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Suffocation, No Breathing: The Banana Choke Revisited (8/19/09) New Video Posted!


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Cut my life into pieces <-PG-13

The Banana Choke; a technique the veteran Diddys might remember, but newcomers probably wouldn't. Why? Because after the Banana Choke Chaingrab was debunked, any and all effort into the Banana Choke disappeared. In the idea that there is still potential with this technique, this thread serves to gather all existing setups and follow-ups, and to facilitate research towards new uses for this tech. As it stands, this thread is in a meager state, but that is simply due to a lack of information that I hope our research can mend.

  • 8/18/09 - Thread Started
  • 8/18/09 - Added the BPG setup
  • 8/18/09 - Added the Grab follow-up
  • 8/18/09 - Added the Dash Attack follow-up
  • 8/19/09 - Added the D-Smash follow-up

What is the Banana Choke?
The Banana Choke is a trick unique to Diddy's Bananas when they are under your control. By placing a Banana behind your opponent, you can

Grab > Pummel > (Forced) Ground Release > Banana Trip > Follow Up

This chain is called the Banana Choke.

Why is it called the Banana Choke?
I don't know, ask Ninjalink.

Wasn't this related to some chain grab or something?
The term Banana Choke does indeed derive from the "Banana Choke Chaingrab," a technique posted by Ninjalink (?) in which one follows up a Banana Choke with a running Grab, thus creating another Banana Choke. This chaingrab has been proven NOT to work, however, and as such the Banana Choke has fallen to the wayside in Diddy's metagame.

If we don't have a chaingrab, then why do we care?
While the Banana Choke is not a TRUE chaingrab, Re-Grabbing your opponent does sometimes work, and it is certainly not your only available follow-up. Because we do not have a true listing of these follow-ups, and because this technique was never given the opportunity to be explored fully, it is the goal of this thread to find ways to setup Banana Chokes and to take advantage of it.

Discussing the Banana Choke would be pointless if there was no way to force the situation. Though you can sometimes simply find yourself in the position to Banana choke, the following are ways to force one:

  • (Opponent is near the ledge) > Glide Toss > Boosted Pivot Grab > Banana Choke
    OP: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=233396
    Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDERdM1mU6g&feature=channel

    This tactic is meant to be used when your opponent is close enough to the edge such that a Glide Toss into them will just barely not send them over the side. By following this Glide Toss up with a Boosted Pivot Grab, you will slide forward, stop at the edge, and Pivot Grab your opponent. Because of the Banana Trip and the fact that you pivoted the Grab, you are now facing your Banana, ready for a Banana Choke. This is possible out of a Banana Lock. Note that while a BPG out of a Glide Toss will allow you to Grab your foe, if you are not near an edge, you will slide out of the reach for a Banana Choke.
  • More coming soon!

After your opponent has tripped, you can take advantage of these extra tripping frames by using the following:

  • Banana Choke > Grab (> Banana Choke)
    Before I start getting flamed for contradicting myself about this not being a chaingrab, many people do not know they can escape this or even try. Even if they do, it is still possible to get this off, though it is not 100% guaranteed. If you pull it off, it leads directly into another Banana Choke because of the direction the Banana slips.
  • Banana Choke > Dash Attack
    The most common and obvious follow-up, this guaranteed assault allows you to start a free Dash Attack combo out of the Banana Choke. This method will also occasionally pick up the Banana used in the Choke, allowing you to incorporate it into your strategies.
  • Banana Choke > D-Smash
    Probably the most devastating follow-up, the Banana Choke can lead you into this kill move if performed at a high percentage. Even if the opponent isn't in kill ranges, the combination of pummels and the Smash Attack damage will add up quickly. You may have to walk forward a tiny bit to make sure you land the attack.
  • More coming soon!

The Banana Choke combines two very unique animations in the game: ground releases and Banana slips. Some characters have some that are particularly unique and, therefore, have very interesting properties attached to them. It is my belief that the Banana Choke can work particularly well on certain characters, and may provide us with new insight into our match-ups. Here I will post any setup or follow-up related to a character under that character's section. Research for this category would be required the most and the most useful.

  • We need research!

