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The Chaos of Construction- My OPS


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
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The Chaos of Construction

Prologue: A Hasty Conclusion


A group of shadowed figures are standing in a dark void which is full of different pieces of machinery. There is something large being constructed in the background, but it is difficult to tell what it is due to its incomplete state. The people who are working on this look unusual, as if they are from another world. The sound of hammers and drills is overwhelming.

In the distance, another shadowed figure is looking at a monitor. The camera zooms in to this figure. There is a brief period of static on the screen, then a familiar figure is formed- Master Hand. The noise coming from the construction team is drowning out the conversation between these two people, but you can clearly see Master Hand signaling towards the group of shadowed figures. The screen switches off, and the person Master Hand was conversing with walks forward. As he comes into view, you see that he is none other than Ganondorf, albeit more youthful than he appears in Brawl, similar to his Melee appearance. He begins to walk over towards the group of shadowed figures, and draws out his sword. The construction workers all come to a sudden halt, and Ganondorf begins to speak. "Why did you even bother following me here? You should have stayed behind like the others, at least they'll have longer to wait for their demise!" A voice from the group shouts out, "Don't you get it, you're being used!"

Ganondorf stopped in his track, and began to chuckle, "I may be being used, but at least I didn't come here on the losing team," he started walking again, "None of you can leave here, so you might as well join us."
Ganondorf charged towards his opponents, and the screen zooms out.

Battle 1: Conquering the Invaders
Play as: Ganondorf
Play against: Shadowed figures
Stage: Dark Void Construction Site

During this fight, you will fight against 12 shadowed figures, in 4 waves of 3. These characters only use standard attacks, and after receiving 50% damage, they retreat, and another one takes their place.
This battle isn't difficult, but it allows you to get used to the controls. You only have on stock, but you should be able to get through this challenge with ease.
After you defeat all 12 figures, a cutscene will start.


Ganondorf puts his sword in the ground, and leans on it. He looks up and smiles at the small army. "You have no chance of survival, Master Hand won't allow it!" The construction workers start working again, and the shadowed figures all charge towards him, overwhelming him. His screams are drowned out by the noise.
The group backs off, and you see Ganondorf lying on the floor. A dark aura envelops his body, and sucks him into the ground. The group looks towards the construction, and begin walking towards it. The construction workers all look to the sky, and Master Hand appears.
Master Hand points towards the shadowed group, and orders the workers, "Destroy them!"

The workers simultaneously jump off the construction, and rush towards the group of shadowed figures. The group begin to counter attack, and a large battle commences. During the commotion, Master Hand points towards the screen, and then slowly retreats back into the darkness.

The battle is still going, and the group is clearly winning. They manage to defeat the first wave of construction workers, and before any others could arrive, both Master Hand and Crazy Hand appear from the darkness, both of them attached to bright chains that go all the way towards the top of the void.

The group see this, and freeze in place, clearly in shock. They look to were the chains stop, and they see a blue humanoid figure, Tabuu, holding onto someone smaller. He throws this person to the ground, and the group all run towards him.
When they reach him, Tabuu lifts up Master Hand and Crazy Hand, and slams them towards the group.

The screen fades to white, and the title is shown.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
There's a reason Tabuu's going to be playing a minor role.
This is set before the events of SSE, and the prologue is set towards the end of my OPS.
So basically, this would be on of the final chapters chronologically.

Thank you for reading :bee:


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
More people need to read this. That was really well done dialogue and the levels were a lot better then the generic ones filling most SSEs. Still, a bit short to be called a "chapter". Quality over quantity though, just keep in mind you have to finish it.;)

I eagerly await more.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
Thank you for reading it.

I know it was short, but I didn't know if I should do a part with other characters in this chapter, or save it for the next. Depending on the size of my next part, I may just add it to this chapter, then start chapter 2.

I'm actually enjoying this more than making movesets XD, so I'll try my best to finish this, Hitmontop
and my new moveset.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
Apollo would be crying epic manly tears due to joining one of the greatest badasses of all time. I don't care about him being beat up by a clown.

Seriously, Even though it's short, this SSE/BBQ/OPS/WUCIN* has actual potenial. You don't complicate the story too much, you give all the characters have a reasonable amount of appearance time, and it doesn't feel rushed in any way. Adding background details to the story line and the dialogue makes this even more epic. I appaud for you, And Apollo would too.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
I'm not really sure what Apollo's personality is like, because I have never played a game in the Phoenix/ Apollo series, although I was considering getting Apollo Justice the other day, so I just sort of made it up as I went along lol.

I'm glad you liked it.

The next chapter, which I was thinking of adding to this before I came up with a cool title for it, will be quite a bit longer than this one.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
More people need to realize the existence of this SM. This is honestly one of the best ones out there.

You're far better at making SMs then movesets, you should stick to this.:bee:

There wasn't too much that was terribly interesting cutscene wise, but you manage to keep what little dialogue there is very in character and fitting. More importantly, you go into painstaking detail of the levels and manage to make them very unique, just like K. Rool, but to an even higher extreme. I love this, especially the super sonic part at the end.

The only thing I think might be taking it a bit too far is stripping Sonic of nearly his entire moveset. That's not really Smash anymore. It's a Sonic game with good graphics. I'm sort of getting on that part for the same reason we decided to ban Megaman 9 from being an official entry. It throws the Smash mechanics out the window.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Whoa, that was cool awesome.

I liked the Super Sonic fight. It was nice to see it show up for someting other than "rar final boss". The fact that the "boss" fight was against my own character only made me love it more!


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
Thanks for reading it :bee:

I am enjoying this more than making movesets, although the one that I'm working on now is a lot more lengthier than Tyrogue and the Hitmons.

I agree that stripping Sonic of his abilities doesn't work that good now I think about it, but I think it works fine against the mini-boss due to the fact that you'd just be able to shield dodge to avoid all of his attacks :laugh:.

I still need to make a picture of the Proto-Droids and Egg-Holoshield, so I'll add them when I add the next chapter.
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