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The Fairy with Fighting Spirit: Lip for Smash! *Play Panel de Pon on NSO!*

N. Onymous

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2012
Switch FC
Sign our petition to #BringLipBack!
Join the Panel de Pon Discord!
No more boundaries... nothing to hold us back! Lip for Smash Ultimate!


Lip is the main character of the original Panel de Pon ("Panel Pop"), a puzzle game for the Super Famicom released in 1995. Besides being one of several characters you could choose to play as for the single-player game, she was also the protagonist! Coming from the fairy world of Popples, she is the daughter of the queen, Cordelia, and is a slightly tomboyish girl with a strong sense of justice. Her magic skills aren't as strong as those of the other fairies', so she has to use a magic wand to focus her powers through--you've seen it in Smash Bros. before as Lip's Stick. When monsters invaded her world and cast a spell on her friends to make them start hating each other, it was up to Lip to break the curse that had been laid on the other fairies and then go after their leader, the Demon King Sanatos... but could there be someone else pulling the strings?

You probably judged, from the Japanese name of the game and the fact that I specifically mentioned it was released for the Super Famicom and not the SNES, that this game was never released in North America. You'd be half-right--it was never released as intended in North America, and still hasn't been. Remember the release year? In 1995, Nintendo was still shaking off a bit of the "Genesis does what Nintendon't" backlash, and on top of that, the PlayStation had just been released, similarly positing itself as a console for more mature gamers, so even though it was doing fairly well in its home country, Panel de Pon--a new IP full of soft, pastel colors and cute characters--was the last thing Nintendo of America wanted to put out. Eventually, someone at Nintendo proposed a solution: "Hey, we've already got a game full of soft, pastel colors and cute characters. You know, the one with the green dragon guy. Let's do that." And so it was. When international players got their hands on the game, it had been retitled Tetris Attack and reskinned as a Yoshi's Island game. Although the implementation of the cartoonish Mario universe characters into the dreamlike setting of Panel de Pon was... less than elegant, it worked--the game received positive reviews and was a modest success.

(That the resulting game skews very heavily in favor of male characters, exactly the opposite of the original game where almost every named character is female, is probably indicative of the typical mid-90's attitude towards gender as well, but that's a story for another thread.)

Slowly but surely, though, evidence of Lip's existence started to trickle out, beginning with the inclusion of her signature wand in Super Smash Bros. Melee, which is likely where most of us first heard of the game. Representation of the series in Smash Bros. has been up and down ever since. In Brawl the series had the most acknowledgements, featuring several stickers of characters from the Nintendo Puzzle Collection remake/sequel, a remix of Lip's theme as background music on the PictoChat stage (later featured as a theme for the Wrecking Crew stage in SSB4-U), and of course, Lip's Stick. Representation in either version of SSB4 is fairly low and, in 3DS's case, the lowest since Melee, possibly owing to the poor sales of Planet Puzzle League, which--in what many fans consider to be a spectacularly terrible marketing decision--completely disposed of the fairy characters in favor of a generic "techno" motif that, simply put, lacks the charm of the original series. But with the appearance of Lip as an unlockable costume through the "Animal Crossing Puzzle League" minigame in the Welcome amiibo update of Animal Crossing: New Leaf and an increasingly small pool of retro characters to choose from, things could be changing soon.

With any luck, now will be Lip's time!

Why should Lip be in Smash? What would she play like?

Lip could easily carve out a unique niche for herself as a fighter. From previous support threads, the consensus on Lip is that she would be a combo-heavy "glass cannon" character: although her primary attacks would be weak, and she herself would have a rather low survivability due to her light weight and floatiness, she would still be able to potentially dish out a huge amount of damage with her high speed and magical powers. The flower status effect, of course, would play a heavy role in her moveset--imagine Lip weaving in and out, dodging enemy attacks and taking extra care not to get launched away for a KO, as she searches for an opening to rush in and plant a flower on her enemy's head. Once the flower is planted, the tables begin to turn as she smacks her opponent silly with her flower wand, racking up a huge combo and sending them flying into the distance. Alternatively, she could plant that flower, hang back and taunt her foe with weak attacks as the flower racks up their percentage, then move in for the kill with a smash attack right at just the right moment. In this sense, Lip would be a high-risk, high-reward fighter--just like in her home universe, beneath that innocent appearance lies a deadly warrior who you would do very well not to cross.

Why should I support Lip?

Besides adding to Smash Bros.'s growing roster of female fighters, Panel de Pon is over 20 years old at this point--the perfect age for a retro representative, even older than the Ice Climbers were when Melee came out. Every Smash Bros. game needs an unexpected "retro" character who hasn't been seen in years, and as the SNES slowly fades into venerability, Lip's chances of making the roster as a retro rep grow even higher.

Lip has a few much more personal connections to Nintendo, too. For one, Panel de Pon is the last game Gunpei Yokoi oversaw for Nintendo before he left the company for Bandai to create the WonderSwan. The cult favorites Kid Icarus and Metroid, the international megahit Fire Emblem, and even fellow puzzle game representative Dr. Mario were all his brainchildren. Each of these series has playable representation in Smash; only a certain fairy girl is missing for it to be a complete (or near-complete) Yokoi family reunion. It would be a fine way to honor the memory of a man who played a huge role in Nintendo history.

Perhaps more relevantly, Masahiro Sakurai, the director of the Kirby series, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and a fighting game series you might have heard of, has expressed fondness for Panel de Pon before. In a Japanese Q&A held before the release of Melee, a fan asked him if Lip would ever make the cut in a future game. Although Sakurai wasn't sure how many people would know who Lip is, he closed the response off by calling her game a "masterpiece" and heartily recommending it to anyone who was interested.

On top of all of that, the addictive gameplay of the Puzzle League series and the adorable character designs both ensure that the series remains a cult hit in Japan to this day. In fact, the game's Japanese website is still up! Even if rather few Western players would recognize her (at first), including her as a playable character in Smash Bros. would make a lot of Japanese players very happy.

What are her greatest barriers to entering Smash?

Obviously, the fact that Panel de Pon is a dormant series that has never received a clean international release (specifically the reason Takamaru from The Mysterious Murasame Castle was an Assist Trophy in SSB4). Even those shouldn't be considered too debilitating to her chances:

For dormancy: Consider the fates of many other Smash players. Kid Icarus received only one sequel, an international-market exclusive, before laying fallow for over ten years until Brawl put Pit back on the map and Uprising revived it with full force. Game & Watches had been out of production for almost a decade by the time Melee featured Mr. Game & Watch. The Duck Hunt duo and the Ice Climbers had only appeared in one game each before being featured in Smash Bros., and while the Duck Hunt dog is famous, if only for being annoying, the Ice Climbers were seemingly perfectly content to be forgotten by history until Melee brought them back with a vengeance.

For Japan-only status: Fire Emblem, for all its popularity, was once a Japan-only series too. That started to change when Super Smash Bros. Melee came out, featuring Marth from the original game and Mystery of the Emblem and Roy from the then-upcoming Binding Blade. While they were lucky to make the roster in the international versions, American and European players alike found themselves enchanted by the unique play styles of the two swordsmen, enough that most future Fire Emblem games were properly localized, finally giving international gamers a chance to experience what had made this series sell so well back in Japan. Lucas, hero of the Japan-only Mother 3, made his appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl to similar effect. If you want to really get technical, Ness and his adventures in EarthBound, like most 1990s RPGs, never reached Europe--but when the original Smash came out there, there he was!

