Sup guys. It's been a while, huh? I'm surprised I'm still getting new readers for this, even with my erradic updating schedule.
Alright, I know the burning question on everyone's mind: WHERE THE TRIPLE-H3LL IS THE NEXT UPDATE?!! The simple answer: a stunning "I don't know..."
But DON'T take this as my resignation from the story. Believe it or not, I'm still very interested in writing and finishing this fic. My problem is coming up with material. As most of you know, coming up with all this is anything but easy, and it's not something that can be forced, or it comes out as garbage.
Take my last chapter, for example. I had no inspiration for that chapter, but I didn't want to keep you all waiting, so I just brainstormed with a friend, came up with something, and wrote it down. Obviously, that didn't work out too well. And as a result, that turned out to be a weak chapter. I don't want to keep pumping out weak chapters, so instead, I'll just not update until I can come up with something I know you all will enjoy, and give you revisions of previous chapters in the meantime. Unfortunately, for me, the revisions need a good amount of inspiration, too, otherwise, what's the point of it? When I make those revisions, I'm completely reworking the chapter so that it's something you'd want to go back and read. I actually want to guarantee that this is a good story you're reading.
Hopefully, now, you understand a little better why there hasn't been an update in such a long time. In addition to what I just said, add in summer college courses that I need to get a B or better in, and a hectic 18-credit Fall semester on the horizon. Yeah... I can only say don't expect too many updates.
On a more positive note, I am working on revising Act 9, and I hope to get at least Part 1 posted by next week. See? PROGRESS!!
So like I keep saying, I'm not going to abandon this story. Unlike most fanfic writers, I'll finish what I started. I will be changing my original plans a little, though. I wanted to write a trilogy, but I can't even get past this first story. I'm going with a now: two stories that make up one GRAND tale. Hopefully you guys will stick with me until I get it done. I'll make sure the wait is worth it.
And thanks for all your positive comments and support thus far. That's the biggest reason I didn't quit yet. I can't disappoint... the fans.
Oh yeah, before I end this essay... AWESOME!! I know DK kidnapped Pauline, and not Daisy, but for this story's purposes, DK did, in fact, kidnap Daisy. Just pretend it was never documented in any game. I'm trying to make is seem like these guys have a life outside of the games they star in.
And SUPER_SONIC!! I purposely made it seem like Link and Nightmare never met before. The way I see it, Link may've heard of Nightmare (and obviously he did if he was able to tell everyone about his history), but there's a chance that they never fought each other until then. In my story, I'm building off that possibility. Besides, you liked the way that worked out, right? RIGHT?!
Alright, I'm done. Thanks for listening.