Hi guys, so I randomly had a thought about the paper mario series and the zelda series after I played tphd and I realised something that might be worth my attention.
I actually think you would be interested by hearing this post hence the tag (and there's one thing I am not sure if there;s reliable sources on it)
Basically, I was wondering again about how the paper mario series got like SS and CS and why it got there and then i thought about he zelda series and something kinda clicked in my mind.
I took every 3d zelda and I realised they are all very consistent on their foundations (mostly from oot). Because of course, oot got its foundation from the 2d zelda and changed a lot to have it work for 3d and it worked very well. So they tried to do mm which is literally oot viewed differently because it really is reusing a lot of assets from oot but used very differently, had the expansion pack and bla bla bla. the point here is that it FELT very oot ish, but also different in the entire series given how deep the atmosphere of sadness is.
So then the GC happened and they tried something different, so much that (this is where push you could confirm it';s reliable) that from what i heard, aonuma had to work in secret a bit on tww before feeling ok to present it to myamoto. Anyway, the point is again, despite feeling very different as a zelda game for the series, It stuill felt to have some oot ish with he controls and the general structure. It's like oot completely renewed and redone if you would want, but I felt that it had oot in its root.
Tp is imo where it got even more obvious of that pattern. Tp felt the same feeling I had with tww about being oot ish, but the game is doing very new and interesting stuff mainly with midna and the plot so that I don't even feel it;s similar to oot, but I recognises oot mechanics just like the game I mentioned.
Then SS.....well it got away slightly, but it had slight oot stuff on it and still felt consistent on that part.
So I get a pattern in the series well it had at some point a redundancy risk problem where the series RISK to become too redundant throughout its game. Which gave a very interesting result, the series is VERY consistent and also VERY diverse. When you play a 3d zelda, no matter what it would be, it would be a 3d zelda in its base concept, but it would be a different 3d zelda on its own every time.
Now, if I look at paper mario, after TTYD I honestly could have seen a redundancy risk. I have been telling this a lot, but I woudln't think improving on TTYD woudl ahve been a good idea after TTYD was released so this is why I found spm to be an elegant solution. Because I felt spm was having a bit of TTYD ish, but the way it was done was changed and then the plot was completely changed to something very interesting. Then it had the cubic design, basically, i am trying to say that on all the first 3 games, you would recognise the same base concept, but the way they are paper mario makes them unique for each game. Pm64 being very chill and calm, TTYD being basically the combat system and spm being the design and plot.
So this is where it starts to not be comparable to the zelda series. Because instead of keeping a partial redundancy of the series it stopped to feels consistent, sticker star essentially removed most of the series consistency. If anything, I found spm to be the tww of paper mario, but SS.....I found it more that it would be sort of rebooting the entire series if anything, I don;t think it followed it.
So this is where this comparison becomes interesting, why they didn;t tried that at least twice in a row? The zelda series got fine with old foundations for years without feeling it was too redundant because it kept refreshing itself with the way to implement the zelda series. If Paper Mario was trying to do the same thing, it could have worked. Why not a TTYD battle system like, but have deeper npc story? Or why not a cardboard and paper style clash or something ridiculous with pm64 mechanics? I am just throwing random ideas and I realise that it could have worked. I still think TTYD is too hard to improve, but it;s not hard to refresh it. What I mean is take the very very core foundations of TTYD and make them JUST an rpg, but then have something that makes the game unique from it. Like I said, I felt spm was like this, but the thing is spm moved slightly too away in mechanics which to me is fine because they could have at least corrected that after, but this isn;t what happened.
It;s as if the problem with paper mario isn't entirely a communication problem, but also a question that i feel nintendo has trouble with: how do they want paper mario to be? If the answer was clear then I could take all the game and give similar points, but then SS kinda make this question hard to answer because SS does move away a lot. It;s as if there would be a goal problem like they woudln't know what they want with the series as much as before.
So what do you guys think about this thought? Just now, Aonuma is saying that the next zelda game would change a lot in conventions which is very interesting because if it took this long for the series to need this, then idk why the paper mario series had to just stall and stopped with its consistency THIS much.....