Given all of this, it isn't unreasonable to imagine Lip, with all of her potential, making the Smash Bros. roster at some point in the near future, and fans becoming enraptured with her adorable design and deceptively powerful moveset and wanting to see more of her. This would become mutually beneficial for both series: Smash would have a new high-level fighter, and the Panel de Pon universe, fairies and all, would be able to finally cross the Pacific Ocean. With SSB4 showing off more cult favorites than ever before and simultaneously condemning more than a few to Assist Trophy status, there's no time like the present!

How many people support Lip anyway?

Tons! (If you'd like your name added to this list, just ask.)

~SSB4 Veterans~
N. Onymous
God Robert's Cousin
Tetra's Tracker
Kawai Nic

Yomi's Biggest Fan
Phantom Joker
Jazzy Jinx
Iko MattOrr
smash puffle
Wurmple for smash
Jasae Bushae
KahunaLagoona DX
Arymle Roseanne

Have fans done anything to show their support for Lip?

Again, plenty of stuff! Feel free to draw some support pictures of your own.

N. Onymous






Itty Bit



.:Composite Moveset:.

~General Stats~
Size: Small (in-between Diddy Kong and Mario)
Weight: Very light (in-between Rosalina and Kirby)
Speed: Fast (slightly slower than Diddy Kong)
Jump: High (about as high as Pikachu)

~Basic Moves~
Neutral Attack - Hits three times.
[Hit 1] She swings her (closed) flower rod in front of her. (2%)​
[Hit 2] She swings it back. (2%)​
[Hit 3] She thrusts it out in front of herself while grunting. This attack has a sweet spot at the tip of the rod, and can launch the opponent. (3% normally, 4% sweetspotted)​
Forward Tilt - She does a high kick. (8%)
Up Tilt - Lip waves her free hand above her head, leaving a small trail of fairy dust. (7%)
Down Tilt - She quickly jumps onto her hands and kicks outwards in both directions, then leaps back to her feet. This move has a bit of lag starting up and ending, but its range is good. (8%)
Forward Smash - Lip twirls her flower rod around in her hands and thrusts it out in front, opening it, while grunting. Clean hits as soon as the rod opens. Deals good knockback. (18-25.2% clean, 14-19.6% late)
Up Smash - She thrusts her flower rod into the air and opens it, causing sparkly fairy dust to emerge. The fairy dust does damage as well. Has slight start-up lag. (12-16.8% rod, 4-5.6% dust)
Down Smash - Lip opens her flower rod and sweeps it around the ground in a full circle. Stands a 20% chance of tripping. (14-19.6% front, 10-14% back)
Neutral Aerial - Lip spins about in midair, holding her flower rod out. Weak, but can hit up to three times. (2% each hit, maximum 6%)
Forward Aerial - Lip does a jab with her flower rod. (7%)
Back Aerial - Lip kicks backwards. (10% sweetspotted, 7% otherwise)
Up Aerial - Opens her flower rod and spins it above her head. Unlike her up smash, the dust doesn't hurt the enemy, but the move hits multiple times, up to five. (3% per hit, maximum 15%)
Down Aerial - Lip drill-kicks downwards. This move has considerable landing lag, as Lip enters a split if she hits the ground using it. It hits up to 4 times, with the final hit capable of meteor smashing. (3% per hit, maximum 12%)
Dash Attack - She flails her wand around adorably yelling "Huuuh-ah!", hiting six times. Only the last hit deals knockback. (1% per hit, maximum 6%)
Edge Attack - Lip flips herself backwards up onto the ledge. (5%)
Floor Attack Face-Up - Lip kicks behind her, thrusts her flower rod in front of her, then climbs to her feet. (6%)
Floor Attack Face-Down - She clambers to her feet, sweeping her hand around her to attack. (5%)
Floor Attack Sitting - Lip very quickly spins her wand around herself as she gets up. (6%)
Pummel - Lip grabs the opponent with her free hand and thwacks them with her wand until released. (2% per hit)
Forward Throw - Lip opens her flower rod and swats the enemy away with a familiar sound effect. (7%, plants a flower)
Back Throw - This throw is similar to Lip's forward throw, except she turns around first. Compared to her forward throw, it's slightly stronger, but has less knockback and KO potential. (9%, plants a flower)
Up Throw - Lip tosses the enemy upward and jabs them with her closed flower rod for the launch. (2% toss, 6% jab, 8% total)
Down Throw - Lip slams the enemy to the ground and bounces off of their prone body to launch them. (5% toss, 4% stomp, 9% total)

Neutral Special
[Default] Lip's Stick - Essentially, this is a stronger, chargable version of the Lip's Stick item. Lip opens her flower rod and begins to swing it above her head from side to side for as long as the button is held. When the button is released, she swings her rod out in front of her. How long the button was held down determines how strongly the move hits and how large the flower planted on the enemy's head is. It takes Lip about four seconds to reach maximum charge. Charge is retained if the move is canceled out of in any way, but not if Lip is hit. (8% uncharged, +2% for every two waves, 18% when fully charged at 10th wave, 20% at sweetspot when fully charged; flower is small at waves 1-4, medium at waves 5-9, large when fully charged)​
[Custom 1] Flare's Stick - The attack uses the flame effect instead of planting a flower. It deals more damage, but it takes longer to charge. (10% uncharged, +2 for every two waves, 24% when fully charged at 12th wave, 25% at sweetspot when fully charged)​
[Custom 2] Windy's Stick - The attack charges slightly faster (3.25 seconds instead of 4), but does not​
deal damage. Instead, it creates a pushing wind effect in front of Lip, the power of which varies depending on how long it was charged for. At zero charge, the wind push is negligible. At maximum charge, it pushes an enemy almost half a Final Destination length. (0%)​

Side Special
[Default] Quick Swap - Lip points and makes a "Hup!" noise as Panel de Pon's in-game cursor appears around her with the appropriate sound effect. After a delay of about half a second, Lip and any fighter or other interactable object that happens to be at the opposite end are switched to the other side of the cursor, which disappears. The cursor remains around Lip once summoned until it disappears, and if a fighter or item leaves the cursor's hitbox in any way, it will not be switched. This can be used for horizontal recovery and to thwart edge-guarding attempts, but heavier fighters or items will take more time to switch. (0%)​
[Custom 1] Speed Swap - The cursor is twice its length horizontally, enhancing its mobility and recovery abilities. However, it can only switch Lip -- other fighters and items are unaffected. (0%)​
[Custom 2] Launching Swap - The cursor, now red, does not switch Lip, or anything else for that matter. It simply appears and then vanishes. Anything standing at the opposite side of the cursor, though, takes damage and is launched a short distance. (6%)​

Up Special
[Default] Watabou - A watabou, the round fluffy cotton creature seen on the title screen of Panel de Pon, appears, with its tail in Lip's free hand. It carries her upwards for a certain time, similarly to Duck Jump, until it reaches its apex, where it will explode and deal damage to anyone nearby. Lip falls down helpless afterwards. If it receives around 10% damage, the watabou will explode instantly. (6%)​
[Custom 1] Fairy Duster Watabou - While flying, Lip drops fairy dust that can put small flowers on enemies' heads. As a trade-off, though, the watabou's explosion deals no damage. (0%)​
[Custom 2] Chubby Fluff - The watabou is twice its normal size, rises much slower and lower, and can't cover much horizontal ground at all. However, its explosion is larger and fiery. (12%)​

