I woudl like yto know what you think of what I am about to say because i just want to be sure my conjecture aren;t false to think about.
Since it has been a day since the broadcast, i am going to tell my full thoughts and last speculations I have to say about it.
so, I am assuming that Cloud is a ballot slot and corin isn't. If I am wrong push, tell me because my theory rely heavily on that.
Basically, Bayonetta winning IS SURPRISING, but not impossible. I don;t believe anyone that says it was rigged, I do see her pop up from time to time so having a chance to have the most requests to me isn;t something that doesn't make sense and no matter how unlikely it is, it's still something you could think about. I had to get this out of the way because I personally lived the situation where i saw surprising data that were completely unexpected (it's about Paper Mario being very silently wanted) so I just will not make any theory on the fact they lied or anything and assume it would be the truth.
Now, my theory is how they used the ballot and the fact it is DLC, I feel that because of the characters being DLC, some special consideration were made. How I see the choices is the vets, self explanatory, i see a lot of reasons to add them as dlc if they didn;t had the time to do it. For Ryu, for SSB to be a fighting game and considering Sakurai's intent, I have the feeling he wanted that to happen a long time ago so again, i see reasons for it to be dlc.
Where it gets complicated is the ballot, I have a lot to say on these 3 slots because I have a very storng feeling they had special consideration.
I think DLC was more extra contents and ONLY extra contents. What I mean by this is I don;t think that DLC would matter as much as the other characters in how they change the "balance" of the roster. you could replace balance by terms like repping, or a theory I made on subsets, but what balance more is is the roster not having too much of something or lacking too much of something else, it;s very abstractive anyway.
What this means is corin being in, to me, I don;t even feel they actually considered much the fact that it would overkill the FE part of the roster (no matter how I see it, it is overkill and it honestly was already with roy, but at least roy being a vet, he had his reasons). To me, it feels more like they would add corin as a....."bonus", I wouldn;t say it necessarily is to promote his game, but it might have been a reason. His game coming however to me is a definite reason to why he got added, but the fact Sakurai didn;t really refused to the idea because of the repping of FE, that is actually very interesting.
Like either he didn;t felt it was overkill (which I really don;t think is likely at all, we are talking about the same person that didn;t wanted DDD in melee because of overrepping) OR it would be because the question wasn;t considered as much, that I feel would make much more chance considering it;s extra contents after all.
As for why it got chosen, push bring it a good point: playstyle. Me included, even if a lot of people were pretty "meh" when they saw another FE character (I wasn't), they really found his gameplay cool (me too!). Sakurai could have looked at the new FE game, looked at corin and basically say......"Oh, I think there;s something to do with this!" and he would do it. Like to me, it seems CLEARLY it was an afterthought and wasn;t goign to happen AT ALL in the original game release simply because on the original release, THEN I woudl feel the balance of the roster woudl be much more considered before making a choice.
Ok, now that I got corrin, next is cloud and tbh, I really don;t have much to say, but that decision ties to the Bayonetta case I will detail later. For cloud, being requested on the ballot to me is extremely plausible so I am not questioning it. The 2 things I will mention is he;s third party, and honestly I have a strong feeling he is almost the reason the geno costume even exist. See, I jsut don;t feel that ahving a popular SE character in the game and having a costume of Geno, who is owned by SE, but lost a lot of notability is a coincidence. to me, it really is agin, afterthought where Sakurai would work with SE to add cloud and then realise "Hey, btw, while we are there......" and then I don;t think I need to explain the story. Sort story, cherish this costume because i feel it;s an insane luck.
Now we get to Bayonetta, geez, i have a lot to say.
this is where I really got that DLC is REALLY extra contents. I saw a lot of arguments saying that her inclusion.....woulnd;t make much sense. Her games poorly sold is probably the msot notable one, but to me, if you base yourself on the ballot which is supposed to reflect marketting data, that alone is a reason tbh. Idk if it's because they didn't discarded spammer, that honestly, we will never know, but what I can tell is if I take what we knoe of the results as facts, that is a reason to include here and again, they had to check the ballot to see that so it HAD to be an afterthought (common theme here).
Now, the other interesting facts about it is she is too, third party.
I have the feeling they took third party characters in the ballot for the sake of them being extra (and third party feels much more extra to me, they aren;t even owned by the company). Push again, told a lot of time that contracting for these as DLC is actually much easier than on the release roster so, coudl be jsut a way to say that they chose them becuase of that. which btw
@Awesomedude4444 if what I just said is accurate, that means I won by luck because that means I should have lost (I bet with him that not 100% of the remaining characters are third party, but the reason I bet was because of the ballot, i would think one first party came from the ballot).
Which relates to Bayonetta, I am not sure not this one, but what exactly did they meant by ONLY REALIZABLE CHARACTERS? That could either mean they cut troll votes or they actually intentionally cut feasible characters for other reasons. And that is what I think is what happened, I don;t think bayonetta was ENTIRELY chosen because of the ballot, there had to me something else which would relate to her being an extra. I think she would be third party that to be a reason, but I am not sure on that one.
But if I continue the reasoning, then I wondered what exactly was the point of the ballot if they woudl only try to get third party seems they were easier to do for now while they clearly said request anyone?
This is why I think if ssb5 happens that the ballot is going to be a major tool to decide the roster. I really have the feeling a lot of first party requests would be seriously considered as it;s goign to be the initial roster, not extra so decisions would be made depending on how people requests them.
that;s it
that was my entire theory on how I think the choices happened. feel free to reply to it, because I really want to know if what I am saying actually makes sense from what you know.
Before I end this post, i jsut want to end on how I feel about Paper Mario in future games.
Assuming a new paper mario game hapens (which I really think is likely considering what he got lately), he is going to be a really serious contender. Paper Jam helped a lot, but it;s more the fact he got a lot lately and from what I know of his request, he is very consistently requested, it;s just silent, but tbh, if Bayonetta was silently wanted, I can;t see why paper amrio would be overshadowed by that. About the mario representation, well the games grow after each iteration so that leaves a bit more room, not to mention he still got a stage, giving him more chances.
But that;s all I can say, like this even assumes ssb5 exists while it clearly doesn;t.
that was maybe the last or maybe one of the last speculation theory I wrote, it was fun