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The DJ vs. the Appleseed (DW OU Warstory against the #1 ranked PO player)

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia

Despite the fact that I've played competitive Pokemon for about 7 months, I've never made a warstory, so you guys are lucky enough to read my very first! And honestly I don't think I could have chosen a better match to have as a first. This match took place 3 nights ago (2/4/11).

The Story

After cracking the top 10 on the PO server with a team I've been crafting for a long time, I decided to branch off and try to perfect a new competitive Sandstorm team since I've never used one for a while (and since Drizzle + Swift Swim is now gone) :laugh:. So after spending about 20 minutes making a team from scratch, I hopped on my main account so I could just go ahead and play against other high-ranked players (am in the top 50 still). So after just 2 matches, I got put up against Djhezzyrules (his alt account), who as of last night was ranked #1 on the server... And has been for quite a while. As soon as I saw who my opponent was I got excited right off the bat. Although I had already played against and beaten him once before (lame hax-filled match), I was using my favorite team that I had been using for nearly a month. Now I was using a brand new team in testing... How would I match up this time?? All I knew was that I was in for a real test!

Overall it was a very offensive, back and forth match with good plays by both sides (minor hiccups here and there), as well as a small bit of luck. However, the ending was a true nail biter!

I hope you guys enjoy it!

The Teams (this is DW OU on the PO server so team preview was off)

My Team

DJhezzy's team I recommend NOT looking to add to the suspense that I went through

The Battle

Battle between [♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] and app1eseed started!

Tier: Dream World
Variation: +18, -13
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause

app1eseed sent out Tyranitar!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out !Cycron!! (Jirachi)
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

(100%) vs

ALRIGHT LETS DO THIS... Jirachi has never been any fun for me to go up against (Circa can definitely attest to this) and was one of the few Pokemon I had in mind when I added Tran to this team. I was running the classic CurseTar set and the only reason it's in the lead position is to get Sandstorm up ASAP (which sets up my Dory for some immediate revenge killing) and absorb any status/weak special hits that might come my way. Since I lack SR, this is a lose-lose situation for T Tar if I stay in. Time to switch to Tran to scare his Rachi out.

Start of turn 1
app1eseed called Tyranitar back!
app1eseed sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!
The foe's !Cycron! used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around app1eseed's team!

The sandstorm rages!

(100%) vs

An obvious move for my opponent. Rachi can't do anything to me so I'll predict the switch and use the opportunity to get some SR of my own up. Lets see what he brings out to counter Tran...

Start of turn 2
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] called !Cycron! back!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out "Djhezzy"! (Blaziken)

Heatran used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around [♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫]'s team!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's "Djhezzy" is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's "Djhezzy" restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(100%) vs

Ahh the flaming fighting chicken of doom! One of my favorite Gen 3 Pokemon is now one of the more annoying threats in this new metagame. 2 possibilities here: He's either going straight for the OHKO with High Jump Kick or (even scarier) setting up a SD... Hopefully the former. Since Latias resists both of its STABS and is maxed in defense, it should easily shrug off whatever this delicious piece of KFC has to offer.

Start of turn 3
app1eseed called Heatran back!
app1eseed sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into Latias!

The foe's "Djhezzy" used Hi Jump Kick!
It's not very effective...
Latias lost 85 HP! (23% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's "Djhezzy" is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's "Djhezzy"'s Speed Boost increases its speed!
The foe's "Djhezzy"'s Speed rose!
The foe's "Djhezzy" restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(65%) vs

Yup a measly 23%. With Roost, Calm Mind, Refresh, and Dragon Pulse, this chicken isn't gonna do squat. So I decide to play it safe and Dragon Pulse his switch in (as long as he lacks Protect) for a small poke.

Start of turn 4
The foe's "Djhezzy" used Protect!
The foe's "Djhezzy" protected itself!

Latias used Dragon Pulse!
The foe's "Djhezzy" protected itself!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's "Djhezzy" is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's "Djhezzy"'s Speed Boost increases its speed!
The foe's "Djhezzy"'s Speed rose!
The foe's "Djhezzy" restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mistake number 1. I was really hoping for a non-batton passing variant. Looking back I should have predicted the Protect and Roosted. In high skilled Pokemon play, it's moves like this that can really cost you the game if you're not careful. So now I'm anticipating a Baton Pass, and I'm pretty worried about what he might send in. I can't switch out now or else he gets to counter my switch in for free, so I decide to play it safe and raise my dragon's already impressive defenses even higher with a CM.

