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The Bittersweet Nohrian Princess: Camilla Rides Into Smash Switch


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Camilla Brings the Pain

Who is Camilla?

Camilla is the oldest sister of the royal Nohrian family. A playful motherly figure that can be deadly when she needs to in war and loves nothing more than being around her sibling Corrin. She commands two retainers in the form of Beruka and Selena as a part of her Nohrian squadron. She is a major character in the Revelations and Conquest route of Fates and a boss in Fire Emblem Birthright. As a Malig Knight, she rides atop her trusty Wyvern mount with a large axe and toes as her weapon of choice.

How can Camilla work as a fighter?

As previously stated, Camilla starts off as a Malig Knight unit in Fire Emblem Fates. Which is usually an airborne unit that's granted more mobility around a field with tomes for ranged attacks and up close axe attacks. Despite this, she wouldn't work similar to Robin as weapon durability is no longer a thing for tomes in Fates. Not only that, she has a heavy axe as her close combat weapon of choice to cleave through foes. Unlike a sword, these attacks are more about hacking with raw strength and breaking through defenses.

Given the nature of quadruped fighters in Smash, the Wyvern itself can be incorporated in her moveset somehow. She can either ride on it at all times for a more unique fighter or use it as a part of a recovery in case programing it would be too much. The tomes she used can be mostly thunder give these are the ones she start off with at the beginning of Conquest and work to compensate for her heavy slow style. Like the other axe closes (like a Fighter), she would be more about strength and durability over speed and agility with the Wyvern as her ways of compensating for it.

How popular is Camilla? Why should she be considered for Smash?

Popularity for this dark chick something that shouldn't be underestimated. She easily tops the female side of Fates popularity polls (between Female Corrin and Oboro) and 4th of the female characters in the Fire Emblem Heroes Ballot, a full scale figurine that is being worked on, and gained a fan following since her first reveal. She's a popular unit for her good stats, a common spouse for marriage with the avatar (Corrin), and she's got enough plot importance like her fellow siblings (but with Xander as the most popular naturally). Not to mention her Smash following is quite vocal, if not small, before and after Smash 4's release.

She wouldn't be a clone of Robin despite her tome usage as they won't be temporary and the axe alone helps separate her as a fighter. The Wyvern too can work if there is enough work put into making it carry Camilla the whole time in a battle like Fire Emblem. It's a unique new class introduced to Fates, one that she represents well.

Arguments Against Camilla

There are too many Fire Emblem characters.

While it may be true that it does have enough representation, who's to say that we can't at least get more or even some cuts to the existing ones? Fire Emblem is now labeled as a big name IP in recent days thanks to Fates' success after the release of Awakening. And the series had its own special Nintendo Direct to confirm a multitude of games from the mobile game Heroes to the upcoming Fire Emblem Switch game. It's safe to say the popularity is there despite the series current niche status. Fates is still fresh in everyone's minds and there is enough room for Camilla.
Camilla is too sexualized for Smash.

Where did I hear that argument before? Oh right. Let's dance boys.
Bayonetta's inclusion in Smash not only opened the gateway for her, but proved that she changes can be done to stick with the game's A CERO Rating in Japan. Given the extensive changes to her backside and and Corrin's thighs, more armor platings can appear to cover Camilla's lower body and bosom respectively. That way, she would fit like a glove in both only an older Fire Emblem title, but Smash itself. She doesn't necessarily need to be this succubus in order to be in Smash when her personality would feel the same no matter what.

Fire Emblem Fates would be old news by time the Switch game is out

Thing is, we don't know if they would consider a Lord from that title yet, Sure it was done a couple of time soft games like Path of Radiance (Ike) and Binding Blade (Roy), but there isn't enough proof that we could get it. Even then, they can just look at the popular characters we have from Fates, which she is a huge character on her own like her siblings and the Hoshidian scum. There's also Azura of an unknown kingdom, but she rests between conflicting with Corrin's current water them or having lower popularity. There is still chance, if not minimal one, for Camilla to be considered for her notable fandom.

