Pac-Man is one of ze best suggestions I have ever heard of for ze new Smash Bros. game, and the person who is directly responzible for ze making of zis thread is obviously a silly baboons arse of a human being. Let me straighten you out sir, as you are obviously are in need of much guidance and clarity.
Your dismissiveness of zis character is probably directly linked to the fact zat you are nothing but a child. I am guessing you were born in late eighties, or possibly early nineties, hm? Even Mario is older than you sir, and yet you claim to preach such knowledge on ze inclusion of classic icons of videogaming. You accept Mr Game and Watch as a retro icon because Nintendo told you to, because you played Melee and you think you know it all. Firstly, Pac-Man outdates the esteemed Mr G&W by about 4 years. Secondly, Mr G&W is not a tough guy, not a warrior or a superhero fit to fight in the arena of great fighters that SSB is based around: Mr G&W is simply a misfortunate man about ze town, a regular joe who tries every type of career imaginable in order to make some cash. If such a loveable oaf can be featured in Smash, then why not Pac-Man, sir? Should he not be featured just because you don't like him? There are astonishing similarities between good ol' Pac and Kirby - both rotund eating machines that represent ze era of classic gaming. Who are you, child, to say which classic icon is good enough to feature in zis triumphant tribute to videogaming history? Have you ever even played a Pac-Man game, researched it, endowed yourself with the knowledge of it's 1970s-era relevance, as well as it's importance in arcade machines throughout the eighties? You are a simple-minded fool to dismiss Pac-Man, a character who has a greater heritage than any current, past or future Smash fighter, even greater than your hallowed and coveted Sonic the Hedgehog. People like you preach about ze Tom Nooks and Captain Olimars of zis modern age, without ever stopping to appreciate ze true vintage icons that shaped ze industry and skyrocketed zis whole medium into popularity. He may be ze old-school, but he's far from irrelevant, sir. The only irrelevance present here today is your own childish prejudice towards a beloved icon merely because you lack ze respect for him that you should have.
Your main argument seems to stem from ze fact that you don't believe Pac-Man would be a good fighter. Have you no imagination? He's simply ze same sort of character as Kirby - a rotund warrior of virtue with his own trademarks, power-ups, music and classic sound effects that embody his character, sir. Pac-Man can eat - his mouth is unstoppable void of emptiness, a black hole of eternity zat can reduce even ze toughest opponents to nought but a pair of eyes and a numeric score. He has feet and hands, and so can punch and kick, and a large head for butting. Every warrior is comprised of the same repertoir of moves, the A attack, the smash attack, the upB, downB, grab moves, throws and the hallowed Final Smash attack. Pac-Man can incorporate any of these in the same way that unlikely characters like Game and Watch can - drawing on from his vast history of classic games. Disarm your baseless prejudice sir, and accept that SSB is but one thing: A free-for-all battle of industry icons! Klonoa is a lovely little anime furball, but his franchise is infantile compared to Pac-Man. What you have sir, is an insufficient lack of perspective. I cannot stand Captain Falcon, personally - I think he's a soulless incapsulation of camp machismo, aping classic superhero designs whilst he represents a franchise that never needed a face to begin with. He's in it for kitsch value, and to give the overall roster more of a girth of human characters. But do I denounce the Captain? Do I fight for his right to be excluded from the roster? No sir, I do not, because I respect the rights and views of others. I suggest you do ze same.
Whilst I will not be holding my breath, I will be hoping to hear ze familiar and nostalgic 'wakka wakka' emit from a typical Versus skirmish one day. I will shed a joyful tear on that day sir...I will shed a joyful tear. Good day to you.