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Sydney Smash Thread - Comrades Of Xeno -


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
As of the 11th of November...

Prices for train fares have gone up again 8-) Ranging from 20 cents to $1. Hmm, ridiculous.

Anywho, I just thought I'd bring up something relevant to what I'm on about.

When Stu checked, it's $17.40 (Adult fare) and $8.40 (Student/Child). I think those were the prices.

Now, prices vary on how far you travel kilometre wise. In this case, 175.

at 305 KM or more, the highest price at a Singles rate for an Adult seems to be $30.00

So does that mean going to Queensland one-way would be $30.00? :o


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
For anyone who was thinking of coming tomorrow...dont bother, turns out work needs me. I dont think anyone was really coming anyway...oh well...next time i suppose...


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
But I was gonna come by... :'C
Can I still stand outside your house and look in through the window? :D

Saa, Xeno, you look like a Smash freak. Asking every 3 posts: "Wanna smayush?!~"

KoF is kool. I remember this one called... Mark of the Wolves, I think? Some reason I really liked it. Then I played it again and I found out it sucked. I think KoF is better than Tekken, though. Sort of. And SF. SF is neat but not THAT neat.
MvC2 is the best, though.

Anyone played Rhythm Tengoku?
Zomg I can do 13 step on Stepmania I'm such a loser.

Man you guys really do suck.
You all 'mostly' want to play Smash and stuff and like, ok, I don't 'really', but in the days that I do you're all like: "ZOMG SMASH MEET AT MINE RIGHT NOW OMG EVERYONE'S ALREADY HERE AND THE ORGY IS ORGASMIC!"
Every meet here now for smash is like: "...Yeah... ... TO THE CITY TO WATCH MOVIES / PLAY DDR!!!" Lmao.

Guh. Ramble. Tired. G'night. Mornin', rather.


Oh man I gotta keep my pants on, $30 one way?
Sure you aren't joking.
Or something.
Or you're like, going crazy.
Or something.
Or you're calculations are fail.
Or something.
I hope not. *drool*


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
KoF is kool. I remember this one called... Mark of the Wolves, I think? Some reason I really liked it. Then I played it again and I found out it sucked. I think KoF is better than Tekken, though. Sort of. And SF. SF is neat but not THAT neat.
MvC2 is the best, though.
Ha! King Of Fighters is awesome! I haven't played that game in a long time.

KOF XI, I have to play that some time soon.

MvC2 indeed is the best. :)

There's one thing for sure t hough.

KOF > Tekken

MvC2 > Tekken



Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Ugh Kas

Thats because all we ever have in common is Smash. There's really nothing else that we really do together. We played Smash flat out for 3 days when we were down in Melbourne. By the end of the 3rd day I was sick of it and suggested we all go out for the night as a last night 'break' from smash before going back to sydney the next day. Everyone declined so I was left to enjoy the nightlife by myself.

I actually prefer Smash as 'get together' but other social activities such as going out for dinner, go to the movies, etc etc.

I soo want to try learning some GH and DDR... Well I tried a bit of GH and I get confused between using the middle and ring finger for the red button as I'm interpreting the middle button shown on the screen to be assigned to the middle finger instead of the ring finger LOLOL. I'll keep at it.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
So there IS someone that gets defensive about being called a smash freak, ho ho.
I know none of you 'really' like it 'that' much, I was just joking.
Compared to us in Brisbane though you guys play it godly amount more.

I have GH2. And guitar.
Jaz, if you come up, bring GH3. =]
DDR is best game ever.
Cheap exercise!


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I still wanted to play Smash in Melbourne but they wouldn't >< So I owned some noobs in UT2k4 instead @ the lan cafe. "OMFG HOW YOU DODGE SROCKET?"
Yeah Stu, I had trouble with that too 3/4 finger. But you get used to it.. though I play GH like a piano bc I used to play piano for 2.5 years so its easier for me.
Yeah.. well some of us are friends irl besides just Smash, I know some ppl here have hung out before Smashboards // before Smash. There's only like a few people from here I actually talk to about stuff tho.
Kas you can get DDR for PS2. Then it's free each play. Buy the mats.. invite ppl over, have a party!
I have gc/xbox controller + guilty gear.. someone invite me over.. I want to see some1 face to face, this internet anonymity is killing me.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Indeed, that's why you play in the City.
The mats are metal and don't fly around.
They aren't slippery.
You get a crowd and people watch you.
It's just generally better.
Plus you can invite people over to the City and just play with them there.
Only $1 for 2 people for 4 songs.