This is a highly unexplored technique that does, indeed, have potential for (situational) use. I can only test so much myself; what I need you to do is post anything you've discovered relating to the Banana Choke that I haven't covered already and to look further into the technique and come back with the results. That is the only way the Choke can remain breathing!

NOTE: I have a recording setup and can make a video of any setup/follow-up/etc. relating to this technique that you guys post; just ask and I'll do it.

And for those of you who don't use this technique:



Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
*loves the last resort reference*
Nicely done, looks well-organized imo. Is there frame data on tripping animations o.O?

Also, follow-ups i usually use whenever i do this is an fsmash, or d-tilts.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
great thread!!

finally more people will realize the potential of the banana choke

ive found that the farther the banana is away from diddy when hes pummleing the better, cuz it gives you more time to follow up
You've got a great point... The farther away the Banana is from you while Banana Choking, the longer your opponent is stuck in their Release from Grab animation before they are put in their trip animation. That could prove vital for making things work or not work, like the BCC.

Important frame data for this project:

Break Speeds held on ground / ground released...

ALL CHARACTERS EXCEPT NESS, LUCAS and DK will recover after being free from a grab at Frame 30.

DK recover - 20!

Ness recover - 40

Lucas recover - 40

Other stuff...

I decided since bowser can do so much stuff to people:

Bowser holding opponent time to recovery after break: 20 frames... This is why DK is invulnerable to Bowser's grab combos.

For everyone else IT'S 30, the same amount of time that Almost all characters recovery from escaping a characters grab this is why other characters don't have ground break release problems besides Ness and Lucas who recover at 40.
This is the first frame on which the grabs hit for the whole cast. It should be handy to figure out which of your grabs are best and how they compare to other characters.

Character: Standing grab, Running Grab, Pivot Grab
Diddy Kong: 6, 10, 8
It would appear, unfortunately, that nobody has done the super useful frame data for Banana Trips. In summary:

Diddy Kong
- Standing Grab: 6
- Running Grab: 10
- Pivot Grab: 8
- Grab Release Stun: 30

Everyone Else

- Released from Grab Stun: 30
- " DK: 20
- " Ness: 40
- " Lucas: 40


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
D-Smash is definitely a follow-up to the Banana Choke, and a very useful one at that because it can become a guaranteed kill move at higher percents. I added it as a follow-up. As far as the setup you proposed... I don't believe that works, actually :x I may be wrong, though.

Anyway, I think I've discovered a legit LOW-PERCENT follow-up to the Banana Choke, one that tacks on a good bit of damage and leads itself into another Banana Choke. You know how F-Tilt has the property of pushing an opponent along the ground at low percents? Well, if you start a Banana Choke against a foe, when they slip on the Banana it falls behind them (the original premise for the BCC). Instead of Grabbing them, if you F-Tilt them, they will slide into the other Banana and trip. Thanks to the frames where the opponent can't react (hitstun from F-Tilt and then from the Banana trip), I believe you can run up to the foe in this amount of time and Grab them again, starting another Banana Choke. From there your Banana is almost gone, so you finish it with one of your Banana Choke follow-ups OR with an over-the-ledge Grab release (if you're near enough to the ledge, the Dash Grab will push the opponent over). My main concern is the first F-Tilt, if it's guaranteed or not; without the Banana Trip frame data I can't be certain. This may also be a character-specific tech due to some characters having longer trips than others (Pikachu, G&W, etc.).

In summary:
At low %
Banana Choke > F-Tilt > Banana Trip > Dash Grab > Banana Choke > Follow-Up

I made a video originally showcasing the follow-ups that I stuck this into when I discovered it. Hopefully it works; I think my reasoning is sound for why it works, but I'm still worried about that first F-Tilt.



Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
pivot grab doesn't work because you slide. you can avoid the slide by pivoting it during the dash, but it doesn't give you enough distance. I haven't gotten it to work via foxtrotting either, it's way too slow =/

I haven't gotten any of the followups to work ; are you sure you are using a walking cpu ? They escape on the earliest frame they can.
Some stuff :
Ftilt is frame 9
Dash attack frame 8 + a few to dash
Dash grab frame 9 + a few to dash

btw, BC itself allows for some some seriously good techchase. You're out of the reach of most if not all character's getup attack, the banana prevents them from rolling the other way or at least allow you to followup if they do. It's more than we need.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
You should test monkey flip after the banana choke. covers a lot of options (aka rolling). Character dependent though (pikachu is probably to short)


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
pivot grab doesn't work because you slide. you can avoid the slide by pivoting it during the dash, but it doesn't give you enough distance. I haven't gotten it to work via foxtrotting either, it's way too slow =/

I haven't gotten any of the followups to work ; are you sure you are using a walking cpu ? They escape on the earliest frame they can.
Some stuff :
Ftilt is frame 9
Dash attack frame 8 + a few to dash
Dash grab frame 9 + a few to dash

btw, BC itself allows for some some seriously good techchase. You're out of the reach of most if not all character's getup attack, the banana prevents them from rolling the other way or at least allow you to followup if they do. It's more than we need.
What are you talking about with the pivot grab part?

:T I was told all those follow-ups (save the one I gave and Grab) were guaranteed... I'll re-check. Thank you for the frame data; the way to use it, in my eyes, is to determine through spacing and trip animations how many vulnerable frames the opponent endures; that is, how many of the 30 frames of Grab Release lag actually happen before the trip, and how many frames the trip lasts. That way we can determine what combos or not. Also, with F-Tilt, the reason I thought it might work is because it covers the most distance in the quickest amount of time, meaning if you space the Banana Choke as far out as you can, I think you could get the F-Tilt out in time to fill that space.

And yes, it is a good Tech Chase, but the whole point of this thread is to discover any new ways to use it other than prediction. Besides, what else are the Diddy mains doing these days? (on the boards, anyway)

You should test monkey flip after the banana choke. covers a lot of options (aka rolling). Character dependent though (pikachu is probably to short)
I tried that, and yes, Pikachu is too short. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it may work.

Okay, riddle me this:
Are there ANY guaranteed non-Tech Chase followups for a Banana Choke, out of the ones we think we already know?
Do angled F-Tilts come out at the same frame?
Do any of the characters' Banana Trip animations last more than ~15 frames?
How many frames of Grab Release lag do you think are canceled by the Banana Trip animation?

The goal is to give the opponent more than 30 frames of lag after the Grab Release, and then do something to them in the intervening frames. How many frames of lag do you think we get?


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
I can answer the ftilt part at least -> the three ftilts come out on frame 9 unfortunately...

The pivot grab stuff was to answer Istud, btw, sorry for sucking at quotes :V


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
I can answer the ftilt part at least -> the three ftilts come out on frame 9 unfortunately...

The pivot grab stuff was to answer Istud, btw, sorry for sucking at quotes :V
Well, when you Grab Release your foe, both you and your opponent (if they aren't DK, Ness, or Lucas) take 30 frames of lag. During those 30 frames in which your opponent is sliding back, their 30 frames are interrupted by slipping on the Banana, creating another x number of frames of lag. Now, if the number of frames of Grab Release lag the opponent endures before slipping on the Banana + the number of frames of tripping lag the opponent endures from slipping on the Banana is above 30 frames, then we would have a frame advantage out of a Banana Choke. As has already been stated, if you space a Banana Choke as far away from the Banana as possible, the opponent will endure most of their 30 frames before the trip, giving you more frame advantage. If that frame advantage is at least 9 (well, 10 would probably be better), a buffered F-Tilt should hit them (or many of the other follow-ups).

I really wish I knew how to record frame data on this.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
i just got an awesome combo on luigi

gt-f down > grab > pummel > release trip > dash attack > dair

it only works cuz he slides so far
I'll try this to see if I can get it working. I'll post a video if I can :)

This doesn't work, nor do any of the "guarenteed" follow-ups :\ What can I do? Does the Banana Choke only work on some characters (small Grab Release slides maybe), or none at all? :(


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2008
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but isn't Pikachu's trip animation longer compared to other characters? I remember reading that somewhere. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but isn't Pikachu's trip animation longer compared to other characters? I remember reading that somewhere. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh no, it is, his and G&W's. That's why I used him for initial tests before we got frame data.

And it IS starting to look like nothing works but a tech chase :( Is the Banana Choke really broke, guys? Sad face, I've always thought it could prove useful. At least we have Sebrik's AT to look forwa- o wait
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