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Terminal Support Thread - Happy Mask Salesman!


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
Apparently you can't take a good humored joke, but anyway.

Pretty much half of the roster has no reason to be fighting, since when does Mario swing punches and try to beat up Peach? It's just a game, a non-canon one at that, why would you take it so seriously? Meta Knight never even attempts to attack Kirby unless Kirby picks up a sword first, yet he has no qualms with such in Brawl. Pokemon shouldn't be picking up Pokeballs and throwing them to release other Pokemon, Ness and Lucas shouldn't even be able to coexist, seeing as Ness is probably dead by the time Lucas was even born, plus Link and Toon Link being from completely separate timelines entirely. The point I'm trying to make here is that nothing that happens in Smash Bros is canon, characters in it do things that are completely out of character, things that shouldn't happen do happen, etc.

I simply came up with the idea of the Happy Mask Salesman being a fighter to override the "young Link with masks" idea, why have a third Link when you can have a character that plays completely differently use them? It isn't even that much of a stretch that the Salesman would have the masks and know how to use them.
If you just wait 15 seconds, MK attacks you regardless. Not to mention MK's Revenge, where he pursues you while you try to escape on a wheelie.

The game throws away timelines and qualms about hurting allies. Mewtwo did some stuff with Pokeballs in the first Pokemon Movie, and we know that the anime is taken into consideration given the use of pokespeak and Mewtwo and Lucario's voice actors.

Characters do indeed keep their character, save for the friendly fire addition I previously mentioned. A character's personality and character (I apologize for overusing the word) account for a majority of their moveset, stats and so forth.

Look at WFT, GW and Villager, they all fight without fighting, as they come from entirely non-violent games (relatively speaking in GW's case). They fight by doing things it would be in character to do, like stretch, make sausages or tend trees (before chopping them down).
A character that lives in a violent world, but isn't himself violent would be acting extremely out of character by fighting. Like how Pokemon Trainer stays in the background and fights by-proxy. It would be stupid to see him out there punching and kicking along with commanding Pokemon, so he stays in the background, like he does in his own games (though he's technically in the foreground, but you get my point). HMS does the same. That's why he would make for an excellent stage element, because then he could act in accordance with his own character.

Just a random idea: What if he was an assist trophy, who had a chance of either giving the summoner a random mask (with an accompanying buff), but also has a chance to go mad in a fit of rage and throttle the summoner instead, for medium damage and massive stun? I think that would actually be really cool, and would have plenty of depth depending on how many masks he can choose from.
Note: I don't count that one instance of "throttling" enough to consider him a violent character, as it was used dramatically, not with the intention of combat, or even actually hurting Link.

Now that I think about it, I would strongly support HMS having the above AT role. I know your against it because you want him playable, but if he weren't, would you find that to be the next-best option?
The only issue would be making it work with GW, perhaps putting it on the side of his head instead?

E: I'm sorry for being a bit of a bad sport before, I just took it slightly less facetiously given our previous conversation.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
@ MopedOfJustice MopedOfJustice
Disregarding the fact that you're trying too hard with both Meta Knight and using the non-canon anime as points (regardless of whether Sakurai uses the voices, which is simply because of how iconic they are), you're still ignoring other points. Peach, (in the platforming games, so not counting the RPGs) is completely non-violent and yet attacks "violently" in Smash. Using Super Mario 3D World is a moot point, as that game just came out last year whereas Melee has been around for over ten years.

Another example is Olimar, who never directly attacks in any fashion in his games, he only ever throws Pikmin while they do all the attacking. Olimar in Brawl only had a single move that worked in that way, all of his other moves involved him swinging the Pikmin directly, which he never does in his games, he even had a few moves that didn't involve Pikmin, like his spinning moves. And then there's R.O.B., while not directly from any game, is a peripheral of all things, and he can fire lasers from his eyes, explain why a "Robotic Operating Buddy" is attacking when he should be non-violent.

An assist trophy is actually more than I would expect from the Salesman, I would be happy if he even gets a trophy this time. I'm not entirely sure about that assist idea though, none of the masks would really have a buffing function besides the Bunny Hood, which is already an item.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2013
@ MopedOfJustice MopedOfJustice While I appreciate you having an actual argument to your case I think you are taking things far too seriously. A characters validity is not dependent on whether or not they punch or kick in their home games. You could use this argument against a multitude of characters already in the series. Say Pichu, it's a baby pokemon, and yet there it is, getting beat up by burly dark warlocks and giant apes and dealing the pain right back at them. If you ask me that's not very characteristic of Pokemon at all.