I wanna play Guilty Gear again.
But all those games are so lame.
So easy to be hardcore at, for sure.
Only takes about 2 days to learn the moves and stuff, really.
SF, KoF, Guilty Gear. Lamezor.
Soul Calibur and Tekken are hard to get good at, sort of.
And Smash is hard to be pro at, for sure. :D

With GH you're supposed to play with your index finger on the second-to-top button. ... Or rather, with your pinky on the last button. And you swap your index finger between 2 buttons, rather than using your pinky to do 2 buttons. Is much easier that way. Is much.
Unless you play Jordan. Then you have to play it like a keyboard.
Except my brother somehow managed to get 5 stars on Jordan playing it normally. Wtf.


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2005
WTF i thought that was a poem from the way it's layout but it's not.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I know, he writes like that.
Nah.. GG has combos you gotta learn in relation to spacing, and when you get counter-hits you have to react properly.. Smash is just TECHNICALLY hard.. its relatively simple like all games are lol, its just technically a *****. (waveshine, shffling, reverse bs, jcing stuff).
GG has jump installing.. and impossible dust technique.. and instant blocking.. try timing that :D
GG is more stylish then smash. I like playing it more because of the way it looks and the characters personality.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Poetic isn't he?

Thanks kas I'll try that method next time I play GH3. Then I won't get confused between the red and yellow buttons :p

WTF SF is easy to be good at but takes a while to learn the buttons? And WTH about the Smash pro skills being harder to obtain than SF/GG etc?!? Either my sarcasm meter went into the red or I'm reading it wrong.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Ok it's not 'easy', ffs.
It's not exactly 'hard' either, though.
Combos and everything are easy to pull off in SF and GG.
Unless you hate it.
In which case you won't play it. :D
And it doesn't take a while to learn the buttons, wtf are you on, lol.

No wayzorz. Then again I was sort of thinking about Fox when I meant becoming prozor technical. Being technical alone doesn't make you good, though. It helps. Same with any game.

But I like the look of SF and GG.
The cartoon-y style is sexy. <3
Last time I played GG I wasn't exactly 'good' but I didn't play it for long.
Fighting games are lame when you've no one to play them with.
And way too lame to practice alone on CPUs after a couple of days.
But by then you should already been good enough.

Zomg I wanna go down and play SF and GG with you guys.
And then poon you after 2 days.
And KoF.
Last time I played KoF was a little bit ago.
Characters in all of those games are so much sexier than those in Smash.
Except Fox.
Fox = <3

... **** Brawl making Fox look n00b.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I will kick your *** at GG..
I think Smash is harder then other games because it requires more inputs per second to play it well.. but does it? Guilty Gear has a LOT of inputs if you're mindgaming your movements.. constant control stick tapping and button pressing. But Smash gives you a lot more dynamic "control" with DI. DI is Smash's most unique feature imo, besides the damage = get blasted off. You can control where you go during an attack and while your being hit and SMASH DI. No other fighting game has anything this dynamic.
Watch as they run forward, put up Faultless Defense to cancel the motion then dodge back or jump or dash etc.. lots of inputs and reading your opponents. (FD > dodge is sorta like wd.ing backwards btw)
My favorite Guilty Gear fight on Youtube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=kkIrUTM9WmY
I don't think Smash is "better" then Guilty Gear because you have to learn the different stuff, but Guilty Gear there isn't "as much" to (intellectually) learn combo-wise, because you dont have to account for DI -- only BURST, which can't happen constantly.
(you build up burst and can use it to escape a combo and be invincible for a few seconds)

Watched those videos again.. holy crap. Gotta try FD in the air canceling and learn the FRCS..

One thing that GG (and SF to an extent) has that Smash doesnt: Resource management. You can gain, lose and use your tension meter in GG in a variety of ways: Force Roman Cancels, Roman Cancels, FD up, FD block, Dead Angle attack, overdrives, instant kills.