(65%) vs

Start of turn 5
The foe's "Djhezzy" used Baton Pass!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] called "Djhezzy" back!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out !Cycron!! (Jirachi)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's !Cycron!!

Latias used Calm Mind!
Latias's Sp. Att. rose!
Latias's Sp. Def. rose!

The sandstorm rages!
Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's !Cycron! restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Latias restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(65%) (CM boost +1) vs

PHEW it's just Jirachi again. What a relief. Now here's where the real mindgames begin... My obvious move would be to switch back to Heatran to take the Body Slam, Iron Head, or maybe even Thunder Wave and lose my Balloon. But what if he's expecting my obvious switch? Is he planning a double switch to overpredict? Certainly the #1 player would make crafty moves like that. Well whatever the case I'm going to need Latias around as long as he still has his flaming fire chicken on steroids. So Heatran it is.

Start of turn 6
app1eseed called Latias back!
app1eseed sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!
The foe's !Cycron! used Body Slam!
It's not very effective...
Heatran lost 43 HP! (13% of its health)
Heatran's Balloon popped!

The sandstorm rages!

(74%) vs

Yup a Body Slam. Unfortunately my Balloon is now gone, but I also didn't get Paralyzed so that's a big plus. His Rachi has no business staying in, so he's obviously expecting a Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Lava Plume... Which means I'm going to outsmart him with a nice dose of Toxic. Hopefully he switches some sort bulky water in.

Start of turn 7
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] called !Cycron! back!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out "Djhezzy"! (Blaziken)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's "Djhezzy"!

Heatran used Toxic!
The foe's "Djhezzy" was poisoned!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's "Djhezzy" is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's "Djhezzy" restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's "Djhezzy" is hurt by poison!

(74%) vs
(87%) (Poisoned)

And he goes back to Blaziken. ****. It becomes fairly obvious to me at this point that his team lacks any bulky waters. Or maybe he has one but predicted the Toxic... Nah he probably just lacks some bulky waters. I'm starting to think TOO hard now. :urg: Back to Latias.

Start of turn 8
app1eseed called Heatran back!
app1eseed sent out Latias!
Pointed stones dug into Latias!

The foe's "Djhezzy" used Hi Jump Kick!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Latias lost 186 HP! (51% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
Latias is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Latias fainted!

6-5 DJhezzy (Latias fainted)

****! Without that crit Latias could have Roosted off the damage next turn. I guess if you're number #1 on the ladder you deserve much-needed crits. I'm pretty frustrated at this point now that my primary KFC counter is now gone. Time to see who out of my remaining 5 Pokemon can take this thing 1 on 1. Too early to reveal my Doryuuzu, so Roobushin would be the next best thing with Drain Punch. Unfortunately it's going to most likely take a hard hit before Popeyes is gone, but I'm pretty desperate at this point to get the thing out.

The foe's "Djhezzy" is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's "Djhezzy"'s Speed Boost increases its speed!
The foe's "Djhezzy"'s Speed rose!
The foe's "Djhezzy" restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's "Djhezzy" is hurt by poison!
app1eseed sent out Roobushin!
Pointed stones dug into Roobushin!

(94%) vs
(74%) (Poisoned)

Drain Punch time.

Start of turn 9
The foe's "Djhezzy" used Flare Blitz!
Roobushin lost 238 HP! (63% of its health)
The foe's "Djhezzy" is hit with recoil!

Roobushin used Drain Punch!
The foe's "Djhezzy" lost 44% of its health!
The foe's "Djhezzy" had its energy drained!
The foe's "Djhezzy" fainted!

5-5 tie (Blaziken fainted)

Glad that crazy chicken is gone... but ouch 63% really hurts. And although we're tied DJ still has the momentum. But hey the match is still early so I still have time, but the longer the match goes on the less and less that window of opportunity looks. I'm really interested in finding out what he wants to bring in for the revenge kill at this point.

The sandstorm rages!
Roobushin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Roobushin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out !Cycron!! (Jirachi)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's !Cycron!!