You need to let go of this mindset that characters need to be a direct representation of what they were in their original games. This is a video game based on the principal of video game characters doing things you can't find anywhere else. So why can't HMS be a valid choice for a character if characters like Pichu or Yoshi can be in and still fight with other characters in such a manner unknown in their own series?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
@Both of the Twitterers
Olimar actually can punch in his games (at least Pikmin 1), it's not a well known feature, but he can. And swing them really isn't a stretch, as it's basicly the same as his throwing motion. The thing with MK is not just a minor point I tried too hard to come up with. If you want to do The Arena in Super Star, it's faster to keep Hammer, wait and just kill him in three hits with Hammer Flip. Not to mention trying to do power-specific runs and so forth. I also think many of Lucario and Mewtwo's animations come from there depiction in their respective movies (idk if Battle Revolution predates Lucario's movie, or if those animations are similar).

I still say SMB2 is valid, even if it was a dream. She gets some of her moves and characteristics from it, so...

I can't speak for ROB, but I know the lasers and the gyroscope were part of his thing (I'm not sure what to call it).

Insomniac, you do realize that Pichu is warrior-slave, just like all the other pokemon, right? And he fights monsters and child-eaters in his own game. Ganondorf is tame compared to some Pokemon. SSB is actually more true to Pichu's character than Pichu's own game. His 'Dex entry states that, as he hasn't mastered his powers yet, he hurts himself preforming electric-type attacks. Volt Tackle not withstanding, he never hurts himself in-game, but he does in SSBM.
I don't define "violent" as punching and kicking, any sort of actual fighting counts, or else I'd be arguing for Link to be removed.

And about the masks, there are plenty of other buffs. Blast Mask gives Explosion Resistance. All-Night Mask grants Insomnia. Stone Mask makes you invisible to NPCs. Circus Leader's Mask makes you not drop held items due to being attacked. Keaton Mask gives a chance for physical attacks to result in Electric damage and a brief stun to the attacker. I could go on, but you get the idea. Keep in mind it's balanced by the fact that it would be completely random and HMS might go psycho on you.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2013
@ MopedOfJustice MopedOfJustice Your comment on Pokemon is only a matter of interpretation. I do not see the series in that sense, same as a great number of people. Pokemon Amie for example has you petting and feeding your Pokemon. The series is not just battling. And I'm not entirely sure what you mean by child-eaters.

Would you actually expect Gamefreak to intentionally make Pichu a useless Pokemon just to stay true to it's dex entry? I like to think Sakurai implemented that purely as a way to differentiate Pichu from Pikachu.

Besides, violence is not my argument, I did not even say violence once. My point is for a character to appear in Smash, they do not need to be a direct parallel to their original incarnation. Ness and Lucas both prove that point. And Sakurai has even made moves original to the Smash series, such as DDD's jet hammer.

A main thing that can make a difference in playability is series importance. Yes, HMS has less of a chance against a character like King K. Rool but he has a chance nontheless.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
@Both of the Twitterers
Olimar actually can punch in his games (at least Pikmin 1), it's not a well known feature, but he can. And swing them really isn't a stretch, as it's basicly the same as his throwing motion. The thing with MK is not just a minor point I tried too hard to come up with. If you want to do The Arena in Super Star, it's faster to keep Hammer, wait and just kill him in three hits with Hammer Flip. Not to mention trying to do power-specific runs and so forth. I also think many of Lucario and Mewtwo's animations come from there depiction in their respective movies (idk if Battle Revolution predates Lucario's movie, or if those animations are similar).

I still say SMB2 is valid, even if it was a dream. She gets some of her moves and characteristics from it, so...

I can't speak for ROB, but I know the lasers and the gyroscope were part of his thing (I'm not sure what to call it).

Insomniac, you do realize that Pichu is warrior-slave, just like all the other pokemon, right? And he fights monsters and child-eaters in his own game. Ganondorf is tame compared to some Pokemon. SSB is actually more true to Pichu's character than Pichu's own game. His 'Dex entry states that, as he hasn't mastered his powers yet, he hurts himself preforming electric-type attacks. Volt Tackle not withstanding, he never hurts himself in-game, but he does in SSBM.
I don't define "violent" as punching and kicking, any sort of actual fighting counts, or else I'd be arguing for Link to be removed.