~ "Cute child"

Moveset Ideas
Entrance Animation: Camilla flys onto the stage on the back of her large black Wyvern. The beast lets out a mighty roar before she jumps down with her trademark weapon ready. Camilla subtly waves her pet goodbye as it flies away before she focus on her targets.
Idle Animation: Her stance is more of a lady-like pose referencing her appearance on Conquest's backward, completely with subtle swaying hips and her axe held towards the ground in her right hand. Occasionally, she would flip her hair in a teasing manner or sometimes briefly raise her axe higher to move her arm.
Walk: She struts suggestively in a slow manner with her axe held slightly higher, showing off her dominance.
Run: She charges forward akin to a Fighter (like Charlotte) with both hands holding her axe to the right.
Sleeping Animation: She sleeps with her head down and entire body kneeled with her axe supporting the rest of her weight.
Dizzy Animation: She staggers her entire body while barely holding her axe, all while moaning as if she's in serious pain.
Dodge Animation: She jumps to the side like a Fighter to dodge the attack.
Camilla swipes with her axe before swinging it again quickly. This would lead to her pulling out a Thunder Tome to "torture" her foes with a short ranged shock from the book. This can be done continuously until a combo-finisher with a powerful burst of thunder.
Forward Tilt
Camilla "catapults" with her axe to do a kick with her black stilettos.
Up Tilt
She swings her axe overhead with an aggressive motion.
Down Tilt:
She does a quick "footchop" with her axe as if she wanted to cripple her enemy.
Dash Attack:
Camilla leads for a powerful chop with her axe. A hard hitting attack. Taken from a Fighter's Attack animation.
Neutral Air
Camilla does a pinwheel motion with her axe to cut foes in a spinning manner.
Forward Air
Camilla fires a shortchanged fire burst with a Fire Tome.
Back Air
Camilla giggles before swinging her axe backwards quickly.
Up Air
She casts a Disrobing Gale spell to fire a quick moving whirlwind above her. Unlike Mega Man's Air Shooter, this stronger and moves a shorter distance.
Down Air
Camilla dives in a "barrel roll" matter with her axe out for a screwing attack. Once she hits the ground with this attack, she will be stuck briefly before flipping herself back into her stance.
Forward Smash:
Camilla takes out her famed Thunder Tome while charging enough magic in it. Her expression is intense at the moment until she finally releases it, which results in a large burst of thunder before her. The attack is more affection when the foe is in the epicenter of the shock to get the most image.
Up Smash:
Camilla holds her axe down with her eyes set on the location above her whilst squatting down. This would lead her to her briefly tossing her own large axe into the air to deal heavy damage. She lucky catches it in time with a smile as if she knew.
Down Smash:
Camilla takes out a Ragnarok Tome, caring the amount of magic to to use based on the charge. The end result would be a massive burst of flames at the feet where her opponents are standing. Think something similar to ZZS's Down Smash.
Camilla reaches out with her free hand while saying "Come here!".
She kicks her foe with her leg as she watch her them suffer.
Forward Throw
She slashes at her foe's chest with her axe viciously, which is a reference to how Garon killed Sumeragi.
Back Throw:
Camilla quickly turns and toss her foe before casting a Fire Spell at their back with her axe still planted in the ground. .
Up Throw:
Camilla flings the foe into the air high into the air. This would lead to her castling Excalibur to rapidly slash the with wind magic, with the last hit sending them flying.
Down Throw
Camilla literally lies her foe on the found as if she's preparing to execute them, but into stomps them viciously while saying "You need a spanking. The last stomp kicking the foe into the grand.
Neutral Special: Mjolnir
Camilla takes out the famed tome while saying "Feel heaven's wrath!" before finally casting the spell. This would lead to a burst of lightning occurring before her. The move can be held in the casting phase to dictate where the spell should hit as long as they move around. This is a good picture between Paluenta's Explosive Flame and Zelda's Din's Fire. Unlike Robin's tomes, this one can be used as long as it wants as will the other Tome themed specials.
Side Special: Hand Axe
Camilla takes out a familiar small axe with one hand and tosses it in an arc. This is a fairly quick projectile that can only be tossed one at a time. It can be stuck to a surface before it disappears or hit the desired target with enough force. This is more of an anti-air move to attack the air fighters in a match.
Up Special: Fimbulvetr
Camilla raises the tome above her head with her head down while casting the spell. "Let the winds guide thee!" she shouts before powerful yellow winds gather apron her body. This would lift her only straight into the air at a fair distance, damaging anyone close with these powerful gust. Once the speed is over, this will leave her in a helpless state to fall down.
Down Special: Ginnungagap
Camilla gains a dark aura once she pulls out this dark tome with a dark grin. She says "You will not see the light of day" in a sinister manner before the spell is fully cast. This would result in a slow moving ball of purple magic drifting before her. This magic ball will also suck in anything nearby with a vacuum effect, items or even other fighters.
The result will be a massive magic void as the projectile erupts and expands into a resulting burst. This savagely harms anything at a Bowser-wide radius and can even harm Camilla if she happens to walk close enough despite not being effected by the suction. This is easily one of her strongest spells and can harm a player if they are not careful enough. Also, there is a cool down session of 6-8 seconds after every use to reflect its origins as a tome that drains your magic away.
Final Smash: Wyvern Rider
Camilla shouts "Come on, let's raise some mayhem!" before a loud roar is heard from the distance. She eventually jumps soon as her scaley steed arrives to carry her around in the air. This state allows the Wyvern to be controlled by your movements during the duration of the Final Smash. The speed of the dragon is fairly fast, if not, slightly faster than Mega Charizard. The A Button allows her to cast a Thunder Spell to shock her foes with large bursts of electricity. The B Button allows the Wyvern to spiral at her foes as Camilla holds her axe out, slicing their enemies.
When the Final Smash ends, the two would land for her to stroke its head one last time saying "Thank you dearie". Then she steps off of the beast's back for it to fly back into the horizon quickly. Then will be done regardless of the location and can leave her in danger of falling if she's off the stage.
Taunt 1: Camilla swings her axe twice before raising it forward as if its a threat. "During this, she says, "I will play wth you."
Taunt 2: Camilla raises her axe behind her head a la Ike with a motherly smile on her face. Then she will place it back down after a giggle.
Taunt 3: Camilla does a "come here" gesture with her finger before doing a "cute throat" gesture to show that she's far from sweet.
Victory Animation 1: Camilla is on the back of her Wyvern as it rears up and roars. Then the beast settles down before its stroked on the neck, leading her to giggle.
Victory Animation 2: She walk towards the camera and shifts it to her face, a reference to her getting with Corrin in Birthright. The standard dialogue is "I hope you aren't too hurt". Her special quote with Corrin has her say, "I love you too much to let you go on.~"
Victory Animation 3: Camila would her flip her hair briefly before looking to the side, saying "I've fought knights that were more troublesome than you."