FRC=think l-canceling but not, its used much rarer and is way more powerful
RC= think instant awesome cancel for any move
FD=shield up, take no damage and get pushed back!
FD block=actually getting hit with your FD shield up. lose a chunk of tension this way
DA attack=a Counter attack you can do while blocking.

FD=lose over time
FD block=a chunk goes down
FRC=1/4 meter
RC,DA,Overdrive=1/2 meter
IK=all, lol

So.. you cant spam your cancels -- they take 1/4 or 1/2 your meter so you have to know when to use them and follow up the next attack properly. Same thing with Dead Angle attacks = it takes 1/2 your meter, which is equal to an Overdrive (special). So is it worth using 1/2 your meter to get out of a block string? ..Only if your pro.
You can use FD to instantly cancel your movement on the ground or the air, but it takes a bit off so if you over-use it you'll never be able to do anything else with your meter..
I really like this system. If you watch those two videos^, youll see good usage of FRC,RC..

and your burst can be used to: get out of combo OR if you're not being comboed, use it to attack and fill up your tension if it hits..

if that makes any sense to you, congrats.

Hm. Now that I think about it: even though the combos are not dynamic in GG like they are in Smash, the tension meter IS dynamic, and affects the combos / hits of the match.. so there IS as much dynamism, its just more numerical "potential" then the immediate effect of DI.

Hint: If you Instant Block (powershielding.. but harder no ****), you gain tension faster for a period of time. If you use FD.. you gain tension slower for a period of time. ;)


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
In other words, Jaz I'm raiding your house this weekend to play you in Guilty Gear. Anyone's invited.
Is this tirp to QLD still happening, how much are train tickets..?
Someone fill me in on the prices again please?


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
In other words, Jaz I'm raiding your house this weekend to play you in Guilty Gear. Anyone's invited.
Is this tirp to QLD still happening, how much are train tickets..?
Someone fill me in on the prices again please?
Probably $30 (Single)

Should take a day to get there.

I'm patientlol


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
A.. DAY? As in 8 hours? or 24 hours?
Central > Brisbane looks like 3 hrs. on 131500 but I just put in "Brisbane" into the stop.. lol.
If I go, I'd be going on a saturday and returning sunday.


Oct 29, 2004
131500 covers Sydney metro.

For interstate trains use this:
$77 one way to Brisbane ex. Sydney, a little less if you pull off Student/Conc. entitlements. First class $99. Journey is around 12 hours.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2007

Are you pissed about missing queensland? Can't afford it? Kulla wouldn't let you ride in his car due to odour?


Proudly brought to you by "Fork's I have nothing better to do" foundation. Supported proudly by Revolution CD's -


The venue is at Bondi Junction, easily accessible by train. Signups for both singles and doubles will begin at 10am on the day, 11am games begin.

Some, sneak previews, as it is late and i need to sleep, full announcement being posted at 11pm on tuesday.

$5 entry fee. No more bad deals with entry guys, no longer shall we pay 30$ to play 2 hours of singles organized by a monkey.

And of course, the juice, the creme'de'la'creme of the whole thing. We will have prizes.

Oh, but what do you say, another 50$ voucher for ... some store that sells beans?

Well, there will be revolution cd gift vouchers, to purchase their fine assortment of games, music and more.

..... But ... wait ... first prize?

Could it be a Nintendo Wii? An entire complete brand spanking new NINTENDO WII CONSOLE? ... With ... oh wait? A PREORDERED COPY OF SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL FOR RELEASE DATE!

Some other goodies being given away, for a full 10am - 8pm day of smash. There may even be bagels involved.

Gents, i give you what i hope to be the first of MANY forthcoming events.

Boys ... get excited now please :D


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
I am gobsmacked.

when full details have been posted, I'll be ready to help promote :)


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Okay, after some silence I have some beef to dish out, so bear with this huge post.

To Xeno:
I absolutely love the mechanics of Guilty Gear. Everything was crafted with such balance and intricate design that there literally is no overpowered character. However, there are a few beefs I have with it before I take it up completely. The fact that there are soooo many ways to get out of combos (Burst, SIGNIFICANTLY reduecd damage as combo strings increase) mean that there's nothing particularly stand-out as a good strategy, and nothing to gravitate towards. As a result the matches last waaaaay too long for my liking for a traditional 2D fighter, and fighters (in my opinion), should not be an extended Rock-Paper-Scissors match consisting of highs, middles, lows and throws.


