Isaac: Venus Adept
Smash Lord
Neat that Golden Sun made his list. The part where he mentioned that he's hoping they make a Golden Sun 3 did make me chuckle, he is a newcomer to the series after all
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Wait, Sakurai said this? Or did I miss something? Not trying to start a fight or anything, just curious. Was this in the MinMin reveal, cause I missed that.Neat that Golden Sun made his list. The part where he mentioned that he's hoping they make a Golden Sun 3 did make me chuckle, he is a new to the series after all
No Jirard the Completionist made a top 10 GBA list. Sakurai has never directly mentioned Isaac or the Golden Sun series as of yetWait, Sakurai said this? Or did I miss something? Not trying to start a fight or anything, just curious. Was this in the MinMin reveal, cause I missed that.
I didn't know I was called xNaz!Updated.
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He also said "I hope we get a Golden Sun 3" and Dark Dawn sobbed in the corner, but the overall message about the franchise was good~!The Completionist did a "top 10 GBA games" video and put Golden Sun as number 5:
He even brought up the idea of how Isaac should be in Smash and how the dream shouldn't die, which I thought was awesome of him to say.
To be fair, I don't think the majority of the Golden Sun fanbase would complain if a reboot ignored Dark Dawn or just cherry-picked some of the better parts from it coughSvetacough.He also said "I hope we get a Golden Sun 3" and Dark Dawn sobbed in the corner, but the overall message about the franchise was good~!
We're releasing a special free #FinalFantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition demo on launch day, take on up to 13 dungeons together with your friends with one purchase of the full game!
— FINAL FANTASY (@FinalFantasy) June 26, 2020
Check out today's trailer to see the other enhancements being made to the game too.
Experience the music of KINGDOM HEARTS like never before in #KingdomHearts Melody of Memory, an all-new rhythm-action game coming to #NintendoSwitch in 2020!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 23, 2020
Sweat drips down your brow. A wall of vines blocks your path. A distant rumble of something stirring deep in the undergrowth.
— Minecraft Dungeons (@dungeonsgame) June 26, 2020
Your adventure is far from over! The first DLC, Jungle Awakens, arrives July 1st – already included with the Hero Pass!
↣ ↢
Take on new missions, battle new mobs, and fight the mighty Jungle Abomination as threats roar to life in the #MinecraftDungeons: Jungle Awakens DLC, available now on #NintendoSwitch!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) July 1, 2020
Vanquish the creatures of the night when Ys IX: Monstrum Nox comes to #NintendoSwitch in 2021!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 23, 2020
We are pretty well overdue for whatever their E3-equivalent is going to be. I don't really blame them because COVID has slowed everyone down, but they've gotta announce their holiday line-up eventually, even if it's a smaller group than usual thanks to delays that may have occurred.Going through Nintendo's Twitter has lead me to one conclusion: They have to announce something BIG soon. I follow the post notifications on Twitter and I've noticed they've been highlighting either the most popular Nintendo titles on Switch or some lesser known 3rd-parties to Nintendo people. The big 3rd parties in their recent feed are Square Enix, Minecraft, and Falcom.
We're releasing a special free #FinalFantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition demo on launch day, take on up to 13 dungeons together with your friends with one purchase of the full game!
— FINAL FANTASY (@FinalFantasy) June 26, 2020
Check out today's trailer to see the other enhancements being made to the game too. first tweet from is Square Enix announcing a demo for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition. This game has been known about for months. The second tweet is a brand new project we've only just heard about for Kingdom Hearts. It was leaked a couple days earlier when people went through the files of KHIII and found the logo.Experience the music of KINGDOM HEARTS like never before in #KingdomHearts Melody of Memory, an all-new rhythm-action game coming to #NintendoSwitch in 2020!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 23, 2020
Sweat drips down your brow. A wall of vines blocks your path. A distant rumble of something stirring deep in the undergrowth.
— Minecraft Dungeons (@dungeonsgame) June 26, 2020
Your adventure is far from over! The first DLC, Jungle Awakens, arrives July 1st – already included with the Hero Pass!