Camilla's Round of Nohrian Wyvern Riders
Aussie the Shinobi
Yomi's Biggest Fan
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Why not add this too

Popularity out of more than just the Fates fanbase y'know?

Oh, thanks. This one will be important to compare her popularity to other characters in the whole series.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I think there's potential in a completely aerial mounted unit. It just depends on how well it goes or the scaling for that matter when the Wyvern is big in Fates. Not not Ridely feels of big if you know what I mean. With enough effort, it can work. BUt I don't see them working too hard to animate a mounted unit.

That said, I think she can stand on her own as a Malig Knight without her mount. The axe (as much as I prefer Hector) and tome (Who would even think of her as a Robin clone?) are enough to set her apart. And more updated armoring can work to get past that pesky rating too (Why CERO, just why).

Sraight to the point. She's far from my favorite sibling (That title belongs to Leo and Xander), but I did have her as a great attacker for my army. And I married her in one of my third playthroughs recently. Sure her personality is "thin", but she's kind of an endearing character on her own if you look past the Yandere vibes with Corrin around. So yeah, I would like to join her army.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
There are my manners? Definitely adding you.

I think there's potential in a completely aerial mounted unit. It just depends on how well it goes or the scaling for that matter when the Wyvern is big in Fates. Not not Ridely feels of big if you know what I mean. With enough effort, it can work. BUt I don't see them working too hard to animate a mounted unit.

That said, I think she can stand on her own as a Malig Knight without her mount. The axe (as much as I prefer Hector) and tome (Who would even think of her as a Robin clone?) are enough to set her apart. And more updated armoring can work to get past that pesky rating too (Why CERO, just why).
This is how I feel as well.