And about the masks, there are plenty of other buffs. Blast Mask gives Explosion Resistance. All-Night Mask grants Insomnia. Stone Mask makes you invisible to NPCs. Circus Leader's Mask makes you not drop held items due to being attacked. Keaton Mask gives a chance for physical attacks to result in Electric damage and a brief stun to the attacker. I could go on, but you get the idea. Keep in mind it's balanced by the fact that it would be completely random and HMS might go psycho on you.
The fact of the matter is, if it stuck completely to canon, Olimar would only have his punch (which he doesn't have at all in Brawl) and his Pikmin toss, Meta Knight would have to wait fifteen seconds before attacking anyone without a sword, the Pokemon wouldn't have "Pokespeak", Peach wouldn't be able to beat up Bowser, and Bowser wouldn't be able to beat Mario, R.O.B. would be a useless peripheral that doesn't do much of anything, etc.

About the masks, the Blast Mask doesn't do that at all, it pretty much does the opposite, it blows you up, the All-Night Mask would be pretty useless unless you were fighting an up-B happy Jigglypuff, Stone Mask would be completely useless to pretty much everyone, etc.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
The Jet Hammer is a nerfed version of Masked D3's spinning attack. The weird thing about D3 is his massive amount of hammer twirls, when he has no such attacks in Kirby.
And by Child-Eaters, I mean "Creatures which consume prepubescent humans." There are several Pokemon that do something to that effect.
You're right that the recoil damage was put in for that reason, but it wouldn't have been put in if it weren't in the 'Dex, as it's so stupid (from a fighting game standpoint) Sakurai would likely have never thought of it otherwise.
I have no idea why Sakurai did those things with Ness and Lucas. Ness was mostly canon-esque, but each game added one more move that wasn't. And Lucas? Only his NB and Usmash are specific, identifiable canon moves (to my knowledge). He did communicate their characters pretty well though. Ness is competent, boyish and mild mannered while Lucas is timid, awkward, emotional and weak.
And I don't expect total canon-adherence, though I would appreciate more canon for characters like Kirby. My point is that it completely violates his persona. He wouldn't be HMS anymore, he'd be nothing more than an aggressive camper with transformation masks.
Also, yeah, I goofed on the Blast Mask. Whatever, it makes your NB Self Destruct. And yes, some masks are nearly useless, or overly specific. That's the point, it won't always help. And Stone Mask would be awesome. Imagine being hidden from the Halberd's defense system, or Knuckle Joe. Well, I like it anyway.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
My point is that it completely violates his persona. He wouldn't be HMS anymore, he'd be nothing more than an aggressive camper with transformation masks.
And then there was that awkward stage in Mario's life when he got super serious and always had a poker face, completely in character. I remember him using fireballs without the fire flower, the cape without the cape feather, and the FLUDD with some strange charging mechanic all at the same time too. Let's not forget Luigi's completely out of nowhere final smash. Triforce Slash too, Link uses that in every Zelda game. Don't forget Kirby being able to inhale Meta Knight and Dedede like he always does, Waddle Doos don't have copy abilities either. Can't forget all the characters with moves that totally weren't made up for Smash.

Please note my dripping sarcasm.

And the whole "Wii Fit Villager & Watch don't attack directly thing" which is just stretching it to begin with. First off, there's Miss Fit, regardless of if she's using yoga poses, she's still making direct physical contact with her hands/feet/whatever, plus she spikes a damned ball at you. And Villager? Yeah he's swinging random objects around, with the intent to smash your face in, plus he has that boxing glove move and "probably" an ax. I don't see how Game & Watch is attacking indirectly, I'd think swinging a godamned snapping turtle at someone is pretty violent, or hitting them with hammers.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
*Ganders* Sigh, smash doesn't have to be 100% canon moped. and he'll never do a 100% canon game, it'd be so broken.

Still waiting for that twilight princess sequel, would be cool if HMS is in it, it'd boost his chances for sure :troll:


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
*Ganders* Sigh, smash doesn't have to be 100% canon moped. and he'll never do a 100% canon game, it'd be so broken.

Still waiting for that twilight princess sequel, would be cool if HMS is in it, it'd boost his chances for sure :troll:
For Chri...