(45%) vs

This switch in confuses me. He's either 100% confident that his Rachi will finish me off or he simply wants to keep the rest of his team concealed. I think about switching back to Heatran but I then realized he might predict that and go for another Body Slam to potentially paralyze him, and I didn't want my Tran paralyzed... Wait a second. Paralysis. If he goes for another Body Slam he'll most likely activate Roob's Guts ability. With the extra power boost his Rachi won't stand a chance! This might just be the opportunity I need!

Start of turn 10
The foe's !Cycron! used Body Slam!
Roobushin lost 104 HP! (27% of its health)
Roobushin is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Roobushin used Drain Punch!
The foe's !Cycron! lost 62% of its health!
The foe's !Cycron! had its energy drained!

The sandstorm rages!
Roobushin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's !Cycron! restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Roobushin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(50%) (Paralyzed) vs

And that's what you get for overpredicting!! Looks like mistake #2 comes from DJ. Not only is Roob stronger, he also GAINED HP that turn AND put Rachi within killing range. Time to finish this annoyance once and for all... But PLEASE don't be too paralyzed to move...

Start of turn 11
Roobushin used Mach Punch!
The foe's !Cycron! lost 37% of its health!
The foe's !Cycron! fainted!

5-4 appleseed (Jirachi fainted)

And THAT is why you never paralyze a Roobushin ladies and gents. Now that I have the momentum back I'm feeling pretty confident at this point.

The sandstorm rages!
Roobushin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Roobushin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out "Nemesis"! (Rotom-W)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's "Nemesis"!

(50%) (Paralyzed) vs

...And then my confidence immediately drops. Oohhhh this is NOT good for me... When I built this team I knew offensive Water types were going to give me trouble. But because of the Drizzle + Swift Swim ban I was hoping I wouldn't run into them nearly as often. Seeing as how 4 out of my 6 Pokemon are weak to a very common attack type, I added Latias to the team to sponge those water attacks and retaliate while remaining healthy throughout the battle. I was truly missing my bulky Dragon at this point since it would have resisted both of Rotom-W's STABS. But since it's gone I have to move on and make the next best move. He's obviously going to wash me out with a Hydro Pump. But now that Roob is paralyzed it is now an essential part of my team. I can't afford to give up a Guts boosted priority STAB move this early in the match. The only option left is to sacrifice. After weighing in my 4 options I concluded that Tyranitar would be the best to sack. It's obvious at this point that DJ lacks a weather Pokemon of his own and since this match is so offensively paced, I predicted a slow, mono attacking Pokemon wouldn't do me any good.

Start of turn 12
app1eseed called Roobushin back!
app1eseed sent out Tyranitar!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar!

The foe's "Nemesis" used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 188 HP! (46% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's "Nemesis" is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's "Nemesis" restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(47%) vs

Bye bye Tyranitar. Thanks for the Sandstorm.

Start of turn 13
The foe's "Nemesis" used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 191 HP! (47% of its health)
Tyranitar fainted!

4-4 tie (Tyranitar fainted)

Well this Rotom-W has put me in a very bad situation now. Despite the fact that it just killed a member of my team, I lack a Pokemon that could properly revenge kill it before getting washed away by Hydro Pump thanks to Rotom-W's remaining HP and unique type resistances/immunities. **** YOU LEVITATE!!! Now it's time to decide what could do the most damage to it before dieing. All 3 of my options can't do the job. Doryuuzzu lacks the SD boost to kill it with Rock Slide, Heatran pretty much can't do anything to it, and although Randorosu is an Adamant (Stupid I know. Should have been Jolly but I just wanted to try it out. This minor nature change very nearly cost me the match as you will find out later.) Choice Band variant with a Sand Power boost, it barely misses the OHKO I needed at this point. I dropped my head in disappointment when I came to realize that losing Latias from a crit pretty much cost me the game. But I gotta keep trying the match isn't over yet, but I'm in a really bad predicament at the moment. Randorosu it is. Perhaps Stone Edge will score a crit, or Hydro Pump will miss. I don't count on it though...

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's "Nemesis" is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's "Nemesis" restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
app1eseed sent out Randorosu!
Pointed stones dug into Randorosu!

(87%) vs

Just do your best Randy. :(

Start of turn 14
Randorosu used Stone Edge!
A critical hit!
The foe's "Nemesis" lost 87% of its health!
The foe's "Nemesis" fainted!