While there is potential in a mounted fighter, it's kind of a programming nightmare to make it work in a fighting game. You would have to account the Wyvern's size and scale its other parts (wings, etc) as well. That's why I went for it as an entrance and possible recovery move (Or even a Final Smash where you control and attacks with it).

For now, you are right about her being fine with her axe and tomes. The tomes give her an option for ranged attacks while she can be physical with the axe. Not only she has a different weapon than Robin, but she would feel different with her weight and speed too. We are taking Ganondorf levels of slow, which is ironic since her daddy looks like him (Garon). But her jumping and attack speed wouldn't be as bad (being around Ike's level). The weight is mostly due to her weapon and updated armor anyway.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
SIGN ME UP I just adore Camilla even if her sexualised appearance is a little jarring. She's clearly a shoe-in for Warriors and she's massively popular, enough so to get a special animation for Heroes and to be included into the opening screen.
I can see her having a similar setup to Robin, where she uses her tomes mostly for specials, but I see her as being much more aggressive and brutal which perfectly displays her personality. I can't see her on the dragon at all times so I'd say save that for entrance and Final Smash (which can control like Charizards). I'd say her up special could be Fimbulvetr which lifts her up in a blissardy tornado and down special to be that fire explosion (Ragnarok?) she uses just before the fight against her in Birthright. Her moveset pretty much compiles itself and all they gotta do then is raise her top and give her black tights and VOILA a Camilla made for smash.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
SIGN ME UP I just adore Camilla even if her sexualised appearance is a little jarring. She's clearly a shoe-in for Warriors and she's massively popular, enough so to get a special animation for Heroes and to be included into the opening screen.
I can see her having a similar setup to Robin, where she uses her tomes mostly for specials, but I see her as being much more aggressive and brutal which perfectly displays her personality. I can't see her on the dragon at all times so I'd say save that for entrance and Final Smash (which can control like Charizards). I'd say her up special could be Fimbulvetr which lifts her up in a blissardy tornado and down special to be that fire explosion (Ragnarok?) she uses just before the fight against her in Birthright. Her moveset pretty much compiles itself and all they gotta do then is raise her top and give her black tights and VOILA a Camilla made for smash.
Well what do you know, the Up Special issue is solved. :laugh:

I definitely would like the specials to be Tome themed now that you mentioned it. Since using some specials based on axes would be a little predictable and boring. Definitely save her pet for the entrance and Final Smash to wreck havoc. Yes, the Fire Explosion spell is definitely from a Ragnarok tome.

Going to add you to the support list. Hope she can make it to Warriors though. She was made for that game.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
One of the specials can easily be Hand Axe where it flies in a arc, useful for gimping offstage opponents. For whichever other special is left I can't decide between Disrobing Gale (creates a small tornado projectile that quickly gains speed, essentially Mii Sword special that does the same), Ember (basic quick fire projectile) or Lightning (basic double electric projectile). I think Disrobing Gale for neutral special and Hand Axe for side would do but there are other tomes like Mjolnir or Excalibur or Ginnungagap that might fit better but I just can't think of a specific way for them to work.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
One of the specials can easily be Hand Axe where it flies in a arc, useful for gimping offstage opponents. For whichever other special is left I can't decide between Disrobing Gale (creates a small tornado projectile that quickly gains speed, essentially Mii Sword special that does the same), Ember (basic quick fire projectile) or Lightning (basic double electric projectile). I think Disrobing Gale for neutral special and Hand Axe for side would do but there are other tomes like Mjolnir or Excalibur or Ginnungagap that might fit better but I just can't think of a specific way for them to work.
Right, The Hand Axe definitely makes the most sense as a ranged Axe related attack. Most of the best Camilla's be equipped with it and a good tome at least for Fates playthroughs. Disrobing Gale would work. It would help fully separate her from Robin's current elemental attacks. Same slow moving whirlwind attack, too.

