I see you have a Wonderful 101 sig... how is the game? I am considering getting it...
Few things to keep in mind with that game.
1. The entire game is ridiculous and cheesy, but it's a good kind of cheese. The entire game has a tone similar to a Saturday morning cartoon, with a lot of cliches and comedic moments, but it's very enjoyable because of it. But it also has a lot of climatic moments with action scenes, which isn't surprising because games developed by Platinum Games tend to have big and bold action scenes.
2. The game is not novice friendly compared to other games out there. Tutorials are brief and sparse, you can accumulate a lot of damage from enemies and hazards if you don't know what to do, and the game has an unforgiving ranking system. Luckily you can adjust the difficulty to whatever feels the most comfortable, by default the options being "Very Easy", "Easy", and "Normal", with an additional "Hard" and "Very Hard" you can unlock.
3. The game has plenty of replayability, like hunting down the 5 Platinum Coins hidden in each stage, hunting down the special Wonder characters, collecting figurines and GEATHJERK documents, and getting a platinum ranking on each stage.