4-3 appleseed (Rotom-W fainted)

DID THAT JUST HAPPEN??? DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN????? At this point I'm resisting the urge to start jumping up and down crazily in my room, but it was 11 at night so I had to resist the temptation since my parents were sleeping and my dad would come in here and kick my *** if I woke him up. I guess the Pokemon Online gods wanted this match to be as even as possible, so it was indeed my turn to get a crucial critical hit. Now that my focus is back my heart drops when I see what he brought in to revenge kill my Randy.

The sandstorm rages!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out !Seraphim!! (Kerudio)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's !Seraphim!!

(87%) vs

Yet ANOTHER offensive Water type to deal with. PERFECT! :mad: After this match I DEFINITELY need to change this team around. I then silently chuckled to myself when I realized an opposing team of Scizor + a couple of scarfed Water types could tear my team to shreds. I then go back to missing Latias a great deal here. Once again, it resists both of my opponent's STAB attacks. By now you should realize how Latias is truly the glue that holds this team together. Since my Randy is too valuable to sack right now, I decide Heatran would be the best of the remaining 3 to get rid of. Roobushin can still dent something hard with Guts activated and Dory can still potentially sweep.

Start of turn 15
app1eseed called Randorosu back!
app1eseed sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into Heatran!

The foe's !Seraphim! used Surf!
It's super effective!
Heatran lost 201 HP! (62% of its health)
Heatran fainted!

3-3 tie (Heatran fainted)

You did what you needed to do Tran. Sleep well in your claustrophobic ball of slavery... Kinda ironic I said that considering I'm black. Now it's time to decide which of the remaining 3 could handle My Little Pony the best. Once again my opponent's Pokemon has too much HP to be within killing range from Dory, and Randy gets flat out out-sped and OHKOed by Surf. That just leaves one option left... My heart is starting to beat at a fairly fast rate now. This match was close.

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's !Seraphim! is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's !Seraphim! restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
app1eseed sent out Roobushin!
Pointed stones dug into Roobushin!

(44%) (Paralyzed) vs

Although I'm not in a position to win this 1 on 1, Roob will still be able to put a huge dent in the thing with a Guts boosted STAB Mach Punch, which will set up Dory for the revenge kill. Hopefully he doesn't have a switch in that can take my punch because I have no idea what his other 2 Pokemon are... Lets go Roob!!!

Start of turn 16
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] called !Seraphim! back!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out Ambiance! (Borutorosu)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Ambiance!

Roobushin used Mach Punch!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Ambiance lost 27% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's Ambiance is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Roobushin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Ambiance restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Roobushin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(44%) (Paralyzed) vs

Whoooah I've pretty much NEVER seen a thunder genie this late in a match. I'm glad I had SR up cause the thing is just as weak as my Roob now. But unfortunately his Kerudio is still out there to cause mayhem, so I'm going to need to save Roob once again. I'm guessing his Borutorosu is some sort of offensive variant with Thunderbolt, HP Ice, and a couple of fillers. He's obviously going for the Thunderbolt to finish Roob off. Randorosu would be a bad switch in considering he's probably carrying HP Ice. I then realize that my mole would be the perfect switch in for this THING with an atrocious mustache. It can resist Thunderbolt AND is neutral to HP Ice. It can then out-speed and kill the blue wonder with Rock Slide. Time for my last concealed Pokemon to reveal itself! Go Doryuuzu!!!

Start of turn 17
app1eseed called Roobushin back!
app1eseed sent out Doryuuzu!
Pointed stones dug into Doryuuzu!

Doryuuzu is floating on a balloon!
The foe's Ambiance used Hidden Power!
Doryuuzu lost 109 HP! (30% of its health)
Doryuuzu's Balloon popped!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's Ambiance is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Boss R is watching the battle.
The foe's Ambiance restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(66%) vs

VICTORY! But holy crap he used HP Ice! After thinking about it for a bit I realized how good of a move that was. If I switched to Randorosu, or an even scarier thought, if I had a Garchomp instead of a Doryuuzu that would have been the end for me. But I then also realized that the HP Ice would have failed to finish my Roob and I could have killed his Borutorosu with Payback. My opponent just took a huge gamble, which unfortunately for him, didn't work. I can imagine DJ is pretty frustrated at this point. I successfully snatched the momentum back which is absolutely crucial this late in the game. I then start thinking how great of a warstory this could be if the match remained close. Enough talk time to finish this thing off! Rock Slide!