Fighting games are most fun about momentum shifts, spatial control, and eventually, pinning your opponent into the corner where they are FORCED to give up and lose. Fighting games SHOULD NOT be who can "mind game" into throwing out a Rock against their Scissors, it should be a continual process, where you win because you FORCED them to pick the losing option.

I know nothing about the game other than that, feel free to correct me. :D But I LOOOOOOOVE the character designs of GG. Especially the 13yo transvestite boy who dresses up as a nurse, and weilds a yo-yo as a weapon.

To Sirias:
Smash is technically difficult, yes, but that's hopefully not what we play it for. It obeys all of the positive mechanics i've described above, especially when it comes to the edge game, spacing, and momentum shifts.

3s, MvC2, and ST are the most respected fighting games in the EVO community for a reason, because they dish these out in spades. Furthermore, MvC2 requires you to control THREE characters at once, not to mention having the technical skill to perfect infinites that last 200+ hits long. Can you really say you can string together 50 perfect waveshines? 3s isn't that technically simple either, try kara-Ragin Demon with Akuma - it requires strong kara'd into jab jab short fierce in the space of 5 frames. That's one input per frame O.o

Tekken, on the other hand, is a fighting game based on TERRIBLE mechanics. It is all about that high-middle-low design that I talked about, nothing more. It is a 3D fighter, meaning terrible jerky animations on moves with janky hitbox detection and its the least technical fighter I know of. Terrible, terrible game with way too many ****ty characters, and not enough variety between them to balance it all out.

PS: Read Sirlin's tutorials on ST if you're interested =P http://www.sirlin.net/archive/my-street-fighter-tutorial-videos-from-ccc2/

To Kulla:

The reason I don't hold much respect for JRPGs so many people have the illusion of the following:
- "Excellent/Epic Stories". This is purely subjective, so I guess it doesn't hold much water, but the Japanese still can't get out of childish stories about a peasant boy with blonde spiky hair weilding a huge sword who takes on an organisation/kingdom/religion which threatens the world by sapping magic/waging war/killing angels. Each one requires significant amounts of teen angst which is eventually cured by the power of love and song. Not to mention its storytelling is completely removed from the interaction with the game environment, reduced simply to pretty FMVs which everyone goes gaga over. This ties in with the "explorations" the universe offers, degrading simply to finding an off-the-path cave which yields a nice potion or something equally ******** (HOW WOULD I KNOW TO DODGE 200 LIGHTNING BOLTS).
- "Strategic Battles". Once again I have to disagree with much passion. Random battles are not fun in any way. We have come to a point in gaming where this needs to be flushed out, because grinding simply ruins the pace of the game, wastes your time, and eventually leaves you fustrated. An RPG "dungeon" is simply one long corridor which takes an hour to traverse, with about half that time seeing that screen spin into the battle screen, and the other half spent waiting for attack animations. On that note, hardly many of the battles are particularly clever or strategic. In a boss fight? Haste your party, Slow the enemies, put up Barriers/Regen/whatever, and sorry to use the meme, but you essentially attack its weak spot with the element of choice. Once again this is merely an illusion of strategy, as each Bolt-Fire-Blizzard are exactly the same; just rotate which ones to use based on the enemy's obvious weakness. Once in awhile you get a gimmick of say, "destroy Jecht's towers before they start Curing him", but that's as far as it goes.

This mostly applies to FFs I-X. X-2 had an interestingly refreshing battle system, as for the case of XII, but I just couldn't play them more than 12 hours or so (when I would have otherwise finished better games) due to its terrible pacing.

Anyways there's my rant, feel free to hate on me :D No personal insults please, I have to get back to studying for exams :(

EDIT: holy crap Fork, that's insanely awesome O.o Oh god, my Wii bricked, I really really really need that Wii, donate to me please :D and I hope enough people register to cover the sponsor's costs >.>


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
unreon what did you mean your wii bricked?

did you like download an update and something happened? and why?


