Universal Champion
i feel like doing another one of these for some reason.
is a loner and tends to be by himself.No one really understands why he acts this why.Expect for
who knows how it feels to be misunderstood and gives mewtwo motivation during his matchs
really cant stand
for some reason.She's not sure if it's because people view her as being the better looking one or the fact that she that she also is a goddess but she doesn't like her.She always is looking for a change to one up her.This is ironic due to the fact that
has a tiny crush on the goddess making it hard for a lot of her plans to go though.

are in a band that plays crush 40 music once a month.Surprising Falco is an amazing singer.Which Fox and Krystal enjoy making fun of.
is extremely fastinated with
.Maybe it's due to the strong aura that is in him.
.She enjoys kirby cooking and loves sparring with meta knight.And whenever there watching a scary film they all cuddle together.Kirby and meta knight sometimes fight for lucina's attention.
Despite not knowing it
is the strongest smash fighter.Only
knows this but have to different approaches to it.Mewtwo is demanding and cruel when he fights Lucas demanding that Lucas not hold back on him to unleash his true power(Think perfect cell vs teen gohan).He hates not going agaisnt someone whose not at there 100%.Lucario on the other hand tries to train Lucas getting his power to come out overtime.
The ballot has got everyone on edge.Knowing a fighter could join at any moment is scary.Despite this many characters have cast votes.
's vote already counted now that
is back.
voted for daisy.
voted for
.Though he will deny this to the ground
voted for his rival
to come back.He missed there arguments.
voted for dixie however
voted King k rool and Dk always looks over his shoulder during matches know just in case a cannon is coming his way.
voted for bandanna dee.
are best friends.There always together playing chess,training or just hanging out.In fact Shulk has started to develop feelings for robin but fights them as he's not sure if he wants it to become a thing
is called rob and
is called robin to avoid confusion.
Is cocky fully aware that he is one of the best smashers there is.
on the other hand is cool and confident always taking something away from every fight to get better.The two butt heads a lot because of this.
is seen as a leader as many female smashers look up to her.She's cool,smart, and full of advice.However she is known to lose her temper easy.Especially at one
who she can't stand and really wishes would find a new girl to bug.She enjoys
company.The two sit in quiet a lot but when they do talk it's nice.She calls him short becomes he fights better when angry
and the koopalings are always causing trouble.Much to
are actually really good friends.Due to a lot of assist trophies and trophies calling them a waste of spot or unneeded additions.The two confide to each other when things get to rough and they need to let it out.More so dark pit than lucina but she is okay with this he gets a lot more abuse than her.
hate each other for really stupid reasons.
tells stories to in the cafeteria every wednesday.Pit goes to every one and usual drolls when she flicks through pages. she finds this odd but doesn't think much about it.Her usual attendance our Lucas,ness,toon link,lucina,kirby, and all the pokemon.From time to time Peach and Zelda.The trio usually enjoy a cup of tea and tell stories through the day
have a friendly rivalary but nothing to harsh.Infact the duo goes out for drinks alot.Sometimes Megaman and pacman come along.On some rare occasions Rayman joins them and on some super rare occasions Ryu joins them.
are good friends.
sees roy as his new master ni which roy is fine with as long as he gives him his 100% when they fight.
Despite not knowing it
The ballot has got everyone on edge.Knowing a fighter could join at any moment is scary.Despite this many characters have cast votes.