Start of turn 18
Doryuuzu used Rock Slide!
The foe's Ambiance avoided the attack!

The foe's Ambiance used Focus Blast!
The attack of the foe's Ambiance missed!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's Ambiance is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Ambiance restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
app1eseed: lol
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫]: >_>

(66%) vs

No words can describe this turn, so I think the picture below will summarize it better.

Start of turn 19
Doryuuzu used Rock Slide!
It's super effective!
The foe's Ambiance lost 47% of its health!
The foe's Ambiance fainted!

3-2 appleseed (Borutorosu fainted)

That Rock Slide miss nearly ruined my perfect warstory. But now that that's over I'm getting excited again. I was just 2 Pokemon away from beating the #1 player on the ladder twice in a row. All he has left is Kerudio and his last concealed Pokemon. I'm guessing he's going to send the pony back in to finish Dory off... Which would make us tied yet again.

The sandstorm rages!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out !Seraphim!! (Kerudio)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's !Seraphim!!

(66%) vs

No surprise here. As long as he lacks Aqua Jet I should be able to dent his pony hard enough with Earthquake to have Roobushin finish Barbie's dream horse off. Lets hope it plays out this way.

Start of turn 20
Doryuuzu used Earthquake!
The foe's !Seraphim! lost 69% of its health!

The foe's !Seraphim! used Surf!
It's super effective!
Doryuuzu lost 241 HP! (66% of its health)
Doryuuzu fainted!

2-2 tie (Doryuuzu fainted)

Nice the horse lacked Aqua Jet and it is now easily within killing range for Roob's Mach punch. My breathing rate starts to slowly increase. This match is coming down to the wire. It's now my Roobushin and Randorosu vs his Kerudio and mystery Pokemon. This match is all going to come down to who his final Pokemon is.

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's !Seraphim! is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's !Seraphim! restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
app1eseed sent out Roobushin!
Pointed stones dug into Roobushin!

(38%) (Paralyzed) vs

Time for Roob to work his magic again. My hands are sweating at this point. Although Mach Punch will indeed finish it there is always a small chance that I could freeze from paralysis, and if that happens, it's GG for me. But the odds are in my favor. My luck CAN'T possibly be that bad. I slowly inhale for a deep breath and click on Mach Punch. Bracing myself for what might happen.

Start of turn 21
Roobushin used Mach Punch!
The foe's !Seraphim! lost 18% of its health!
The foe's !Seraphim! fainted!

2-1 appleseed (Kerudio fainted)

YESSSSS!!!! Victory is within my grasp I can smell it! I can't even believe how intense this match has been up to this point... and against such a great opponent! Minus the small Latias mistake, I truly felt that I had made all of the best moves that I could have possibly made in 21 turns to put myself in the position I was now in. No matter what the outcome is I'm leaving this match feeling good about myself. This match has been a huge confidence booster for me. But I haven't won yet. This ending is all going to come down to who his last Pokemon is. At this point I can feel my heart rapidly beating in my chest from anticipation. The fate of this match all lies in this last Pokemon... The result of this match is now out of my hands.

The sandstorm rages!
Roobushin is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Roobushin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[♫♪DjhezzyRules^^♪♫] sent out Crimson Star! (Genosekuto)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Crimson Star!

The foe's Crimson Star's Download activates!
The foe's Crimson Star's Sp. Att. rose!

(38%) (Paralyzed) vs

NO!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! The realization that I just lost after all of that hard work hit me harder than getting tackled by the Kool-Aid man. Genosekutos almost always run one of two sets: A Choice Scarf set or a Life Orb set. Since it's just now being used as the last Pokemon I was guessing that it was the Life Orb set with something like Bug Buzz, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, and and Thunderbolt. If you've been paying close attention to the commentary you might remember that my Randorosu is Adamant natured instead of Jolly, so no matter which set Genosekuto runs, as long as it has max speed (which nearly every Genosekuto has), I lose. I see what's going to happen already. He's going to outspeed and kill both my Roob and Randy with Ice Beam. Why did I make Randorosu Adamant??? WHY?????? The only way I can possibly win this is if I score a critical hit with Mach Punch. That's the only way... I slump back in my chair in disappointment repeatedly thinking in my head "If I only went with Jolly if I only went with Jolly if I only went with Jolly." I move my cursor over Mach Punch... Close my eyes in desperation... Just MAYBE I'll somehow score that critical hit... I click the mouse.

