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Supporting Bubsy for Smash. I mean... What could pawssibly go wrong?

smash puffle

Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2010

"A support thread? For ME!? Well of course! I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner."

This is a support and general social thread for Bubsy the Bobcat. I was originally going to make this thread over a year ago, but considering what character it is, and the reception I got from the Club Penguin support threads I made, I pushed it back for a while... until now.

For the uninitiated, Bubsy is a platformer mascot from the 90's. He starred in his own series of games of the same name.
From the somewhat decent original game, to the infamous Bubsy 3D, this bobcat gained quite a reputation. Negative reputation, but a lot of it nonetheless.
For many years, this character was treated as nothing more than a joke. Even to this day you see people hating on the guy, sometimes for no reason.

He remained 20 years dormant until a brand new game, with the release of The Woolies Strike Back.
Theres also a new game coming out as well being developed by the creators of Runner 3.

"What could he possibly do in Smash? Anything special?"
Usually platforming mascots like Mario, Sonic or Banjo-Kazooie have a lot of moveset potential. Bubsy is no exception to this. Being a bobcat with good speed and great aerial movility is nice. He can jump pretty high, but he's not very strong or complicated in terms of a moveset.
His strange ability to glide in the air would make Bubsy a near-lightweight, floaty type of character who may not hit really hard but with good movility and solid stage control.

All of this might not seem special (because it isn't), but Bubsy is not Bubsy without his personality and his chatty nature.
Bubsy is a cocky, notoriously chatty character who thinks he's the greatest, even though he clearly isn't and is super goofy as a result.
He talks whenever he does anything. Standing still, running punching, winning, getting hurt, getting KOed, anything.
This lets the player outsmart their opponents by being an annoyance.
Maybe we can even get special quotes for Bubsy with every character.

Support List:
Me, Bubsy!
smash puffle
Wario Wario Wario

Thanks for reading. I know this is a really stupid idea that is never going to happen even as a spirit, but I did this just for fun.
Honestly I would be more excited for Bubsy a million times more than THAT one skeleton... but that's just me. Have a nice day everyone and remember to hype and react responsibly. Who knows what could happen next.​
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
I actually really liked the first Bubsy game. The second one was okay. I never played 3D.

The cartoon pilot he got was just HORRIBLE.


Smash Cadet
May 17, 2019
I'll admit that I unironically like Bubsy as a character. I got both Bubsy 1 and 2 for my Genesis way back when they were new in the early '90s, so I have a lot of fond memories with those games. They were far from my favorite games (Bubsy was definitely no Sonic or Mario), but I still enjoyed them nonetheless. I never played Bubsy 3D until only just a few years ago, so I never had that ruin my perception of the series as a kid.

Like, yeah he's annoying, but he's supposed to be, and I can't help but find his obnoxious mannerisms charming in a way.

So yeah, while he may not be my most wanted character, I totally support Bubsy in Smash! I can only imagine how the reception would be on the internet to that, though. Like, the internet would just completely explode. It'd be interesting to see, to say the least.

As for who owns Bubsy, according to Wikipedia, the "Accolade" label is currently owned by a company called Billionsoft. I can't say that I've ever heard of them before, but I imagine that if Nintendo went to them to offer money in order to put Bubsy in their extremely popular crossover fighting game, they would probably go for it.


Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2019
I support. I made a GameFAQs topic if anyone wants. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/234547-super-smash-bros-ultimate/78663630

Personally I think Bubsy should be based off of Bubsy 3D, since it’s the only one of his games that holds any sort of game-historical value (One of the first 3D platformers ever made in 1996).

Also his current owner, Billionsoft, is based in Hong Kong, making Bubsy the first Chinese rep in Smash. That’s good for business considering the games market is starting to open up in China.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 5, 2019
Also, if anyone wants, here’s my ideas for a Bubsy stage, music, and victory screens.



  • Furbitten Planet (Bubsy 3D). This is the home planet of the Woolies. It’s based off of several levels from Bubsy 3D, floating above a checkerboard green/orange/purple floor, bright blue mountains, and a starry sky. Two-trunked mammoths roam the landscape, and Woolies can be seen in the background as well. The “palm trees” from the game cover the landscape as well. Fighters fight on floating white platforms from Bubsy 3D, with several moving platforms as well. ? marks can be seen floating above several platforms as well as a Checkpoint, and a level goal is seen in the background.

(To download in SSBU, search for “Bubsy 3D” under stages).

Victory Screens:

  • Victory theme: https://youtu.be/jRkcMy0ewJI - An orchestral version of the first half of the Level Clear theme from Bubsy 3D.
  • Victory Screen 1: Busby jumps into the screen and says “What could pawsibly go wrong!”
  • Victory Screen 2: Bubsy emerges from his dust cloud injured and says “Next time, I better get a stunt cat!”
  • Victory Screen 3: Bubsy makes faces and poses in front of the screen laughing.
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Smash Cadet
May 17, 2019
So, this was posted recently on a 4chan "leak"
It's probably fake, but oh man, could you just imagine if this actually happened?


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Bubsy needs a few of his classic lines for taunts.

"What could possibly go wrong" and "Whatever blows your hair back," are two I'd love to see.

I can also see Bubsy as one of those characters that doesn't clap when he looses in in Smash. He just crosses his arms and looks upset.

For his Classic Mode

"Fine Furry Friends"

1:ultbrawler::ultgunner::ultswordfighter: in various animal costumes
Boss: probably just the Hands

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
I would unironically love Bubsy in Smash, he's a part of Western gaming history, for better or worse, and could bring a unique playstyle to the table - which is a lot more than you could say about some of the characters ALREADY in Smash!

I think Bubsy would make a good Mii Brawler costume like Sans, the glide move is there!


Smash Cadet
May 17, 2019
There was another 4chan "leak" recently with the caption "Sneak peak at the render for the upcoming Smash dlc character."

As always, I'm sure this is most likely fake, but it's always fun seeing stuff like this. I don't know why, but I enjoy seeing Bubsy "leaks" way more than with other characters. Maybe it's just from the thought of it actually being real and the complete meltdown it would cause across the internet.

Anyway, I don't think I've seen this render of Bubsy anywhere before, so I guess that's something to take note of at least.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
There was another 4chan "leak" recently with the caption "Sneak peak at the render for the upcoming Smash dlc character."

As always, I'm sure this is most likely fake, but it's always fun seeing stuff like this. I don't know why, but I enjoy seeing Bubsy "leaks" way more than with other characters. Maybe it's just from the thought of it actually being real and the complete meltdown it would cause across the internet.

Anyway, I don't think I've seen this render of Bubsy anywhere before, so I guess that's something to take note of at least.View attachment 312362
Fake, but very convincing by leak standards - I'm pretty sure that's the unedited Paws on Fire model and the lighting of the render is a little too dark.

I think the only chance Bubsy has is if Nintendo wants China money, but I don't fully understand how that works and it's best not to turn the Bubsy for Smash thread into a discussion of economic politics - additionally, LoL or Warcraft characters would probably make more sense in that context.

I do think Bubsy could have a shot if a future Bubsy game exceeds expectations and becomes regarded as a great comeback, which is possible but not likely. Unfortunately it seems BillionSoft has given up on the Bubster for now though.
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