I think I have some ways the other three tomes can work. Mjolner would probably work like it did in the games. Shoot itself as a massive spark electricity a la Zelda's Din Fire. Excalibur would be a simple wind blast that converts into the familiar wind slashes upon contact, more like the GBA animation. Now for Ginnungagap, I think a rare tome like that deserves something powerful and ominous to fit it. It would appear as a small slow moving ball of darkness after some build up and that creepy droning sound. Only to become the familiar void we know to heavily damage the victim after it hits. I never obtained that tome myself, it's definitely one of the harder ones to find.

What do you think?


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Right, The Hand Axe definitely makes the most sense as a ranged Axe related attack. Most of the best Camilla's be equipped with it and a good tome at least for Fates playthroughs. Disrobing Gale would work. It would help fully separate her from Robin's current elemental attacks. Same slow moving whirlwind attack, too.

I think I have some ways the other three tomes can work. Mjolner would probably work like it did in the games. Shoot itself as a massive spark electricity a la Zelda's Din Fire. Excalibur would be a simple wind blast that converts into the familiar wind slashes upon contact, more like the GBA animation. Now for Ginnungagap, I think a rare tome like that deserves something powerful and ominous to fit it. It would appear as a small slow moving ball of darkness after some build up and that creepy droning sound. Only to become the familiar void we know to heavily damage the victim after it hits. I never obtained that tome myself, it's definitely one of the harder ones to find.

What do you think?
Ooooh there we go~ those are some good ideas. Maybe make Mjolnir like Palutena's Explosive Flame where its powerful at a distance but has one hell of a blind spot up close? Your Ginnun idea really speaks to me though, make it harmless until it explodes after a certain distance and creates a multi-hit explosion that drags opponents in with a gravity like effect. That sort of stuff would really speak to Camilla's vicious fighting style as she tortures the opponent with either making a move and getting punished or risking getting hit by the explosion.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Ooooh there we go~ those are some good ideas. Maybe make Mjolnir like Palutena's Explosive Flame where its powerful at a distance but has one hell of a blind spot up close? Your Ginnun idea really speaks to me though, make it harmless until it explodes after a certain distance and creates a multi-hit explosion that drags opponents in with a gravity like effect. That sort of stuff would really speak to Camilla's vicious fighting style as she tortures the opponent with either making a move and getting punished or risking getting hit by the explosion.
Yeah, I kind of like your idea for Mjolnir better. That way, it would be more accurate to the game and gives it a more natural fell. Thsoe farther enough can get zapped alot while others close enough are lucky to be free of the source of the impact.

Oooooh yes. The gravity drag-in definitely fits the voids function more after the explosion. Think Mega Man's Black Hole Bomb in Super Smash Flash 2, but much worse. I say it definitely fits her Blood Knight personality alot unless she were unlucky to be close enough. That's definitely a callback to you losing your magic after every single use, thus making the friendly fire from your own attack more "high risk" for the attack.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Precisely yes you could either have Ginnun as a high knockback attack that's also a threat to Camilla or make her immune to it and have it as a good combo starter sorta like Arcthunder. I think I prefer it to be able to hit Camilla as well cause it really looks like the sort of magical attack that's so powerful it's a threat to the person who cast it and that would really balance it out if you could even be KOed by it.

Would there be any other tome attacks besides specials? One of the things that really annoys me about Robin is that they only use tomes for jab finishers and specials thanks to the durability gimmick but with Camilla that wouldn't exist. She could have a disjointed Lightning ftilt that's a 2 part combo or a Disrobing Gale nair that has the tornado appear around her and slow her descent for a second. Magic in general is so neglected in smash since the only true mage type characters are Zelda and somewhat Rosalina I'd say it needs more representation.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Now that I think about it, she's probbaly the best idea for a Axe using character I heard of.

But Tharja would be my prefered still :p. I'd be happy with any unique FE character at this point. They are great.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Now that I think about it, she's probbaly the best idea for a Axe using character I heard of.

But Tharja would be my prefered still :p. I'd be happy with any unique FE character at this point. They are great.
Great to see you here mate. And I agreed, Camilla does have her quirks and unique potential to pull from. And the Wyvern won't be needed since that can cause problems.

I like Tharja as well. I'll probably think of making one if @Ikenna won't do it first.

Welcome aboard regardless.