Start of turn 22
Roobushin used Mach Punch!
The foe's Crimson Star lost 40% of its health!

The foe's Crimson Star used Ice Beam!
Roobushin lost 143 HP! (38% of its health)
Roobushin fainted!

1-1 tie (Roobushin fainted)

I open my eyes. My heart immediately drops. This is the end... WAIT A SECOND.

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's Crimson Star restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
app1eseed sent out Randorosu!
Pointed stones dug into Randorosu!

(75%) vs

TIME OUT HERE SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT. One thing is waaaay off here. Roobushin's Guts boosted Mach Punch only did a measly 40% to the ugly bug. Simply from my battling experience, I immediately knew that was a LOT lower damage than I should have done... And not only did I do a very small amount of damage to it, it was carrying Leftovers, which immediately means it's not a Choice Scarf variant! That can mean only one thing... Defensive/HP EV investment!!! There MIGHT be hope for me yet!!! Like a lost traveler that just made it out of a cave, I felt reinvigorated!

But just how much Defense/HP investment did the Genosekuto have? Did it barely have enough speed EVs to outspeed my Adamant Randorosu? AHHHHH if only I had a Jolly nature I would have known for sure that I was going to win since Randy has a base speed of 101 and Genosekuto has a base speed of 90. I have NO idea who's going to move first. This might as well be a coin toss. I take a deep breath. This virtually even match is now coming to an end. A victor must be chosen. A winner must emerge.

Knowing that this was the final move of an epic battle, I gave my opponent two simple letters showing my respect:

app1eseed: gg

I inhale...

I click...

Start of turn 23
Randorosu used Earthquake!
DJhezzy quits

1-0 appleseed wins!

I exhale. I smile. I lean back. I close my eyes.

Somehow... but nevertheless,

I won

MVP of the Game

Well this was easy to decide. This match shows how much of a **** this guy is do deal with for offense teams after it has been statused (with Guts of course). Roobushin single handedly killed 3 members of my opponents team, and it also played a crucial role in killing 2 other members. Seriously guys... just don't Paralyze Roobushin. Not a good idea.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
I felt the intensity of the match.

Great at telling stories TRG.


Roost on latias? What does that do? Get rid of its levitate? Lol :p

Are you switching to Jolly now?

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Speed Boost Baton Pass Blaziken? Nice.

I felt the intensity of the match.

Great at telling stories TRG.


Roost on latias? What does that do? Get rid of its levitate? Lol :p

Are you switching to Jolly now?
Glad you enjoyed it. I actually already changed Roost to Recover.

Lol and yes I changed the nature to Jolly right after the match.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Are you not aware that Baton Pass Speed Boost is illegal?


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
One time when I was on the Ubers ladder, I had a 40 turn Stall war against a Blissey with my Bulk Up Dialga that was out of PP for Dragon Tail and Sleep Talk. It ended with Blissey dying from +6 Dialga Struggle. This warstory was almost as interesting as that.

But seriously, good warstory, it was a good insight into DW OU.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
One time when I was on the Ubers ladder, I had a 40 turn Stall war against a Blissey with my Bulk Up Dialga that was out of PP for Dragon Tail and Sleep Talk. It ended with Blissey dying from +6 Dialga Struggle. This warstory was almost as interesting as that.

But seriously, good warstory, it was a good insight into DW OU.
I finally get complimented by Gates. Really preciate it bro.

The weirdest part was finding out DJ's Genosekuto was EVed in Defense. So unorthodox... Who does that?


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
meh. I'm really sorry, all I see was moves being done and attacks being used. No terrible thinking was truly necessary, and those that did were actually very costly(IE the Body Slam on Roopushin).

Like, I understand that this was close. Don't get me wrong. There was just nothing exciting... only two moves made were not "Hey this works against the current creature, so let me throw it out."

The main exception to this was the first turn. I have no idea what your Tyranitar is, but you were generally right in switching out. Being Jirachi, he threatened you with Iron Head / Trick / Thunder Wave. With just using this tiny bit of early-momentum, he got up SR on the first turn. As a side-effect of knowing that you were being forced out and that you wouldn't be attacked, you brought in Heatran. Good job.