Down Special
[Default] Garbage Block - Lip swipes her wand in front of her. This deals no damage, but it does cause a long pink garbage block to appear in the air above and in front of her, crashing to the ground after about half a second. As an attack it acts essentially as a slightly weaker version of Kirby's Stone, although the move can meteor smash opponents. However, the garbage blocks this attack creates can also be used as temporary platforms. Up to three garbage blocks can be on-screen at a time, with each one fading away on its own after about five seconds. If a garbage block takes 11% or more damage, it will flash and pop away. Garbage blocks stacked on top of or adjacent to each other will all disappear at once if even one is destroyed. (15%)​
[Custom 1] Crushing Garbage Block - The garbage black has greatly increased start-up lag, up to 1 1/2 seconds, and it will pop immediately upon hitting a solid object, but it deals considerably more damage. The impact buries ground-bound opponents. (20%)​
[Custom 2] Hasty Garbage Block - The garbage blocks drop much quicker, after about 1/4 of a second, and five can be on-screen at once instead of three, but they are half their normal size and give no knockback. Due to their smaller size, they pop out after 9% damage instead of 11%. (5%)​
Final Smash
Panel de Pon (JP)/Puzzle League (Int) - This is similar, but not identical, to the Ice Climbers' Iceberg. A background image of Lip's mother, Cordelia/the Queen, appears as a rainbow overlays the top part of the screen. Lip sticks her flower rod into the air and opens it, shouting "行くぞ!パネルでポン スタート!" ("Here we go! Panel de Pon, start!!") With that, she leaps up onto the rainbow and dashes off, and a large stack of panels rises from the bottom of the screen, remaining on-screen and rising slowly for about 30 seconds. As in Panel de Pon/Puzzle League, the stack is constantly replenished by new panels appearing from below. The size of the stack is proportionate to the size of the stage; larger stages have larger stacks, and so on. Panels remain at a set size, roughly 3/5 of Lip's height.
Instead of controlling Lip, the player controls a cursor for the duration of this Final Smash, using the Left C-Stick or Circle Pad to move the cursor and pressing the neutral attack button to switch two panels. The grab button will raise the stack. As in the Panel de Pon/Puzzle League series, any arrangement of three or more panels will disappear, popping away and slightly damaging any fighters nearby (base 1%, +1% for each additional panel in a combo, +2% for each consecutive chain). The amount of knockback dealt by popping panels varies based on how big the combo or chain was. A default Clear 3 combo has very little knockback, if any at all, whereas a Clear 6 or a x4 Chain will have considerably more launch power and a x10 Chain will rival the Home-Run Bat. The appropriate sound effects and fanfares play throughout the Final Smash. While any amount of damage will pop the panels automatically, the cursor acts as it does in Lip's Side-B and can help to relocate interfering fighters, although it can't leave the horizontal or vertical boundaries of the stack. Dropping a panel onto an enemy's head deals 2% damage with mild knockback.
Every second or so, a varying number of the panels (depending on the size of the stack) on the outer edge of the mountain will flash, an indicator that it is about to activate. A panel is active for about one second and glows brighter while it does so. Any fighter who touches an active panel will suffer an effect relating to its color
  • The red heart panel deals 3% fire damage.
  • The yellow star panel deals 2% electric damage.
  • The green circle panel deals 4% neutral damage and launches.
  • The purple diamond deals 3% darkness damage.
  • The cyan triangle deals 2% damage and freezes.
  • The blue upside-down triangle deals 3% water damage.
  • The gray ! panel deals 2% neutral damage and buries.
If the stack of panels is raised past the top blast line, anyone standing at the very top will be Star KO'd, but the Final Smash will automatically end. Like in the original games, clearing a Combo or Chain when the stack is within two or three panels' worth of the top blast line will cause it to temporarily stop rising as Lip shouts "止まれ!" ("Stop!").
Once the Final Smash timer runs out (unlike in an actual Panel de Pon/Puzzle League game, clearing a Combo or a Chain will not delay the timer) or the top blast line is hit, every panel in the stack will flash and pop simultaneously (4% neutral damage), dealing moderate knockback. A flower drifts gently down to the center of the stage, or near the center if there is a bottomless pit in the middle of the arena, and, once it lands, puffs in a shower of fairy dust to reveal Lip. If the Final Smash ended via time-out, she twirls her flower rod about and poses with it, adding a happy "やったよ!" ("I did it!") If it ended by hitting the upper blast line, she instead slumps in disappointment and sadly says "残念…" ("Too bad...").

Up Taunt: Lip faces the screen, pumps her fist into the air, and says "yatta!"
Down Taunt: Lip magically produces a flower and smells of it, then sneezes, scattering the petals everywhere. The sneeze has a very small push wind box.
Side Taunt: Lip looks at the back of her skirt and dusts it off.

~Victory Poses~
A: Lip hops up and down three times, saying "Yatta!" on the third leap. She doesn't quite make the landing and trips after her name slides on-screen. She smiles sheepishly at the camera and rubs her bottom throughout the results.
B: Sitting down, Lip creates a large yellow flower underneath herself, which begins to float. On the flower, she twirls her wand in her left hand, throws an open palm outwards with her right, and says "楽しいだったわよ!" ("That was fun!").
C: Lip holds Furifuri the rabbit in her hands and smiles down at him. She spins around with Furifuri and hugs him close, then winks at the camera.

Text is colored according to that costume's Find Mii color.

Palette 1
- Yellow dress, pink skirt with white fringe, pink ribbon, brown boots, maroon hair, blue eyes.
Palette 2 (Windy) - Green dress, light green skirt with sky blue fringe, sky blue ribbon, brown boots, magenta hair, green eyes.
Palette 3 (Sherbet) - Cyan dress, blue skirt with white fringe, pink ribbon, cyan boots, blue hair, blue eyes.
Palette 4 (Thiana) - Green dress, pale green skirt, orange ribbon, brown boots, dark brown hair, green eyes.
Palette 5 (Ruby) - Purple dress, light purple skirt with pink fringe, yellow ribbon, dark purple boots, dark green hair, blue eyes.
Palette 6 (Elias) - White dress, light gray skirt with white fringe, purple ribbon, white boots, blue hair, blue eyes.
Palette 7 (Flare) - Magenta dress, pink skirt with green fringe, light purple ribbon, red boots, red hair, blue
Palette 8 (Seren) - White dress, white skirt with light blue fringe, pink ribbon, light blue boots, blonde hair, blue eyes.

Intro - She runs down off a rainbow, opens her flower rod, and sticks it into the air while saying "Iku zo!"
Standing - She rocks from side to side, swaying her hands back and forth.
Walking - Lip skips a little while walking, similar to Peach.
Running - She leans forward a little while running, always holding her (closed) flower rod in front of herself (this is how she ran on the map screen in Panel de Pon).
Idle Pose 1 - Lip twirls her flower rod in her hand and smiles open-mouthed.
Idle Pose 2 - Lip strokes her ponytail.
Sleeping - She falls to the ground in the fetal position and starts napping.
Dizzy - Lip stumbles around as her eyes spin around cartoonishly.
Clapping - Claps politely with a big smile on her face.