Precisely yes you could either have Ginnun as a high knockback attack that's also a threat to Camilla or make her immune to it and have it as a good combo starter sorta like Arcthunder. I think I prefer it to be able to hit Camilla as well cause it really looks like the sort of magical attack that's so powerful it's a threat to the person who cast it and that would really balance it out if you could even be KOed by it.

Would there be any other tome attacks besides specials? One of the things that really annoys me about Robin is that they only use tomes for jab finishers and specials thanks to the durability gimmick but with Camilla that wouldn't exist. She could have a disjointed Lightning ftilt that's a 2 part combo or a Disrobing Gale nair that has the tornado appear around her and slow her descent for a second. Magic in general is so neglected in smash since the only true mage type characters are Zelda and somewhat Rosalina I'd say it needs more representation.
Then that's fine. I really want that speed to really feel like it's the most powerful and rare for a reason. Camilla seems like that time that would still mess with it if it means making her the better fighter in a war.

Now that you mention it, there should be a bigger focus on her tomes instead of having almost everything axe based. Then that wouldn't be a good representation of her class if she did little magic. I definitely like to see a bigger focus on magic in hr arsenal compared to Robin now that she has no limits. Can safely agree that magic users in general are underrated in Smash. Even Peach as a character has less magical attack for a princess known for her power. Camilla can fit the bill easily if the devs can take full advance of her magic prowess and psychical combat with her axe.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Now that I think of it, her taking advantage of extra tomes for things like aerials and tilts would be unique. Beats mostly different ways to swing an axe any day.

Now on an interesting topic, should she have any special victory quotes with Corrin?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Now that I think of it, her taking advantage of extra tomes for things like aerials and tilts would be unique. Beats mostly different ways to swing an axe any day.

Now on an interesting topic, should she have any special victory quotes with Corrin?
Duh. Because what relative that he loves more than anything in the world: Corrin.

I can probably see her saying something cute like "I guess I'm the better one on the field, Corrie." or something more subtle like, "You are too slow. Were you too busy daydreaming again?".

Beats half of the more suggestive or flirtatious things she would normally say about them.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
"I love you too much to let you go on~"
Now that is a good one.

That's totally Camilla.

No matter why her and Niles are a popular pairing. Those two could be siblings for all we know.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Now that is a good one.

That's totally Camilla.

No matter why her and Niles are a popular pairing. Those two could be siblings for all we know.
They do make a great team, all sadistic and crazy. If I didn't marry Niles to male Corrin every chance I got then they'd probably make a killer couple.

What about general taunts and victory screens? I know one victory screen could easily be landing with the Wyvern and petting it just like her victory animation from Fates and another where she holds the camera just like in her special cutscene but that's all i got right now.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
They do make a great team, all sadistic and crazy. If I didn't marry Niles to male Corrin every chance I got then they'd probably make a killer couple.

What about general taunts and victory screens? I know one victory screen could easily be landing with the Wyvern and petting it just like her victory animation from Fates and another where she holds the camera just like in her special cutscene but that's all i got right now.
My first Fates run was definitely Corrin x Niles, before I went for Camilla x Corrin, and Camilla x Niles. Their interactions with each other were pretty funny and shown a side of her that we barely see than her usual Corrin fangirling. She also had a moment with Leo, though it's up to date if his "confession" is that out of an incestious love.

Those two are great ideas and fit her characters alot. One idea I had is that she would twirl her axe overhead before slamming it on the ground "Barbarian-style". Another would have been her flipping her hair before looking to the side, saying "I've fought knights that were more troublesome than you." It's a little out of character like Lucina's jerk attitude in Smash, but it's still a good line for her.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
My first Fates run was definitely Corrin x Niles, before I went for Camilla x Corrin, and Camilla x Niles. Their interactions with each other were pretty funny and shown a side of her that we barely see than her usual Corrin fangirling. She also had a moment with Leo, though it's up to date if his "confession" is that out of an incestious love.