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Fork: Holy **** I'm gonna be there.
Unreon: Burst is the only reliable way to escape a true combo in Guilty Gear -- its actually very combo > pressure oriented in that it depends entirely on the attacker to determine how long a combo lasts IF they hit, since you only get Burst "rarely". If the defender blocks they have more options (some characters have guard point, guard cancel techniques, and you can use Faultless Defense, at the expense of your meter, to take higher knockback+hitstun to get out of their effective range).
It's interesting that you can use your Burst if you are NOT being hit, and if it hits the opponent (isn't blocked), you get full tension. So you gamble your defensive option for instant max tension.
I agree, and that's what I love about Guilty Gear so much: if you stand still you WILL get jacked -- you can't chiefly sit around and try to press buttons to counter paper>scissors>rock, you have to put pressure, no when to let off, and know what pressure to apply.
And being blockstringed is pretty intense imo.

An "Untrue" combo would be: the opponent doesn't Tech when they could/should, the opponent doesn't recover from a stagger fast enough, so they get comboed.

Oh, proration. I think, in respect with the ENTIRETY of the rest of Guilty Gear's mechanics, the damage proration is a GOOD thing.
Having to do a lot of extra work for a little bit of extra damage is a good mechanic. But, you have the inertia. If you mess up you won't get immediately hit (whereas throwing out the wrong move when your opponent is not stunned will get you hit). Also, considering there are a lot of powerful moves in GG, no proration would mean 400% health bar combos would exist, without being too complicated to pull off.
IMO it works.

What I really like about both Guilty Gear and Smash is the spatial relations are always changing even after the same moves. Smash has the damage > knockback increment, Guilty Gear has knockback that means you might be able to pull off the same move twice in a row, but not three times.

Win the tournament and you get a Wii!

Kulla, Unreon:

My favorite RPG is Earthbound (Zero) (Mother), for the NES. The illegal, blackmarket purchased ROM dump one floating on the Internet. "It will never sell in America". Yes, that one.
Quirky, weird, intellectually fuzzy? It makes my brain feel cool when I play.
It's hard, but it's not that strategic. But I love playing it. Fighting Hippies, crazy farmers, crazy bag ladies, Starmen who should psychic beams.. the enviroments, music, sound effects and violent-screen shaking when you get hit is more important to my enjoyement then the actual mechanics of it.
Earthbound (Mother 2) for the SNES is pretty good as well, though it has a lot more "overt", intentional humour, whereas the original had a lot of derived humour from the enemies, environments etc. The NES one was more serious as well.. it had a great feel.
Vibes the thing, and the energy resonated with that one.
I played a fair bit of FF and FFIII(nes).. but just lost interest eventually.
I played FFVII (EASIEST GAME EVER, COMBAT IS BORING), because I loved the story and atmosphere, purely. And no, I don't grind/powerlevel at all. Tried playing FFII and FFVI(snes), but meh, couldn't get into them.
Super Mario RPG is fun(ny).


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Gaah I wrote a long response to Unreon's post and bumped some command on the keyboard causing my stuff to be deleted, never to be seen again. T_T

1st off

Are you pissed about missing queensland? Can't afford it? Kulla wouldn't let you ride in his car due to odour? Kulla doesn't have odour his cat does, however.


Proudly brought to you by "Fork's I have nothing better to do" foundation. Supported proudly by Revolution CD's -


The venue is at Bondi Junction, easily accessible by train. Signups for both singles and doubles will begin at 10am on the day, 11am games begin.

Some, sneak previews, as it is late and i need to sleep, full announcement being posted at 11pm on tuesday.

$5 entry fee. No more bad deals with entry guys, no longer shall we pay 30$ to play 2 hours of singles organized by a monkey.

And of course, the juice, the creme'de'la'creme of the whole thing. We will have prizes.

Oh, but what do you say, another 50$ voucher for ... some store that sells beans?

Well, there will be revolution cd gift vouchers, to purchase their fine assortment of games, music and more.

..... But ... wait ... first prize?

Could it be a Nintendo Wii? An entire complete brand spanking new NINTENDO WII CONSOLE? ... With ... oh wait? A PREORDERED COPY OF SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL FOR RELEASE DATE!

Some other goodies being given away, for a full 10am - 8pm day of smash. There may even be bagels involved.

Gents, i give you what i hope to be the first of MANY forthcoming events.

