3 - 0 means nothing to you? If Doc is so terrible, then how come ESAM couldn't deal with him as Pikachu? You're seriously claiming that he lost 3 to nothing simply because he didn't know how to deal with Doc?
I'm not saying he's god tier, I'm saying he's mid tier, or even high-mid tier.
True, Mario has a lot of things going for him because of his speed and combo abilities, but Doc can stand on his own as well, just not at the same level as Mario. Funny enough, Doc is a weird matchup for Mario, as he can cancel out most of his dthrow combos with nair or up B, while Mario can't really break out of dthrow to up B/up air because of the added knockback Doc's dthrow has. It's apparently an even match up, but I just find it funny how Mario has a strange time against Doc.
A buff on Doc's mobility or adding more hitstun to his up air so it can be comboed into Up B would be great. Doc needs a bit of a better mobility to truly shine.