The second turn was also decently ballsy, getting in SR on his side for free. Personally on his end I would have just Body Slammed and Earth Powered on your side, but whatever. Good move on your part.

Now he HJKed at your Heatran as you brought in fighting resist... yaawn.

I actually think it was a good idea to Dragon Pulse, keeps him honest. Your fourth move could be Roar and the protect wouldn't have mattered. =P

I'm curious why you would ever Calm Mind if he is getting something in for me... I promise you that whatever he brings in will beat you regardless because it will be his response. Would have been better off just d-pulsing or Roosting to get back HP. Or whatever your fourth move was.

The Heatran move was acceptable. And so was his move.

On the other hand, there was NO reason not to Earth Power a turn later. Unless you were running explosion, in which case meh. Toxic won't do much in this fast metagame anyway, and explosion is weak as ****. At least if he had a bulky water you would be able to get the proper response- Latias, giving it a completely free turn to heal.

And then you have a case of "Latias comes in on obvious HJK." I don't see the appeal of this metagame when he just wore through you so easily with literally no thinking. Anyway, the crit didn't matter because even not including it it would have had a 81% chance to just kill the Latias switch-in. Should have brought in your Ground / flying thing, because without your Balloon it was too much of a threat to just attempt a random flare Blitz, not to mention that he wanted the power behing HJK to 2HKO an incoming Latias.

Roopushin was obvious and the best move. Maybe Doryuuzu, but even then double protect would have been the end of that.

Meh, honestly I don't know what to say about the Tyranitar switch-in. Nothing better to do with Latias[stupidly] gone, and considering you had a random 36% of surviving was your best chance.

You got ****ing lucky with the crit. Meh.

Saccing Heatran to Surf was meh. Forced to, really.

In comes roopushin. He really should have stayed in and used surf to kill you and hope for maybe a FP for just a quick kill. Even if it didn't happen, he had defensive genesekto to take the Doryuuzu. It was better than what he did imo, seeing as how...

screw it. You get the point. New metagame is terrible, just people doing moves with set early-game motions. Occassionally you get random 50/ 50 chances in the end, and that's as far as skill goes.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
meh. I'm really sorry, all I see was moves being done and attacks being used. No terrible thinking was truly necessary, and those that did were actually very costly(IE the Body Slam on Roopushin).

Like I explained earlier this match was pretty straightforward and pretty fast paced. This match wasn't meant to show skill or anything it was just an entertaining back and forth battle I wanted to make a warstory out of.

Like, I understand that this was close. Don't get me wrong. There was just nothing exciting... only two moves made were not "Hey this works against the current creature, so let me throw it out."

I mean hey I made all of the necessary moves I needed to do for the W (minus my usage of Latias). The crit was needed but at the same time my team was at a huge disadvantage this match compared to my opponents team. But I thought the match was fun in general. I had a lot of fun playing this match. Especially cause of the ending.

The main exception to this was the first turn. I have no idea what your Tyranitar is, but you were generally right in switching out. Being Jirachi, he threatened you with Iron Head / Trick / Thunder Wave. With just using this tiny bit of early-momentum, he got up SR on the first turn. As a side-effect of knowing that you were being forced out and that you wouldn't be attacked, you brought in Heatran. Good job.

Thanks I guess... lol

The second turn was also decently ballsy, getting in SR on his side for free. Personally on his end I would have just Body Slammed and Earth Powered on your side, but whatever. Good move on your part.

Boy that would be a ballsy move on his part if he stayed in, and definitely would have caught me off guard. I guess he was still trying to figure out my playstyle at that point, so he just went for the safe switch in.

Now he HJKed at your Heatran as you brought in fighting resist... yaawn.

I did what I had to do... IDK what to say here. :\

I actually think it was a good idea to Dragon Pulse, keeps him honest. Your fourth move could be Roar and the protect wouldn't have mattered. =P

I'm actually thinking about sacking Refresh for Roar. Refresh helps to counter stall while Roar will keep set up sweepers at bay. Considering stall is rarely seen now... I'll try Roar out.

I'm curious why you would ever Calm Mind if he is getting something in for me... I promise you that whatever he brings in will beat you regardless because it will be his response. Would have been better off just d-pulsing or Roosting to get back HP. Or whatever your fourth move was.