I never expressed wanting anything in SSB to be 100% canon. Kirby gets stepped on by everyone, and Ganon kills every male character but the Links, who heroically arrive to save the sex objects Princesses and Samus.

As I said before:
My point is that it completely violates his persona. He wouldn't be HMS anymore, he'd be nothing more than an aggressive camper with transformation masks.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
My point is that it completely violates his persona. He wouldn't be HMS anymore, he'd be nothing more than an aggressive camper with transformation masks.
Mario is out of character in Brawl. Bowser is out of character in Brawl. Pit had a made up character in Brawl. Olimar is out of character in Brawl. Wario is completely wtf in Brawl.

It doesn't really matter.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
Mario is out of character in Brawl. Bowser is out of character in Brawl. Pit had a made up character in Brawl. Olimar is out of character in Brawl. Wario is completely wtf in Brawl.

It doesn't really matter.
Mario retains a certain feeling that he does in his games. Bowser is somewhat out of character, but they worked on improving it in 4. Pit was designed to be a sort of artificially evolution of his character. Olimar is still fighting bigger creatures with his Pikmin. Wario fights like Wario should.

But you're missing the point. All of these people/koopas/angels/aliens are fundamentally violent. Their job is to hurt other living things. Simple as that. The HMS's job is to sit in the background, provide plot, and sell masks. He as demonstrated no capacity for direct violence, especially not in so blunt a manner as what is in a 2D fighter. It's truly out of character for him to just randomly jump in and start flailing away with his bag or whatever. The OP's moveset makes him an aggressive camper with transformation masks, simple as that.
He belongs on a stage or as an AT, nothing more, nothing less.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Mario retains a certain feeling that he does in his games. Bowser is somewhat out of character, but they worked on improving it in 4. Pit was designed to be a sort of artificially evolution of his character. Olimar is still fighting bigger creatures with his Pikmin. Wario fights like Wario should.

But you're missing the point. All of these people/koopas/angels/aliens are fundamentally violent. Their job is to hurt other living things. Simple as that. The HMS's job is to sit in the background, provide plot, and sell masks. He as demonstrated no capacity for direct violence, especially not in so blunt a manner as what is in a 2D fighter. It's truly out of character for him to just randomly jump in and start flailing away with his bag or whatever. The OP's moveset makes him an aggressive camper with transformation masks, simple as that.
He belongs on a stage or as an AT, nothing more, nothing less.
Wario should fight like he does in Land/World, not random moves that barely resemble WarioWare.

Neither have the Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, or Rosalina, yet they still fight. And a non-Nintendo example, Phoenix Wright.

If you think his moveset is what's wrong, then why don't you make a "non aggressive" moveset?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
Wario should fight like he does in Land/World, not random moves that barely resemble WarioWare.

Neither have the Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, or Rosalina, yet they still fight. And a non-Nintendo example, Phoenix Wright.

If you think his moveset is what's wrong, then why don't you make a "non aggressive" moveset?
I actually really like the PW movesets in both UMvC3 and Crusade, and the formers excessive complexity was, at least, a great meta-joke.

I would, actually, make a moveset if not for the fact that the role is incompatible with his character. PW is a protagonist, with many skills and "abilities," and he "competes" against opponents, so he can be made into a fighter by translating his actions to further the case into damaging his opponent.
HMS doesn't have as dynamic a role, and all of his skills are either completely self-contained or nebulously God-Like, with no clear explanation of how he does them, or even really what him preforming the action looks like (iirc).

My suggestion for what he should be (an AT) and how it would work was already explained over the course of two posts that should be very recent on this thread.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I actually really like the PW movesets in both UMvC3 and Crusade, and the formers excessive complexity was, at least, a great meta-joke.

I would, actually, make a moveset if not for the fact that the role is incompatible with his character. PW is a protagonist, with many skills and "abilities," and he "competes" against opponents, so he can be made into a fighter by translating his actions to further the case into damaging his opponent.
HMS doesn't have as dynamic a role, and all of his skills are either completely self-contained or nebulously God-Like, with no clear explanation of how he does them, or even really what him preforming the action looks like (iirc).