Boys ... get excited now please :D
I almost was gunna write this off as a tl;dr due to too many long posts recently posted by various smashers but seeing it similar to what Bjay posted on AN, I nearly LOLed.

Fork - who do you work for? You mentioned the event was supported by 'revolution CDs'.

Unreon, what you said about Tekken being a crap game and all, I agree with that. There's not much freedom involved space wise and secondly all I often see is people faking each other out to do a rock then abusing the lag from that move which then leads to the extremely cheap rising attacks that lead to jab jab jab jab jab jab jab then a combination punch. At the end, the character is forced to lose because of one move that set them up in the first place... cheap. I tried to play tekken by just using blocks, grabs and basic punches. I'd say i got on ok but I just don't like the virtual lack of freedom experienced while trying to control spacing in the game. >.< I tried everything I could think of to escape combos and I must say tekken is teh sux when it comes to knockback recovery.

it should be a continual process
That's true and that is usually one of the main reasons why I hate tekken. It rarely is a continual process of mindgames. Instead they start at the beginning of the match in which the losing player can be easily identified. Then it becomes a matter of tenacity, not adaptability.

Smash has its cons as well. The main one is stage selection variations to character selection. Pick Falco/Falcon and see how well you can do vs a Peach on Pokefloats or Mute City >.< Secondly, the virtual lack of escaping combos when you're fox or falco. However the game designers made them to be extremely fast paced fighters compared to other characters. But they didn't intend for the shine to have no lag thanks to wavedashing :p


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Kulla, Unreon:

My favorite RPG is Earthbound (Zero) (Mother), for the NES. The illegal, blackmarket purchased ROM dump one floating on the Internet. "Nintendo of America refuses to translate me". Yes, that one.
fixed for sadness.

And the only FF I could remotely like was VII because it was more science-y and less of that...fairy-crap? ._. Oh I would like to add that the Tales games have an awesome battle system, and is the direction more JRPGs should take, albeit applied more intelligently.

Bjay: My Wii bricked because I'm a ******* who messed up the modding process. :(


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2005
HAHAHA. I thought you meant someone broke into your house and threw a brick at your Wii and broke it.

My sympathies. Luckily I don't have a Wii, so no bricking for me. Although it's close to the same thing.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
lol Toai xD

Dang unreon that's not good news at all :(

Oh hey anyone who plays Jump! Ultimate Stars lemme know :) I wanna vs you lol.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Bricked: "To be as effective and similar in properties to a brick"
Bricked: "Many items become bricked after a concrete brick collides with them".
Yes, NOA refused to translate, then sold the ROM to some guy who sold it to a ROM dumper (God bless him, he's probably in jail for piracy now), who uploaded it to the glorious Internet for our Enjoyment and Great Playing.

Yeah Unreon, that's why I didn't get into the other FFs (read, never finished them). Pillars of the world, orbs of light.. ok in FFVII this dude is trying to kill everyone to become God! (Kind of reminds me of Marathon, the most profound work of art in existence.. )That's a cool storyline, finding the four orbs of whatever then defeating the lich king for the 13'th time.. is boring.
Plus there was swearing in FFVII. And it took place over three discs. How pro is that.

The heavier characters combo better and get comboed easier. So theoretically it is playstyle: "Be able to dish out lots of damage but not unable to avoid getting hit" or "Not be as capabable of dishing out damage but escape from combos easier". However, the lighter characters end up losing anyways. Sux 2 be Ur Tier. Generally speaking, being excellent in one category and fail in another is better then being average in both/all. Fox/Falco are excellent at combos, fail at being comboed. And they're better then lighter characters who are "average" in both.

Edit: Only other FF I almost beat was FF Tactics (gba). I got to the final boss without powerleveling at all and got my *** kicked because my stats were comparatively suck. I didn't feel like spending the 3 hours to grind up, so I called myself the Winner and quit.

Not as well explained, here's the reason fighting/action games are better then RPGs. The truth is self-evident.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=IchUU5soSFo (Funny, click it.)


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
long posts T-T my eyes
that tourny sounds awesome forkeh i'll think up a banner design :p
its all i'm good for any more, besides GH b*tching

lmfao at that vid xeno, JUMP GYPSY! you don't have time to smoke a bong, this aint a cut scene!!
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