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Tales of Symphonia (Character discussion) thread


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
If there's going to be a Tales fan anything, I'd like to join... and yes, Lloyd would destroy everyone. Though I must say, Jade > everyone else. Too bad he's only on the PS2.

If anyone is interested, go to http://tales-central.com/ for everything Tales. The homepage pic owns.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
Does anyone know a good place for Tales of Symphonia gallery (artwork and fanart) that is good. Also did you see the image that I said consider for your signature. I can't wait if 3 at most got in I would be over joyed. But I would be happy with one if it is a good one.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
They are slim one won't get in let alone 3. Sorry to burst your bubble, but let's be realistic they are third party and those slots are limited and other charcters have more support.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
I think he meant that none of the Tales characters will be making it to Brawl. There are indeed other charcters who have higher priority, and Tales isn't well known in America. There's always a chance but it's just not a very big one.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
Yeah but I am still hoping for at least one Tales of character. Who would you want firebomb. Now that I think about it the best choices for brawls from Tales of in order Lloyd, Kratos, Sheena (because of summon spirit specials), Presea, Regal, and Colette. I can't see a boss getting in or the spell casters even though it is possible. But I would be glad if it was Sheena and Lloyd.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
I wish I could give you rep for that but I can't because I already gave you rep for the last one. Sheena is a ninja a +, caring a plus, shy a ++, willing to fight what she believes in +, and well we know the rest+++++. She was perfect maybe except for some of her fighting moves. But that is what some people say . I have a good Sheena if you ask anyone who sees me play. She is one of my favorite characters.

I thought you might want to add this to your signature even though it is nothing but Phantasia
Thanks for the gif. If I get a chance to implement it into a sig well, I'll definitely use it because I really like it. I decided that I should just have a picture of Reid for my sig for now because he is just solidified awesomeness.

My Sheena is pretty good too. Well, good enough to beat Kuchinawa anyways.

Does anyone know a good place for Tales of Symphonia gallery (artwork and fanart) that is good. Also did you see the image that I said consider for your signature. I can't wait if 3 at most got in I would be over joyed. But I would be happy with one if it is a good one.
Has pictures for just about every Tales game.

This is Shinryu's site and also has a nice selection of pictures.

Yeah but I am still hoping for at least one Tales of character. Who would you want firebomb. Now that I think about it the best choices for brawls from Tales of in order Lloyd, Kratos, Sheena (because of summon spirit specials), Presea, Regal, and Colette. I can't see a boss getting in or the spell casters even though it is possible. But I would be glad if it was Sheena and Lloyd.
Lloyd would be best. He's the main character, and he has the most adaptable moves. Plus he has two swords which makes for an interesting fighting style. Kratos, Zelos, and Presea are much more popular than Lloyd though based on the last popluarity contest (which is here http://namco-ch.net/taleschannel/character_popularity_vote_2nd/index.php), and in English:

1 ) Kratos Aurion
2 ) Leon Magnus
3 ) Zelos Wilder
4 ) Judas (ToD2)
5 ) Presea Combatir
6 ) Reid Hershel
7 ) Colette Brunel
8 ) Chloe Valens
9 ) Celcius
10) Luke Fon Fabre
11) Tear Grants
12) Cless Alvein
13) Jay
14) Stahn Aileron
15) Arche Klaine
16) Lloyd Irving
17) Mao (ToR)
18) Veigue Lungberg (ToR)
19) Genis Sage
20) Guy Cecil
21) Farah Oersted
22) Barbatos Goetia
23) Chester Barklight
24) Keel Zeibel
25) Mint Adnade
26) Dhaos
27) Klarth F. Lester
28) Rutee Katrea
29) Senel Coolidge
30) Tytree Crowe (ToR)

This poll was taken before Tales of the Abyss came out in Japan. Namco is having a third one now.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
I have question from which one is he from was it tales of world or something. It looks like someone is already expecting Tales of characters for brawls

The rest is for fun

I feel like doing this each time someone says Tales of Symphonia characters shouldn't be in brawls so they can have theirs


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Reid is from Tales of Eternia, and would wreck any other Tales character in a fight. Tales of the World is a crossover game where all the characters can be put into parties, e.g. Cless, Rutee, and Meredy could be a party.

King Axel

Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2006
Well, besides wielding two swords, Lloyd is sort of a swordsman stereotype, so I wouldn't recommend having him in the game, but I wouldn't mind it.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Could you elaborate on this swordsman stereotype? I mean Lloyd is a typical teenage RPG hero and has zero character development, but I'm not quite sure what you mean.


Smash Rookie
Oct 25, 2006
The only Tales characters I hope to see are Presea, Regal, Cless, Mithos, or Abyssion. (At least ONE would be great.) *sigh* I don't see any of it happening though.

