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Tha Shodown (Southern Arkansas Smash Tournement)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
Camden, AR
BLADeZ Presents:

Tha Sho-Down!
Southern Arkansas Smash Singles Tournement


Wesley Foundation
100 East University Street (Across the street from SAU campus)
Magnolia, Arkansas 71754


November 16th (Friday before Turkey Day)
Starting @ 7:00 O'Clock (You can come sooner if you'd like set up will start around 4:30)


5$ to enter the tournement.

The potbreak down will be:

1st - 65%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 10%


Rules for the tournement will be random seeding in brackets. Pools will be esatblished if turn out of players is greater than 32.

Double Elimination.

All Bracket matches will be best of 3 with semi-finals being best of 5
All matches will consist of 4 stock, 8 minute time limit.
Items will be turned off.

First round in every match will consist of each player banning a stage then choosing random for one of the 7 neutral stages for random picking. After the first round, the losing opponent is open for counterpicking. When the loser of the previous match picks a stage (even if it's random), the winner of the previous match gets the opportunity to change characters, if the winner of the previous match then changes characters, the loser of the previous match can change characters after him/her. After the loser of the previous match changes charaters the stage choosen for counterpicking must commence.

There will be 7 neutral stages for random picking on first round -- Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Dreamland (N64 Version), Pokemon Stadium, and Kongo Jungle (N64 Version).

Stages that can be used for counterpicks -- Mute City, Kongo Jungle, Coneria, Brinstar, Jungle Japes, Green Greens, Poke Floats, Mushroom Kingdom II, Rainbow Cruise

All other stages are banned

Controllers that players bring cannot have special modifications on their controller that would help their gameplay (Turbo, Macro, etc). Custom designs on controllers (Gold, Wireless, Little Triforce Symbol in the center of the controller, etc) is fine.

Wobbling is forbidden in this tourney (Sorry IC users :( )

"Stalling" is banned from this tournement also (using methods for staying away from ledge till time runs out for a victory) and will result in a disqualification.


All money matches and friendlies are to be done before or after the tournement starts. If these is a tv free for money matches or friendlies then feel free to use it. If a tv is needed for a tournement match then the friendly must end. Respect the tourney match tier list please (Tourney > Money Match > Friendly).

People I have marked for Gamecube/Wii/TV's

G. Vice: Gamecube
T-Bizzle: TV
Action: Gamecube/TV
Eradicator: Gamecube/Wii/TV
KazeX: Wii
IHSB: TV/Gamecube

Sytems: 5
TV's: 4

This is my first big tourney that I've went public so I'm still kinda new to this lol. I want all players to come and have a good time with other smashers in the Southern Arkansas area. So come on out, support, and just have a good time with us!! :chuckle:

Contact me @ 870 234-3767 (Damion or AK) or 870 390-8579 (Damion or Lenard) for any questions you might have.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA

First post!

We may be there Shogun.
My excuse for not ganking this first post is..

It's 3 hours AFTER you were up. I just totally woke up lol.. and I'm tired... and I don't know why I am posting here cause there's no way I could make this with Thanksgiving and all, plus I can't bring my car out of Columbus, plus aliens attacked my dog, plus .... plus..... plus



Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
Yea third hahaha. I have to report that this is the first time i have been in the top 10 thank you... thank you haaaaaaa. All money matches and friendlies are to be done before or after the tournement starts. If these is a tv free for money matches or friendlies then feel free to use it. If a tv is needed for a tournement match then the friendly must end. Respect the Tourney match tier list please (Tourney > Money Match > Friendly). What about recorded matches do they have a spot higher than friendlys.


Smash Master
Nov 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
If I drive (I think it's my turn anyway) than we should have at least one TV/cube, possibly two. Oh, and Rainbow Cruise isn't listed on the stages btw


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2006
Oh man thats so sweet. Im Flying out of the state on Guess..... Nov 16 Whoo! i miss the tourney. :( Sadness overcomes me. This on would probably be big too. Oh well Good luck Chamber, Saber, Ace, Sarg, make me proud guys.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
Camden, AR
Awww that's too bad :(. I wanted some pika action too.

I haven't played singles against you in awhile chad, I held back @ that biweekly (mainly cause I thought people were pissed at Oscar saying the "Best in Arkansas thing") and I wanna show you what i'm really capable of. one day, just maybe one day. ;)

Also Iori it's always good stuff playing you, and IHSB too, well everyone really, lol.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
Camden, AR
KK, will remember that. the reason why I had to do it this friday was because I'm leaving saturday actually cause I have a concert recital monday so I have to get some things at the house.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
not going to come got little to late and parents just were like go next time so w/e , smash tourny in cabot look at arkansas thread its saturday give me call 1-501-743-9497
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