I guess the "sword fighter" issue is actually not an issue, as long as Nintendo think the characters of the FP will sell and has a fanbase.
Since Byleth's release, I was afraid that sakurai truly acknowledges the "too many swordfighters" argument and strived to not implement too many of them. But Sephiroth and MyRa prove that if Nintendo want more swordies, such complaints wouldn't change anything.
Good news for Lloyd I guess. Pyra and Mythra don't hinder his chance as much as some people would think.
I always found that "Too many swordfighters" argument ridiculous. Should we tell Nintendo to stop putting in Cartoony Brawlers or Gunners? The answer is no and that's the same answer for swordfighters. As long as the character is fun who honestly cares.
Yeah there is no such thing as a too many anime swordsmen issue.
The real issue is simple: Too many fire emblem characters (and within that issue there is another one: fire emblem weapon system being poorly represented), making it NEARLY half of the swordsmen just one IP, then we have 3 Links which are techinically the same character regardless of the movesets, which aren't that much different to each other anyway. The ISSUE is that we have a lack of franchise variety with the amount of swordsmen within that role.
Too many of them? Not such thing. Swordsmen barely are only 1/4 of the total roster currently, lol. If we say the total roster is 81 (yes I will ALWAYS count Pyra as one, you paid for only one character and they share the SAME slot since they are 2 characters in 1 moveset, not one character and an echo situation), and the remaining 2 aren't swordsmen, it might even be under 1/4th of the total roster then.
Either way, the amount of swordsmen in total is barely anything against the rest of the total roster, so people don't know what they are saying when they complain.
Here is an image highlighting the actual amount of swordsmen we got
I don't count Steve because he is not mainly a sword user, he just has his sword as one of his many moves which the majority aren't sword related. I don't count Joker either because of a damn dagger, that's not an actual sword, it's a different type of blade.
Byleth, Robin, Lucina, Chrom, Roy, Marth, Corrin, Ike = 8 out of 20 swordsmen are ONE franchise
Then 3 out of those 20 are Links…
This leaves only 9 sword users left being from different series (or you could say 8 rather, if you don't want to count Dark Pit since he from the same series as Pit )
The real problem is pretty clear to me, but apparently people out there can't word it properly or refuse to wash their eyes and see what's actually going on here, ending in misdirected whining and ignoring the real problems in the representations we've gotten.
The reason Nintendo doesn't give a damn about what people are complaining lately it's because Nintendo actually knows how to count. I wouldn't be surprised if Sakurai is told to rub it off everyone's faces in the end of the game saying how many swordsmen we actually got vs the rest of the roster, lol. He actually should do that, so ppl just shut up already.