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
LLoyd is a great choice and how many people in nintendo actually does use too swords.
Can you count Cervantes from SC2? Other than that I got nothing really. I wouldn't mind Lloyd, but the graphics would clash. He is still third party I feel required to say that evertime I post here.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
Yes... I want Lloyd as much as the next guy. Tales of the World 2 comes out next month for the PSP in Japan. I saw parties with recent Tales characters, like Lloyd, Kratos, Raine, Senel, Luke, to name a few.

Cless, did you fight the bonus match with the Tales character cameos in the advanced colisiuem match in Abyss? I wanted Lloyd to be in it... too bad his outfit was the only cameo from him. :(


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
TOTALLY! If they did that would rock! But I don't think they're very 'Nintendo' like characters... Although Snake somehow got into SSBB... So yeah!

Lloyd would be like, the only good character, though. You can't have the Magic Users... or Summoner... Maybe Zelos and Kratos, MAYBE, Presea... nah. That other guy... nah. x_X;; Only Lloyd would really get in, I think. But then he's like Pit. Double Sword. But he doesn't have wings, lol.

Maybe some of the other Tales Of- people would be able to get in? Leon, nah... ... I dunno, it seems like a rather far-off shot, but it 'could' happen. Anything could happen, though, don't ya think?


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
I love it more.
No one knows how big an impact Tales of Symphonia made in my life. Now I need to play every Tales game ever made...


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Lol, same for me~

As soon as I played ToS I wanted to play the others. Sadly I couldn't because Tales of... Destiny? Or the other one, is NTSC. =/ **** PAL and NTSC formats, honestly. > <;;

Still, I wanna play them. Too bad I can't unless I go get a modchipped PS1 and PS2.

... Then again I played ToS on my PAL GCN and it was an NTSC game... but I had Magic Swap Disk, lol, or w/e it was for the GCN. XD


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Hell yeah, me and my brother always played ittogether.

It was easier with two people as well. The computer sucked.

Computers always suck. XD

Lloyd and Presea/Kratos/Zelos. ;D

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
I would like to contribute to the images here by adding my avatar from flaco's site.

I couldn't get anyone to play the multiplayer with me, but it was a good feature.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
You've made that clear 3 times now...

I've never had more problems working together with others. One would want to hear the story, one would want to skip all the scenes, one would just want to get the game over with, and I'd just wanna have fun. It's a bother when I travel cities and keeping the others entertained somehow, and the fact that the camera only focuses on P1 is annoying with 4 players. Then there's the factor of who is which character... ugh. I think us 4 on this page would co-operate better...

Has there ever been a villan popularity contest for Tales?


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Yes... I want Lloyd as much as the next guy. Tales of the World 2 comes out next month for the PSP in Japan. I saw parties with recent Tales characters, like Lloyd, Kratos, Raine, Senel, Luke, to name a few.

Cless, did you fight the bonus match with the Tales character cameos in the advanced colisiuem match in Abyss? I wanted Lloyd to be in it... too bad his outfit was the only cameo from him. :(
Yes I did. Lloyd would have been nice, but it wasn't his time yet. To me, that was the perfect team of people that haven't been in cameos before.

Reid needed a cameo very badly. He's so awesome and powerful. Stahn would have been nice, but he has his own new game now. Cless already had two, one battle and one non-battle. Just no on Kyle; he doesn't need a cameo. I don't even know if he's that popular.

For the healer, Rutee wouldn't have worked because she would split her time between fighting and healing. Meredy already was in Symphonia, and Keel isn't really a healer, I suppose Reala or Harold could have done the job, but Mint is a much better healer than the both of them (plus she's got Pow Hammer).

For the mage, Arche had already had two cameos like Cless. Meredy isn't really an attack mage, and she was already in Symphonia like I said above. Keel would have done nicely, but we already have Reid so Eternia is covered, and Destiny need some representation.

For the support attacker, I would have rather have had Chester or Chelsea because I think they are both better than Nanaly (granted though that I haven't really given Nanaly a chance yet), but if either of them were in the fight, then that would screw everything else up. All three of them are better than Natalia though.

So yeah, that's why I like this team. Bur seriously, come on, it's Reid! He could beat Lloyd while blindfolded and hogtied, not that anyone could blindfold or hogtie Reid (well except Farah, but that doesn't count).

Has there ever been a villan popularity contest for Tales?
There hasn't been a villain contest, but villains are included in the poll:

22) Barbatos Goetia A villain in ToD2. The more badass villain. Also in ToD PS2 now.
26) Dhaos Main antagonist in ToP. My favorite Tales antagonist.

I love it more.
No one knows how big an impact Tales of Symphonia made in my life. Now I need to play every Tales game ever made...
I like Tales more. That's why I went out and played every main Tales game plus Narikiri Dungeon 3 after Symphonia.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Tales of Phantasia, maybe? <_<;;

Then again... a lot of the characters from Tales of- games are kinda the same.