Those two are great ideas and fit her characters alot. One idea I had is that she would twirl her axe overhead before slamming it on the ground "Barbarian-style". Another would have been her flipping her hair before looking to the side, saying "I've fought knights that were more troublesome than you." It's a little out of character like Lucina's jerk attitude in Smash, but it's still a good line for her.
It's not that out of character so it works pretty well. Looking at her wiki page a few battle quotes jump out at me like "I'll play with you", "You've been naughty" and "You're so cute" to go along with a hair flip with "Time to play" being reserved for a Final Smash quote. Knowing how people are like with Camilla we'd probably get a down throw that's her literally stepping on the opponent going "You need a spanking"

I'm also never going to acknowledge Leo potentially having any sort of romantic feels for Camilla. It's just so.... bleh.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
It's not that out of character so it works pretty well. Looking at her wiki page a few battle quotes jump out at me like "I'll play with you", "You've been naughty" and "You're so cute" to go along with a hair flip with "Time to play" being reserved for a Final Smash quote. Knowing how people are like with Camilla we'd probably get a down throw that's her literally stepping on the opponent going "You need a spanking"

I'm also never going to acknowledge Leo potentially having any sort of romantic feels for Camilla. It's just so.... bleh.
Yes, yes. All quotes are very fitting for attack quotes and victory quotes. Lol at the down throw idea and the shot at her fanboys. :laugh:

Agreed. I am definitely against Leo x Camilla since they are related by blood. Takumi x Camilla would be better. IMO.

Might as well use this time to work on a moveset right now with the ideas we've discussed. There will be as much axe as much as there will be magic with the Wyvern in the Final Smash. Be prepared to see it mate.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Can I say that I love your new moveset?

You really nailed the character in my opinion. Got the right enough of axe attacks and magic to suit her nature. Can I also say I love the victory animations too? Fourth wall victory animations are rarely done and this one has potential to be funny.

Now if there' a little criticism, I'd say that I'm confused about how the Hand Axe work. Is it supposed to spin into the air like the Silver Tomahawk from MM6 or you mean an arc as in how you normally throw them in latter Fire Emblem games?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Can I say that I love your new moveset?

You really nailed the character in my opinion. Got the right enough of axe attacks and magic to suit her nature. Can I also say I love the victory animations too? Fourth wall victory animations are rarely done and this one has potential to be funny.

Now if there' a little criticism, I'd say that I'm confused about how the Hand Axe work. Is it supposed to spin into the air like the Silver Tomahawk from MM6 or you mean an arc as in how you normally throw them in latter Fire Emblem games?
Aaaaaawwwww thanks.

I definitely had to imagine Camilla's situation and character to get everything right. Magic and axe attacks feel just as balanced for the whole moveset. I'm pretty satisfied with what I've did so far.

And yes, I'm aware the way hand axes are different in the series. They are based on Awakening and Fates, just the standard arc that's rises and falls as they go. Like a Hammer Throw. It's pretty self explanatory already.

What do you think Luminario Luminario ?


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Love it all, especially usmash and dair they sound especially brutal. Also love where you put the tomes into the general attacks I would never have thought of using Ragnarok as dsmash instead. In game she probably wouldn't have a long quote to say during her specials and would probably use them similar to Robin where they sometimes say the name of the tome. Other than that you've got a pretty cool moveset going on there I'd really like her in the game with this. Love that you added that dominatrix down throw too.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Love it all, especially usmash and dair they sound especially brutal. Also love where you put the tomes into the general attacks I would never have thought of using Ragnarok as dsmash instead. In game she probably wouldn't have a long quote to say during her specials and would probably use them similar to Robin where they sometimes say the name of the tome. Other than that you've got a pretty cool moveset going on there I'd really like her in the game with this. Love that you added that dominatrix down throw too.
What can I say, I was serious about wanting to give her a very versatile moveset. Magic and all. You may have a point, the quotes might be a bit too long. I wanted to give her a sense that she is casting something powerful; though that might not work for something hectic like Smash. The tome names alone would be better.

The dominatrix down throw was too good to miss. I too some inspiration for Donquixote Doflamingo for that one too (though he's far more sadistic in comparison). Glad that I can provide some quality content for my favorite Nohrian princess.

In other news, have some Camilla vs Hinoka.