↣ ↢ are the Tweets for Minecraft Dungeons. Again, stuff already known about.Take on new missions, battle new mobs, and fight the mighty Jungle Abomination as threats roar to life in the #MinecraftDungeons: Jungle Awakens DLC, available now on #NintendoSwitch!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) July 1, 2020
The legend of Class VII begins anew in Trails of Cold Steel III! Prepare a new generation of heroes and guide them towards victory in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, available now for #NintendoSwitch!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 30, 2020Falcom is a name that many Nintendo fans probably aren't familiar with. They are a Japanese dev that historically focused on Playstation and PC games in Japan, not releasing internationally until the 2010's. Now they are putting a ton of games on the Switch suddenly from their two most prominent series in Trails and Ys. Trails of Cold Steel III we already knew about. Ys IX is genuinely new and, from what I can tell, was not leaked ahead of time.Vanquish the creatures of the night when Ys IX: Monstrum Nox comes to #NintendoSwitch in 2021!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 23, 2020
That's it for major 3rd party announcements in the past few weeks in Nintendo's feed.There is other stuff on there talking about projects we already were aware of, but the fact that I can only find references to games that were: A. already out B. already known about or C. New, but from a smaller company in their recent feed (with the exception of KH MoM and Ys IX) indicates something much larger is going on behind the scenes.
You were really close to having a rampaging Lumino on you.To be fair, I don't think the majority of the Golden Sun fanbase would complain if a reboot ignored Dark Dawn or just cherry-picked some of the better parts from it coughSvetacough.
I would complain. Dark Dawn was great, it doesn't deserve the flak it gets, most haters are blinded by nostalgia and haven't replayed it in years, letting the frustration of the cliffhanger grow and increase resentment toward the game. Resentment that they try to rationalize by finding its flaws and blowing them out of proportion.To be fair, I don't think the majority of the Golden Sun fanbase would complain if a reboot ignored Dark Dawn or just cherry-picked some of the better parts from it coughSvetacough.
Hard disagree on the first two points. You don't go forward with games by constantly rehashing the previous games. If the original eight had more presence, they would doubtlessly overshadow the new characters. That's just how it works. They were handled as well as they could have been: A minor presence for story purposes, but largely ignored.I don't know of Dark Dawn needs to be scrapped entirely, but it definitely needs to be handled differently/better, and maybe have some things altered.
-Make Isaac and Garet more involved
-Actually include the other 6 main characters
-make Himi actually interesting
-avoid having points of no return
-Maybe it's just me, but I wish they made the villain duo of DD feel less derivative of the first two games duos. Not EVERY villain group has to be "Blue dude and red lady" ya know? More of a nitpicky complaint probably, but it did feel like they were trying to bank of what previous games did a little bit too much therer.
I think making the Points of no Return disappear in the post-end game would work. So after completing it, you can just explore freely. (like the access to pirate island opening after finishing the game)I don't object to the PoNR because it's part of the narrative. However I think that any Djinn you missed should be relocated to other areas of the world map to prevent them from being lost forever. I'm fine with Summon Tablets and other items being permanently missable, though. And yes, I will agree that the Eclipse summon tablet was 100% bull**** in DD.
It clearly isn't bad, if The Lost Age never came out, TBS would get all the flak of being a wasted game. Because people would have been left on a cliffhanger for decades. The frustration of no sequel is what leds people to hate on DD even more. The game is above average, clearly. It stands on its own.I think Dark Dawn is a solid entry in the series, I have no clue why people are so adamant to ”forget” about it. Maybe the new characters and new setting etc threw people off? I dunno, I liked the game, and while some of the features and aspects of the game may feel weird/off now, we have to remember that the game was released 10 years ago, when those ideas were probably thought of as good or non-problematic. Like the villains, while maybe similar to previous ones, I feel like that was just a trend at the times. If a new GS game would be made now, it would likely reflect things that are expected of games at this time.
Being the ”outlier” with setting and characters alone, I guess it’s a given that should a reboot/remake happen, Dark Dawn would be left out and the focus would be only on the first two games. But that by no means indicates that it’s a bad game. It may just be an ”easy” idea to latch onto, as it was different to the originals and the last game before the series became dormant/dead (so DD obviously gets the blame).
I should specify that when I say that I want the other original cast members to return that not all would necessarily have to have large roles or appear frequently. Atleast cameo appearances or maybe a cutscene where you run into them briefly or something would be nice. Or really, even just getting to see some artwork of their older designs along with their bios or whatever would have been appreciated. While I understand not wanting them to steal the thunder from the new blood, but I still felt they were more absent then they should have been.Hard disagree on the first two points. You don't go forward with games by constantly rehashing the previous games. If the original eight had more presence, they would doubtlessly overshadow the new characters. That's just how it works. They were handled as well as they could have been: A minor presence for story purposes, but largely ignored.
I often say that Himi would have been a fantastic character if she'd joined the party ten hours earlier. She just got shafted by a complete lack of development.