They all have a sword/magic character. o_O;; So like... not much of a variety, I'd say. They'd only put in the best selling Tales of- game. Or the most recent. Maybe Symphonia, then? =/


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
The most recent new entry is Abyss. The newest Tales game is ToD PS2. I think the best selling was ToD, but I'm not sure.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
Well you've got to have the sword and magic users or else you'd be taking away elements that make Tales what they are. Where would attacks Demon Fang and Thunder Blade go?

They aren't all the same, each character has their own distinct personality, which keeps everything all the more interesting.

btw How long have you all been playing Tales?


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Since Symphonia came out. I'd never heard of the series before that. I wish I'd started with Destiny, but what are you gonna do?


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
I started at Symphonia as well but you know a lot more about the series than I do...I wish I could find the other Tales games.

Is it me or is this thread feeling more and more misplaced?


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
It's totally misplaced. It became a discussion about Tales of games. A Tales of character in Brawl is a pipedream in the first place.

Let's try to get this back on topic. Were Lloyd to be in Brawl, what would you want his b-set and smash attacks to be?


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
regular b demon fang
up b Rising Phoniex
down b sword rain (maybe alpha or something)
Forward b Tiger blade

I think this sounds right for Lloyd


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Hmm, I could be a douche and put all the Japanese names... Nah.

Demon fang is good, maybe a charge b for Fierce Demon Fang.
Up b has to be a move that can be used for recovery. I think Tempest does a much better job for this since it can be used in midair and it has good horizontal range.
No Sword Rain Alpha. If it were shielded, Lloyd would be all sorts of open after the final slash. An alternative move for Sword Rain could be something from the Beast family.
Tiger Blade is greatness and well suited to the over b (since that's where I put it in ToS).


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
I was think about Tempest as well but I wanted to see Rising Phoenix because I am never at low health to see it ;_ ;. I put my tiger blade in over b as well preferences rocks. It could be a regular down b I guess like the regular sword rain.

Also his hi ougi would be his special in the game I guess.

Everything would workout so perfectly.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
You just need to have a fire element on your weapon to do Rising Phoenix. Falcon's Crest is the low health move.

The problem with Rising Falcon is that it takes a while for Lloyd to rise up in the air from the ground, so the move is too slow in that respect. He would always get hit while going up, and if the move is used in midair, he immediately descends. That wouldn't be very good for recovery.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
*Originally put together by Kujirudo and myself*

A -> A vertical slash with right sword
A, A -> 2 vertical slashes with 1th the right, then the left sword
A, A, A -> Lloyd spins around and hits everyone that is left or right from him

Ftilt -> A orizontal slash with the right sword
Utilt -> Lloyd slashes both sword upwards
Dtilt -> Lloyd slashes the left sword downwards.
Dash -> Crossward slash (Lloyd holds the sword in a cross while he dashes, so pressing would lead into a crossward slash)

B -> Double Demon Fang: The 2th shockwave has a longer range then the 1th one. Getting hit by the slashes will also cause damage.
Forward B -> Sword Rain: Lloyd will make multiple stabs with both swords. The longer you charge this attack, the more stabs he will make.
Down B -> Demonic Circle: Lloyd will make a small downward slash, jump up a little (as high as a Mario short hop) and slam hard on the ground wich will create a shockwave in a small circle. This attack will give much knockback. Getting hit by the downward slash will also knock you back, but not as much as the circle shockwave.
Up B -> Tempest (Not as huge as it looks in ToS, since it would be hard to stop Lloyd during this anyways)

Nair -> Holds swords out and spins horizontally.
Fair -> Lloyd slams his right sword down, while he slashes his left one up.
Uair -> Makes a backward salto, swinging both swords upwards.
Dair -> Lloyd will soar down diagonal to the side he faces while he holds his swords in front of this head. Sort of like Rising Falcon, and he would have the lag like Link's dair due to the swords being stuck to the ground.

Grab -> Lloyd puts his right sword back and grabs the opponent by his right shoulder.
Grab attack -> Lloyd hits the opponent with the hilt of his left sword.
Forward throw: Beast
Back throw: just a normal toss followed by a quick slash *need a good move for this*
Down throw: Heavy Tiger Blade (from different angle)
Up throw: Light Spear (wouldn't hurt to throw in a move his partners used, right?)

His super would have to be Falcon's Crest... So yeah. Hope you like.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
You just need to have a fire element on your weapon to do Rising Phoenix. Falcon's Crest is the low health move.

The problem with Rising Falcon is that it takes a while for Lloyd to rise up in the air from the ground, so the move is too slow in that respect. He would always get hit while going up, and if the move is used in midair, he immediately descends. That wouldn't be very good for recovery.
What I meant is that I don't let my enemies get me to low health.......:ohwell:
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