~Other Tidbits~
Victory Theme - A fanfare remixed from the stage clear theme in Panel de Pon.
Kirby Hat - Lip's hair, ribbon, and ponytail.
Tripping Sound - Cartoon
Smash Charge Sound - Heavy
Cheer - "Li-p-chan!" (JP) / "Lip! Lip! Let 'er rip!" (Int)
"Congratulations!" Text - Sans-serif
Icon - A heart panel


[Description: Identical to her official render.]
The optimistic little fairy princess of Popplis from Panel de Pon, released elsewhere as Tetris Attack. Lip may be very cute (or should that be FAIRY cute? ...we'll show ourselves out), but don't let that fool you -- in Smash Bros., her sweet-smelling flower magic packs a punch! Weaker versions of her signature Lip's Stick can still be used by other fighters, of course.
[SNES] Panel de Pon (1995 - Japan)
[Wii] Captain Rainbow (2008 - Japan)

-Lip (Alt.)-
[3DS Description: Lip in her Windy alternate costume using her up taunt with a garbage block behind her.]
[Wii U Description: Lip in her Flare alternate costume using her Lip's Stick special move.]
Veteran Smash players will recognize Lip's Stick as a stronger version of the item. Hold down B to charge, then let it go to show the other fighters your green thumb! Lip's Garbage Blocks pack a punch, but they can also be used as platforms by you and your enemies! Just don't let them break...
[SNES] Panel de Pon (1995 - Japan)
[Wii] Captain Rainbow (2008 - Japan)

-Panel de Pon-
Final Smash
[Description: Lip runs across a rainbow at the top of the screen while Charizard, Ness, and Bowser climb up the panel stack below. Ness is being hit by an activated red panel.]
Hope you've been brushing up on your Puzzle League skills... In Lip's Final Smash, you've got 30 seconds to rack up as many combos and chains as you can and send your foes flying! Sometimes, a panel will flash and let loose an effect based on its color. Let those panels hit the top of the screen, though, and it's Game -- or should that be Final Smash? -- Over!

Lip would likely be a Damage Over Time fighter: in most cases she gets in, plants a flower, then gets out, though more bold strategies could be to continue the flower assault and make the flower bigger and tack on more damage over time. Balancing such a moveset, Lip would likely be both weak and light, both easy to kill and hard to by killed by. Imagine tons of sparkles and petals in this moveset.

Entrance: Lip walks to the main stage by a rainbow from behind.
Idle: Lip rocks back and forth slightly on her feet. It's important to note that her wand is always in its bud form unless the specific attack causes a flower, where it opens up.
Idle animations: 1) Lip inspects her wand. 2) Lip brushes dust off her skirt.

Jab: 2 slaps with her wand followed by extending her free hand and creating a magical attack accompanied by the pop effect from Panel de Pon (where when you pop matching blocks a flower effect appears) the jab finisher has a flower effect that creates a flower on the opponents head.
Ftilt: Boomerang with the wand forwards, hitting the opponent upwards and behind her on the return hit. Combos into Usmash at slower percents and bair at higher. Think Braixen's boomerang attack from Pokken but less range.
Utilt: Treating the wand like a baton, spins it into the air. Good anti-air with 3 hits at the highest point, hits people in front into the multihit.
Dtilt: Quick slide forward with a jab of the wand.
Dash: Multihit baton spin. Another Pokken Braixen move but not that safe. Alright combo starter.

Fsmash: Holding the wand at the base, 2 upward vertical swipes with it forward. Similar movements to Peach's ftilt when she's holding a item and Corrin's idle sword spin animation, so a swipe upwards, then using the momentum to spin it around baton style in her hand, to another swipe upwards. Pretty good kill smash for Lip.
Usmash: Jabs the wand upwards as the wand blooms, creating a powerful pop. Flower effect and late % kill smash.
Dsmash: Jabbing the wand base into the ground, extends her hands both sides creating a flower pop effect both ways. Flower effect.

Nair: Bringing her wand close to her chest, petals wildly spin around her. Not a multihit so it's more of a get-away tool/ landing option.
Fair: Swings the wand down in front of her, Marth fair style. Animated to look like her VS background artwork from her game. Flower effect.
Bair: Using her free hand, creates a flower pop effect behind her. Flower effect.
Uair: Jabs the wand upwards. Good vertical range and alright for killing off the top.
Dair: Jabs her foot downward while spinning. Not a spike.

Grab: Summons a whirlwind of petals. Alright range.
Pummel: Spins the petal whirlwind faster, cutting into the opponent.
Fthrow: Summons a flurry of petals from behind Lip, blasting the opponent away. Forward windbox during the flurry and an alright kill throw at pretty high % at the edge.
Bthrow: Grabs the wand with both hands, spins around 1 and a half times with the opponents position following the wand, letting the opponent out of the whirlwind as they go shooting away behind her.
Uthrow: Shoots the opponent upwards. Upwards windbox but certainly not a kill throw until pretty high %.
Dthrow: Whacks the opponent on the head with the wand, bouncing them off the ground. Great for comboing into fair.

B: Block Bounce. Holding her wand in both hands in front, Lip shoots a block out of the top of it as she falls on her *** from the force of the shot. The block travels in a wide arc and can be aimed in 3 different angles. Mostly good for edgeguarding and for stopping aerial approaches.
Side B: Switch Spin. Lip summons the switch cursor in front of her and has it do the block switch animation. This is essentially just like Mario's Cape.
Up B: Watabou. Using the little bird thingy Watabou, Lip flies through the air exactly like the title screen animation. You can do a single attack out of using it like Olimar and Watabou itself snaps to the ledge for you, but if it's hit hard enough during flight it disappears and Lip freefalls.
Down B: Garbage Block Bash. Lip twirls her wand in the air and aims it high, summoning a garbage block to fall (it's cube shaped and slightly shorter than Lip herself). Can be aimed at 3 different angles (right in front of Lip, then a little further than that, then even further) and it hangs around on the stage for a few seconds wherever it falls, acting as a meat shield like Zelda's Phantom Slash, only it disappears immediately if hit. Summoning another garbage block makes the other one disappear straight away too.

Final Smash: Panel de Pon. Lip summons a Panel de Pon board in front of her, trapping anyone in range of it. She then plays a game of Panel de Pon, complete with matching up the blocks. The more matches, the more damage the opponent takes and the further they fly when the board explodes in a shower of petals after several seconds.

Taunt 1: Lip raises her wand, lets it bloom, and says "Ikuzo~"
Taunt 2: Lip lightly spins her wand like a baton while facing the camera.
Taunt 3: Lip holds her wand to her chest, closes her eyes, as a light breeze blows petals from in front of her. Has a light windbox.

Victory 1: Lip jumps up and down just like in her win animation.
Victory 2: She jumps once, jumps again much higher spinning, then lands and sits on a giant flower.
Victory 3: She spins then punches upwards into the air.

If there's any fanart or movesets you'd like added, just let me know and I'll get right on it. My passion for this character and this series knows no bounds, so I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread and will get to your request as soon as possible!
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC

Now that I really needed to say it. Glad we have a place to seriously discuss Lip's potential as a Smash fighter.

Coincidentally on the same day Puyo Puyo Tetris releases the Western demo too.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
With that flower moveset I can see her being very annoying.
But, I support. She's in my 'id like it to see it happen' list


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I just adore Lip as a character and I will forever support her inclusion to Smash. Her wand and the Garbage Block has been in the game 3 times now, it's time to bring the rest of her in too. She's even been referenced in Animal Crossing, so much as you're able to get her entire outfit (which my character is currently wearing). This just proves that Nintendo hasn't forgotten the flower fairy. At least we know she always has a shot at getting into smash eventually, due to being an iconic retro rep, so it's really just a matter of when instead of if.

I also had the idea of Popples being a stage, where it's a right-to-left scroller that goes through each fairy world with a rainbow bridge connecting each one, and each world has hazards included (Lip's is basic platforms with no hazards, Windy's has air currents, Sherbet's has slippery ice, Ruby's has pointy gems, Elias' has flowing water, Flare's has timed fire eruptions, Thiana's has enclosed spaces, Neris' has deep water, and Seren's has gravity changes, then it loops back to Lip's world)

I should really make a moveset for her eventually too.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
As always, Lip can count on my support. Add me to the list.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
We still don't have a puzzle character who isn't Mario wearing a coat (but you're still cool). Nintendo and Sega of America have been neglecting both of their female puzzle protagonists long enough.



Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I'd like to support. I'd also like to submit my 'conspiracy theory' from another thread:
So Daisy can defeat gods and demons?

I can say she was holding back with her fight against Bowser.
"Cues X-Files intro theme".

Record scratch...

Cue 8 - Bit version of twilight zone theme:

You unlock this door with the key discovered by stomping on the p-switch imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of koopas. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of fire flowers and warp pipes. You've just crossed over into the Mario Zone.

Imagine if you will, a yellow clad flower themed desert princess saw her platforming franchise was going nowhere for her as Tatanga became a penultimate boss and Wario conquered the mario land franchise. She saw she wasn't the only one suffering. Peach didn't even get into Mario World 2, and Mario and Luigi only did as babies.

So de-aging was a thing. Daisy decided to go younger to stay in games.

They offered her a new franchise. A puzzle franchise. Panel de Pon. Her big break would be in the USA release, they told her. That's when it'd all come together. The name change was a little weird when she thought about it. But Princess Toadstool told her it was a good idea, she was getting her's changed to Peach. It could work thematically, they could introduce a pet, a princess equivalent to Yoshi named 'fuzz'. And they'd have Lip, Peach Fuzz.

But it all seemed according to plan, Panel de Pon was indeed getting a Mario overhaul in the USA release. But Daisy didn't know how powerful yoshi was getting. Mario World 2 was just the start. He already had an NES puzzle game, they were giving him the super scope game. She tried to be the damsel in distress for that game but she saw Peach distraught outside the office. Yoshi doesn't need a princess, they said.

At least she had Japanese Panel De Pon...

Except that continues to be heartbreaking. They made her child version have to look the exact same but now call itself Furil for pokemon puzzle league.

She was fed up. She was going to be an adult, and she was going to be Daisy. And she was going to show Yoshi she still mattered in these games. At parties. On the golf lynx where her tomboyish personality shined.

She just always had to make sure her hair covered the top of her ears, they still pointed a little.


Smash Cadet
Feb 13, 2014
Yay! I am in for annother round... this time it will happen I am really feeling it :4shulk:.
First Puyo Puyo for west and soon maybe Lip for Smash!

The cuteness will prevail!


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
I still support her.

By the way, I don't think I ever posted this here.



Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
So I've been thinking about Lip's potential movesets.

Here's the conundrum I've been thinking of: she's a flower fairy who does magic, but the gameplay in her games isn't entirely related to her magic. I'm just trying to think, how many of her moves should be magic and how many should be based on Panel de Pon mechanics? How do you divvy that up? What ratio should it be?

Personally I'd make it all original magic with mere references to PdP (for example, one of her moves is still the garbage block which has a clear combat utility). But it's mainly because I'm not entirely sure how to tie PdP gameplay into her combat.

If she has a chain/combo mechanic that gets her larger garbage blocks, how would it work?

I only pictured PdP stuff as being visual effects to her magic, like her forward smash causes three identical panels to come out, but her fully charged smash causes anything up to an 8-combo to come out, and they all explode like Duck Hunts forward smash.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
So I've been thinking about Lip's potential movesets.

Here's the conundrum I've been thinking of: she's a flower fairy who does magic, but the gameplay in her games isn't entirely related to her magic. I'm just trying to think, how many of her moves should be magic and how many should be based on Panel de Pon mechanics? How do you divvy that up? What ratio should it be?

Personally I'd make it all original magic with mere references to PdP (for example, one of her moves is still the garbage block which has a clear combat utility). But it's mainly because I'm not entirely sure how to tie PdP gameplay into her combat.

If she has a chain/combo mechanic that gets her larger garbage blocks, how would it work?

I only pictured PdP stuff as being visual effects to her magic, like her forward smash causes three identical panels to come out, but her fully charged smash causes anything up to an 8-combo to come out, and they all explode like Duck Hunts forward smash.
I've often envisioned the PdP mechanics coming across in Smash as the flower effect itself. In the games you match up the blocks, shoot the garbage blocks over to the opponents side, then let the game mechanics do the rest as they accept their doom when their screen slowly fills with blocks. In Smash it comes across as you hit them with the Lip's Stick, they gain a flower on their head, they slowly gain damage, and they accept their doom as their % rises to dangerous levels. Both are caused by you simply getting a hit/match, more hits/more matches increase the danger, and they're solved by moving quickly to get rid of the flower effect/garbage blocks. They're both cascade effects caused by your initial actions.
As for specific moves I thought to just translate things over to Smash as best as possible, or reference them like you said. Side B could also be the flip cursor as a reflector/ Mario Cape turnaround, down B could be a simple Garbage Block summon from above like Pikachu's Thunder, Up B the bird thingy on the title screen, and for B I just had a block that shoots in an arc cause I thought it would work well.
Loving the block match smash ideas though. It might not work to have more than 3 blocks at a time in the attack but I never thought of using them like that.
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Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
So I've been thinking about Lip's potential movesets.

Here's the conundrum I've been thinking of: she's a flower fairy who does magic, but the gameplay in her games isn't entirely related to her magic. I'm just trying to think, how many of her moves should be magic and how many should be based on Panel de Pon mechanics? How do you divvy that up? What ratio should it be?
Personally, this is how I think it should play out:

Neutral Special allows Lip to summon blocks. They don't do anything by themselves, but are a sturdy obstacle and wall.

Side Special uses the flip cursor, allowing manipulation of characters, items, etc., including blocks.

While blocks of matching colors typically do not meet, it is possible to make a set-up using the side special. If blocks of matching colors meet, they make some beneficial effect (healing, powerful KO-inducing explosion, etc.) or if that may turn out to be too much, nothing.

Down Special summons a garbage block that grows in size and power depending on the number of matches made.

The rest can be generic flower-power stuff with references to animations from the games and so on.

At least, that would be how I would incorporate the mechanics...


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
There’s probably several times I’ve posted hypothetical movesets for her, but one idea that I’ve consistently wanted to see is having her attacks shoot the pop effects. It’s one of the things I associate the franchise with most since it happens so frequently, so I’d really want those pops to happen almost every time she attacks.
I may be in the minority, but I’ve always been more interested in a moveset based on the PDP game mechanics than flower effect. I’d be content with the flower effect only being a potential effect added to a smash attack or a throw.
Another really common thing that people say is that her Up Special should be Watabou, but I’d be content with him only appearing her entrance animation, which would just mimic the PDP intro.
Also if the other fairies didn’t appear in any of her attacks, I wouldn’t be upset. They’ve never struck me as necessary inclusions to her moveset for whatever reason.

This was my most recent moveset for her:

When using aerial attacks and side/up tilt, Lip's flower rod shoots 3 pop effects in the corresponding direction. They deal 1% damage have and low knockback, but it's easy to build up combos with them.

Lift (Neutral): She raises a panel from the ground in front of her that slowly continues to raise throughout the match. When it reaches a stack of 3, each of the panels explodes from bottom to top. You can make the stack raise faster by holding B. The explosions have different effects depending on the color of the stack that is raised. The stack can be destroyed if it’s attacked enough.

Garbage (Down): Summons a garbage block that falls from the sky in front of her. It is normally small, and doesn't do much knockback or damage, but if you've combo'd the opponent prior to using it, its size and power increases.

Stop (Side): An attack similar to Jigglypuff's Sing, but with more range. She pulls out Mr. Time who emits a sound wave around her that stuns opponents.

