Counter argument, tech chased opponent shows ability to SDI jab (Falcon's jab is one of the stronger ones) and escape and therefore end the tech chase punish. If there is time to cover the other tech options other than missed tech, this could be another option. However, my only problem with this theory is whether it was already considered by the other top Falcons that follow the 20GX style of reaction tech chases and if so, why is it a worse option to them than the wavedash? For example, Westballz talks about the option to dash then do a dash back to pivot towards thrown opponent in order to accomplish the same result as the wavedash except with a few more frames before the need to make the decision if done optimally. The reason that people don't usually do this is for consistency reasons. It is more difficult to perform than the wavedash considering that it is one of the first techniques players learn.