My suggestion for what he should be (an AT) and how it would work was already explained over the course of two posts that should be very recent on this thread.
Rosalina is never in an aggressive role, she's a side character that just stands there. She never used her Lumas to attack, yet there she is slinging them around without any care. Her role isn't dynamic, please explain to me why one non-violent, non-protagonist NPC character can get in Smash but another can't.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
Rosalina is never in an aggressive role, she's a side character that just stands there. She never used her Lumas to attack, yet there she is slinging them around without any care. Her role isn't dynamic, please explain to me why one non-violent, non-protagonist NPC character can get in Smash but another can't.
Because Rosalina is undeservingly popular at the best possible time. I don't like her. I don't. From a Smash perspective, she makes slightly more sense than HMS, but as far as I'm concerned, her character didn't come from Nintendo, it came from a sci-fi/fantasy version of Gone Home.

You would need to ask a UR MR GAY SMG expert about how her moves make sense. I only got the first game, and I found everything about it to simply be not worth playing after a while.

Now respond to my actual reply. Believe it or not, constantly initiating new points if debate doesn't make any of the old ones go away (though last time it did, in the sense that I ignored this thread out if sheer boredom with it until @ XStarWarriorX XStarWarriorX annoyed me enough to bring me back).

Edit: I recognize that you sort of responded, but not in a way that furthers discussion by talking about a recent point so much as:

"Well this character isn't aggressive!!!!!1 Why can he do it but not HMS? HUH? GOTCHA!"
[My response]
"Well this character isn't aggressive!!!!!1 Why can she do it but not HMS? HUH? GOTCHA?!"

Edit 2: It's entirely too late. I'll be back some time tomorrow.
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[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
For Chri...

I never expressed wanting anything in SSB to be 100% canon. Kirby gets stepped on by everyone, and Ganon kills every male character but the Links, who heroically arrive to save the sex objects Princesses and Samus.

As I said before:
Oh I just wanted to make this thread alive again, sorry for bugging you but it was the only way my friend. Seems that It worked.... kinda.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
Oh I just wanted to make this thread alive again, sorry for bugging you but it was the only way my friend. Seems that It worked.... kinda.
Oh, sure. You could have just asked.
I will continue to participate when I am not so busy (Wed. hopefully), and James decides to respond to my most recent post. I'm certainly not going to monologue in a place where I'm even less wanted than usual :lick:.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
All I can see is that you don't want the Salesman because you personally don't want to see his "character ruined." I gave many examples of characters being aggressive in Smash when they normally wouldn't be, it's kind of the point of the game. You aren't giving any legitimate reasons other than "I don't like the idea of him doing this, it's completely out of character." Personal bias isn't a reason against a character, he won't get in because he's not important enough, because he isn't a major reoccurring character, because he's not part of the main cast, because he doesn't have enough fan support, but not because "he doesn't fight."


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
All I can see is that you don't want the Salesman because you personally don't want to see his "character ruined." I gave many examples of characters being aggressive in Smash when they normally wouldn't be, it's kind of the point of the game. You aren't giving any legitimate reasons other than "I don't like the idea of him doing this, it's completely out of character." Personal bias isn't a reason against a character, he won't get in because he's not important enough, because he isn't a major reoccurring character, because he's not part of the main cast, because he doesn't have enough fan support, but not because "he doesn't fight."
Yes, clearly I'm stating subjective opinions as fact, and clearly opinions about whether or not to value the spirit of a character are illegitimate because they are subjective.

Going on those assumptions, I'll look at it a different way.
[collapse=The Happiest of Mask Salesmen]
In a suprise Nintendo Direct, Iwata infoms us that he has yet another important update from Masahiro Sakurai!
Please Enjoy!

The traditional main four are fighting on Battlefield. Link gets knocked off by Mario's Fsmash. Link flies and, given his terrible recovery, dies to the lower blast line.

Link stands, paralyzed, a trophy fallen from a shelf, in a dank, cavernous world his mind cannot comprehend.

There is movement in the background, and Link is faintly aware of it. Despite being a statue, we can tell that part of him is panicking,
Straining against his stone body,
He needs to defend himself,
He needs to know what this is,
He needs to turn around,
He tries and tries and tries, but it isn't happening.

And the thing is breathing down his neck. It's evil radiates from it, coating it's body like salamander slime. Insanity echoes through the cavern with every thought this creature, this thing, produces. Link, The Hero of Time, is certain he will die, he just hopes it will come quickly.

The creature walks around his base, until its being takes up the whole of Link's perception. Ancestral memories cry out, in a frenzied panic.