Cursor (Up): A big cursor surrounds her and moves in the direction held. If you release B or hold the attack too long, she will flip in the direction she's facing. She’s vulnerable while using the move.

Stage Clear (Final Smash): Based on the animation that plays when you complete a level in the Stage Clear mode of PDP. She casts a bunch of explosions around the stage; rather than going all over the stage, the explosions stay within a boundary dependent on her position.

Might be completely unviable for serious play or overpowered or just doesn’t make sense to have in the game at all, but it’s a bunch of stuff that I feel would make her really fun for me to play as.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Hmm. I see people talking about summoning individual panels.

It sort of gives me a idea. In Rivals of Aether, a smash style game by Dan Fornace, there's a character named kragg who is a rock elemental beetle. His neutral special allows him to pull up a square rock from the ground which he can then throw at people or destroy. I imagine Lip would have a special where she can pick up a panel and then throw it, but once it's stuck on the ground it cant be moved again. She can then pull up another panel that's the same color as the last one she picked up, and change its color at will. With this, she can start constructing a tower of panels on the stsge, which can do a number of things:

-individual panels will instantly pop if they're attacked, like small TNT crates.
-putting three or more panels of the same color together will make them volatile, and they'll explode on contact with an enemy.
-colored panels do different types of damage if enemies are caught in their popping. Blue panels freeze, red panels cause fire, green panels sprout flowers on heads, ! Panels cause a huge explosion, etc.
-the panel tower itself can be used as a physical barrier on the edge of the stage. Lip will need to build it up first, but once it's there she can stand on it to assist with her edgegarding, detonate it when opponents are too close, or simply make it harder for them to recover because she can put it in a volatile state where they'll risk touching it while trying to get back on stage.
-if she pops the panels with her special, they'll add to the size of her garbage block special.

I kinda like this idea but I understand it might be a bit complicated.
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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Nice to see brand new support thread for the Flower Fairy! Lots of Moveset discussion too, oh my.

I kind of feel keeping it to the damage-racking moveset that might make Brawl Olimar sob in envy would be most straightforward way to go - though the added mechanics that can do KO:ing reliably should be there too (maybe less than other chars).


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Holy crap all of these Lip movesets are so creative. She got upgraded to my actual want list now.

Hmm. I see people talking about summoning individual panels.

It sort of gives me a idea. In Rivals of Aether, a smash style game by Dan Fornace, there's a character named kragg who is a rock elemental beetle. His neutral special allows him to pull up a square rock from the ground which he can then throw at people or destroy. I imagine Lip would have a special where she can pick up a panel and then throw it, but once it's stuck on the ground it cant be moved again. She can then pull up another panel that's the same color as the last one she picked up, and change its color at will. With this, she can start constructing a tower of panels on the stsge, which can do a number of things:

-indovidual panels will instantly pop if theyre attacked like small tnt crates.
-putting three or more panels of the same together will make them volatile, and they'll explode on contact with an enemy.
-colored panels do different types of damage if enemies are caught in their popping. Blue panels freeze, red panels cause fire, green panels sprout flowers on heads, ! Panels cause a huge explosion, etc.
-the panel tower itself can be used as a physical barrier on the edge of the stage. Lip will need to build it up first, but once it's there she can stand on it to assist with her edgegarding, detonate it when opponents are too close, or simply make it harder for them to recover because she can put it in a volatile state where they'll risk touching it while trying to get back on stage.
-if she pops the panels with her special, they'll add to the size of her garbage block special.

I kinda like this idea but I understand it might be a bit complicated.
thats basically playing a puzzle game within smash. that would be crazy fun but it might be tricky af and would need to be more powerful than villagers tree to be worth it no? could lead to many bugs too idk.

Or maybe i just imagined it too over the top.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
thats basically playing a puzzle game within smash. that would be crazy fun but it might be tricky af and would need to be more powerful than villagers tree to be worth it no? could lead to many bugs too idk.

Or maybe i just imagined it too over the top.
Of course, it needs to be tricky. Being tricky mimics the depth of PdP itself.

Now, her Panel tower could take a while to build, and for a while it wouldn't be as tall as Villager's tree. But it'd be significantly more hazardous since touching the panels when they're volatile instantly activates their effect.

It could be buggy, but some bugs are acceptable within reason. If they encounter something game-breaking they'll surely take it out.
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Uh, excuse me, N N. Onymous , but I've supported Lip since Smash 4 (Well, silent supporter pre-Brawl, then vocal for Smash 4), and I don't think I'm on the support list up there in the OP...
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PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
I too would like to be added to the support list


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Thought of a silly skit just now.

So, this is just based on a pure fantasy of an ideal Smash Bros. game, with character endings and unique all-stars in the roster.

I wrote a bit of an "arcade mode" ending for Lip, in the style of crossover games by Capcom.

Here it goes...


(The camera pans down to show Lip, Windy and Thiana gathered around a patch of dirt in Lip's garden.)

Windy: "Boy, he sure is taking a long time..."

Thiana: "Are you sure about this guy, Lip? He doesn't seem too trustworthy. I still think Thanatos is behind the lousy crop we're experiencing."

Lip: "I'm aware of your doubts, but just trust me, you two! I know this guy's good."

Windy: "Ah, I think he's coming up!"

*The ground ruptures and Earthworm Jim, without his suit, pops his head out*

Jim: "Alrighty! I see the problem. This soil's way too acidic. My superpowered worm tongue ain't picking up any microbial activity. Your plants ain't gettin' any electrolytes!"

Windy: "Golly!"

Thiana: "...huh. I never thought of that."

Lip: "That explains a lot! What can we do to fix this up, Mr. Worm?"

Jim: "Well, it's not exactly an easy fix. You need a porous kind of fertilizer that can hold more water, with a steadier pH balance. I'd start with a 3-inch deep layer of compost, and put it in the top 3 to 6 inches of soil. "

Lip: "Oh no! Where in the world am I gonna get that much compost? Have you even seen how big my garden is?"

Jim: "Hey, don't worry! Today's your lucky day. I got a few buddies who owe me favors..."

(Screen goes black. CAPTION: "One interstellar phone call later...")

(A strange UFO lands, with a cow print pattern and what appear to be udders on the bottom side of it. A ramp opens up on the side and many cows start marching down into the gardens.)

[Lip giggles] "These are your friends? They're so cute!"

(It cuts to Jim, in his suit, wearing a gardener's apron and holding a shovel.)

Jim: "Haha! That's right! Great to see ya, boys! Let's get down to business!"

Thiana: "Cows..? Wait... are they about to do what I think they're about to do?"

Windy: "Oh... oh dear..."

Jim: "Hey, don't sweat the details, girls! Trust me, after this, your plants will shine like the bluebells and verbenas back in my home state of Texas! Now grab a shovel and let's get compostin'!"

(He hands the three fairies shovels.)

(Lip gets cartoonishly weepy-eyed).

Lip: "Ahhh.... the things I do for love..."

(Camera does an iris out on Lip's face and the scene ends.)
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Since the Switch will have Puyo Puyo Tetris, a crossover puzzle game... it would be really nice if Nintendo did something similar with their classic puzzle games from the 1990s for the Switch.

Dr. Mario (1990)
Yoshi (1991)
Yoshi's Cookie (1992)
Wario's Woods (1994)
Panel de Pon / Tetris Attack / Puzzle League (1995)
Kirby's Star Stacker (1997)

And they can crossover with each other like Puyo Puyo Tetris and Tetris & Dr. Mario (I loved that SNES game)... and up to 4 players can play together locally and online.

