OK, here we a-go!
+ Series are well repped (unless, as M.P. says, you count Pokemon Trainer as 3 separate entities, which, fortunately for you, I don't).
+ Also, multiple new series are being shown the spotlight.
+ King K. Rool, Ridley, Isaac, Inkling
+ Chibi-Robo (I just love the little guy
+ Pokemon Trainer (As I had hinted at in my previous statement, I love the idea of the dude (or dudette, if you're including Green as an alt costume xD) and he could bring back the transformation gimmick quite nicely).
- Prof. Layton (So many better and more deserving choices :/)
- Vaati (I'll give having that extra Zelda rep to you (something your opponent lacks), but, despite Vaati appearing in multiple games, he's still a 'one-time' villain that's out of relevancy. Sure, you could argue the same relevancy thing for King K. Rool, but he's the MAIN villain! Plus, there are better, more current characters, such as Midna, Ghirahim etc.)
-Lack of Krystal
+ Series are also well repped (well, besides Zelda and Fire Emblem missing that 1 rep).
+ Again, multiple new series are being given their chance to shine.
+ King K. Rool, Ridley, Isaac, Inkling
+ Ice Climbers (the obvious choice and well desererved)
+ Black Mage (represents a large third-party who had critically acclaimed games that helped to shape his respective genre on Nintendo's NES. Plus, he's fairly iconic himself and one of the best choices out there.)
+ Toad (super iconic and next in line for the Mario reps (FYI, the Mario series can totally have an extra rep without throwing the whole representation thing outta whack, since the games are Nintendo's main treasure and icon.))
- As previously mentioned, the Zelda and Fire Emblem series are missing a rep.
- Lack of Krystal
- Having R.O.B over Duck Hunt as the second retro rep (Duck Hunt is both more iconic and deserving, simply put).
- Mii Fighters (just... ugh!)
- Lack of Chibi-Robo
Deciding which roster I liked best was one of the toughest decisions I ever had to make thus far in my life (seeing as I'm still a teen without a license, living at home with my parents and going to school
), as evident by the various pros and cons listed with each respective roster. Honestly, I loved them both, but if I had to pick just one to vote off... It would, unfortunately, be E=Mewtwenty2's roster (even though I had helped you fix it earlier
). Now, despite myself finding more deeming pros in his roster, I also tragically found more cons that I just simply couldn't shrug aside. Whereas, with Chase's roster, there were a lot more things I could handle (except for Layton. Why! xD). Plus, I absolutely adore Chibi-Robo!
Again, it was very close. Sorry, E!
EDIT: I just realized that with my newfound vote being heard, that it's a tie... Again! xD Hopefully, someone else comes on here and gives their two cents to end this roster debate once and for all, otherwise, my bad, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