pretty spot on.
Now, contributing to the thread even though my antiquated understanding of the meta is likely very wrong.
@ Falco can lightshield hog against marth -- yes he can
@ he should just edgehog, or if i go to the stage he should climb up fsmash -- very yes, though I will say that he's getting pretty good at the latter part, but is missing the patience on the former.
@ Run off dj dair, i tend to agree with Fragbait on this in that it's mad risky, and not really worth it. Unless you can drop down shine to dair because Marth was careless, I don't really see it being your best option especially if Marth saved his dj like he's supposed to.