The box art for the new "Nintendo Puzzle Collection" would probably include Dr. Mario, Yoshi, Toad, Wario, Lip, and Kirby.

At least that's what I think should happen. Switch needs more puzzle games besides Puyo Puyo Tetris.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Was wondering who would make the Lip thread here. N. Onymous was the most invested in Lip, so makes sense.

Support. I haven't been actively supporting her (insert *life* excuses here), but I'll be really pleased if she makes it.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Since the Switch will have Puyo Puyo Tetris, a crossover puzzle game... it would be really nice if Nintendo did something similar with their classic puzzle games from the 1990s for the Switch.

Dr. Mario (1990)
Yoshi (1991)
Yoshi's Cookie (1992)
Wario's Woods (1994)
Panel de Pon / Tetris Attack / Puzzle League (1995)
Kirby's Star Stacker (1997)

And they can crossover with each other like Puyo Puyo Tetris and Tetris & Dr. Mario (I loved that SNES game)... and up to 4 players can play together locally and online.

The box art for the new "Nintendo Puzzle Collection" would probably include Dr. Mario, Yoshi, Toad, Wario, Lip, and Kirby.

At least that's what I think should happen. Switch needs more puzzle games besides Puyo Puyo Tetris.
I had thought of an exact idea years back during being really into puzzle games. I think I wanted to call the game "Puzzle Party", or something. Though this one also included Puyo Puyo, which I had a concept for below if mixed with PdP:

There were also ideas for individual puzzle modes that would deploy the retro throwback for each character in style of Tetris DS:

(Didn't draw Rick The Hamster here, requested him a while back instead)


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I had thought of an exact idea years back during being really into puzzle games. I think I wanted to call the game "Puzzle Party", or something. Though this one also included Puyo Puyo, which I had a concept for below if mixed with PdP:

There were also ideas for individual puzzle modes that would deploy the retro throwback for each character in style of Tetris DS:

(Didn't draw Rick The Hamster here, requested him a while back instead)
I'D LOVE to see this be a reality. If Puyo Puyo is coming to the West, Nintendo doesn't have much of an excuse for Panel de Pom, now do they?

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I'D LOVE to see this be a reality. If Puyo Puyo is coming to the West, Nintendo doesn't have much of an excuse for Panel de Pom, now do they?
I guess Animal Crossing Puzzle League is a start - God does that name sound as frankensteined as "Tetris Attack" when you remember where the whole Puzzle League-part comes from...

Still, I think it's up to I.S to even bring the fairies back, and if so, I wonder how they'd do it. Newest FEs might give some indication if due their heavy consumer anime influence these days.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I guess Animal Crossing Puzzle League is a start - God does that name sound as frankensteined as "Tetris Attack" when you remember where the whole Puzzle League-part comes from...

Still, I think it's up to I.S to even bring the fairies back, and if so, I wonder how they'd do it. Newest FEs might give some indication if due their heavy consumer anime influence these days.
Now that you mention anime influence, they're really missing out on using the fairies, as the Magical Girl genre has proven itself to be extremely popular, as have portable puzzle games.
They could easily test the waters with a Panel de Pon eshop release on the 3DS in the West, they wouldn't even need to change much of anything and I doubt it would take much time to create as they have all the components necessary.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I support Lip. Just wish they'd bring the original over and/or make a new game using the Panel de Pon characters.

Itty Bit

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2014
Itty Bit♪
Hoo doggy, here we go again.
I don't know if my heart can take another character speculation after such a short span of time. Though that being said, you guys will always know who I want to see more than anyone else. And that will always, always be Lip.

I want to draw something moveset/Lip related soon.
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I guess Animal Crossing Puzzle League is a start - God does that name sound as frankensteined as "Tetris Attack" when you remember where the whole Puzzle League-part comes from...

Still, I think it's up to I.S to even bring the fairies back, and if so, I wonder how they'd do it. Newest FEs might give some indication if due their heavy consumer anime influence these days.
I'm not going to lie....I honestly feel that in this day and age, Smash is the ONLY thing that could give Lip REAL relevancy.

Itty Bit

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2014
Itty Bit♪
I'm not going to lie....I honestly feel that in this day and age, Smash is the ONLY thing that could give Lip REAL relevancy.
I dunno, Animal Crossing is a pretty big game, and pretty much everyone I know who has a 3ds has it, even moreso than Smash. That being said, most of my friends aren't really gamers.

But I do agree that Smash would bring a lot of much needed limelight to the series. Puzzlers have a place in today's market, and competitive puzzlers are super fun. I'd love to see the return of this frachise C:
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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I'm not going to lie....I honestly feel that in this day and age, Smash is the ONLY thing that could give Lip REAL relevancy.
I think it would only give the series just mere exposure, if a wide one. Even then, if I.S doesn't show interest on bringing the series back with a new original installment, Lip will most likely turn into a new Morrigan Aensland/Captain Falcon in crossover fighters, being only "alive" through appearances in them and not getting actually new installments. (I mean do I feel pitiful to :4falcon: and :4pit: with this)

It would even be worse as she's a Japan-only character in her origin due Panel De Pon's wacky replacement-prone history.

Technically we could run back on her being a "retro" character which might take this concern away, but again, Puzzle League could have a good comeback today if they'd re-innovate it's aesthetic all over.
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I think it would only give the series just mere exposure, if a wide one. Even then, if I.S doesn't show interest on bringing the series back with a new original installment, Lip will most likely turn into a new Morrigan Aensland/Captain Falcon in crossover fighters, being only "alive" through appearances in them and not getting actually new installments. (I mean do I feel pitiful to :4falcon: and :4pit: with this)

It would even be worse as she's a Japan-only character in her origin due Panel De Pon's wacky replacement-prone history.

Technically we could then run back on her being a "retro" character which might take this concern away, but again, Puzzle League could have a good comeback today if they'd re-innovate it's aesthetic all over.
I'm still waiting for a new Darkstalkers that we'll never get. :cry: At least she's in Mahvel again...

No F-Zero, western release of PdP, and knowing Uprising was probably the last KI game we'll be seeing for another decade if not more makes me sad.

I guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed for either Lip in Smash or a proper release of her games. I don't care which we get, so long as the series gets something. I'd even take badges for the Badge Arcade just to start giving her some more exposure (and I don't even play BA.)


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I'd love to see PdP badges. I'd actually think about paying then instead of just using the free plays.

Also I made a moveset~ not 100% happy with it but it'll do. I didn't include any of the unique block ideas further up this thread cause I wanna hear more about how that would work. Stole the flower pop effect idea though that was easy to work in.

Lip would likely be a Damage Over Time fighter: in most cases she gets in, plants a flower, then gets out, though more bold strategies could be to continue the flower assault and make the flower bigger and tack on more damage over time. Balancing such a moveset, Lip would likely be both weak and light, both easy to kill and hard to by killed by. Imagine tons of sparkles and petals in this moveset.

Entrance: Lip walks to the main stage by a rainbow from behind.
Idle: Lip rocks back and forth slightly on her feet. It's important to note that her wand is always in its bud form unless the specific attack causes a flower, where it opens up.
Idle animations: 1) Lip inspects her wand. 2) Lip brushes dust off her skirt.

