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Tekken 6 is a Good Game.

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Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2009
Shreveport, Louisiana
I just want to make it known that the game is not entirely devoted to juggling. There's actually more to it. There's a vast amount of things that makes the game as good as it is. For the most part you can't just button mash and win(unless your Eddie or Christie). There's good moves you should do and bad moves you shouldn't do, whether it be because the moves has terrible lag if it's whiffed, or it could just be an all around ****ty move.

There's advanced movement techniques like wavedashing, back dash cancels, and sidestep canceling.

Just because you lose to people better than you does not make the game a bad game.

And the only people who think it is a bad game are the ones who suck at it and think juggling is cheap and gay.

Just throwin out the truth.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2010
Concord, NC
you can't just button mash and win(unless your Eddie or Christie)
Even with Eddie and Christie, against someone acutally GOOD at the game, you wont win by button mashing.

And the only people who think it is a bad game are the ones who suck at it and think juggling is cheap and gay.
GOD**** YES! And they're too stupid to realize this.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2009
Shreveport, Louisiana
Koreans are too too tooooooooooo good at tekken. It's crazy. They have every right to be too serious. lol


Juggling is fine.

Okizimes are gay.

Yea, but how often is a match won ENTIRELY because of okizimes? And there are ways to prevent those things from happening anyways. It all just depends on the skill of the players.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2010
Concord, NC
koreans take this seriously....

case in point, see -> Holeman
I was watching the "Devastation" live stream. The Tekken GF came down to (of course the only 2 Koreans there.....Holeman and Nin...Nin won). But after the game, one of the commentators asked Holeman what he thought about the US tekken scene and Holeman basically said, "The US needs to step it up. They're not as good as Korea." I rofl'd.

Obvious troll is obvious, everyone knows tekken is terrible.
@ Cyner
And the only people who think it is a bad game are the ones who suck at it and think juggling is cheap and gay.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Wow your a pompious *****. **** yourseves, both of you. "The only people who don't like this game aren't any good at it." Keep suckin each otehrs ****.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2009
Shreveport, Louisiana
Wow you're a pompous *****. **** yourselves, both of you. "The only people who don't like this game aren't any good at it." Keep suckin each others ****.

There ya go. I fixed all your spelling errors, first.

Second. Don't be so butt hurt because you've read the truth. I've played with some really f*cking good people on T6. And they ALL utilize juggles to their best extent.

But the fact that people ***** and complain about juggles being so lame usually tend to be people who think they're good until they come across someone way better who uses all of these advanced techniques and juggles. Then, said people realize that the game they thought they were good at actually has a lot more to it than just punching and kicking your opponent. They realize they suck at it, and they get pissed off at the game and quit playing it because they know they're not good enough to reach a level that high.

And, in turn, decide that the game is absolute trash.

So get your high and mighty bull **** outta my face. Because you don't know what your talking about. Also, learn to spell. So I don't have to play 2nd grade english teacher on the boards. Thanks.

ALSO:nevershootme: your avatar is the ****! Dude, I remember that episode of Dexter's lab. Best show EVER.


Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
I like the game, I'm terrible at it, but I really enjoy it.
Reminds me of Dead Or Alive. Then again I just love 3D fighters.

Now as far as trolling goes...If you don't like it, make another Tekken 6 is a Bad game thread. :l Srsly


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
btw, I made the Tekken 6 is a bad game thread earlier because I was joking around with my friend about how much I don't like the game.

It feels far too foreign to me as I've been involved very much in the 2D fighting game scene and the footsies/okizemes/pressure are uncomfortable and sluggish-feeling compared to what I'm used to. Learning match-up data is gay too.


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
While tekken 6 follows suit to the rest of the current fighters, according to alot of high end players (the easy, "more accessible" route, like SF4, Brawl, etc etc), the series as a whole is extremely solid.


Everybody who don't like it may have "just" reason to like it, but it's really the same with every fighter out there; you're either going to like it or you're not. Every single fighter has some aspect that a large number of people don't like. Not because it's straight up bad, but because they just don't like it.

That's just how life goes. Deal with it.


With that being said, I'm closing this thread simply cause I could go through, be a jerk, and an a**load of points. Or I could just close it knowing good and well there's only 1 person in this whole region who goes to East Point for tekken. :laugh::laugh:
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