I don't object to the PoNR because it's part of the narrative. However I think that any Djinn you missed should be relocated to other areas of the world map to prevent them from being lost forever. I'm fine with Summon Tablets and other items being permanently missable, though. And yes, I will agree that the Eclipse summon tablet was 100% bull**** in DD.
I'll agree on the villain bit as well. Karst and Agatio were a diet Saturous and Menardi. Blados and Chalis weren't even diet Karst and Agatio. Try something new next time.
Cameos could be nice, if plot relevant. It would have been nice to come by Jenna where she lives (Vault or Kalay if I recall?) would also have met Ivan then. But it was probably on the side of the continent we were locked out of.I should specify that when I say that I want the other original cast members to return that not all would necessarily have to have large roles or appear frequently. Atleast cameo appearances or maybe a cutscene where you run into them briefly or something would be nice. Or really, even just getting to see some artwork of their older designs along with their bios or whatever would have been appreciated. While I understand not wanting them to steal the thunder from the new blood, but I still felt they were more absent then they should have been.
Jenna's absence was especially jarring, considering she's supposed to be Matthew's mother.Cameos could be nice, if plot relevant. It would have been nice to come by Jenna where she lives (Vault or Kalay if I recall?) would also have met Ivan then. But it was probably on the side of the continent we were locked out of.
Yeah, her absence makes sense though. It is explained, though it would have been nice to have her at Patcher's place for example. Maybe they planned to have her play a role in GS4 and they needed her at Kalay for that.Jenna's absence was especially jarring, considering she's supposed to be Matthew's mother.
That's not really true. The middle exists for the people, the problem is the middle isn't fun to mock/celebrate so it's worse than being one of those two extremes because they just get forgotten about. Most people I find don't claim it was awful they just either don't know it exists or have no strong feelings towards it. Besides the people I find who say it sucks were those who were mad it didn't live up to what they wanted from the first 2 (specifically around release), not those who didn't play.What Dark Dawn suffers from is being an average game. But there is no average on the internet. Things are either amazing, or terrible. People rate things five stars, or one star. And DD is neither. But what happens over time is opinion gets exaggerated and polarized into one of the two camps. Largely by people who didn't actually play the game in question. In DD's case, that ended with it mostly landing on the negative side of the spectrum.
It's hard out there for a totally average game.
I think you're both right. N3ON is right in that it's an average game and people don't really discuss "average". You're right in that a lot of people are indifferent to it. If your thoughts on it are "that's a game that I played" and nothing else, you don't really have anything to say about it on the internet. So the people who must have their voices heard fall into the camp of either bashing or defending it vehemently, which is what we end up reading. The truth is always somewhere in the middle. See: The Last of Us 2.That's not really true. The middle exists for the people, the problem is the middle isn't fun to mock/celebrate so it's worse than being one of those two extremes because they just get forgotten about. Most people I find don't claim it was awful they just either don't know it exists or have no strong feelings towards it. Besides the people I find who say it sucks were those who were mad it didn't live up to what they wanted from the first 2 (specifically around release), not those who didn't play.
Both of those were my points.I think you're both right. N3ON is right in that it's an average game and people don't really discuss "average". You're right in that a lot of people are indifferent to it.
Not that necessary, tbh. Something Dark Dawn has over the other two games is that most of the story introduced in DD is resolved in DD. There's only one or two plot threads left hanging.A sequel to dark dawn can work, would just need the like first quarter of the game to reintroduce the setting and summarize the event in Dark Dawn (like investigating what the heck happened while ultimately travelling to join where dark dawn ended) and boom, voilà. You can even meet some of Dark Dawn's character along the way, giving you info about what happened. Could be interresting as a way to "hype up" the characters you'll most likely join with, like "Whoa, this Matthew and cie guys did that ? And now they're on my team? Neat"
If we can see what happened after the vortex, I would like a sequel.Not that necessary, tbh. Something Dark Dawn has over the other two games is that most of the story introduced in DD is resolved in DD. There's only one or two plot threads left hanging.
Something is resolved in DD? Because a lot of major plots are left (vortex, the new tribe, new type of psyenergy, more things of the Weyard's past...). The main party only went to repair the flying machine, they got screwed by some mysterious guys, they activated an old artifact and then they deactivated it after beating the bad guys. But, IIRC the game doesn't go further into the reasons of some events that happens in the game (why Blados and Chalis betray their tribe, for example).Not that necessary, tbh. Something Dark Dawn has over the other two games is that most of the story introduced in DD is resolved in DD. There's only one or two plot threads left hanging.