Jab: 2 slaps with her wand followed by extending her free hand and creating a magical attack accompanied by the pop effect from Panel de Pon (where when you pop matching blocks a flower effect appears) the jab finisher has a flower effect that creates a flower on the opponents head.
Ftilt: Boomerang with the wand forwards, hitting the opponent upwards and behind her on the return hit. Combos into Usmash at slower percents and bair at higher. Think Braixen's boomerang attack from Pokken but less range.
Utilt: Treating the wand like a baton, spins it into the air. Good anti-air with 3 hits at the highest point, hits people in front into the multihit.
Dtilt: Quick slide forward with a jab of the wand.
Dash: Multihit baton spin. Another Pokken Braixen move but not that safe. Alright combo starter.

Fsmash: Holding the wand at the base, 2 upward vertical swipes with it forward. Similar movements to Peach's ftilt when she's holding a item and Corrin's idle sword spin animation, so a swipe upwards, then using the momentum to spin it around baton style in her hand, to another swipe upwards. Pretty good kill smash for Lip.
Usmash: Jabs the wand upwards as the wand blooms, creating a powerful pop. Flower effect and late % kill smash.
Dsmash: Jabbing the wand base into the ground, extends her hands both sides creating a flower pop effect both ways. Flower effect.

Nair: Bringing her wand close to her chest, petals wildly spin around her. Not a multihit so it's more of a get-away tool/ landing option.
Fair: Swings the wand down in front of her, Marth fair style. Animated to look like her VS background artwork from her game. Flower effect.
Bair: Using her free hand, creates a flower pop effect behind her. Flower effect.
Uair: Jabs the wand upwards. Good vertical range and alright for killing off the top.
Dair: Jabs her foot downward while spinning. Not a spike.

Grab: Summons a whirlwind of petals. Alright range.
Pummel: Spins the petal whirlwind faster, cutting into the opponent.
Fthrow: Summons a flurry of petals from behind Lip, blasting the opponent away. Forward windbox during the flurry and an alright kill throw at pretty high % at the edge.
Bthrow: Grabs the wand with both hands, spins around 1 and a half times with the opponents position following the wand, letting the opponent out of the whirlwind as they go shooting away behind her.
Uthrow: Shoots the opponent upwards. Upwards windbox but certainly not a kill throw until pretty high %.
Dthrow: Whacks the opponent on the head with the wand, bouncing them off the ground. Great for comboing into fair.

B: Block Bounce. Holding her wand in both hands in front, Lip shoots a block out of the top of it as she falls on her ass from the force of the shot. The block travels in a wide arc and can be aimed in 3 different angles. Mostly good for edgeguarding and for stopping aerial approaches.
Side B: Switch Spin. Lip summons the switch cursor in front of her and has it do the block switch animation. This is essentially just like Mario's Cape.
Up B: Watabou. Using the little bird thingy Watabou, Lip flies through the air exactly like the title screen animation. You can do a single attack out of using it like Olimar and Watabou itself snaps to the ledge for you, but if it's hit hard enough during flight it disappears and Lip freefalls.
Down B: Garbage Block Bash. Lip twirls her wand in the air and aims it high, summoning a garbage block to fall (it's cube shaped and slightly shorter than Lip herself). Can be aimed at 3 different angles (right in front of Lip, then a little further than that, then even further) and it hangs around on the stage for a few seconds wherever it falls, acting as a meat shield like Zelda's Phantom Slash, only it disappears immediately if hit. Summoning another garbage block makes the other one disappear straight away too.

Final Smash: Panel de Pon. Lip summons a Panel de Pon board in front of her, trapping anyone in range of it. She then plays a game of Panel de Pon, complete with matching up the blocks. The more matches, the more damage the opponent takes and the further they fly when the board explodes in a shower of petals after several seconds.

Taunt 1: Lip raises her wand, lets it bloom, and says "Ikuzo~"
Taunt 2: Lip lightly spins her wand like a baton while facing the camera.
Taunt 3: Lip holds her wand to her chest, closes her eyes, as a light breeze blows petals from in front of her. Has a light windbox.

Victory 1: Lip jumps up and down just like in her win animation.
Victory 2: She jumps once, jumps again much higher spinning, then lands and sits on a giant flower.
Victory 3: She spins then punches upwards into the air.
I'd also really like to see her reveal trailer include Yoshi and Pikachu, as a way of poking fun at them replacing Lip.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I'd love to see PdP badges. I'd actually think about paying then instead of just using the free plays.

Also I made a moveset~ not 100% happy with it but it'll do. I didn't include any of the unique block ideas further up this thread cause I wanna hear more about how that would work. Stole the flower pop effect idea though that was easy to work in.

I'd also really like to see her reveal trailer include Yoshi and Pikachu, as a way of poking fun at them replacing Lip.
Your moveset is really well done! If she made it in and that's exactly how she played, I'd certainly be happy with it. Sure it lacks the the unique block stuff, but the base concept is really solid. You can always refine it later and add those in once you've thought up a good way of incorporating them.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I think it would only give the series just mere exposure, if a wide one. Even then, if I.S doesn't show interest on bringing the series back with a new original installment, Lip will most likely turn into a new Morrigan Aensland/Captain Falcon in crossover fighters, being only "alive" through appearances in them and not getting actually new installments. (I mean do I feel pitiful to :4falcon: and :4pit: with this)

It would even be worse as she's a Japan-only character in her origin due Panel De Pon's wacky replacement-prone history.

Technically we could run back on her being a "retro" character which might take this concern away, but again, Puzzle League could have a good comeback today if they'd re-innovate it's aesthetic all over.
And more exposure would at least do SOMETHING for Lip and her series as a whole. I know Lip has Animal Crossing, but let's face it, Smash would give her TONS more of a high-profile appearance than Animal Crossing ever will.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I think I should look into the panel tower building idea a bit more, maybe draw some pictures of it to show what I mean.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Hey if Lip got in with a stage which songs would you like to be remixed? The stage would likely have all the original fairies music + Lip's remix + a medley but I'd also like to see Flare's theme remixed in there too cause that song is a battle bop it would be perfect for a remix.

N. Onymous

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2012
Switch FC
The panel tower idea is a very novel concept and I wish I'd thought of it before. That, and maybe something like adding some unique colored hit sparks that are in the shape of the panel icons (like how Bayo has unique sparks for being hit), would be some clever ways to nod to her home series.

I'd love to hear Flare's theme get a remix. It's probably my favorite stage theme from the oiginal game and it'd be great to hear it get the remastered treatment.

Uh, excuse me, N N. Onymous , but I've supported Lip since Smash 4 (Well, silent supporter pre-Brawl, then vocal for Smash 4), and I don't think I'm on the support list up there in the OP...
Whoops! You're there now, don't worry.

And more exposure would at least do SOMETHING for Lip and her series as a whole. I know Lip has Animal Crossing, but let's face it, Smash would give her TONS more of a high-profile appearance than Animal Crossing ever will.
I totally agree with you. The Lip costume is earned through an optional minigame in New Leaf, but if Lip were a character in Smash Bros., then you'd be bound to encounter her sooner or later. Even if she was an unlock (which is very likely since she's a Japan-only character), you'd still get her eventually by playing, and the Smash community is large enough that there's no way you wouldn't know about her. If she ends up being high or top on the tier list for that game, even better!

N. Onymous

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2012
Switch FC
Maybe this is just babbling to myself, but I'm thinking that if we really want Lip to be playable in SSB5, we should do something to mobilize ourselves like the K. Rool and Ridley fanbases have. Take to Twitter, start hashtags, draw lots of fan art and support images, do everything we can to get the word out. I doubt we've got the sheer numbers the supporters of the aforementioned characters have on their side, but we shouldn't get complacent either. This isn't a foregone conclusion, far from it, and we need to let ourselves be heard if we want to spread our wings (so to speak) any further.
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