Seeing him in the damp twilight of the cavern, Link can slowly make out what this thing is, well, at least what it looks like.
At first, all he can tell is that this thing is a giant mass, carried by slender legs.
It's carrying something, a large bag, and it looks like a person. But what kind of a person is this?

This creature's squinted eyes slowly fix on Link's, and it smirks.

Then it says something:

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

Happy Mask Salesman
Strikes a Deal!

[Cut to: Cinematic shots of HMS attacking various characters on various stages]

Look! It's Jack Skellington and Doodler's love child Deku HMS!
And there is HMS, this time as a rock whatever!
And now we see amphibious surfer dude HMS!

Now we get to see his standard moveset!

Fans: We can't wait to see how one of the greatest characters in video game history will fight, outside of ripping off Young Link!

Look! He punches!
OMG! He's kicking!
He swings his bag around? Brilliant!
OMG! He's kicking!
He swings his bag around? Brilliant!
Look! He punches!
Look! He punches!
OMG! He's kicking!
He swings his bag around? Brilliant!
Fans: This, is why we wanted him in this game, so he can copy Young Link and fail around like a rabid hiker!
@ JamesDNaux JamesDNaux Yup, I see what you mean now! List me as a supporter! After fixing my story, you can put it in the OP!


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
<--- Masked eccentric.

Add me to the list! Skull Kid is down... time for Happy Mask Salesman to shine! :p


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
<--- Masked eccentric.

Add me to the list! Skull Kid is down... time for Happy Mask Salesman to shine! :p
This made my day, added you to the list!

Does a post that I spent like twenty minutes on really not deserve so much as a spiteful response?
Do you expect me to hold some kind of grudge against you? Why would I be spiteful? It's clear that you don't want the Salesman, and that's your opinion, I'm not going to disrespect that. There's just nothing left to say here, I'm not going to stoop so low as to argue with you over a clearly sarcastic post.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
This made my day, added you to the list!

Do you expect me to hold some kind of grudge against you? Why would I be spiteful? It's clear that you don't want the Salesman, and that's your opinion, I'm not going to disrespect that. There's just nothing left to say here, I'm not going to stoop so low as to argue with you over a clearly sarcastic post.
Honestly, I'm so used to hate mail that I can't stand having no feedback on something, whether that feedback is a literary critique or OMG YOU SUCK, FAKE AND GAAAAAY
I'm obviously not accusing you of the latter, but I think I illustrated a decent point right at the end that I would appreciate some response to, if nothing else.

Hell, even just what you think of the story part. Any redundancies or errors? Things that need improvement/suck?
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[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Honestly, I'm so used to hate mail that I can't stand having no feedback on something, whether that feedback is a literary critique or OMG YOU SUCK, FAKE AND GAAAAAY
I'm obviously not accusing you of the latter, but I think I illustrated a decent point right at the end that I would appreciate some response to, if nothing else.

Hell, even just what you think of the story part. Any redundancies or errors? Things that need improvement/suck?
Dang dude, you must have had a rough life. We're all friends now aren't we?

Anyway, just glad this thread has some new supporters :p


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Even after that oh so wonderful direct, we aren't dead yet! I We can can cling on to hope just like every other character thread without a direct deconfirmation!

What interests me is the abundance of unwanted, unimportant newcomers with unique potential, and our happy Salesman fits that bill!

So lost your favorite character? Didn't get your purple fix from Ridley? Come on down and join the Eccentrics today!
Disclaimer: The Happy Mask Salesman will never happen unless I stumbled upon some serious fluke, support is just a fun pastime for anyone who likes interesting characters or enjoyed Majora's Mask.
If you keep your expectations low, you won't meet with a terrible fate!
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Posts? In here? I'm amazed and touched.

Welcome to the very small and unliked club, grab a mask and sit back.

Though at this point, it'd probably be better to advocate for his inclusion in Hyrule Warriors...

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Even if he is extremely unlikely, I'm supporting him. I still remember the first time I've met him (with a terrible fate) in MM...
And I'm still angry that Tecmo Koei had chosed Young Link and Tingle as the Majora's rep instead of HMS and Skull Kid in Hyrule Warriors.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Ah, my thread is alive again! Sorry if I'm late with anything, the internet has been out at home and I'm only just now able to check in on everything. Hopefully it will be back up soon so I can come back around regularly. I'll try to update what I can for now.

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
The Smash Ballot is open until October, so though it's improbable, you can at least vote there and explain why such a minor character has such potential.
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