Still can't wait for the upcoming figure myself.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
The fact that she's getting he own figure to such detail is proof of her popularity, if slightly because creepy guys explode at the sight of her. Yeah she'd probably just say the tome name or giggle during most of them except for Ginnun when she says something cool besides with the tome name. I have no idea what the Camilla vs Hinoka thing says but I hope they place nice.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
The fact that she's getting he own figure to such detail is proof of her popularity, if slightly because creepy guys explode at the sight of her. Yeah she'd probably just say the tome name or giggle during most of them except for Ginnun when she says something cool besides with the tome name. I have no idea what the Camilla vs Hinoka thing says but I hope they place nice.
I think it's just an image of the two hating each other like typical Nohrian and Hoshidian scum (From the main Fire Emblem artist). At least they grow to play nice in Revelations.

That figure though, let's not imagine what special creepy shrine it would get (Though people would willingly share their shrines on Twitter when the day comes).


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I think it's just an image of the two hating each other like typical Nohrian and Hoshidian scum (From the main Fire Emblem artist). At least they grow to play nice in Revelations.

That figure though, let's not imagine what special creepy shrine it would get (Though people would willingly share their shrines on Twitter when the day comes).
Pretty much. We are in the day and age where people sacrifice pizza to body pillows (No offense to those who do that). I wouldn't be surprised if I see said Camilla shrines popping up once the life sized figure is out.

And yeah, at least they learn to be friends despite their racial differences. I liked the aspect of Revelations despite the story being "weak" for a final resolution.

The fact that she's getting he own figure to such detail is proof of her popularity, if slightly because creepy guys explode at the sight of her. Yeah she'd probably just say the tome name or giggle during most of them except for Ginnun when she says something cool besides with the tome name. I have no idea what the Camilla vs Hinoka thing says but I hope they place nice.
Basically. She's as much of a big deal as Tharja when she get her own figure. Which reminds me, I might take that thread for grabs in a few days when I have the time.

Not to worry, it will end with them playing with their hair and going for a tea party. They will only fight if Corrin is asked something like "Who do you love more? Me or Hinoka?".
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
So um @Zem-raj's project is done and I figured you would like this.

Meanwhile, this looks like the perfect sprite if there happens to be a pixelization item in Smash. Though that would possibly require too much work for the whole roster.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
So um @Zem-raj's project is done and I figured you would like this.

Meanwhile, this looks like the perfect sprite if there happens to be a pixelization item in Smash. Though that would possibly require too much work for the whole roster.
Thats nice and all, but I've already seen that on the Makerfied page. Still pretty nice of you to share. :p

I don't know about pixelization, but that Nohr Festival outfit would be a nice alternate costume for Camilla. Or they can even reference it with a palette swap.It's a nice idea to talk about.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Thats nice and all, but I've already seen that on the Makerfied page. Still pretty nice of you to share. :p

I don't know about pixelization, but that Nohr Festival outfit would be a nice alternate costume for Camilla. Or they can even reference it with a palette swap.It's a nice idea to talk about.
To be honest, only few characters are lucky enough to get alternate costumes. Given Corrin didn't get it's White Blood and Black Blood Classes as alts, it would be a miracle for Camilla to even get her festival outfit.

But it doesn't hurt to speculate about it. So I guess it's a good idea.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I think I'm in love, oh wait. I was already in love.

This will be her Easter themed costume for Heroes on the 30th of this month. Get hyped mates.



Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I'm mad the guys don't have similar skimpy outfits but what can ya do.
The weirdest thing was Lucina using magic though.
They probably made her a mage to make her more useful as a character.

Either way, all four of them will be pretty broken as characters when you summon them. Shame about no Sexy Chrom either.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I think I'm in love, oh wait. I was already in love.

This will be her Easter themed costume for Heroes on the 30th of this month. Get hyped mates.
Surpringly, the outfit looks much tamer than her original attire.

How the hell is this even possible?
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Surpringly, the outfit looks much tamer than her original attire.

How the hell is this even possible?
Magic. :troll:

And by the way, she's up against Hinoka in the current Heroes Voting Ballot right now. How funny is that?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Yes please, bring the cutie in the fight! <3
Welcome aboard, sweetie. Camilla needs as much love as possible.

Meanwhile, some of us are trying hard to get that exclusive Easter Camilla in Heroes for now.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I'm torn between Azura or Camilla if we were to somehow get a second Fates rep. Might as well support both.
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