First it started with us seeing the symbol and getting hype.
Then we saw Animal crossing and we all thought it was just another animal Crossing game.
Then we saw the Nintendo characters and the hype rose back up.
Then comes the marvel at the graphics and people thinking Mario was Paper Mario at first.
Then we saw the Wii U version and the hype rose even higher.
Even more amazement by the visuals.
Then Bowser's Drop Kick
Then we were all like villager really.
Thought we saw balloon fighter but realized later it wasn't.
Then disappointment because the trailer ended and only 1 character was revealed.
Then Challenger Approaching caused every everyone to go silent.
We saw the person the mountain.
Helmet came and on and chat exploded!
Marveled at how he had all the Megaman poses.
Then saw metal blades and everyone was at their hypest.
Marveled at more of the abilities.
Speechlessness, OMG! and "Did that just happen?" everywhere.