Edit: Oh I'm a little late as always.
Females? Oh! Yeah, those, I like them.
I regret what I've done to them, though, I've dishonored them as a gender often enough, to only a small degree in real life, thankfully. When I meet them in real life, nothing ever happens, that's it, end of story, ball in the court I put it down and walk away, ball in their court for the people I've cared for and they do nothing.
But like I said earlier, people on the internet are surprisingly easy to seduce (ten or more no less in roleplays). Hmm. Well, that's in the past, I've confessed it freely.
Time to move on, hopefully to an actual, deep, real, meaningful relationship that's centered around the wholesome qualities of intelligence, trust, family, honesty, truth, love, peace, joy, virtue, honor, justice, discipline, video games, martial arts, where we correct each other's mistakes, where we do not care about each other's appearances, etc..
I don't know when or if I will ever meet that woman, but I feel called to the vocation of marriage. Hopefully we can play Smash together :3
The healthy symbiotic relationship has long eluded me. Gah I'm such an introvert. But who that plays video games isn't?
Anyways! Smash. HNNNNNNNNN. The main things I plan to go to regularly in my life are, first and foremost, church, then Smash tourneys, then Martial Arts seminars, then maybe political events or great talks by professors or priests I love, then things relating to the vocal profession (concerts, choirs, lessons etc.).
As the cause of this post I blame you all for talking about girls!
Folks, where do you place Smash in your lives? Curious pastime? Are you at least partially in love with the sport and the game? I feel like I rate video games too high in this regard, but that it's not a major concern, perhaps it is my calling?