Should have Roosted. Cost me my Latias. Just a dumb move I didn't think thorough. I'm willing to admit I messed up pretty badly on how I used Latias. It was my (third?) match using it for the first time, but not Roosting cost me pretty badly... But then again the match wouldn't have been as close so meh. :p

The Heatran move was acceptable. And so was his move.


On the other hand, there was NO reason not to Earth Power a turn later. Unless you were running explosion, in which case meh. Toxic won't do much in this fast metagame anyway, and explosion is weak as ****. At least if he had a bulky water you would be able to get the proper response- Latias, giving it a completely free turn to heal.

I was actually trying out an odd moveset of Fire Blast, HP Ice, Toxic, and SR. Still not sure how I feel about Toxic yet. Probably will replace it with Earth Power soon... Need to test it out more.

And then you have a case of "Latias comes in on obvious HJK." I don't see the appeal of this metagame when he just wore through you so easily with literally no thinking. Anyway, the crit didn't matter because even not including it it would have had a 81% chance to just kill the Latias switch-in. Should have brought in your Ground / flying thing, because without your Balloon it was too much of a threat to just attempt a random flare Blitz, not to mention that he wanted the power behing HJK to 2HKO an incoming Latias.

It did 23% the first HJK so that was most likely a low role. Guess you're right. I don't blame the crit as the primary reason I lost my Latias. The turn where I should have Roosted is what cost me. I don't quite see the appeal of sending in my Randorosu against his Blaziken. If I did I would have taken quite a heavy hit afterwards from a Flare Blitz, and this team doesn't have that great of a switch in for another Flare Blitz when Latias is weak/gone. But yeah welcome to Gen 5...

Roopushin was obvious and the best move. Maybe Doryuuzu, but even then double protect would have been the end of that.


Meh, honestly I don't know what to say about the Tyranitar switch-in. Nothing better to do with Latias[stupidly] gone, and considering you had a random 36% of surviving was your best chance.


You got ****ing lucky with the crit. Meh.

There was a very little chance of me winning without that crit... Latias or no Latias. This team is so Water weak that Rotom and Kerudio could have taken apart most of my team (with his Genosekuto taking care of my Latias). I needed the crit. I'm not denying it. The fact that I actually got it though is pretty cool IMO.

Saccing Heatran to Surf was meh. Forced to, really.

Bad team synergy I know. My strength lies in starting out with meh teams, then slowly crafting them to their true potential after enough testing.

In comes roopushin. He really should have stayed in and used surf to kill you and hope for maybe a FP for just a quick kill. Even if it didn't happen, he had defensive genesekto to take the Doryuuzu. It was better than what he did imo, seeing as how...

screw it. You get the point. New metagame is terrible, just people doing moves with set early-game motions. Occassionally you get random 50/ 50 chances in the end, and that's as far as skill goes.

It's Gen 5. Do I like it more than Gen 4? No, but I still play it. And I occasionally have some fun with it. That's all that's really important in the end.
But ehh thanks for reading the whole thing and breaking most of it down move by move. Sorry you didn't find it entertaining, but in terms of Gen 5, you aren't going too many more complicated matches unless it's something involving stall (or weather vs weather... which I hate).

Like I said earlier this is just for entertainment.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
ss118, you have almost completely shattered my ambition of playing in Gen5.

Im kind of glad too.

I get to revive my favorite team in Gen4.


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2011
just wanted to post saying that it was an enjoy able read and the battle was pretty cool, i did not like the color of the text. But thats just me so what ever. I was also wondering why his genosektu was EVed , but whatever floats his boat. So yeah nice warstory.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
Honestly Im surprised I don't see him running Night Slash or whatever move it is.

On Smogon I see 75% of Blazikens run Night Slash to hit Latias/Latios on the switch.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
just wanted to post saying that it was an enjoy able read and the battle was pretty cool, i did not like the color of the text. But thats just me so what ever. I was also wondering why his genosektu was EVed , but whatever floats his boat. So yeah nice warstory.
I wish I knew... lol.

But thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Honestly Im surprised I don't see him running Night Slash or whatever move it is.

On Smogon I see 75% of Blazikens run Night Slash to hit Latias/Latios on the switch.
You mean Shadow claw...?
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